My Big Breasts and Me

2007, Sexuality  -   213 Comments
Ratings: 6.79/10 from 675 users.

My Big Breasts and MeBBC is airing a fantastic special about life with large breasts called My Big Breasts and Me. This documentary follows the lives of three women who feel uncomfortably defined by their naturally large bust size. One is terrified of having breast reduction surgery but with her breasts causing her chronic back pain she knows it may be her only option. Another hopes that alternative therapies and an exercise regime will downsize her chest; and the third, a 19 year old fashion student, struggles to be taken seriously in a world where she feels only women with ’small boobs’ can look attractive.

Interesting Facts: British women have the biggest breasts in Europe and the average bra size is increasing each year. The average breast size in the UK is between 36C to 34E compared to 10 years ago when it was a much smaller 34B. Nearly 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size and need a proper fitting. Breast reduction operations have gone up a whopping 19% in 2006 compared to 2005. Half of women in the UK would consider plastic surgery while another 36% would consider a breast operation. It is estimated that 26,000 women had a breast enlargement in 2006. Thousands of teenagers – some as young as 13 years old – are now going under the knife in order to reduce their bust size and “fit” in.

The girls who work here at Hiddenfeet found the story of the young fashion student to be especially profound. For years now we have been working hard to show the world that large breasts are beautiful. The happy ending to her story should encourage any large chested woman who watches it to follow their dreams and shed their fears and phobias.

Warning: This BBC documentary does contain topless nudity. The nudity is tasteful however and necessary to explain the stories of these three women. No sexual content is shown but viewer discretion is advised.

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213 Comments / User Reviews

  1. I'm a KK and find that a good fitting bra gives great support and I can honestly say that I don't get back pain. It can be annoying having people stare at my boobs and I've lost count of the number of times I get taken aside at airports because they think I'm smuggling drugs or something in my bra. On one occasion in Tunisia the two security men said I had to wait until they could find a female to check me out. After 30 minutes I got fed up waiting and just took my top and bra off and said "do these look like drugs?" The two guys just stood staring open mouthed. Then one of them said "I could get high on them."

    1. Kk, damn never seen any that big. I wish I could get a peek

  2. I hate my boobs, I'm a 36HH, don't get taken seriously at all, touched, glared at its horrific get fed up people asking r those real etc no - one understands unless u have big boobs.

    1. 36HH, don't hate what God blessed you with. Other women wish they had your problem.

    2. They look for many reasons. At least you have big natural breasts. And they're probably more positive looks than not.

  3. I HATE my large breasts for multiple reasons. Number one, they are incredibly uncomfortable regardless if I am wearing a well fitted bra or not. I have constant back pain because of them, my back is starting to curve forward and I will probably be hunchbacked by the time I am old. Boob sweat is horrendous. My boobs are constantly sweaty and my bras are completely soaked by the end of the day (nasty.) Also, as an infertile large breasts are a CONSTANT reminder of what my body failed to do. My breasts will never be used to feed a they are basically pointless lumps of fat hanging off my chest causing me constant pain. I could care less about being sexy to men. I have a husband who loves me and am tired of being considered a sex object to strange men even though I keep myself covered up, it is impossible to hide these large lumps.

    1. I would love them continuously. I'm sorry to hear you don't.

  4. I am 4ft 11" with 34D cups.
    I am thinking about doing a breast reduction.

    1. Why??????

    2. No, please don't change what God blessed you with. I would love on them all the time. Damn girl you must look bangin

  5. We love big breasts.. We love all breasts...

  6. I can't tell you how many loads I've shot into Kleenex watching this. Thank you.

  7. PS.And small minded.

  8. Hi everyone I have always had large breasts and am extremely proud of them as they are a part of me I am 55 And large breasts run in my family and go back centuries I am happy in myself and have learnt to live with them as I would my leg or my arm Its true that bigger women get a lot more attention but I do think that it is the perception of men that concentrates on the idea that big breasts are more fanciable but that is just a matter of opinion as some men preferes small breasts .I have breast fed 4 children and I know that I gave them a strong start in life regarding fighting against diseases and bacteria. The breasts are for breast feeding and anyone who is jealouse is naive and ignorant.

  9. I feel the pain in these lady's I am a 34N it's easy for a guy to talk because they don't know how it is because they can't experience it.

    1. N?? Wow! Never even knew there was such a size. You lucky thing you

  10. Some ridiculous comments here by men who are utterly clueless as to the reality of over-sized breasts. As a person who has breasts on the larger side (for my frame) but not massively oversized, I have had a small taste of the problems that can happen, and I am extremely glad my breasts aren't any larger than they are.

    Not everything is about sex. If you're a person with a large breast to frame ratio shopping is a nightmare. Nearly all the clothes in stores that are in fashion and look nice on everyone else either make you look indecent or don't fit. There are many types of clothes that are not even indecent, styles that you might really like, but you can never wear them because you look like you're deliberately dressing in a revealing way. I can waste hours in a shopping centre just trying to find some clothes and end up buying nothing. Bras are expensive and difficult to find.

    Sport is the worst. I am so lucky that my boobs aren't any larger than they are - with a high impact sports bra I can play sport without pain (without a bra I have to actually hold my breasts in my hands even just if I jog a short distance so as not to have pain), but for the poor ladies in this video with really large breasts sport is not an option. Imagine never being able to run, or swim, or play any kind of competitive sport. As a highly active person this would be my worst nightmare.

    In the high intensity sport I do, and in running, it's normal for girls to exercise in just sports bras and tights/shorts because you get so hot, especially living in a warm climate, but I always have to wear tshirts (and feel hot and uncomfortable) because if I don't I feel like I'm being provocative even though I'd be wearing the same thing as everyone else.

    Again, I am pretty lucky that it's not anywhere near as bad as what these ladies have, but the more minor annoyances I have experienced makes me highly sympathetic to their situation.

  11. Why in the world would you want to reduce your breast size? I am married to my wife with small regular breasts, and I am truly disappointed emotionally, sexually and mentally. I truly deeply wish that I could meet you in the next life. I would marry you in a heart beat.

  12. love breasts these days they are underrated everyone i ask likes ass more.

  13. Just a tip I got from a fashion TV show: if you have a large chest, in order to get clothes that fit, get things that fit across the bust. This will often mean the garment is too large at the waist or torso; have a tailor take those in. It's always easier to take away fabric than add it, and you won't look like you're squeezing into clothing that's too tight.

  14. I need to move to the UK. Those numbers didn't include breast enlargement I hope, that is annoying. They can't breast feed and their children will not inherit large bust sizes- hence I'm not for breast enlargement of fertile women. I wouldn't date a fertile woman with synthetically enlarged breasts though I wouldn't actually date the vast majority of women anyways (mostly for intellectual reasons not looks)

    1. Actually breast implants normally do not interfere with a women's ability to breastfeed.

    2. I just wouldn't feel safe because of the small amount of silicone that comes from the bag.

  15. This was very informative! Thank you!

  16. Want less on top?
    Put down the Twinkie.
    There, 90% fixed.

  17. I can see what it would be like to have a permanent erection. Not a good comparison I know, but I can see how it would be easy to take a negative point of view from the situation. It takes love, and self acceptance to overcome any annoyance that intractable. Perhaps women wish their breasts would shrink unless sexually stimulated. From any point of view it's good to talk about it.

  18. Big breasted should get a clue, if you don't like it, though! Some goes for the men who has bigger or smaller penises. I'm well aware that it's a pain to get to buy more expensive bra's in order to secure a well adjusted fit, but it's the same as being too small, too thin, too long... It's what you make of it. That you've been ridiculed throughout your life doesn't mean that big breasts are the thing that should make you go and sit in your little corner and cry. It means that you had a very bad upbringing with the wrong kind of people and couldn't deal with that. Funny that so many label the fact that men only can hold their conversation when being surprised by a large chest...seriously?!?! Men will stare at ANY type of breast, regardless the shape, so that assumption is BS if you'd ask me. It's okay to keep writing about it that it's not fair, but we have about the same order of groups who claim that it's not fair having small breasts.... seriously.... women... oh wait, I'm actually one myself, a depressed turned happy 34F wearing mother of 2. No victims and whining anymore, just accepting this is what genetics gave you.

