The Most Evil Men in History

Ratings: 7.86/10 from 106 users.

The Most Evil Men in HistoryThis series of programmes consists of episodes which profile evil men throughout history who have used their power to torture, kill, maim and eradicate millions of people.

Attila The Hun. Attila was Khan of the Huns. He is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity.

Bad King John. He murdered his nephew, inspired the legend of Robin Hood and caused the creation of Magna Carta.

Caligula. The Roman emperor's reign is a legendary frenzy of lunacy, murder, and perverse sexuality.

Francisco Pizarro. Francisco Pizarro was one of the European explorers who went to South America to colonize it and had natives murdered so he could plunder their gold and silver.

Hitler. Adolf Hitler tried to mold Germany and a large portion of the 20th century into his own twisted design. Luckily for posterity he failed but not before destroying the lives of millions of people.

Idi Amin. Idi Amin rose to become a brutal and utterly ruthless dictator who committed atrocities on his people.

Ivan the Terrible. Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar. He was also a devout theist.

Joseph Stalin. Perhaps 7 million or more people were shot with a total suppression of about 50 million under uncle Joe Stalin. One of the great tyrant's of the 20th century and indeed any century.

Nero. He brought the entire Roman Empire to the brink of collapse with his legendary excesses and cruelty.

Pol Pot. Responsible for the Killing Fields and Year Zero Pol Pot waged a gruesome war on his own population.

Rasputin. He was an uneducated peasant who gained a reputation as a faith healer. His strange behavior and incredible influence over the imperial family made him notorious and his death made him a legend.

Torquemada. Torquemada tortured and burned thousands of innocent Spaniards and expelled Spains Jewish population. Thomas De Torquemada was head of the Spanish inquisition and was renowned for his cruelty.

Vlad the Impaler. Vlad is best known for the legends of the exceedingly cruel punishments he imposed during his reign and for serving as the primary inspiration for the vampire main character in popular Dracula novel.

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227 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Concerning lack of Genghis Khan, Timur, Maximilien Robespierre, Leopold II of Belgium, Talat Pasha, Shiro Ishii, Heinrich Himmler, Hirohito, Ayatollah Khomeini, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele (this one definitely must be added), and Yahya Khan

    1. History is written for the interests of the present. Truth is no one truly knows history’s facts except those that where their. If in today’s world you do not believe everything you read, how can we be so sure everything that one or two people wrote at the time in the far past was the true facts.... we can’t

  2. In the list there are missing the following people: Catherine the Great, Leonid Brezhnev, Harry S. Truman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the evilest man in mankind History), and at least two names should be deleted: Rasputin, and Tomás de Torquemada, almost a saint; he exterminated, or expelled from Spain, the usurers of Asian origin, the calamitous Jews.

    1. We should add to the list of the evilest persons in history the name "Alejandro Ochoa."

  3. Good day, I would like to find out where I can buy a copy of "The Most Evil Men in History". It is for our school Library (Fairmont High School, Durbanville, Cape Town) and was requested by our History Dept.
    Thank you

  4. oh and limiting your commentary to western civilization history makes you both unlearned and racist.....almost completely ignoring the history of every piece of land on the planet except Europe and that special target of progressive contempt North America...okay excluding the various sunny islands, Canada and Mexico of course

  5. reading these comments proves clearly that less than intellectual progressives are in complete control of teaching what's considered history today. Howard Zinn is not exactly scholarly he was trendy for the lazy brained fools that matriculated in the 60's......seriously these are some of the most asinine comments ever posted about anything and if the above kind of commentary is what considered intellectual its pretty clear few of you earn enough to actually pay federal taxes that the IRS doesn't return to you along with your dubiously labeled earned income tax credit. Pathetic

    1. seme-u cant cover everything in one shot bub. when a film company makes a film, they generally gear it towards there target audience and wanna keap it relevant to that audience. don t really see how thats racist... n what are u goin on about with ur income tax rant... stay on point , get a life, n if u dont like or agree with material presented, don t f n watch it. at least keap your obnoxious bs comments to urself. no one wants to hear your complaints.

  6. George Washington, Jackson, and let us never forget the one we reference in my Clan to as the Black Wasp of death the skull bashing Trail boss General Grant. And last but not the least Joseph Smith who killed hundreds of us Cherokee and stole parts our knowledge to spiritualy and financially exploit the whites.

  7. Trueman must share the honour and satanic award for killing maximum number of people in one go by couple of nuclear strikes.
    He is the swiftest gruesome killer of humanity and foremost among the anti Christ and the greatest killer of Christian teachings. I wonder with what face and mind the fellow could have been saying his prayers before Christ.. Only person so far in history of man kind who killed maximum people in a fraction of minutes.

    1. Really, Truman . First of all get your spelling right you anti American socialist. Truman not Trueman you loser. President Truman measured the amount of American soldiers and Japanese soldiers and civilians that would have been killed if we invaded Japan. The numbers are mind boggling. We would have lost 1 to 2 million Americans and 5 to 6 million Japanese. By dropping the so called bomb or I should say bombs. 2 to be exact. There were about 160 thousand people who died unfortunately. But Japan would have never surrendered and were arming and training women and children with kitchen knifes and anything they can use around the house to kill American soldiers. So by using the nukes president Truman actually saved millions of Americans and Japanese from a horrible death. I know the Japanese suffered horrible deaths from the bombs, but nothing compared if we had to attack Japan with are marines and army. Japan was never going to surrender. So we did what needed to be done. And you should thank God we invented the bomb first before Hitler or the Russians or the Japanese. Before the next time you put down our great country of America, do your research FIRST.

  8. Churchill the anti Christ is the greatest killer of mankind.
    Jinnah the PakistanI leader too was a great killer who gave the call for direct action against Hindus in 1947.and resulted in genocide and expulsions of Hindus in Pakistan.
    LB Johnson who orders needless action and killings in Vietnam and ordered bombing of North Vietnam.
    Mao Tse Tung

  9. Do not forget Churchill, the greatest killer of British and European youth.A drunkard, a terrorist who inspired and executed terrorist attacks on German women and children in East Europe, a psychopath who took succour and pleasure in war and it's outcome the dead martyrs.
    A man who needlessly threw Britain into a war which was not theirs. A man more dangerous than PolPot, Hitler and Stalin. Victor is alwas right saved him from bring branded as war criminal had gf lost the WW II. A man who had no remorse or pity for those who died for no cause in Europe. He was a megalomaniac and wanted to win ear for personal glory over dead bodies of innocent youth. A man who can be rightly called an evil man with sinister agenda of devil and who else. A man anti Christ and exact the opposite of Christian teachings. This fellow must be declared as the most evil of all demons and should be excommunicated from the humanity.

