The Mystery of the People Frozen in Time

2013, History  -   20 Comments
Ratings: 8.13/10 from 166 users.

Pompeii is one of the most iconic monuments of the Roman world. Millions of tourists go there every year to see the remains of this ancient city destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius. What makes Pompeii so special are its remarkable relics. They're not statues but remains of people frozen in the last few seconds of their lives. Nothing like them has ever been seen anywhere else. They are unique.

Everything there is so well-preserved that we know almost every detail of what happened on those days in August, 79 AD; the earthquakes, the massive eruption, and the hale of ash, rock and pumice. We even know the stories of the people who perished. But why they're fixed in those extraordinary positions had been a mystery for centuries. Now it seems that vital clues have been overlooked.

Using new technology and state-of-the-art experiments we're going to find out, once and for all, why these people are caught in those strange positions and for the first time ever we're going to do something extraordinary... we're going to bring you face to face with two people who died there 2,000 years ago.

Over the last 265 years this fascinating city has slowly been excavated from beneath six meters of volcanic ash. Archaeologists have rediscovered a world frozen in time. But this city's last great secret is yet to be revealed. How exactly did its population die and why were their bodies so beautifully preserved?

The first stop of the investigation is close to the walls of the city. Beneath, what is thought to have been the livery stable, are the remains of three people. The figure in the center is the largest man ever found in Pompeii. He has a far bigger build than the average Roman. This has led people to believe he may have been a gladiator brought there from Africa. On either side of this giant are two other figures; an adult male and what is thought to be a young boy. These two casts were found together and many people believe they are the remains of a father and his son.

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20 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Scott

    I had the opportunity to go to pompeii in 1977, 17 years old and seeing this in person takes your breath away.

  2. Sam

    According to Quran this Qaum Loot, who were indulged in homosexuality and were destroyed by earthquake, rain of stones and Allah said as pharaoh's body these people would always remain for future people to learn. The earthqauck started with twilight and remained for 3 days, they turned blind before that.
    Science can see everything but can't see Allah amidst all this. All questions would be answered in the holy Quran 1400 years ago

  3. Gaya

    It was very impressive and interesting film. IT's worth to watch it.

  4. Hiba

    Please don't listen to Faisal, there is absolutely no mention of Pompeii in Islam. He is delusional and gives us a bad name. Hey Faisal - go get an education because that's a stupid thing to say.

  5. Malcolm M McKay

    Although, the Bella Donna is mere speculation. I don't believe "this" science is at all accurate.

  6. Malcolm M McKay

    Great doco. Thanks heaps for taking the time and making it available. Loved every detail. Amazing stuff.

  7. Nic

    Fascinating stuff. Nice to get conclusive evidence of what killed the people. However, that woman narrator was so annoying with her repetitive and tiring attempts at dramatic comments I was hoping Vesuvius would erupt again and silence her.

  8. Edward devine

    After I seen the movie I have really been fascinated with pompii and the frozen people in time. I would love to go and vist there. It is an absolute mystery to me amazing , but sad those poor people.

  9. molly

    Think I just got overly irritated by the way she says avalanche....

  10. Faisal

    Homosexual intercourse and Adultery were everywhere in that city, they even do it in front of the kids. they also were very heated to any religion. they used to make the religious people fighting animals to death. God punishes them for all their sins and let their images without change to be a lesson for humans to not do what they did. At least this is what Islam (my religion) says.

    1. Bambi Raptor

      No religious people were killed in the arena, this is a perpetuated myth of nonsense.
      Animals used in the arena Bestiarii fights were pitted against a certain cast of gladiator or prisoner.

      A volcano erupts due to natural causes. A persons life style has little impact when it comes down to plate tectonics and molten rock.
      There is no divine punishment for homosexuality, as the idea of it being bad wasn't brought around until a much later time period.
      Please do not use religion as a basis for a natural disaster. And please, more so, do not back up some divine retribution by causation of sexual life style or event which never took place.
      It is insulting and offensive.

    2. Joe

      No they die because of the volcano ? not because of god

  11. The Possum

    The link above is dead, but the video can be found elsewhere on Youtube. The best Pompeii documentary out there, IMO.

  12. Anonymous

    Wonderful documentary

  13. Wololo

    This is terrifying. Or maybe horrifying. I just keep imagining if the yellowstone caldera blows, thousands of us will end up like this. I really took a lesson from this video..

  14. Richie

    Amazing! Stories like this one are the reason why we love Ancient History! There are more than just the buildings, the remains or the material findings, the stories behind those things are the true esence of our past.

  15. paramare

    i enjoyed it very much

  16. OrangeandBrown

    I visited Pompeii back in 1979. I remember the human casts being very mesmerizing. I imagine they have excavated much more since 78'. Would love to return to this absolutely fascinating place.

  17. bringmeredwine

    This was a mighty and visually stunning production. There was never a dull moment.
    Scientists, anthropologists, pyro technicians, computer graphics and artists tied everything together with compassion, and dignity for their subjects.
    The one thing that haunts me the most was the portrayal of the poor dog, forgotten and tethered by his leash.

  18. rngfarrell

    Very interesting documentary. I had always wondered just how the people were captured in the poses they held at death and I think that this provides a satisfactory answer. What was fascinating was the explanation of the way that the people were killed in Pompeii compared to the neighbouring town closer to Vesuvius. Fascinating, but horrific. The doc did a great job of bringing the past back to life, not only in its analysis of the bodies, but also in its attempt to reconstruct the faces of the dead.