    1. No one with a big d*ck has had back problems from it, though. There are health issues that come with large breasts!

    2. What, a lack of the necessary fitness to accommodate the huge tits? Most of the people I meet with back problems do not have huge tits and yet they still have the problem.

    3. I'd be willing to bet more than one guy got an std from some gal that couldn't keep her desire for huge ones in check. Or worse, that guy bangs as many size queens as possible and gets an std. That's a pretty serious health issue right there

    4. Men won't just stare at ANY type of breasts - No one stares at sagging b**bs! Men would prefer big ones, but not huge ones really !

    5. That's a lie, I stare at huge sagging boobs all the time.

    6. I love the way you put that very well put

  19. i found it hard even to find this documentary. after watching it i find it hard to not feel for these women. they should be proud of the courage it takes to address this issue in public

  20. We certainly live in a sad and judgmental world. I am a man who never judges anyone based on looks or anything else. I've been humiliated for my barely average member by both men and women and I know the sting and how much it hurts to be singled out. Be strong ladies as I am a man who accepts you for who you are.

    1. Yes, please sleep with him, ladies, as that's all his post is really about.

    2. Not at all. I am happily married now for 25 years with two great kids. No need for me to sleep around. I have a daughter and I am bringing her up right. That is not to be so wrapped up in what other people think. It took me so long to learn and implement that. So read into my post all you want. It has no effect!

  21. I feel so normal when I see Jodie and her 28K breasts. I'm 5'6" & weigh 140 lbs and am a size 10, but I am a size 16 up top due to the fact that I wear a 34JJ some times? a K cup depending on the make of the bra. I should have been on this show lol. All the things that these girls have experienced in life due to having large breasts, I too have encountered the same in my lifetime. Great documentary!!!

    1. I saw this documentary when it was first shown which must be two or three years ago now. Like you I related to the women who took part, it must have taken some guts to do this. It also shows that there are others out there just like us who are very happy and proud of the way we are. In my twenties (not that long ago!) I was a 30J. Now in my late 30s (and after kids) I'm the same size as you, 34JJ/K and in clothes too. But I'm jealous of your height I'm only 5' 1"tall, which is not great.

    2. Hey Sarah
      Don't be jealous of me, just wear some nice heels when you feel that you want to be a few inches taller. I am only 4 inches taller than you. I am actually only 5'5" tall without my shoes on.

    3. I hope the father was tall. If you really want to be taller, you ought to breed with a tall man. Same goes for thinness or any other attribute you feel would be more desirable for you.

    4. But definitely you are enjoying your breast size. even your online profile has major cleavage-show-offage

    5. When you have breasts this big you always have cleavage whether you want it or not. I would say I am comfortable with my body and my large breasts, if that is what you mean by saying I enjoy my breast size. I am a married mother of 3 kids and even after having my third child 2 years ago I still like to dress sexy once and a while. Moms with large breasts can be sexy too.

    6. How much cleavage does a burka show? You do not have to wear low cut shirts and you also do not have to abstain from using sports bras.

      I do believe that what is meant by "enjoying your breast size" was that you benefit from social leverage that is afforded to women of large bust. Women with nice sex traits get more favors and income on average.

    7. Most women with large breasts, myself being a 40F, wear lower cut tops to breath. You really don't understand how painful and how freaky it is to not be able to breath because you have two 5 - 9lb weights on your chest threatening to suffocate you if you even think about laying on your back or your tummy.

      Also, the majority of sports bra go as high as a double d. If you want anything bigger, and if you can find it, you're going to shell out over $100.00+ because most times you have to get them custom made. So just think on that before commenting.

  22. I used to be in their shoes. Had a breast reduction in my early 30's. I wish I had done it sooner. Quite liberating in so many ways

  23. Im 15.. 5"2 and weigh just under 8stone. Im a size 6 at the bottom and a 14 on top as im a 32F. You can be skinny and have large boobs.. And the give you back pains.. Men dont have to go through the pain so you wouldnt understand? Yet even when i totally cover myself up i still get stared at, tooted at and all the rest. Its tireing and im already thinking of having them reduced as it put me down as i always seem to feel guys like me for the curves and the breasts i have. It get to be the same old story every day.

    1. So your saying that men do not actually do the "back breaking" labor of society?

  24. I realy should move to england. I live in Sweden and here its realy hard to find clothes that fit a big boobed girl. Im a 75F in swedisch size and still growing and im only 20.. The special underwear stores cupsizes ends at F or G. And its so hard to clothes that compliments a curvy body, its all oversize ore super-slim-fit. I have to wear size L in clotes to fit the boobs but my waist is actually a S-M. Its make all clotes look wierd. But I have discoverd a type of clothing realt flattering, Pin up dresses! There lovely! Give it a try and u will be hocked. :D

  25. AWESOME documentary xD

  26. Oh and for people who claim to be slim, you can be small, and have a small looking figure, which is not the same as having a low body fat percentage. These people usually have the barrell look, no real curves just thick looking.

  27. Proof is in the pudding ,a hell of a lot more enhancements are done than reductions.I totally understand Elise comments ,however teens are even getting enhancements.And the fashions driven by women are all geared to "Barbie "bodies!

  28. A couple of weeks ago a women got visually offended by checking out her boobs, that were on full display because she had chosen a low cut, tight top and ill-fitting bra. I'm a man and don't walk about with a low cut top on and clothes that are a size too small for me... many women choose clothes that show off their breasts then complain with men (other than the ones they fancy) look at them. There is a strong "stop looking at my tits" attitude when that's exactly the reaction they obviously wanted from the choices they make. Personally I just look if that's the clothing choice a women makes... especially in the summer.

    1. WTF! If a lady knowingly walks around in something (other then her own house!) that displays a dress style of "Hey, I've watched & studied Jessica Simson" just to attract attention.....Men are gonna look! Not only is it goona be one of them cool gazes, but a comical full on orchestrated STARE. That's the kind of reaction that's gonna make her $$$ one way or another! She'll Condemn or Condom....I meant Con them.....she's tastelessly found her edge to start and manipulate a private market. it right? it wrong? is it smart? is it cheap? is it business thinking? is it morally wrong/right? is it fair? is it sinful? is it survival? is it comical? is it tasteless? is it hot? is it sexy? is it marketable? is it ethical? ................if it's one of these! she's market profitable anyway you view it.

      Who the h*ll am I replying to again........facebook # haha ha

    2. i totally agree here...women go around wearing sexy- clothing,clothes that show off their boobs and their assets..adn then they get offended when guys stare at them??..OMG!! please!!! ok ladies..if u get offended by guys staring at you?..then why the HOLY HELL did you CHOOSE to wear such revealing clothes???? why the ****?????

  29. Reality check here Itanimulli. Breasts aren't "fat". They're "glands", that have varying amounts of fatty tissue, laced throughout the other types of tissues, that constitute the entire Mammary gland. But, they most certainly are NOT solely made up of "fat". Most of their size/shape and the ratio of these tissues, is genetically determined. They can increase (or decrease) in size, as a woman's weight fluctuates, but, other factors can determine breast size. Some women's breasts(the mammary glands, with their several types of tissue) increased dramatically in size, when they used the early, estrogen heavy, birth control pills. But, as matter of fact, a small, slim woman can have very large breasts, or, a fat woman can be small breasted. Before you question the integrity of Kelsey's comments, you may want to not embarrass yourself, by making incorrect, broad sweeping generalizations, based solely on your "first hand" experience and limited education on the subject. Kelsey certainly knows the composition of her own body, no matter what your ill-informed dogma requires you to say.

    1. Are you serious? Mammary glands is not what makes breasts large naturally, it's the fat, plus the hormones in the teen years. Breasts are large because of the extra fat, not the glands. Mammary glands produces milk ONLY. If mammary glands contributed to breast size, then why don't we see men with large breasts as well? Overweight men have 'man boobs', which is because of the extra fat, not because of the mammary glands. Yes, breasts can vary in size when weight fluctuates, but a skinny woman (not skinny-fat) with low bf% will never have LARGE breasts naturally. There is a difference between what's normal and hypertrophy of the breasts. I think I just won the debate right there! You lose!