  10. And not a single american leader..... What a load of bullshit faggotry this is

  11. Is a story about Vlad the Impaler , he put a cup of gold near a spring to be used by the thirsty travelers . Who try to steal the cup was killed (impaled)
    Is a folk story , is true . Is possible is just a dream of Romanians for justice ...for a lord who care about poor people .... that is :)
    have a nice day

  12. Where is Muhammad? Islam has killed nearly 1 billion people in 1400 years. Muhammad started it all. Surely he should be in this documentary.

  13. What about Ante Pavelić, Croatian leader in WW2, responsible of genocide by gruesome killings of more then 750.000 Serbs in prison camps in Jasenovac?

  14. @Jerryhamilton, don't know where you studied history, but Hitler was at the top of his game. If he was going to surrender in 1940 or 41, why would he feel empowered to invade the Soviet Union?

    Churchill saved his country from Hitler. Come on, folks! At least do some research before leaving a comment!

  15. @shag - thank you for correcting @philatio. Also, FDR was DEAD when the atomic bombs were dropped and Japan still didn't surrender until the middle of August. It was dropped by Truman.

  16. Churchill was responsible for more deaths than anyone else in history.
    In 19401 Hitler was pressing for peace and offering to withdraw from all occupied lands.
    Churchill made the war continue.

    1. Don't make a comment unless you can give corroborative evidence for its authenticity, which you have failed to do thereby making your comment meaningless.

    2. sorry jerry but u b wrong. ur wrong jerry...hey jerry , ur wrong...

  17. All very evil, BUT... aren't we forgetting Bush(2), Kerry, Reagan, Clinton, Kissinger, Johnson, Roosevelt, Churchill, The Pope(all!), Welby, Rice, Blair, Heath, Thatcher, Cameron, Nixon, Obama etc....??

    1. Comments based on personal biases are worthless. All Popes? Prove it please.

  18. Forgot barry satoaro (the traitor in the white house or pinky house)

  19. Henry Kissinger should be #1

  20. Where is the mention of the Jewish Red Army, and the Katyn Forest Massare? The brutal take over of Russia with communism led by Jews?The murder of British soldiers when taking over Palestine? I could go on.....We know the media outlets are run by you guys, but keep it fair for goodness sake! Rwanda? Chairman Mao for executing 70 million of his own people in China at gun point after WWII? Oh come on! This is totally anti-European. Knock it off!

  21. Where is Mao?

    1. Look how no one even knew who that was enough to thumbs up your comment. This is blatant evidence of the anti-European propaganda!

    2. That is concerning.

  22. How could you forget Dick Cheney?

    1. I second that notion........

  23. This list failed to mention many other black African, Arab/Brown Caucasian, and yellow/Asian, and Ameri-Indian/Meso-American bad guys. Seems like they threw Pol Pot, and Idi Amin Dada in the mix just to avoid anyone noticing they're only focusing on white men. They refused to even go into any details about Idi Amin Dada or the readers would wonder why he wasn't at the top of the list. I guess those races I mentioned have so many horrible tyrants that the creator of this list figured why bother listing them. So Rasputin is on the list, but not Genghis Khan? This is another white guilt production....

  24. What ? Rasputin was evil ? How, he was a very good man.

  25. Rasputin was a great and honourable man. How come you say bad things about him. He was a wonderful man. How could he possibly be evil.

  26. Hitler was a piece of work !! What a nut bar !!!

    1. The Victor always retells his 'version' of the story. Maybe the people he attacked drove him to be a nut bar? This list forgot countless other people who of course, are not European.

  27. Great documentaries !!!Most informative a real history lesson !!!

  28. Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, Talat Basha, Enver Pasha, and Djemal Pasha; The Turkish rulers who massacred millions of Christians, Alawys, Armenians and Kurds!

  29. Euro centric indeed...

  30. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is an excellant candidate:

    A pedophile, polygamist, murderer, rapist, thief, extortionist and terrorist - whose ideology exists 1400 years later.

    Of 127 one sided armed conflicts in the world, 122 of those are represented by his death cult... the punishment for leaving the cult (apostacy) is death.

    There is a man responsible for 270 million deaths (and counting)

    1. You know there is another one 600 years older , right ? And let's not forget his father ! How many have they killed ???

  31. Most Cruel was Yazeed II maloon who killed the most innocent man in the entire universe Imam Hussein A.S

  32. why the f*CK is Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger is on the list?...

    1. Nixon got us out of Vietnam

    2. Isn't there enough Europeans for you as it stands on the list?

    3. Russians aren't just europeans, they're easterners too

  33. No King Leopold of Belgium? Responsible for the death of approx. 10 million Congolese in the late 1800s to early 1900's. The film Apocalypse Now is based on the book Heart of Darkness which just switches Vietnam w/ the Congo.

  34. Next Up:

    The Most Evil Women in History

    This series of programmes consists of episodes which profile evil women throughout history who have used their cunningness to manipulate, belittle, maim and emasculate millions of men throughout history.

    Such women include...

    Natasha Fatale - Product of Canada, known worldwide for her atrocities upon native

    species of raccoons and bullwinkles.

    Cruella De Vil - Gassed and profited from the sales of whale blubber perfume and puppy fur

    during the late 1980's of the Ronald Reagan administration.

    Maleficent - Since the mid Cold War she has tormented children with her malicious schemes involving highly viscous poison.

    Ursula - Insidious women know to have vanquished the souls of countless

    sea creatures over the Atlantic Ocean.

  35. only one is black, the rest are all white.
    White = EVIL

    1. You have no idea what your talking about.

    2. Would you like to be made to look like a fool or a nitwit? I can sit here and point out SO MUCH evil black leaders let aloe black people commit, as the guy above knows, """

      Hypnotized Minds 3 days ago

      This list failed to mention many other black African, Arab/Brown Caucasian, and yellow/Asian, and Ameri-Indian/Meso-American bad guys. Seems like they threw Pol Pot, and Idi Amin Dada in the mix just to avoid anyone noticing they're only focusing on white men. They refused
      to even go into any details about Idi Amin Dada or the readers would wonder why he wasn't at the top of the list. I guess those races I mentioned have so many horrible tyrants that the creator of this list figured why bother listing them. So Rasputin is on the list, but not Genghis Khan? This is another white guilt production....""""

