The Mysterious Origins of Man: Part 2

2007, Conspiracy  -   39 Comments
Ratings: 7.22/10 from 169 users.

This companion documentary to the original NBC broadcast, The Mysterious Origins of Man, features interviews with Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, as well as a variety of so-called "suppressed scientists" who call into question the widely accepted Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Through the presentation of alternative evidence the interview subjects lay out arguments against the notion that natural selection provides sufficient proof that humans and apes share a common ancestor.

Questioning the implications of a discovery of misshapen skulls, the film puts forth the suggestion that extraterrestrial beings were present on ancient Earth, perhaps playing a part in the origin of mankind. Ancient sites such as Giza, Egypt and Tiwanaku, Bolivia are also discussed later in the film, leading viewers to consider the existence of an as-yet unidentified ancient civilization and whether they may have played a part in humanity's development.

Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods expounds upon these ancient civilizations and introduces the pole shift hypothesis, which itself derives from something known as the crust shift theory. Proposing that Antarctica was initially further from the South Pole than it presently is, Hancock explains that geological shifts around 10,000 BC caused Antarctica to move to it's present location. He suggests that this shift caused the destruction of the legendary city of Atlantis, and enabled the disbursement of ancient civilizations to other continents, leading to the human race as we now know it.

An interview with an archaeologist also suggests mankind has existed for hundreds of millions of years longer than presently believed. His conviction rests on the discovery of a man-made tool found in proximity to dinosaur fossils, suggesting the two species co-existed. He also cites a more modern story in which an aeronautical engineer witnessed a flying creature matching the description of a pterodactyl, making the more outrageous suggestion that dinosaurs boasted greater longevity than we've been led to believe.

The researchers being interviewed are passionate about their claims, and defend their views with compelling arguments. Dismissed as pseudoscience by the greater scientific and academic communities, the theories presented in this documentary may be outlandish to some, but are entertaining nonetheless.

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39 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Yehoshua bar-Adonai

    Ironic that the ones that deny the spiritual nature of reality, like the Apocalypse, are the very people that are causing it. Scientists have no circuit breaker for common sense. Their curiosity isn't just killing the cat, it's killing the planet.

  2. john

    I've come to the conclusion that scientists in general cannot be trusted. Too bad, we thought science was going to free us from things like religious superstitions but they have become themselves a corrupt religion.

  3. corynski

    Don't waste your time..... this is a gloss of various misrepresentations to my mind.....

  4. bk

    Evolution was very clearly proven to be wrong by several scientific methods described in the doc. Also,it is crystal clear that beings more intelligent than ourselves existed millions of years ago, there are no other explanations for the great stone structures all over the world. You can "see" that , right. And agreed, an ET higher intelligent life form would know not to "contact" most of the scared or shallow people dismissing these ideas,many ofwhich are simple facts,like the pyramids relation to the astronomy,or just the sheer building of the structures that we could hardly do today,with all our "technology." And yes, they gave a specific site where the hammer was found. I can't believe how scared or reluctant almost all of you are to not want to consider these truths, the possibilities, and actually embrace with joy that a superior intelligence could have manipulated our DNA, as the government said in the document. I love these very reasonable conclusions, and the facts also are undeniable. And remember, Evolution has been disproved, it was only a "theory" anyway. Even Darwin doubted it, by removing his idea that bears could eventually change to whales if they started swimming. And you say aliens would have contacted us by now...well thousands of people say they have, but you just dismiss them. So it's not that you know they have not contacted us, they just have not contacted YOU yet. If they did, then you would be dismissed. Its like the killing of the messiah that a religion long preached would be coming. A whole religion based on a messiah coming. When he comes, everyone laughs first, then wants to destroy him, attacking his character, as people do of those interviewed. The world can't deal with it, so they eventually kill him. Maybe that's why the aliens avoid you (a certain majority of you, that is), they know the history of man, haha.

  5. Tim

    I love to read the senseless, yet extremely confident spoutings of a certified cretin.

  6. Fu Man Chu

    ET's do exist, let's accept that. There has likely been some contact, but no one's gonna admit to that. The less we know , the better. That's what the Govt feels. For the idiots that just want to ignore the years of sightings from all over the world, keep living with your heads in the sand.

    1. Catherine

      What difference will the existence of UFO's and aliens make to people's lives? Are aliens meant to save us from ourselves or something? We can't even look after the planet and there is much division among us regarding race, sexuality etc.

  7. alan morris

    If we apparently evolved from apes how come we are living as we do as humans and the apes and monkeys ate still in the tree

  8. Eric71Can

    You must stop waiting right now, because you just don't know, or don't understand the true meaning of evolution.