  30. sometimes life is ironic, there are women who are not naturally endowed and willing to pay for costly breast augmentation price and then there is women that possessed breast that causes them trouble that's why they opt for another surgery called breast augmentation.

  31. i think the men commenting on this post with their insensitive comments should leave. you are not a women and couldnt possibly understand.

    1. I agree 100%!!!!!

  32. I think what Chole Lafferty was say is "when she was younger, she weighted 7 and 1/2 stone" not that she was seven years old! She missed a comma so what?
    It very much is possible to be skinny, healthy and to have large breasts. I run every day, I eat healthy, and I play volleyball three times a week. I am a 30H bra size. Yes breasts are made of fat tissue but also muscle. Breast size is biologically determined by life style and GENETICS! Just because a woman has big breast does not mean she is not healthy! Calling women with big breasts fat (not skinny as you put it) is extremely rude and insensitive, I think you need to watch the documentary again, and try having some empathy because we all have different body types and DO look normal.
    I'm sure if you went to a professional psychologist you would be surprised at how much of an ass you are.

  33. It is very possible to be skinny and have big boobs! I weighed 8 stone an d had a chest size 30ff !!!!. I am now a lot older,weigh 10 stone which is by no means fat, and am a 32kk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! small, thin body, large breasts!

  34. Man, Maddy is hot. She shouldn't change a thing.

  35. When I watched this documentary, it made me feel a lot better about myself. I'm 14 and a size 32F

  36. Madee is absolutely beautiful, if I were her BF I would advise her to not change a thing!
    VERY pretty girl............. ;-D

  37. nothing wrong of girls having big breast.. people never satisfied..

  38. Jeez! Documentaries have really good music!

  39. I think the clothing industry is partly to blame for this and many other problems. There are tons of women with large breasts, and the clothing manufacturers really ought to be mass producing bra's for women with large breasts, and making them widely available.

    1. oh, yes! that's true. a properly-fitting bra would eliminate the need for breast reduction.

  40. Does breast reduction surgery prevent a woman from breastfeeding later on?

    1. It can if the blood flow is reduced to the nipple or if it is reactached improperly.

    2. the boobs looks like frankenboob with the best doctors

  41. I totally understad these girls. I'm 17 and I wear 36 C, which I HATE! like I'll do anything for them to get small. I feel heavier with them stupid large THINGS on my cheast ... like seriously.

    1. Your lucky, Im 13 and im size 34DD

  42. Just loved the brown bra that she used under the photo-shoot! Who sells it?

  43. Having large breasts has been a total curse for me. I grew up with total shame over my body and never felt confident. I have struggled with stares, comments and attitudes. I have women, women-mind-you, ask me point blank if they were real. That is just shi**y.

  44. is she virgin?

  45. Its really upsetting to see other women going on about having to 'convince the world that big breasts are beautiful'. Is this a joke? I am a woman with small breasts and I feel like a fake, like I'm not even a real woman. Women with big breasts know that they are beautiful, they cannot be immune to the male attention their breasts recieve and the satisfaction of their partners. As a woman with small breasts you will always feel inadequate, as though you are not really a woman, or as though you are a sorry excuse for a woman. You will have to go through the pain of knowing however your partner tries to tell you he loves you they way you are, that secretly he's wishing you had large breasts like those that you complain about.
    You should appreciate what you've got and stop whinging.
    I'd do anything to have lovely natural large breasts and knowing that my partner does not wish for anything more.
    What planet have the documentary makers been living on where big breasts are not totally appreciated.
    Wake up.

    1. With respect, having large breasts is nothing like having small ones. Do you know what it is like for a man to speak to you but never look at your face but your chest?
      At least when a man speaks to you it is you and not just your boobies he is interested in. Having large boobs causes all manner of problems for women, like what tops to wear. They might but a size 8 below but a size 20 on top. You should be happy with what you have. Having large breasts is painful. Don`t be so judgemental, thank you.

    2. dont kid yourself I have seen several girls breasts from a relationship point of view ranging from a/b through too e/f and in-between and I personally and I think a lot of other guys would agree prefer firm petite breasts than big ones its not all aboutbig breasts you should never feel inadequate we are all born the way we are and we have to appriciate ourselves small or big and believe me some of the best woman have smaller breasts!! but all in all breasts size really does not matter the end

    3. All women have issues. Having small breasts does not make you inadequate or unfeminine. Not all men want big breasts, lots of men I know would rather have a girl that can wear a bra that has only one hook. When you are in love it shouldn’t matter what your partner looks like. You should accept that they love you for the way you are, or find someone that does.
      ‘You should appreciate what you got and stop whining’
      Having big breasts does not automatically make you feel beautiful, that is something that all of us have to struggle with, and having your problems heard through a documentary or complaining is a way to come to terms with our body shape whether it is with big breasts or small.

    4. I can promise bathing suit shopping for small breasts is a lot easier and funner than shopping for big breasts. I understand where you are coming from here and by no means wish to insult you, but when big breast get to a certain point they do become a burden on the one who has them. I actually have to buy my bras from europe(which is about twice as expensive because of the currency change) to have a properly fitting bra(america's bra sizing does not have a great enough range). When I see a super cute bathing suit I have to opt for the one that will look okay on my breasts and support them. Even when i do buy a bathing suit i like, i've had my boobs actually FALL OUT while swimming! Making sure your boobs stay put doesn't exactly make the swimming experience very fun. I cant wear shirts from many designers because they just wont look good on big breasts. I cant wear strapless tops. I have to worry about my breasts looking saggy when naked around my loving boyfriend. I had to deal with guys making stupid jokes to me even in middle school like, "Hey can i see Cleveland" because of cleavage you could only hide with an overly moderate shirt. I do get very bad nerve pain in my back because of the strain my breasts place on it. When I roll over on my pillow at night i actually have to move my breasts into a comfortable position! I can certainly see where you are coming from here as i have said. I think for you it is the adverse, and for that i think you should be able to feel the pain of having overly large breasts. I have had many times where i wished my breasts were smaller and firmer. Just like you have wished many times that yours were larger. But the main thing is that you have to learn to love your own body. Do not let a guy or anyone else define the way you feel about yourself. Go look online, there are people out there that only love small breasts. There are people that only love big breasts. For women with big breasts it really is a burden, but either way you have to love the way you were made.