      In the US alone, 98% of prison inhabitants are black, yet they occupy only 15% of the population. Walk through a black neighborhood at night, you risk being robbed and killed, its on the news everyday, but they wont say it like it is, theyll say two men shot a asian store owner, not two black men, because they probably arent allowed, afraid to have jesse jackson show up playing his notorious 30 year old race card that ran out decades ago. they wont say what are we gonna do about this black crime, only what are we gonna do about black on black crime. Blacks kill asians daily, and nothing is done for them, shooting arab cab drivers, african cab drivers, whites who are at mac machines.... etc etc. walk through a white neighborhood, you have nothing to worry about. Just a few tiny examples of your theory and its holes. Its a shame that people like you make the black people who are able to see reality, reality, that your view is outdated by decades. and notice that whites just voted a black guy president. Move on like black people from the times that there was actually a reason to use a statement like this, decades ago! Your grandfathers fought for your freedom, and this is what you do with it? Look at your culture, at least if you live the US Is oly place I ca speak of ., you got a lot more problems to worry aout than whitey. Fix your own peoples problems, breaking news, whitey ist the reason that lack me dont take care of their own kids, and there are so may single lack mothers. The lack fathers that do take care of their kids this is not aimed at you. As much as this may anger you, look i the mirror as a ppl, do I speak bulls*it, or is it just propagada? We have our own problems, but I dont sit here talking about black people holding me down, blacks are evil. Although I have more reason to that you do, because of a few crazy leaders over world history.

      Any reasonable black person, will say hes right, may be a little angry, but right

    3. The word colonialism started with the white race. Every major problem in the world has colonialism and naked white imperialism of the yester years at its root.When the east boasted of great civilizations(Chinese,Indian) the west had only barbarians to showcase.The entire white civilization was like arming barbarians with industrialization. Armed with advanced weaponry they went on a worldwide rampage.But through this very industrialization came science..and this paved the way for the whites to be 'civilized'.
      The non eastern religions have always spread death,torture and genocide and there is no spirituality in them. All they did was just killing the heretics and infidels.
      You talk about blacks...the blacks never came to enslave your family...they never invaded Europe. Your forefathers enslaved the blacks...colonized Africa. ...killed and subjugate a whole race.Just because now you believe in human rights and democracy it doesn't wipe out the crimes done by your forefathers.
      The wealth of whites came from looting of china,India, the whole non European world(see opium wars and British Raj) and enslavement of the black race. Just google Belgian Africa and what there king did there. Still now Congo(Belgian Africa) is suffering from instability and unceasing wars.if there was any race in the world which was at war with every other race in this world then it is the White race.Even a monster like Idi Amin wouldn't have understood what brutality he is capable of if he was not used in the brutal reprisals against the Kenyan freedom fighters by the Britishers.
      I don't hate the whites. The current breed are good people but oblivious of what there forefathers did. They are shocked by brutalities of the third world now and seeing a African kid wielding a AK 47 wonders how backward is Africa but never ponders why they are like this. Why they are living in such destitute? why Africa was enslaved???

    4. Dude, I hope you're being sarcastic and ironic here.

  36. Oliver Cromwell's crimes against humanity (1649-52) Cromwell seized three-quarters of Ireland's land from Catholics in 3 years and ordered the slaughter of over one-third of the local population. Over 500,000 innocent men, women and children murdered.

    1. Thats small fry compared to the 8 million odd jews and muslims killed by Pope Urban II from 1096 - 1099

    2. or the 20 million russians killed by the bolshevik jews.

    3. That is really ignorant: read Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Heirosolymenorum. for what Urban II did or didn't do at Clermont.(1095)

      The Council of Piacenza (1095) should provide background to the event.

  37. Although it's not one man, the CIA needs to be on this list if we're going to talk about cruelty, perversion, and deliberate violation of human rights.

    1. I think before his second term is up Obumbler will make this list

  38. I would Say King Henry VIII became One of the World's Most Evil Men in History Corrupted by Selfishness Amorality and Greed

    During his Vicious Regime Men were Boiled Alife

  39. compared to the rest of the figures in this show, Cleopatra pales in comparison. sure, like any politician, she was a ruthless, conniving biatch in order to get what she wanted, but a psychopath? definitely not

  40. Since the death of Jesus Christ and all His Apostles, Lucifer took over the church of Jesus Christ. Lucifer uses the religion - the Roman Catholic as his instruments in spreading evil in all the world by way of deception. Teaching false doctrine of salvation.

    1. That's a nice excuse. Here's the real reason: man is really ****** up if he wants to be and causes these atrocities himself. Period.

    2. You are a f--ked in the head!

    3. The smartest trick pulled by Satan was in convincing present day
      people that he didn,t exist.

  41. wheres paulie escobar? he has to rank among them. and how bout Curren?

  42. hey, do any of you know when this was made?

  43. Where's Genghis? Tamerlane?

    1. What ? Genghis Khan was a great man. Just because he killed masses of people he was not bad, do you thin that he was counting how many people were.

  44. My grandparents and greatgrandparents DID actually die in the camps but there was no gas business; just typhus, dysentery, starvation from Allied Bombing of supplies. They wree connected, had visas, could have gone anywhere in the World .... they were also Zionists ... see what I mean about how they treat their own? The Zionist Jewish Elites in Anglo/American power ensured all revolutions, wars, bloodshed and profits. Hitler: Jew Homosexual: Churchill Druid Homosexual Jew; Stalin Homosexual Jew and the Yanks, the same. That's the big deal. Two million homosexuals estimated to be in Germany; only 10,000 'persecuted' 2,000 killed; mostly fems.

    Isn't it odd that we never ever hear of the British, non Jew German or any accounts from the majority of inmates of the camps? Always Speilberg's Jews; many of whom were never near a camp and those who were had cushy numbers in the band or torturing Christian inmates.