    We are talking about biology that evolve over million of years.

    But anyway, lets forget the reality for a couple of minutes, could you describe a fossil that could potentialy show you a transformation of any kind?

    Science is based on the scientific method. A question or problem is raised with some possible answers or solutions. The answers and solutions are tested, if an answer doesn't work or is false, it's thrown out. Testing continues until an answer is found. There is no personal opinion or subjective judgment in the scientific method. It is
    only fact, so science is based only on fact.

  9. Vegana Piranha

    Don't begrudge spending an hour to hear 2 or 3 truths. I am grateful for people whose ideas fall outside the mainstream for speaking their findings, their "truths" even if most of it is nonsense, and motivated by their religions. Sometimes I still hear a thing or two that causes me to challenge one of my own sacred cows. I challenged a couple here.

  10. Cardfather

    There are some truths, but most of it is nonsense.

  11. InvisibleHandInMyPants

    More grifters. Nonsense bs religious hokum. Scamming the masses.

    1. hhd1

      The masses? How many people have actually seen this and of those how many actually believe it?

  12. trueplace

    Also, I haven't given up the possibility these 'things' could very well be from right here on Earth. Or rather, from within the Earth. People think we have discovered everything and know everything about our planet. Hogwash. We are discovering new things all the time. Massive underground caves with their own ecosystems. Previously unknown species of humanoids, animals, etc. Egypt is far from being fully explored and as it is, I'm certain some fascinating things will be discovered. Look at what we don't know about the Great Pyramids, and the wide variation in estimates on how and when they were built. How many times have we heard "This discovery is going to rewrite history!!!"... yet, it never does. The same old, tired, stodgy crap we've always been fed still prevails as the benchmark.

    I feel confident in my suspicion that "experts" and governments know far more than they are willing to divulge. Today's Egyptologists are a gaggle of tools and deniers of every other theory but their own. And their theories often are as ridiculous as some of the others. Yet they hold steadfast in their stubborn insistence that they are absolutely correct and no one's going to change their mind. And those that try are tin-foil hat idiots. To them I say, 'Look in the mirror'.

  13. trueplace

    The claim that "There are no aliens, if there were, SETI would have discovered them", is nonsensical. Why hasn't SETI "discovered" any of the thousands upon thousands of sightings that have been taped, filmed, witnessed by innumerable people the world over? They aren't all "swamp gas" or "weather balloons" or any of the other so-called rational explanations. And all the video of UFO's aren't fake or misconstrued as birds, flares, or what have you. There are simply too many. The Phoenix and Stephenville sightings are a good example.

    And SETI? Not a peep, other than the famous "WOW!" moment they had years ago when they received some kind of inexplicable transmission. Out of all the sightings, etc., not a single observation from them. There is no rational explanation for that!

    There's 'something' out there. But what that something is, eludes us, for the time being. It's simply absurd to write off all the evidence as "nothing" or all being something earth-bound. However, until we have actual proof, all we have is logical speculation

    1. johnny

      "To search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture-bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant." Terrance McKenna

  14. Eric71Can

    I googled most of them, and they are charlatans, book sellers and creationists. Ask the real scientists now.

  15. Michael Spinler

    how stupid, woo and bull, is not science

  16. jethom33545

    This man-made tool mentioned, where is it?

  17. Fabien L

    lol this is hilarious, the nonsense starts a mere 30 seconds into the video!

  18. ~Oliver B Koslik Esq

    lol omg... theres more cheese here than on a f'in dairy farm.

  19. desktop joe

    Totally, I just wanted some light escapism and was curious to see how long I would last - 9 minutes,not bad.

    1. Aranyani

      Too bad, you missed the Texas pterodactyl that feasts on decaying human flesh @ 15 minutes... enough, I'm done now.

    2. Imightberiding

      The moment this "doc" came to the story about the fellow in Texas witnessing a pterodactyl, I immediately thought of statement I recently saw in an article featuring James Randi.

      It was succinct & refreshingly true. "The plural of anecdote is not data". I think I might have that printed on a "T"-shirt.

  20. dmxi

    "....entertaining nonetheless!"
    - sums it up best!-

    1. DarkSpirit

      lol there is no such thing as aliens from another planet! We would have discovered them by now if there is.

    2. edgedweller

      we would have discovered them???!!!!! on what basis? the fact that we've been to the moon? LOLOLOLO (and even that is debatable). Troll yes?

    3. DarkSpirit

      Through SETI. If they are so advanced and they wanted to contact us, they would have contacted us by now.

      Also Mars is as barren as a nail, not even an ET virus/bacteria was detected by all our martian missions combined. Not to mention the other planets outside of our Goldilocks region.