    5. Javiera.
      What’s really upsetting to see is the dishonesty small-chested women such as yourself continually display towards those with large chests.
      Let me disambiguate the sentences of your statement:
      I am a woman with small breasts and I feel like a fake, like I'm not even a real woman. You are the number one person responsible for getting in touch with your femininity. No one is responsible for seeing the innate attractiveness in you but you.
      Women with big breasts know that they are beautiful. Not only is this a lie, it is ignorant, and blatantly minimizing the legitimate physical and emotional concerns of large breasted women. STOP presuming to know how others feel. I don’t know where you live, but it’s increasingly politically incorrect for a man to even say he likes breasts, let alone big ones. With the advent of breastfeeding, this is even more the case, since this movement is specifically geared towards functionality and de-sexualization of breasts in terms of look and size.
      Second, search the forums. Then, search the dating websites. If that’s not enough, interview the men in your life. I guarantee 9 out of 10 will tell you they prefer small chests. Likely, they will also add how women with small chests look classier, and are overall more interesting to be around than women with larger breasts. This is because smaller-chested women ARE in the majority and hence their insecurities are prioritized.
      The biggest evidence is in the clothing manufacturing. Unless they’re a designated plus-size, most department stores sell clothes that gear toward B-cup women or smaller. Try looking for a 32F at Macy’s or Victoria’s secret. If you find anything with a small band (32/34) that’s over a D cup, see if they come in anything besides black, beige and white. Then look around at the push-ups and cleavage enhancers for those B,A and AA. They abound. Next, look at the flimsy, ruched, cotton fabric tops and dresses with spaghetti straps, lots of detail in the bust to draw attention/enhance that part of the body, U-necks, and endless variations of plunging and v-necklines. Everywhere you go, outfits are geared towards women with modest chests.
      Even if you ARE completely flat (which most women who complain aren’t), and you feel less “authentically womanly”, you have something so invaluable that some people would kill for: Moral inconspicuousness. Women with modest curves do not as a rule get called out to prove their character virtue in relation to the sexual-ness of their bodies. i.e. People do not automatically assume you are a lazy, trashy oversexualized attention whore. The ABSENCE of these insidious assumptions opens up every single door in the book for you, most importantly being able to turn on and off the “sexy” at will. This affords you more control over your sexual expression, your self-presentation, and your reputation, and hence, your salary and mate selection.
      The ignorance in your assumptions is that you subscribe to the belief that only a certain type of look/body is authentically sexy/womanly, and that you are deprived of something inherent to that authenticity, when everywhere around you there is evidence how sexiness is so much more than a body part. There are entire workshops and websites built around promoting exactly this idea that “sexy” is a personality characteristic, the way a person carries themselves, the innate “interestingness” rather than the voluptuousness of their cups or thighs.
      Next you say: “They cannot be immune to the male attention their breasts receive” That’s correct. We certainly aren’t. The “attention” we receive is 9 out of 10 times that of the creeps on the corner, horny teenagers, male colleagues who need to reiterate how much they prefer their girlfriends’ or wifes’ smaller chests while leering at us from the corner, and women like you with chips on their shoulders, who do everything in their power to silence and character assassinate us in order to lift themselves up. Large-chested women also don’t get support when we’ve been sexually violated, since, if we choose to wear anything other than a tent-like garment, we were certainly “asking for it”.
      …and the satisfaction of their partners. The further we go into your post, the more it’s evident that your real problem is ignorance about what men find sexy, and HOW to get your groove you. You simply assume WHAT MOST would prefer. (Read my above paragraph on why you’re wrong.) By taking your own assumptions as fact, you are automatically putting yourself in a combative position towards those you perceive to have what you want. Again, the problem is that YOU don’t understand human attraction, and that you’re both unwilling and unable to see what’s obviously sexy about YOU.
      As a woman with small breasts you will always feel inadequate, as though you are not really a woman, or as though you are a sorry excuse for a woman. – Just further proof that you have a problem with yourself, and that you are in denial about the fact that your insecurities are a priority in our society.
      You will have to go through the pain of knowing however your partner tries to tell you he loves you they way you are, that secretly he's wishing you had large breasts like those that you complain about.
      -Further proof of your projections of inadequacy onto others and your lack of introspection.
      You should appreciate what you've got and stop whinging.
      I'd do anything to have lovely natural large breasts and knowing that my partner does not wish for anything more.
      What planet have the documentary makers been living on where big breasts are not totally appreciated.
      Wake up.
      Javiera, I urge you to take an honest look at yourself. Your insecurities have led you to bud into a topic NOT centered around YOU while then proceeding to minimize and silence the legitimate concerns of others under the guise of disadvantage. You ARE in the advantaged position over large-chested women, whether you want to see it or not. Once you’re able to get your groove on in a way that’s not at the expense of others, you will be happier with yourself, and won’t need to worry about what you don’t have.

    6. Men also have these things called penises that are often used as tools of comparison which is really dumb and is really just an ego thing.

      My advice?

      Get over it. Because there's a "right fit" for everyone (Different strokes for different folks, if you still don't get it)

      I'm irritated at you that you would even entertain the thought that you're less of a person or less of a human being or woman because your breasts aren't as large as someone else's...

      Variety is the spice of life and as a guy who has enjoyed breasts both large and small, it's all good and I've NEVER looked at any woman I was with wishing that something like that would change (i might wish small s*it like "F*ck I wish she'd stop smoking, or at least chew some gum afterwards).

      Any person who makes you feel lesser than because you are who you are is someone you shouldn't be f*ckin' with. Period.

  46. I must say those are some mighty fine looking breasts. Bless their little hearts and humungous boobs.

  47. I love big breasts,but I have never felt the need to tease girls at school or shout moronic things at girls in the street.
    There was a guy at school who always teased girls and made them feel uncomfortable and it turned out he was actually gay,but felt he couldn't tell anyone.Immature boys or closet homosexual men might have a problem with large breasted women,but no real man who truly loves women could ever object to a natural part of a women's body,no matter what size they are.

  48. All three of these girls are overweight. Breasts are mostly fat.

    If they lost the weight they'd be healthier, and would no longer have "too big breasts". Double win.

    But then, lazy people prefer surgery.

    1. Its obvious that you weren't paying attention one of the girls who took up modeling was not overweight she just had a large bust size.

      But then, stupid people are too lazy to think.

    2. She was the least overweight of the three (only borderline), but if she tried to do fashion modelling she would have been told to lose 20 pounds of fat easily. Her hips were huge, and she had a belly.

      She only "seemed" not overweight coz she doesn't store any fat in her arms and face. The rest of her was fat.

      Also, remember that different people store their fat differently. A woman can have genetics where she stores all her fat in her boobs and butt. She might not have a fat face, but she's still clinically overweight.

      A lot of girls who complain about having too big boobs can lose them by simply restricting calories and losing weight. Since their bodies store the excess fat in their boobs, that's where they'll lose fat from.

      Even the doctor in the movie pointed it out that often the case is that these big boobs are not glandular tissue, but FAT.

    3. Define Clinically Overweight? I believe that is the problem. You just mentioned Genetics, which basically means what? They were born that way correct. So who are we to tell someone that if their body stores more fat in their breasts, stomachs, butt etc that are a Healthy weight.... that They Are Fat? And you wonder why people are so self conscious and have low self esteem....Phuck That I Love Myself the way I was Genetically Born...Thanks :)

    4. You just mentioned Genetics, which basically means what? They were born that way correct.

      I never said it's her fault for being born with that fat distribution.

      I just said that it's a lazy thing to opt for surgery. She can reduce her breasts through diet.

      So who are we to tell someone that if their body stores more fat in their breasts, stomachs, butt etc that are a Healthy weight.... that They Are Fat?

      1) I never called anyone, as a person "fat" since "fat" as a personal designation or a label is SUBJECTIVE. What to you is fat person, may not be to me. I called these girls "overweight", which is very measurable and objective, and not a matter of taste.

      2) Aside from fat BMI deniers who never offer evidence, the science on weight is pretty settled. The medical issues associated with carrying certain weight at certain heights are very well proven.

      These girls boobs were said to weight 20 pounds on top of average weighing boobs... That by definition means they are 20 pounds heavier than a girl of an equal build otherwise.

      And you wonder why people are so self conscious and have low self esteem....

      Because they're stupid? What one feels bad about or has low-self-esteem is their choice and only their choice.

      The individual chooses what to feel bad about. Spoiled americans have bad self-esteem and feel bad about not having the latest shooes or the latest cellphone, while billions of people through the world starve.

      The american chooses to feel bad and experience low-self-esteem about not having an xbox, while someone in an indian village would feel happy and grateful for life to simply live to 40 years old and feel happy and cheerful for life.

    5. So being Overweight and Being Fat is different? Stop trying to wiggle around this they mean the same.. one is just a more nice or politically correct way of saying it..And what does being an american have to do with anything...The Doc we are debating on was made in Britain what the hell is your problem?

    6. So being Overweight and Being Fat is different?

      -> "Overweight person" is a clinical term that has a well defined objective criteria.

      -> "Fat person" is a subjective term often used to insult people that has no objective or measurable basis in fact or reality. It's used to mean something looks "fatty" as in the fat is distributed in unpleasing ways in the perception of the judger.

      -> A woman can be overweight and never be called fat (if she stores all her weight in her boobs and butt for example).

      -> A woman can be normal-weight and be called fat, if she tries to get into modelling, moves to certain cities or hangs out with certain people.

      And what does being an american have to do with anything...

      What does self-esteem have to do with anything? You brought it up and I'm just giving you examples of how subjective and individual self-esteem is.

      What an american feels low-self-esteem over is different from what an indian feels it over, to what a tall person does over, to what a short person does over etc... etc.

      The actual topic before your derailment was surgery

      I state that these girls are lazy. They would consider risking their life and attempt surgery over simply dieting away what they dislike.

      That in my opinion is lazy and stupid.

    7. Still kind of shallow Alek..

      A woman can be a normal-weight and be called fat, if she tries to get into modeling, moves to certain cities, hangs out with certain people.