  45. Where is Barry?

  46. Where is Bush_

    1. Bush is a good man.

    2. That would have to come down to ones definition of good.

    3. I am American. Putting bush on here would be equal to putting the Russian president who invaded Afghanistan in 1979. And at least bush had a reason (9/11) to invade suspected terrorist countries we didnt invade syria, saudi, qatar, palestine, all easy conquests with oil, in fact 20 years prior, america went to war for tiny, kuwait, ad left. When small countries need help, they always look to the US. but when we wanted to stay out of ww1 and ww2, with everyone calling us cowards and begging us to help, noone gave us credit for wating to avoid war, when we knew we would be one of the most powerful countries if not thee most powerful. We wanted no war. WW2 and Soviet communists saying we will ot leave lithuania, we will not leave latvia, hungary, yugoslavia, the baltic states, Stalin conquered all them countries parts of filnand again, ad we, left France, we left Holland, begium, we left Greece, we left north Africa... Stalin wanted to spread commuism, like he did i Chnia, north viet nam, Korea, Cuba.. America had to stay armed. If we disarmed, do you think Stalin would have ot take over the rest of Europe? Thats too big a risk to take. WW2 created the US of today ad the world of today.., and lets not kid ourselves, 9/11, led to a war and Saddam funded may terrorist groups. If you are a Islamic fundamentalist, put your religion aside and your war against Israel,hat between the US and the war in the middle east, what would you do if the US out of nowhere hijacked 4 planes and flew them ito 4 football stadiums killing thousands of innocent people, not even suspected terrorists, not accidental civilan deaths, just killing because politicians policies. We are people just like you, and we all dont follow and believe what our goverment says always, most try to work and put food on our familys table, AnD THAT IS THE TRUTH. most of us symphathsize with regular people in countries all over the world. Americans are just people like you. The politicians make the bad decisions. Most of us dont hate anyone. Jew Arab, we dont hate anyone. You might put on Fox news and they make us all look and because the republican party are a breed that uses the word hussein when they talk about Barrack Obama, because its his middle name, they want to make him look like a muslim, as if all muslims are our enemy, they call him BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Fundametalist terrorists, are our enemy and I would have no problem shooting a terrorist myself. but we Americans know most regular people are just people. Dont take us as politicians. ut there will always e the i*iots, like the guy who just wrote here, One black guy on the list, all rest white WHITE EVIL. Im sure hes aware the US prison system is 98% black while they only occupy 15% of the population. Meanwhile we just voted for a black guy, yet he cant let go of the 1700s, like all countries didnt have slaves up util them times.

  47. And finally, to prove the point, the contents of video cannot be viewed beyond a certain point due to 'copyright' issues. Now who, I wonder profits from the copyright regulations?

  48. Rule of thumb: Example of the propaganda machine in action: Hitler claimed to hate jews and homo sexuals but he was both himself. By making this stand, none would suspect the truth about his disgusting habits or those of his jewish homosexual boyfriends in power. They point away from what they are doing and that is the art of magick.

  49. Is ignorance evil? We are complicit to the extent that we maintain a willful ignorance of the reality of our situation. Ignorance allows evil to flourish unrestrained and results in evil being done and allowed to be done.

    The trouble we have had is one of 'connecting dots' making these revolting creatures appear as 'anomolies' of 'human nature' throughout the general population and they most certainly are not.

    Dots to Connect: military background/showbiz/mind control trauma abuse on very young children. Ritual sacrifice. Homosexuality. Jewish. Degenerate fetishistic obsessions, huge drug abuse.

    They don't tell people these aspects, as it keeps us imagining that the human race is evil which suits their purposes just fine.

  50. All relatives of those priming themselves up for the kill today: psychopaths, sodomites, pederasts and total debauch of all things stinking and foul. Hence the PR of perfumed pomp surrounding 'respectability' which does not exist but in the programmed minds of the population.

    1. This post (rant?) has a familiar ring to it. I don't want to accuse you of plagiarism but I'm positive I've read this before or at least something quite similar. Deja vu, perhaps?

    2. Excuse me, but what or who are you talking about, crackerjack? And why do you feel compelled to pounce on me without any rational argument as to what I am saying. BTW, like BS, truth and facts also start sounding familiar after you've bumped into them by accident a couple of times. Who's comments am I copying? But my own.

    3. I promise. You'll get no more comments from me. You're much too hateful an individual.

    4. Only to those too cowardly or egotistical to face the facts and so be it the feeling's mutual. I hate willfully ignorant bullies.

    5. No, I think you plagiarized because you can't even spell "Pavlov" correctly, bitch.

  51. During my college years particularly within my ethics, philosophy, and other classes of that nature I had many in class discussions.
    One of the points that I remember from them is that a man who hurts is bad,a man who hurts and finds pleasure is evil, and a man who does the latter and has others to partake is of a greater evil. Though, one who gets pleasure from his atrocities and gets others to share his pleasure is of a greater evil. But the greatest evil of all is one who can transcend his blind hate and pleasure in the pain it creates from generation to generation is indeed the embodiment of evil.
    Hitler is regarded as the most evil man not entirely because of the actions he oversaw but for the idea he has given power to cross, from generation to generation.

    1. Hitler learned his final solution from Nazi founder, Max Erwin Von Scheubner-Richter.

      Scheubner-Richter learned his final solution from the final solution to the Armenian question.

      There is not a lot of difference between the Young Turks program of Turkish Nationalism for a Turkish Homeland (aka Armenian Genocide) and German Nationalism for a German Fatherland (liebestraum).

      As you describe, philosophically, the prize has to go to Muhammad Ibn Abdullah - the Prophet of Islam.

  52. kony 2012

  53. the biggest issue that people forget is that had it not been for these evil men, today's population may well be close to 9 billion, so who's evil now?

  54. They forgot to include the popes.

  55. Evil is a familiar and ugly face. Rearing and peeking around dimly lit cities and alley ways at night, evil stealthily rapes, murders and tortures its victims. While a majority of black-hearted, evil men and women are brought to justice in today’s world, it is sad to know that some sources of evil cannot be vanquished as easily as a court verdict. Perhaps more abhorrent than that, is the fact that evil still hides away waiting to take more victims. Worse still is the plagued history of truly evil acts that have been committed throughout all nations. When evil deeds are done in the name of God, they not only scar our histories with shame, they blaspheme in the highest against our benevolent creator. It is only at the very pit of evil where all things are frozen in Hell from the constantly lamenting, flapping wings of Satan do we find places for the men described here. Those who’ve propagandized and spread evil throughout the world while sitting on the Throne of Peter have claimed justification through the Lord. Evil Popes have riddled the history of the Vatican more frequently than most nations have ever seen a tyrant ruler. What is to follow may disturb you, upset you and ideally cause you to shed a tear over the tragic misdirection of the evil that has been demonstrated within the office of the papacy.
    *Note: As a disclaimer for this somewhat controversial topic, the statements following have been verified across several esteemed informational sites and books. Though the information presented is widely accepted as fact, not all sources will cite the exact information presented, if they cite information on these topics at all. The List Cafe and author’s opinions are not expressly represented in what is to follow. Thank you.