      If there is such a thing as a biological ET, we would have discovered at least 1 ET virus or bacteria by now.

    4. edgedweller

      yes...'if they wanted to contact us'...exactly. You do have a faint idea on how big the universe is?

    5. DarkSpirit

      The universe? I am not even going to consider other earth-like planets outside of the Milky Way as they too far away to be of any significance to us considering even the incredible speed of light, and nothing travels faster than light according to Einstein's theory of Relativity.

      Furthermore, out of the 8.8 billion or so earth-like planets in our galaxy, if none of the ETs residing in those worlds, possesses simple radio wave technology, if they even exist, then we might as well give up any hope of contacting any other ET much further away.

      The closest Earth-like planet is probably Gliese 15Ab which is only about 10 to 15 light years away with others within about 500 light years from us. That means waiting for another 400 years would be a long enough wait for any ETs from our galaxy to respond.

      Furthermore, we have not considered the ETs in our galaxy, who may be more advanced than we are, sending out radio waves in our direction before we have sent out ours or better yet, travel here. So we may not even need to wait for the full 400 years for SETI to detect them.

      All in all, not having detected even a single ET micro-organism doesn't bode well for the "our universe is populated by many other biological ET" theory. Mars used to have liquid water running on its surface, and yet we have not detected any life form on Mars. Not even a micro-organism, even though it is still possible for earth extremophiles to live there. This seems to indicate that having water on the planet's surface does not necessarily bring out life. Consider that, when you dream of exo-planets out there within the so-called Goldilocks regions that our planet Mars is suppose to be within our Goldilocks region yet it is barren of all life, despite having liquid water flowing on its surface in the past!

      As time goes on, without evidence of alien discovery/contact, the abundant ET theory is starting to seem as ridiculous as everything else in this documentary.

    6. a_no_n

      your calculations are off...We would have to wait four hundred years for our signal to reach them, and then another 500 for their signal to come back to us.

    7. Vlatko

      Nope... SETI is kind of useless. The vastness of the cosmos makes it look like a childish and desperate human attempt to achieve the impossible.

      We're emitting intelligent signals from Earth for about a century which means our first electromagnetic signal is 100 light years away from us... in space.

      Milky Way is 100,000 light years wide, which means we need 1,000 years (10 centuries) of constant emission of EM signals to saturate our galaxy with our signals.

      All the above is valid for any other species in the Milky Way that might exist and emit signals too... if, of course, we keep in mind the fact that several million years of primate evolution is needed for intelligence to occur.

      Of course the "evolution" on other planets might be totally different but given what has "happened" to us it seems the universe tends to observe itself through biochemical entities... whether they're carbon units or not.

      Now the Milky Way is ONLY a one little tiny corner of the universe which means for our signals (and that means any other ETI signals from other galaxies) to penetrate other galaxies they need hundreds of thousands of years if not millions and billions of years of constant EM signal emission... which BTW fades with distance.

      Conclusion: Humanity needs to exist, in an intelligent form, for about another several millions of years in order to have a chance of detecting ETI... and that is very, very hard to achieve because the more complex the species the faster they crumble.

    8. dewflirt

      They might have Spice :)

    9. Spookman

      I cannot believe you are so naïve, who says they would want to contact us? Your opinions seem to assume that we are worth contacting, or are worth the risk of contacting, or are even looked at as worthy of contacting. You will never entertain such ideas because you are so ignorant. Like so many you assume that we are as intelligent or even considered to be spiritual or peaceful enough to be involved in a greater society. Like so many you are arrogant and have delusions of grandeur concerning our place in the universe.

    10. Bubba Bong

      Who's this "we" you speak of? The government that states they wont tell you if they did find aliens? You sheeple are so stupid. Seti? Another false flag operation set up by your great government.

    11. DarkSpirit

      So we are spewing conspiracy theories now? People forget that even if you are right that our government would do all they can to hide aliens from us. That doesn't necessarily imply that all the aliens would co-operate with our government's intentions or that our government would have the power to control the aliens enough to keep them all under wraps.

    12. Carrie Channing

      The UN guilty of demanding sex in exchange for handing out supplies, the Brit Royals under age sex parties, Diana's superbly suspicious death, paedophiles in politics, the BBC, hospitals, schools, children's homes and various positions of power, our pension funds contributing to purchase of cluster bombs to blow up children and civilians....Ebola is under control, chat to Sierra Leonian's ! LIES, Corruption, perverts and self serving despots ...if people prefer to trust the devil they know ... What can a decent, honest, free minded soul do?

      Thank goodness for the new pope. Or the Catholic hierarchy would have been on my list too!