      You do know that you can be over-weight or fat however you want to define it and can be a model right?

      You are Stereotyping point blank period. Just like you are stereoptyping by saying lazy people prefer surgery.. You are uttering alot of nonsense...

      Like i don't know what else to tell you after this...this is getting on my nerves.

    8. Still grasping for straws K...

      You do know that you can be over-weight or fat however you want to define it and can be a model right?

      Yes, and what does that have to do with the topic.

      I didn't say that you can't be overweight and be a model. I said a person might (as an example) be called "fat" by some people including a myriad of random examples... to illustrate that you can be called for any damn darn random reason by any darn random person. It's completely subjective.

      The girl in the video, medically, she's still overweight, by medical formulas.

      I don't know anyone who would call her fat, I just simply don't. I would call her beautiful myself. That however doesn't change the law of physics and medicine.

      You are Stereotyping point blank period. Just like you are stereoptyping by saying lazy people prefer surgery.. You are uttering alot of nonsense...

      I didn't say that lazy people prefer surgery. I never made the generalization, you did. I was talking about a particular, individual case.

      I said that in this particular case considering surgery is the lazy way out.

      Like i don't know what else to tell you after this...this is getting on my nerves

      Yes logic and truth are very unnerving. Especially when you try to get an ego boost by playing out superiority and you're caught BS-ing :)

    9. How is the girl in the video medically overweight? You still have not answered that question. The law of physics and medicine no Wait....Never Mind Then We'll get into something else...

      And to the last part of your blabbering..... :P LOL

    10. Having large breast doesn't mean that a woman is over weight. If a girl has a 28 band size that means she has a 26-28 inch waist. How can you be overweight is a small waist.

    11. Because the medical term "overweight" only refers to total weight being over a certain level. The term overweight doesn't mean "looks fat". It also doesn't mean "has a fat face and belly".

      For example, steroid-filled professional bodybuilders have 0% bodyfat and tiny waists, but they are medically overweight by the strict definition of the word "overweight". Some people mistakenly use the word overweight to mean "overfat", but that's incorrect, because there are people who are overweight without being overfat, i.e. bodybuilders.

      They have all the problems related with being overweight. The term only means that you carry too much weight for your frame. It doesn't matter where the weight comes from (muscle or fat) and it doesn't matter where you store it.

      Some people have genetics where they can be 30 pounds overweight but have a tiny waist (all their fat goes to their hips, or their shoulders or whatever)

    12. Do some research. Breast size is largely genetic. And they are also comprised of muscle. Ever think it might be hard to excersize with incredible back pain? Get a clue. Also, maybe get some therapy. Anyone with so little empathy, and an obviously skewed body image clearly needs professional help.

  49. Girls I want you to realize something. Even though you might hate your large breasts now because its socially awkward, your going to love them later on down the road. I am a 52 year old single grandmother. My husband died a few years back and now that I have gotten back into the dating scene, men love that I have a large chest. I have also noticed that younger men from the ages of 22 through 35 are more attracted to women with a larger bust size. I am a 42 E and I love the fact that I am looked at when I walk by a man. It gives me confidence and makes me feel wonderful and beautiful inside. Don't be ashamed of what you were blessed with girls. Just rock what your mama gave you :)

    1. Didn't know Joshua could be a girl's name. 52 and attracting 22? You must have something i don't have.

  50. Porcelain..We should raise money for you :)

  51. Big boobs are beautiful

  52. I'm flat chested, A cup size. I love my breasts because they can still be squeezed. However, I do get depressed, especially when shopping for clothes. Clothes don't fit right on my body. The shirts feel that I need to be a size C cup... I don't know any size small or size 6 person who has a C cup, unless she went to have breast enlargement. The pants are a nightmare. I have a tiny hips but a set of large butt and thighs. *sighs* There aren't any jeans or pants for that body type. The pants that are out now are for women with lots of hip, a lump for a butt and skinny thin chicken legs. If you don't know what I'm talking about look at the scene girls... that's who these clothing companies make clothes for...f^ck!!! I have to custom make my own clothes which is a pain. Why should I have to sew my own clothes just to be presentable for my work... why can't these companies stop being @ssholes and start making clothes that fit on everyone... d@mn!I have to go through second hand stores to find clothes that fit properly. Anyways I know what these women are going through when they state that cloth shopping is really difficult for them... it's difficult for us flat chested, small hipped, big butt and thighs women too.

    I also want to add that I sympathize these women because I've seen my mother and grandmother struggle with their large breasts. They both have back pains and difficulty in sleeping because of their large breasts.

    1. I'm a size 6 and a 34C :-P au natural

  53. all the more reason to move to britain. the settlers left the busty chicks behind I guess.

  54. The fact is that breast is a sex-signal. Bigger - better. Ask all girls with small breast if they like to have yours...

    1. As a flat chested WOMAN (not girl), I would rather keep my small boobs thank you. I've seen and heard too many horror stories regarding having large breasts that I stay clear away from surgery or anything else trying to convince me my breasts aren't good enough, especially shallow men. Besides my tiny boobies have attracted real intelligent gentlemen, and very few jerks. I truly believe that if I had a breast enlargement, I would properly only attract retarded, shallow, ugly on the inside types. I'm very happy with my small breasts.

  55. if u think its good for you, then go ahead and do the breast reduction

  56. okay im 12 years old i wear a size 36ddd im bigger than most of my family i hate going to school because i have to cover up all my shirts are bigger than anyone else would getting a reduction this young be bad because gym hurts really bad and i cant sleep on my back or my stomach because i fell like im squishing my boobs and my sides are sore i dont no what to do

    1. If you really feel uncomfortable physically then that is a big problem. try talking with your parents about a possible breast size reduction. my friend did it when she was 14 and she's never been more relieved!

    2. Go for a bra fitting at a reputial boutique! It will make a huge diffenece, I did not go untill after considering breast reduction sugery at 16, and I wish I had gone earlier. After having a size that will support you, learn to accept yourself the way you are we are all meant to be differnt shapes. I'm sure your beautiful!

    3. As one of the women did in the video, consider an exercise regime that DOESN'T just depend on diet and cardio... resistance training ( which many women don't seem to find feminine) is the key to keeping or slightly increasing your muscle mass percentage. Losing body fat percentage...JUST with diet and cardio is really hard! Your body wants to hang on to that stored energy. If you throw in resistance training you use three tools to meet your goal, not just two, and you don't have to do crazy diets and time doing cardio to do it. Besides, being a little stronger never hurt anybody's self esteem.

  57. think of it this way. women with large breasts can put lots of money inside there bra cup. smaller women cant carry that much.

  58. I don't have any complaints either babe. Would love to check them out sometime too!!

  59. Amen no doubt

  60. Hogwash. I get the talk of your sick of large breasts but no women wants to be "average" especially while young. Woman prefer their large breasts if they have them if not the plastic surgeons wouldn't be doing such a brisk business. Any women getting surgery to overly reduce regrets the decision afterwards. Case in point Queen Latifah? Who you say? Thats just it, it wrecked her career. Another young star was on a show with Carroll O'connor when she was little she developed and the roles poured in, suddenly she got the "I want to be like everyone else disease" guess what she got the surgery and her wish was granted, the roles stopped and she became a nobody. This is a women dilemma, never once have I ever heard a guy say I wish I had a smaller penis, I wish I was shorter, I wish I had no hair, I wish I wasn't musle bound, I wish I could get a tan. Its silly, you have a gift and unless its to prevent some dreadful family disease like cancer or your older, or its to bring it within reasonable proportions don't do it. Enhancement they got down, reduction is a butcher job.

    1. Secondly, women with larger breasts naturally are also usually larger elsewhere. More fat = bigger boobs. It's never healthy to have too much fat/body fat on you.

    2. that's a lie.

    3. ANGELA s: No, it's not a lie. Pick up a book once in a while. It is biologically impossible for a skinny girl with a low body fat percentage to have large breasts naturally. But of course, a fat woman *had to* comment on it. ;)

    4. it is possible...i hab afren wo is so so skinny bt hab a large boobs

    5. Disagree with you. I was quite skinny when i was young even called Olive Oil at times, and i did have big boobs. The human body comes in all shape and forms.
      Would you also think that a skinny guy can't have a big dickeroo....wrong!