    Pope Alexander VI


    Pope Alexander VI had a special place in Hell reserved for him in the circle of lust. On Halloween night of 1501, he was said to have organized and participated in the “worst orgy ever in the Vatican”. While sex with promiscuous women while unwed and sworn to celibacy and a life devoted to God may be forgivable in certain circles, his other most awful sexualconduct would be frowned upon by just about any member of our currently civilized society. Alexander VI also was known to fornicate regularly with his two sisters and his daughter. For the crime of incest, Alexander VI is surely damned to the core and quite prodigiously ‘evil’.
    Pope Damasus I


    Individuals who lived to see Damasus’s rule saw a bitter day: women and children were bought and sold as sex slaves to increase funding for the church at Damasus’s design. Those who opposed the tyrannical rule of Damasus would be tortured and literally burned alive after their lands were seized and used for church designated purposes. Worse still is that the women forced into prostitution were not always simple subjects of Rome, but female priests and nuns themselves. So much for serving in humility before God…
    While some light could be said to come out of this, there were forty-four bishops who abhorred the acts of Pope Damasus I and had found him guilty of adultery on many counts. Unfortunately, the office of the Pope was a strong central figurehead and Pope Damasus I weaseled his way through being convicted of the crimes that he was known to commit on a regular basis. After the charges had passed, all forty-four bishops were murdered at the order of Damasus I. What could be done? Nothing. Damasus I was also the first among Popes to instill the concept that the papacy was a supreme office of God, using the Petrine text in the Holy book of Matthew to support his claims. Nothing like divine intervention eh? Among the populous these heinous crimes went without retribution. For his adulterous behavior, the public commonly referred to him as “Auriscalpius Matronarum” which means “ladies’ ear scratcher” in Latin. It’s a shame they didn’t name him “constituent back-stabber”.
    Pope Sergius III


    In seven short years as Pope, Sergius III was bad the minute he was made Pope. He took the Papacy through murder and while in office, lived quite contently unmarried with a concubine by the name of Marozia. While his political affiliates may have enjoyed his murderous tendencies for the sake of gaining control of the papacy, Sergius’s concubine may have rivaled him in true potential for evil. Marozia personally assassinated Pope Leo VI who followed Sergius just seventeen short years after Sergius left the Throne of Peter in order to claim the throne for Sergius’ and her son, John XI. Wicked.
    Pope Benedict IX


    Nephew to the previous two Popes that resided in the Vatican, Pope Benedict IX was touted in the Catholic Encyclopedia as, “a disgrace to the chair of Peter” – which would be absolutely correct. Bishops in the service of the Lord, and particularly Desiderius who was later crowned Pope Victor III believe Benedict to be moreso the progeny of Simon the sorcerer rather than Simon the apostle. He raped the office of Pope in every way he could from murder to adultery and just about all else. Because of the horrible things he did, the people literally drove him out of Rome. His violent and sexual crimes were committed under the blazing bright sun instead of through stealth of night and when he left, he did not go with empty pockets. Before accepting his fate of having to leave the Papacy, Benedict IX sold the office of the papacy to John Gratianus (Gregory VI) who was fortunately for the people, labeled among the most religious of his day and age. After Gregory VI’s rule as Pope, a Pope known as Damasus II came into power. Benedict literally poisoned Damasus II and reclaimed power over the Papacy. This was when the crimes of Benedict IX were so much to bear that the Romans could no longer stand it – they expelled him from the city entirely. Later, Roman Emperor Conrad II reinstated Benedict IX despite his atrocious crimes.
    Pope Pius IX


    Let it first be known that Pius IX resided in the Vatican as Pope between the years 1846-1878. Let it secondly be known that there was a direct correlation between his constant scheming within the realm of politics and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Both funding for and the mission plan itself had made its way from the papal office, through hands undisclosed to eventually meet with John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln dead on April 15th, 1865 at the Ford Theater in Washington D.C. Yes, despite popular belief, Lincoln died as a result of orders from the Roman Catholic Church – not a fanatical maniac who really wanted his slaves. What an addition for the history books…
    Pope Urban II


    Pope Urban II was the benchmark for where the crimes against humanity and God became genocidal. Between the years 1096-1099 Pope Urban II ordered the slaughter of roughly ten million people where there were men and women but mostly children in efforts to procure Belgrade, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople in Yugoslavia as well as Turkey, Syria, Antioch and Palestine. Just for reference, Hitler killed in or around six million Jews during the Holocaust. Wow.
    Pope Innocent III


    While Pope Innocent III didn’t reach the epic numbers of slaughters that his predecessor Urban II had, he still aided and abetted in the murder of well over one million people during his papacy between 1198-1216. His were words of war: he rallied military support in favor of the Inquisition after excommunicating Philip II of France and had put both France and England under interdict which was the Pope’s granted power of punishment. What was unique was that the Crusade he waged after supporting the Inquisition was not against heathen scum following a far carried faith – he went from the Vatican directly to England and had his military might wage war against European brothers. He had also began a Crusade against the Albigenses where upon his military constituents were ordered to butcher them by the tens of thousands in horrid and unholy ways. Dracula, eat your heart out.
    Pope Boniface VIII


    Again a Pope that was so evil that he made it into the Catholic encyclopedia for his grave injustices against the people and his God. Boniface VIII was described in the Catholic encyclopedia as having, “scarcely any possible crime omitted – heresy gross and unnatural immorality, idolatry, magic, simony… his whole pontificate was one record of evil.” Quite an accusation coming from the Catholic encyclopedia… When the poet Dante wrote his eternal masterpiece, “Inferno” it was the deepest pit of Hell that were assigned to Boniface VIII, Nicholas III and Clement V. Needless to say, this was one bad dude.
    Boniface VIII was a self-proclaimed Atheist. He didn’t even BELIEVE in God yet he somehow managed to obtain the position of Pope. In 1302, Boniface VIII instituted a commonly quoted misconception of Christianity (thanks) called “Unum Sanctum” where through no faiths but that of the Catholic faith were to be saved come the day of Judgment by Christ. All outside of the Holy Roman Catholic Church were to be damned eternally in the pits of Hell. As it turns out, most of those he damned did in fact go to Heaven, but as Dante predicted, it is Boniface VIII chilling with Satan over poker and shots of Johnny Walker Red.
    Pope John XXIII

    1410-1415 - not to be confused with Pope John XXIII from the 20th century.