    6. Azilda: There is nothing to "disagree" with. I have no idea what you mean by "quite skinny", but I'm pretty sure that's not what's skinny to me. A skinny girl will NEVER have large breasts naturally - it's biologically IMPOSSIBLE. Natural boobs are made of fat and tissue ONLY. A skinny girl with low body fat % will not have big boobs as she is "deficient" on fat. Read a book on biology for gods sake.

      A guy's dick has nothing to do with body fat percentage. Get a clue.

    7. What sweeping generalisations you make. Please give references to those biology books you have read on this particular subject.

      I have known many women who have been on the thinner side with large breasts. I`ve known fat women with small boobs. Be scientific. Open your eyes and go watch some women walking about. They're all shapes and sizes! Humanity doesn't seem to fit your cookie cutter.

      And whilst Azilda's dick analogy might be a bad one, there's no need to be so patronising and rude. You've also basically called her a liar. If she says she was thin and was well endowed then I would be happy to take that as fact.

    8. I agree the dickaroo comparison/joke was irrelevant.
      The daughter of one of my friend, was very very petite but her breast were huge, many people thought she might have had them augment...but no even at 15 they were size D+ even though she was barely 110 pounds. As for me, in my teenage years i was 5'6", 114 pounds average and C bra...does that sound disproportionate to you?

    9. Yavanna: Generalisations? Please give me ONE example of a petite woman with low body fat % and large breasts naturally. It does not exist, it is not possible. It is indeed possible to have large breasts naturally if you are slim, but at the same time a high body fat % - this is called skinny fat, but this is not what I'm talking about. What you think of as petite/skinny might not be what is skinny to me (most likely).

      Please read what I'm actually writing. Angela S was the one calling what I said "a lie". I'm in medical school, just open ANY book about biology/the human body/fat and you will find out.

    10. so basically you are talking about masculine body building women with extremely low body fat who no longer get their periods right? with body fat %age so low there is no way they could have are a *****, the reason women have a tendency to maintain a certain body fat percentage is because we give birth, and some of us even still use our breasts to actually breast feed. there is a difference between being healthy, and being obese ok, & these minor differences you are talking about, "fat skinny" c vs. d cup are all really subjective matters of opinion, relative to personal taste...

    11. Itanimulli

      I understand what you are trying to suggest with the use of body fat percentages, as breasts are 80% fat (perhaps this is the evidence you were meaning). However, If a woman has a low body fat percentage (as measured with the 7 skinfold test) this does not mean she must have small breasts. Having large breasts (naturally) will increase her BF% but not enough to make her no longer "skinny".
      Perhaps one reason you are so strongly convinced that women with low BF% cannot have big breasts is because a 32DD is smaller than a 36DD. If a woman who had a 32DD cup size instead had the breasts of a woman with a 36DD it would definitely increase her BF%. Cup size is relative to body size.
      Being a student in a health profession myself, I went into different databases (including Pubmed, Cochrane and CINAHL) but could not find articles showing the relationship between bodyfat percentage and breast size. Your justification for not providing references for the EVIDENCE you give has been that we would be unable to view it, not being medical students. I can, or I can get access to specialized literature if you would be so kind as to supply me with a reference?

    12. I know all of this, nothing in my previous comments tells you that I DON'T know that a 32DD is smaller than a 36DD. Anything over a 34 band is large, meaning the person is not particularly slim. Evidence? It's how the body works - you can't gain weight in ONE area, neither can you loose weight in just one area. It is biologically impossible. I have yet to find a woman who is actually slim (not just saying she is slim on the interwebz), low natural bf % and large breasts. Why do you think models such as Jordan Carver and Denise Milani can get away with saying they have natural breasts when they are in fact 100% fake?

    13. I have 10% body fat, which is very low for a woman. I'm 5'2, weigh 7 and 1/2 stone, and my bra size is 32E. I know several people with low body fat percentages who also have large breasts.

    14. Even women within the fitness industry on-season don't get that low. Measure your fat percentage again, properly this time. Get a PT to measure your fat percentage with a fat caliper, not a machine or something else. Also, almost 50 kg for someone at 157 cm is average. If you had such a low fat %, why are you not weighing more as muscles weigh more than fat? Very contradicting, and most likely, just BS. And another thing - large bra size does not mean big breasts. 32E equals 36C.

    15. 32E is big on a small body.

    16. Azilda: Weight alone is basically usless. Plus, a person weighing less is usually unfit and "skinny fat". Muscles weigh more than fat. I'm talking about skinny + low body fat %. Women like that will never have large breasts without implants. Most people have a rather high body fat %, it is absolutely possible to have large breasts naturally while being "skinny fat". Also, I don't consider a C-cup large. Maybe that's where you've misunderstood me. A large cup-size for me is at least DD+.

    17. Ahhhh so you are a medical student and yet still no references. Medical students are just sooooooooooooo amazing.........

      Quote book. Quote chapter. Quote passage. Otherwise like with so many many many other posters I will just otherwise have to cite BS on your part.

      Matey, no offence you are a child. Again....go look at some ladies (I`m guessing they might not be your preference)................

      And Yeesh I know how to read yet you severely lack the ability to understand.....

      And yes once again I insist I have met these mythical creatures that are thin that have natural big mamms exist!!!!! Jumping Jesus Frankenstein Christ!!! You really are going to end up being in a medical profession????!!! Please don't try to fix me!

      Go out. Look at mamms!!!! And btw why is this such a huge issue with you?

      Edit My sister is thin and has big breasts; It's not something I prefer to document. Maybe you might want to trust me on that.

    18. Sorry you asked for one example. Erm do you want her address? Her Pic, Her website? Be more specific. Best ask Azilda she is here listening in. Or liek I said - GO OUTSIDE! Basement at mom's is not the world's end!

    19. Yavanna: You asked for specific books, I don't have any to recommend as it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Natural breasts are made of fat and tissue ONLY, look it up if you think it is "BS". I have already asked you for ONE example of a skinny woman with low body fat % and large natural breasts, yet you fail to answer. I could not care less about your sister. No point in going out and being a creep staring at breasts since most women wear push-up/wonderbras or have breast implants, even natural-looking tear drop implants. It is impossible to say whether a clothed woman has natural breasts or not.

      You are the one making dumb comments, have you ever read a book about the anatomy of the human body? I think not.
      I guess it all goes down to this: fat and insecure women will continue to be fat and insecure.

      It is also comical how you continue on speculating whether I am a heterosexual/gay/bi/whatever. You don't even know my gender. How stupid can you be? Seriously. Get to the gym and gain some confidence instead.

    20. i was just readin this convo about skinny women havin small boobs well first of all wen i was younger i was about 7 and a half stone and had size 38 D boobs nd they were very natural so im your proof and also itanimulli u seem to like talkin down to people like sayin things like get to the gym nd tryin to say that its common knowledge that skinny girls have small boobs which is definately not true so before u start tryin to put people down mabey try nd get ur facts right.

    21. Please learn to write, I understand half of what you're trying to say. 7 years old and 38D boobs? What?!
      And no, it's not possible to be SKINNY and have large (DD+) boobs. You are not skinny with average to low body fat % if you have naturally large boobs. It's biologically impossible. Also, a larger bra size does not mean the actual boobs are big. Go measure your body fat % with a professional, I'm sure you will be surprised at how high it is, even if you LOOK normal.

    22. I think what Chole Lafferty was say is "when she was younger, she weighted 7 and 1/2 stone" not that she was seven years old! She missed a comma so what?
      It very much is possible to be skinny, healthy and to have large breasts. I run every day, I eat healthy, and I play volleyball three times a week. I am a 30H bra size. Yes breasts are made of fat tissue but also muscle. Breast size is biologically determined by life style and GENETICS! Just because a woman has big breast does not mean she is not healthy! Calling women with big breasts fat (not skinny as you put it) is extremely rude and insensitive, I think you need to watch the documentary again, and try having some empathy because we all have different body types and DO look normal.
      I'm sure if you went to a professional psychologist you would be surprised at how much of an ass you are.

    23. Itanimulli, YES it is possible to be SKINNY and have DD+ breasts. I am 4' 11", 105 lbs, and am a size 28G. I have never had anyone call me anything but tiny. People always say, "Gosh your boobs are so big for how skinny you are." Key word: skinny. No one is talking about body fat % here. Body fat % doesn't measure how you LOOK or how SKINNY you are. And I seriously doubt anyone here that leads a healthy lifestyle has had any nutrition/fat issues because of the amount of fat on their chests UNLESS they were overweight in the first place. I am healthy, have large breasts, and quite frankly...have no reason to care about my body fat % because big breasted women can be IN SHAPE.

    24. How refreshing. I believe what ever size you were, you would be happy with it. I myself would love to see you as I think your ideal, but the best thing about you would be your confidence. Send picture.

    25. and also, Chloe was not saying that she was 7 years old with size 38D breasts. She was saying that her weight was 7 and a half stone at the time. Britains money currency is in pounds, so instead of saying pounds when they refer to weight they use the "stone system".

    26. "Please learn to write, I understand half of what you're trying to say. 7 years old and 38D boobs? What?!" dude, she said, "wen i was younger i was about 7 and a half stone." you claim to know better about women's bodies than women themselves, but you've got the reading comprehension ability of a preschooler. lol. do you have any credentials that make you the boob expert here? your ignorance is obvious.

    27. Wow! You really are pig headed, not to mention rude, pedantic and fail!

      Despite me giving two real life examples of women who are thin and have large breasts and Azilda providing herself as a third example you simply cannot grasp the simple notion of EVIDENCE. Cool huh : look I can be patronising and type in caps too!

      Again you imply that people don't read books. Yet you still cant mention ONE. And you are supposed to be a medical student?! Maybe you kids today get all your facts from pod-casts these days. Perhaps your common knowledge will get you through your medical training. Your lack of worldly experience wont. It fails on so many levels.

      I`d glad you find my responses comical. It will give you something else to smile about whilst gazing lovingly at the mirror at your gym. My confidence is doing just fine thank you.

      (No need to reply - we are done)

    28. Yavanna: Are you dense? I could not care less about your sister. Your sister is most likely not as skinny with low body fat as I'm talking about either. I'm talking about well known people with actual pictures on the interwebz. If it existed we would've seen it in Hollywood or the celebrity world in general, as that's where the focus on being skinny is the worst. Azilda has only mentioned her weight and cup size - which is useless. A C-cup is not large, even stick thin girls uses 30C, even though they're almost flat. Large bra size does not mean the actual breasts are big. And again, I'm not talking about skinny fat girls, but girls with a LOW BODY FAT PERCENTAGE. Got it now?

      No point in mentioning books when they're not available to buy for people not in medical school. And as I've already said: it is common knowledge. You'll find this info in any book about the human body.

      Also, by looking at your profile and your other comments my "fat and insecure women" comment hit the nail in the coffin. You're probably old too based on your sour attitude and comments. I guess women don't age as well as wine anyway.

    29. WOW YOU CAN TELL YOU ARE A MAN!! You are right men dont go around talking about they wish they had a smaller penis. But real Women who go for a reduction does not always mean they want to be average. Women who go for a breast reduction is due to years of being unhappy with their body. it may be due to back pain or fashion pains as vain as that may sound. but im pretty sure if your penis was so big you couldnt find pants that would zip up right you would be tired of having to go to a specialty store for your pants and undergarments. What if your penis was so big you couldnt run or jump because the bounce factor caused you pain? What would your thoughts be like then? Just wondering since you want to compare a big penis to large breast!

    30. Here's another perspective: Suppose your penis were large enough that most women who had slept with you with thought of you as "the painful one". Would you really not wish for a smaller penis?

      Here's a hint to guys who may be longer than average, or who may just prefer petite women: For a long time, when I was much younger, there were women would say to me "Oww!. That's hurting me", but no matter what I tried doing differently, I'd get the same response and would end up having to stop before we got very far. It wasn't until I dated an especially intuitive woman who realized that I couldn't instinctively know what "that" meant, and who knew how to explain what she was feeling to a person who lacked a vagina, that I started getting "repeat invitations".

      Guys, that thing you may feel yourself bump into back there is called the "cervix", and is filled with sensitive nerve fibers. Many women, especially petite women, can feel excruciating pain when you bang into it. Other women seem to like it. But if you can't understand what she means when she says you are hurting her, this is probably it. If so, to keep from hurting her, you might try something that provides the effect of shortening yourself without resorting to actual drastic measures.

      "doggy style" could be one solution, but here is another:

      If you have a creative bent, get a small but THICK WALLED donut shaped balloon. Fill it with that blue gel they use in ice packs and seal it. Warm it to about 100°F. It'll hold that temperature for a long time, and your own body temperature will keep it from cooling down. You probably don't need much imagination to figure out how to use it. As an added bonus, the extra external stimulation from the jiggling warmer than body temperature gel may be a real treat for her.

      And here's an even simpler idea for those who might want a smaller penis: Take it slow, be tender, be caring, and most of all, "make love" to her instead of "banging" her!

    31. Thanks - I am actually gargantuan. This helped me a lot.

    32. Do large penis' give you back pain? If they do then I would definatly suppport any man that wants to get a reduction. I do agree that we should first learn to accept our selves the way we are, and that plastic surgery wheter a reduction or enhancment (or nose job) should be a last result. But if accepting yourself with both physical and phycological problems will only happen after surgery than go for it

  61. I can totally relate. I am a 34FF and would love to be normal size.

    1. You are normal baby!

  62. I dont know what is wrong with these women! Most women with larger boobs have better milk storage areas and can continue to breastfeed babies through their second year, which makes babies smarter and healthier than other prematurely weaned babies! Count your blessings ladies!!

    1. My breasts are 32JJ and beside the expected problems with running, backpain and sagginess I cannot find clothing to fit them. I do mean FIT - not drown in swathes of fabric. Every shopping trip is a depression inducing drudgery.

      Why don't I have a reduction?

      I cannot afford it, think it is highly frivolous & wasteful on the NHS and ulitimately - why should I have to chop off my perfectly functioning flesh in order to get my body to fit in clothes made by other people?!

      For an smaller/flat chested women who are jealous I suggest you strap two bags of sugar to your chest for a month a have fun trying to find bra's and clothes that don't make you look like a clown or an aged fat person. I'm 27 for Christ's sake - I want to look and feel like a (fairly) young person.

  63. they are beautiful like that

  64. Pfft, A cups for the win!

    1. Oh how I evny the flat chested. To be able to waltz into Primark and buy matching bra&panties for a fiver *sob!*

  65. Seems like there is always something to complain about. Majority of women now pay for fake boobs, and these girls are blessed with big breasts and they see it as a curse. People can't just be happy with what they have

    1. Refer to my above post re: big tits. Fake tits will stay upright for a lot longer that naturals but ultimately gravity will catch up. I will enjoy watching these crazy fake-chested ladies trying to find a supportive bra!

  66. You've very pretty and would be with our without big boobs. I'm sorry you're having trouble - but you look great :)

  67. i just luv big breasts .. muuuuuaaaahhghhh

  68. I think I'm disturbed by the fact that this growing breast size is likely due to hormone-loaded food.

    1. thank god for hormone

  69. I have 38 C size breasts, I think anymore than that they will
    sag when you get older. I have found that men prefer smaller
    breats....or fake ones not natural saggy ones

  70. I saw this documentary and have to say that Annie said it best when she referred to these girls sense of self-esteem. So quick were they to want to alter their appearance until they realized that they actually looked very pretty and came to the realization that they REALLY liked the attention.

    My wife who is a natural 34 H has contemplated a reduction on a couple of occasions. I told her to wear an Ace bandage around her torso to mash her breasts down for an entire weekend. She reported that she hated the way she looked in clothes and that she felt fat because she no longer had her curves. I'll say as a witness to this that she really missed the glances she always received from both men and women - the approving glances that let her know how pretty she is. After that weekend she hasn't spoken of a reduction surgery since. She's incredible looking even after having children-the slight sag adds to the appeal.

    It's also very telling that each of the girls at the end of the documentary decided to do nothing about their breast size and actually seemed quite pleased at their appearance and how the world perceives them.