    Why people called this man the most depraved criminal who sat on the papal chair ratherthan calling him the most depraved criminal of all time may never be understood. Perhaps it was simply because they didn’t understand the scope of his evil. This “man” if you can call him that, committed almost every heinous crime imaginable – by the hundred. There were thirty-seven clergy members who witnessed and professed against him on the following charges: Fornication, Adultery, Incest, Sodomy, Simony, Theft, and last but not least, Murder. Even more members of the church than the thirty-seven who had accused him had been witnesses to the gut-wrenching fact that Pope John XXIII had a harem of mistresses in Boulogne numbering two-hundred. Even more disgusting yet was the fact that these two-hundred women consisted mostly, if not entirely of nuns. Thousands of lives were lost during the schism enacted in efforts to depose John XXIII, but luckily for the people, and the two-hundred nuns, he was indeed deposed.
    Pope Pius XII


    As though one horrible Pius wasn’t enough, Pope Pius XII came into power over the Vatican not long after his predecessor Pius who supplied the orders to kill Lincoln. Again, take careful note of the era during which Pius XII held the Chair of Peter – it was 1939 to 1958. Well, if anyone had ever been curious as to why exactly Hitler got the notion that Jews were to be exterminated by the millions between 1939 – 1945, it may have had something to do with the fact that Pope Pius XII personally handed him detailed instructions on how the methodical extermination of non-Catholic minorities across all of Europe was to be enacted and how death camps were to be constructed for the sole purpose of their murder. According to Pius XII, people of Jewish faith and other “heretics” were not only supposed to be shot or killed, they were to be burned alive as to stay consistent with the Roman Catholic Church’s designated penalty for heresy against God.
    In 1946 he came to the aid of war criminals including Ante Pavelic who was known in Croatia for leading among the most satanic and kill-happy regimes in all of World history. The group went by the name of the Croatian Ustashi. Taking a note from Pavelic, Pius XII established his own mini form of the Ustashi known as the Catholic Ustashi (guess he liked Pavelic’s work?) and the Catholic organization was responsible for the murder of more than 600,000 people. Not only were the murders enacted but they were done in such hideous ways that it’s probably a sin just to think about how they may have looked. Killings ranged anywhere from excessive torture to another visitation of crucifixion (it’s not just Christ this time), cannibalism (mmm, mmm. Finger-lickin’ good), live dismemberment (remember the saying ‘I’ll cut off your arm and beat you with it?’”) and burning alive (oh so they gave the Jews a few friends to dance on the hot coals with). If all of this is true, this man was not only truly insane, he was quite possible the epitome of evil in the 20th century.
    Hitler's Pope (by John Cornwell) Pt.1

    To read more, click here and follow the links

    All in all, it seems as though the papacy has been littered with more criminals than good hearted Christians. While this short list of ten is only a fraction of the fifty Popes who’ve been said to have sinned unceremoniously against God on a regular basis, there have indeed been two-hundred sixty-five Popes in the history of the Vatican. God willing through the other two-hundred fifteen there has been enough good instilled throughout the world to overcome these jaw-slacking evil peoples’ works. Just to paint a portrait though of how rampant evil was and has recently been within the office of the papacy, there have been forty-four US Presidents to serve in office since the establishment of the United States in 1776. If the Presidency were to have followed suit with the papacy, there would have been eight Presidents already who’ve committed cardinal sins such as adultery (cough, cough, Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, and Roosevelt), murder (come now, that’s already at least twenty of the forty) and other sins that God-fearing and decent people would shrink in cowardice over simply hearing about. Well, maybe the papacy isn’t as evil as some offices that have been held in the past few hundred years…

  56. If we're holding a vote, I vote Pol Pot as the most evil. By the numbers he was responsible for killing almost 1/3 of his country's population. People like Hitler, Stalin, Mao - sure they were evil, but in large they issued orders they were to cowardly to carry out themselves. That probably made them feel god like, but there's a difference between giving orders & actually being faced with carrying out those orders. These were egotists to the extreme. Pol Pot not only took part in his plans, but implemented brainwashing, torture, forced relocation, indoctrination of children to be the masters of their parents. In his regime, no one was spared, they were simply inventory, farming equipment. They had no sense of their individuality, and the power, willingness, and lack of any humanity or morality makes Pol Pot the most evil.

    1. On the Side of Pol Pot: U.S. Supports Khmer Rouge

      by Jack Colhoun

      It is a good read .. I smelled a Rat when i saw photos of the Khmer Rouge toting M16's.. Cambodian child soldiers were also toting M16's .. It begs the question "How" and "who" was supplying them ?

      "The US not only helped to create conditions that brought Cambodia's Khmer Rouge to power in 1975, but actively supported the genocidal force, politically and financially. By January 1980, the US was secretly funding Pol Pot's exiled forces on the Thai border. The extent of this support -- $85 million from 1980-86 -- was revealed 6 years later in correspondence between congressional lawyer Jonathan Winer, then counsel to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation."

      "In 1981, Pres. Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, said, "I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. The US", he added, "winked publicly" as China sent arms to the Khmer Rouge(KR) through Thailand."

      "In 1980, under US pressure, the World Food Program handed over food worth $12 million to the Thai Army to pass on to the KR. According to former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke,'20,000 to 40,000 Pol Pot guerrillas benefited. This aid helped restore the KR to a fighting force, based in Thailand, from which it destabilized Cambodia for more than a decade.'"

      "In 1982, the US and China, supported by Singapore, invented the Coalition of the Democratic Government of Kampuchea, which was, as Ben Kiernan pointed out, neither a coalition, nor democratic, nor a government, not in Kampuchea. Rather, it was what the CIA calls a 'master illusion.' ... Cambodia's former ruler, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was appointed its head; otherwise little changed. The KR dominated the two "non-communist" members, the Sihanoukists and the Khmer Peoples' National Liberation Front (KPNLF). From his office at the UN, Pol Pot's ambassador, the urbane Thereon Parish, continued to speak for Cambodia. A close associate of Pol Pot, he had in 1975 called on Khmer expatriates to return home, whereupon many of them disappeared."

    2. I smelled a Rat when i saw photos of the Khmer Rouge toting M16's.. Cambodian child soldiers were also toting M16's .. It begs the question "How" and "who" was supplying them ?

      "The US not only helped to create conditions that brought Cambodia's Khmer Rouge to power in 1975, but actively supported the genocidal force, politically and financially. By January 1980, the US was secretly funding Pol Pot's exiled forces on the Thai border. The extent of this support -- $85 million from 1980-86 -- was revealed 6 years later in correspondence between congressional lawyer Jonathan Winer, then counsel to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation."

      "In 1981, Pres. Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, said, "I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. The US", he added, "winked publicly" as China sent arms to the Khmer Rouge(KR) through Thailand."

      "In 1980, under US pressure, the World Food Program handed over food worth $12 million to the Thai Army to pass on to the KR. According to former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke,'20,000 to 40,000 Pol Pot guerrillas benefited. This aid helped restore the KR to a fighting force, based in Thailand, from which it destabilized Cambodia for more than a decade.'"