  71. i need a big breast friend

  72. i have DDDs naturally and i don't have one complaint.

  73. Yall ladies needa open up and lemme stick my hill billy willy down there

    1. get help

  74. The comments on this page are truly disgusting and reinforce why these women feel so insecure with their bodies.

  75. Well personally, I love my breasts. My friends often comment how I'm always touching them, but to be honest, they help me think better. Weird, heh?

    1. no not all us men encourage you to keep touching your breast you do really sound smart

  76. I really was hoping we would see these three naked :(

  77. I had the breast reduction surgery 12 years ago, when I was 18, and I have not regretted it for a single second. My entire adolescence was hell trying to find clothes that fit, going to the gym, etc. I definitely recommend this surgery to anyone that needs it. The scars are nothing compared to the ordeal of having to carry that much weight around, especially that gravity works it's way.

    1. ladies this article was writting when she was drunk she recanted her statement later saying she misses her breast and has no boyfriend if you have big breast so them off and be happy

  78. hi can ask women would have any lingerie to sell

  79. No offense, but I think I am going to move to Great Britain.

  80. Small breasts can feed children just like big breasts can. That's what breasts are for, not for men to ogle.

  81. Breasts are not a gift from God, it's from the genes. God doesn't exist.

    1. if god did exist he would love big breasts amen

  82. breast reduction is a very common procedure to those persons are very fat'`:

  83. In response to, "My Big Breasts & I".... I was really appalled at the focus of this show. I do not believe for a second this program was written to showcase the daunting challenges stacked women face... If they are having difficulty finding a bra they aren't looking in the right places... Instead I believe this show was designed to make women with small boobs feel better about their inadequacies.

    The commentary was especially ridiculous... According to the narrator the redhead's modeling career was prevented because her boobs were too large. Why ridicule this poor girl's only desirable quality? Aside from her big breasts, she is as plain as a mud fence. I think her ugly face and messed up crooked smile wrecked her modeling career well before she was even an A cup.

    Another revealing example of the subversive and misleading nature of this program was obviated during the exercise portion, when the brunette who had been pictured as a clown when the doctor discussed how historically big breasts were funny was trying to exercise. First of all, I believe the good Dr. had mistaken the comedy of large breasts for the comedic nature of fat people. This woman is overweight to begin with, regardless of her breast size. The sequence of her running on the treadmill with the circus music playing became an objective correlative for the earlier portrayal of her as a clown, and the doctor saying people do not take big breasted women seriously... I take breasts very seriously.

    There is so much subjectivity in this program, and very little fact... It really made me angry that BBC could produce a whole hour long program about big boobs as the enemy... when we all know they are our friends. Ridiculing large natural breasts IS like slapping god in the face. This program was not about big boobs getting in the way, it was really about how people will make excuses, misdirecting the reasons for their failures by diverting attention to the one thing that is always impressive about them.

    The commentator did get one thing right when she said "In a world that says bigger is better, three ORDINARY women..." Bigger is better, and these women were ordinary, despite their large breasts. These women know they have extraordinary boobs, and are frustrated that in spite of having that one great quality they are still ordinary in every other way. They are frustrated that great boobs are not going to make all their dreams come true.

    Really, what would any of them have without awesome titts? The funny, and most telling part about the whole crappy show was the conclusion. For the entire hour of whining, jealousy, and self-deprecation leading up to resolution, the only big-tittied ordinary woman who had pretended to consider a surgical reduction decided not to. Because of scars? Or because she might as well cut off her leg? I don't know, but I felt stupid for watching it.

  84. women with big breast are great but depends on how they present themselves and how they feel about themselves and their large breast.
    women who have significent others or have husbands who appreciate them should feel great having men adore you. women with lage breast should appreciate the fact men love women like you and enjoy giving and receiving pleasure of feeling something so great on a woman and and being close to a good woman with large assets as breast. i am a large breast loving man who loves and apreciates women like you, you rock.

  85. Jodie Oliver is so hot!

  86. Big boobs rule! Fact!



  88. The way breast reduction for women, and men is being pushed by the medical community is not health care, but butchery for profit.

    Men who have breast tissue, in most cases, look fine yet they are sold a ton of insecurity by medical practitioners eager to put more people under the scalpel.

    For women and men, large breasts are a gift that God has bestowed upon you, just as we all are given certain attributes, so make the best of it. Almost none of the cases of surgical breast reduction are medically necessary, and such butchery based on false cosmetic ideals should be a crime.

    Men with enlarged breasts and women with exceptionally large breasts look just fine and should not be brain-washed into getting surgery.

  89. I think you should take adgantage of them and enjoy them (:

    1. and leave other men enjoy them

  90. Really big breasts are assets as I think really sexy and senous to touch and enjoy and they help to have good sex and mental satifaction of having sex with big breasted women with pushing and sucking them and they look still nice during lactation

  91. I don't understand why only one of them got bra-fitting. All of them are wearing wrong size bra. Whatever they choose - surgery, diet, exercise, psychotherapy, magic pills; wearing the right size of bra is essential.

    1. I completly agree I was seriously considering breast reduction surgery when I was 16 untill had a proper bra fitting.

  92. Sure these women have nothing to complain about these days.
    So they complain about big breasts. If they hate them so much, why they show themselves wearing a bra in a documentary, and walking in their day life with a clear cleavage?

    Wow, I hate these kind of women. "I'm fed of of being looking like a sex object". SO COVER YOUR BOOBS, LADY!

    1. I hate your kind of people! Just try walking in to any store and find a shirt that will cover them! It is difficult fashion just does not make them! They are in the documentary to try and give perspective to idiots like you! When your cleavage is the size that theirs is, it is impossible to fully cover short of wearing turtlenecks every day, in every weather!

    2. Covered or not, big boobs are so big. No one should be pigenholed into a sterotype because of how their body is naturally, genetically. Enjoy your life as a sexist, misogynistic ***.

  93. I have large breasts. I've never had the self-esteem issues that these women have. Learning to be happy with what you have doesn't mean settling it means being satisfied.

  94. Breast documentary ever.

    1. is your name Booby size D?

  95. After watching this and "My Penis and Everyone Else's" I'm even more convinced that the pressure that people put on themselves is actually due to initial expectations/reactions of the opposite sex. Furthermore, people more often than not have huge misconceptions concerning the opposite sex, whether it be b/c of things like what is now mainstream porn.

    These things considered it seems absolutely necessary that documentaries such as this be put out, even in schools, so that the average person can in fact be happy living an average life.

  96. Men excites if their women have big boobs they feel everything is complete while on the scene of sex and ecstasy. Men feel that they are jockeys on a horse racing and touching big boobs makes full orgasm quickly when they think they are pulling away.

  97. Breast size is on the increase throughout the world, especially in the developed countries. The incidents of
    macromastia are up dramatically as well. I cannot resist linking at this point a favourite forum of mine on this point:

  98. i need big breast please advice me.

  99. refreshing to see professional women photographers taking pictures of young women with big breasts.. makes it all less sleazy

  100. I think it's kinda funny that here are these women talking about their struggles, how people look at them as sex object and there's a porn advertisement popping out of the video window. Irony? I think so.

  101. thank you for uploading the documentary! it was amazing

    1. Its up to women who have gone through teasing, leers, bad boob jokes and carrying extra flesh that is there chest. If surgery reduction or exercise is need than that's what they do.
      I like huge breasts but if its causing problems for girl friends or
      lovers it their decision with what to do with them.

    2. big breasts are great gifts a woman can get, boobs are the best and these women are ungrateful for not wanting them, i stay hours in the gym the get big muscular body and also pain, women get natural boobs and they still complain humans so ungraceful i love big boobs and men that hate on big boobs are gay or they like the little girl look and could be sickos

    3. Women being unhappy with there breasts are going though the same thing as men being unhappy with there muscel content, all of us are alowed to complain, becuse life is tough and complaining is a way of coping with the cards we were dealt.

    4. easy for you to call big-breasted women ungrateful because you're not the one suffering from bad pain, taunts, and difficulty in finding clothes that would fit. men's attention isn't everything. may naturally big-breasted women would rather live a normal life than have humongous breasts.