      "In 1982, the US and China, supported by Singapore, invented the Coalition of the Democratic Government of Kampuchea, which was, as Ben Kiernan pointed out, neither a coalition, nor democratic, nor a government, not in Kampuchea. Rather, it was what the CIA calls a 'master illusion.' ... Cambodia's former ruler, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was appointed its head; otherwise little changed. The KR dominated the two "non-communist" members, the Sihanoukists and the Khmer Peoples' National Liberation Front (KPNLF). From his office at the UN, Pol Pot's ambassador, the urbane Thereon Parish, continued to speak for Cambodia. A close associate of Pol Pot, he had in 1975 called on Khmer expatriates to return home, whereupon many of them disappeared."

    3. Pol Pot is evil, sure, but not the most evil. Not even by a per capital of his population.
      - Ranavalona I killed 5 million, roughly 1/2 of Madagascar
      - Leopold II killed 10 million, roughly 1/2 of the Congo Free State
      - An Lushan killed 36 million, roughly 2/3 of China.

  57. For sheer numbers killed, Stalin and Mao top the list. So why is Hitler
    usually deemed 'the worst'? A little ethnic or religious bias here maybe?

    1. Hitler directly instigated a world war, which, all told, killed more than either of those two alone (depending on which figures you accept), and which must therefore count for a lot in the common perception of him as the pinnacle of evil in the last century. The fact that much of the free world had to unite to defeat him makes a difference, whereas Stalin, for example, could go about his atrocities much more quietly.

    2. Don't forget Japan and others forming 'The Axis Powers' with Germany. The fact that it's called 'THE' Holocaust says a lot also.

    3. Have you heard of the Bromberg and Danzig massacres of ethnic Germans ? Did you bother to listen to Hitlers speech when the Polish were emboldened by the British ? Did you know Poland was going to invade Germany ? .. How about your thoughts if it was YOUR countrymen/Women and Children being murdered by Bolshevik dregs ? Would YOU leave them to their fate ? or would you help them ?

      Have you heard of the Katyn Forest Massacre ? You really should research the Red Army, NKVD, Bolshevism, Jewish Partisans and then share your thoughts .. Hitler was in the process of booting ALL the Jews out of Europe to Madagascar but the Zionists said NO ! They said Palestine or no deal.. Read the Transfer Agreement Edwin Black .. Read what the Zionists said about the Jews ["One Cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland" Izaak Greenbaum]

      Ben Gurion informed a meeting of Labor Zionists in Great Britain in 1938: "If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative."

      In the Zionist Congress which took place in London in 1937, Dr. Weizmann established the line of policy with his words:

      “The hopes of Europe’s six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked, ‘Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine I replied, ‘No’ From the depths of the tragedy I want to save two million young people.. .The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were .dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world... Only the branch of the young shall survive... They have to accept it.”

    4. Well spoken, well known, or should be. But have YOU read The Pink Swaztika? There are no 'good guys' or 'heroes' among the filthy, rich stinking evolutionary retards in power.

    5. I know how the German people were treated. I don't just research or use my mind on one subject, race or even time. Seek common factors, join the dots, big picture stuff. Like all slaves, the German people have been punished (as have every other race) relentlessly since the Versailles Treaty. I know about he Zionists and Jews, the Blacks, Irish and Yugoslavians - any common people of any type have suffered the same! How can it be otherwises when the Elite's and their merchants (no happily one and same) treat their own so obscenely?

    6. Hitler was no good man. He was an anti-semite extraordinaire. His government set the policy of rounding up a population of jews, political opponents, disables, etc and moving them to work camps where a great number of those people would die. But historical records from government documents that came to light in the 1960's give proof to the fact that Hitler did not instigate a war. Hitler's government made five separate peace initiatives to the British, he halted his attack at Dunkirk and did not annihilate the British ground forces, France and Britain declared war first. Hitler moved his forces eastwardly into Poland and onto the Soviet Union because intelligence information suggested that there were some 140+ military divisions prepared to invade Germany. After the invasion of Russia, there were more along the lines of about 220. Hitler was no saint and certainly his government and military committed atrocities, but the British and American government's had secret agreements to maintain a war with Germany, despite a peaceful solution that would have saved much lives, money, manpower and industry.

    7. Germany's military out manned the Polish military, had more weapons, tanks, aircraft that were of a superior quality than Poland. It would seem a foolish undertaking for Poland to try and invade Germany. Hitler had also stated that Poland had large areas that Hitler had considered as traditional German land. After the war there was also testimony given by Alfred Naujocks, a Nazi officer, who organized "Operation Himmler" as a series of staged events to portray Poland as the aggressor.

      Please direct me to those documents of the sixties that show that Hitler was not the aggressor. I have never heard of them.

      As for the peace initiatives, they were rejected because Britain did not trust Hitler. It would have been poor military strategy to allow Germany more time to prepare its armies for any future adventures. His halt at Dunkirk was a strategy in hopes of gaining some feelings of good will in Britain in the hopes that the British might be more accepting of his peace initiatives. Britain and France did declare war first. It was in response to Hitler's invasion of Poland. They had a treaty with Poland, promising military aid if they were invaded. Hitler knew this but hoped that the British and French would not honor its obligation to the treaty. As for secret agreements, who knows. How can we know of their existence if it is a secret.

      If Hitler was not the aggressor why did he invade the Netherlands? The Netherlands had declared its neutrality and posed no threat to Germany. Not the actions of someone who interests were of a peaceful nature.

  58. King John is hardly evil when you compare him to the others. 'Caused the creation of the Magna Carta?' Makes it sound like an evil thing but it wasn't.

  59. Why is George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, Pope John Paul, and certain others not featured???

    1. Because these men you mention are puppets, not leaders.

  60. why is adolf hitler's face front and centre on this cover?

  61. hannah,the potential for evil is not equal at all....these evil ones in the films have spectacularly overcome any authority bounderies,and to have no bounderies of conciance is wickedness its self,also circumstances were ripe for greed and wikedness ,and given their histories(up bringing)ect plus an inpulsive evil nature unequal to most of us, has lead to evilness....there are many accounts throughout history where such power takeovers have occured,and yet no great harm was done,other than to win thier war...!one man can murder for a wallet,yet another man would rather die than kill another..the difference is not equal,it is because one man is so many times more evil than another,a one time murderer is evil but a serial killer is more evil and hitler even more evil,and many levels in between them.having no boundries in the mind is in its self an evil insanity and thankfully rare

  62. It is wrong to define one man more evil than another, we are all equal in our potential for evil it is only circumstance and opertunity that sets bounderies on our acts

  63. This is nuts. How is it Stalin and Hitler after what catastrophy they caused be hailed as 'heroes'? They were wack jobs if you ask me. Sorry but American tragedies are not even near this craziness.

    1. oo sweet ignorant child, did you already forget the genocide, yes genocide of the Native Americans at the hands of American soldiers. where they were essentially wiped out, almost to 95% of their population according to some modern historians. Now Hitler killed his millions and so did Stalin and many other mass murderers but few can claim to have nearly eradicated a race, unlike the Americans. In the words of MF Doom, "study your history, who ever don't i PITY the fool like mister T"

    2. Very few Native Americans were killed by American soldiers. Most died as a result of disease and starvation due to over hunting and the end of a way of life. The treatment of the natives was deplorable but it was not a program of genocide to compare with the carefully laid out plans of Hitler. The Nazis looked down the street and murdered their neighbors, in a very short period of time and in a systematic way unparalleled in history. The demise of the native Americans happened in a haphazard fashion, over 200 years, in small wars and severe epidemics. Terrible but not comparable.

    3. Few Native Americans were killed 'as compared to'... I'm sure that was a happy coincidence for the settlers.

      I don't believe that WWII Germany was a whole lot different than America is today, in terms of who has to be put out of the way so that WE can progress. Same as it ever was.

    4. america did not exist when the massive depopulation of north america occured, british !!!!

    5. so you agree with stalin when he is quoted as saying one mans death is a tragedy

  64. where is Tito ,yugoslav monstrum wich killed 1000000 unarmed people..

  65. Propaganda at it's finest. They even put a Communist symbol on the cover, like saying ''it's evil, go away''. Where are your own fascists, huh? Bush Senior, Bush Jr, Nixon, Woodrow Wilson, Kissinger, ALL the republicans and most of the democrats. The list goes on, without even mentioning the genocide of the Indians and other native american tribes, as well as the civilian assassins and rapists you constantly bring out, as a nation of ex-convicts.

    Specially among the leaderships of the United States (America is a continent but someones seem to forget about that) are the most lethal and evil men this world has ever seen, hundreds of millions of lives (by far more than all of the above combined) through the ages are lost for their profit.

    1. America is a country. It's full name is The United States of America. It can be called the United States, USA, the U.S. or simply America. North America & South America are continents. There is no continent named America.

      As for the rest of your ramblings, you are obviously a brainless loon.

    2. Well people from Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Honduras, Panama, Belize, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica like refer to themselves as Americans.That is because an American can be anyone from the Americas, which is both the South and North American continents. People from the U.S. seem to think they are the one and only Americans, but that is simply isn't true.

    3. well argued, not.

    4. guys... this is a fact, not an argument. There is the continent of America, which is the entire continent including South America and North America and then there is the U.S.A..... stop with the hate... this is a basic fact.

  66. Come on Idi Amin? He was a tabloid favourite and hence his crimes are so widely known, but one of the most evil men in history? PLLLEEEEAAAASSSSE!

    1. I remember the Idi Amin press at the time. It was pretty well established in the jellymoulds in the heads of the news-consumers of the era that Mr. Amin enjoyed the odd grilled-baby sandwich. Well, maybe he did, but I think these days it's forgivable to think that maybe he didn't. I presume a mineral resource was involved, I haven't looked into it. Busy looking into the Gaddafi viagra rape squads 'news'

    2. I remember. Amin was a really good guy. Ask the people of Uganda. They remember him with fondness; those who survived anyway.

  67. Funny, how the famed "most evil man in history" manged to become Time Magazines "Man Of The Year"... TWICE!

    The uniforms all look the same, BTW.

  68. Leopold II should be on that list. He probably committed the biggest genocide in history and did it for money alone. The number of deaths can not be accurately counted because there are few documents that weren't burned by his henchmen. But it is estimated that at least half the population of the Congo was wiped out in the most horrifing ways possible.

    In general the meaning of "evil" makes it very hard to say who comes on some kind of list (it is a stupid name for a documentary). Is it more evil to chop little kids into pieces personally or to make others kill many more but you never really come close to what is happening?

  69. yes i agree the nuclear attack on japan was allso een evil man only evil pepole can kill a 300.000 of pepole or more in just a minuut so dont tel me thats not evil

  70. Hitler was not evil.

    1. Yeah. Saint Adolf.

  71. Attila is evil, becasue he was not what we would call European. He was a military might that was feared and demonised. If he had been european, he would have statues all over europe.
    By the way, the famous civilized europeans did not even have soap until the huns introduced them its use. The europeans also learnt from the huns everything about light cavalry and military tactics still taught today at military colleges. Contrary to common myth, Attila did not consume alcohol and was a very orderly man with simple taste. His marriage was a set up to be poisoned. Europe could not allow a foreigner to marry into its ruling elit. (Does the assassination of dodi fayed ring a bell?) Aetius was Attila's childhood friend, asked his help to chase the moors out of Spain for good. At Catalaanum it was actually Attila kicking the moor out of Europe for ever. The pope falsified history and changed the calendar, erased 400 years and created charles the great. There is more and more evidence coming out recently to prove this. By the way, more little known fact; Attila was actually a roman catholic.
    When you think of the huns, should not imagine a wild pictish horde with halfnaked bodies and painted faces. From hunnic gravesites the finds show something more samurai like.

    1. to anton your lack of historical understanding beggars belief, the moors were not in Andalusia never mind the rest of Iberia for hundreds of years after Attila death in 453, Vandals, Alans and Sueves invaded Iberia around about 410, in 412 the romans encouraged the Visigoths to attack these tribes as a way to deal with them all as roman diplomacy often did but back fires resulting in the loss of Iberia to the Visigoths and North Africa to the vandals in 429 and ruling North Africa until 534 when the Eastern Romans took over which it remained until 640 and the Arab conquests, then in 711 a joint Arab & Berber(Moors) force invaded Iberia and were not removed until the Reconquista finishing in 1492 so not only has the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains(451) have nothing to do with moors or take place that close to were you elude but it was waged to defeat the Huns as it did since his empire collapsed within years of this defeat as you would expect from this sort of military dictatorship, no glory no state. what i presume you were trying to elude to was the fact that the romans put there Visigoth allies in the front line in order to fundermentaly weaken them as a prelude to regain Spain,could you please tell me what Charlemagne (740's-810) has to do with any of your unique ideas are you trying to suggest he did not exist a man who had contacts and records with all the known world and his legacy is well documented. also no Europeans did not have soap but we did have baths (oil and a strigil was used to remove dirt) not to mention public toilets or the aqueducts. and when the Mongols invaded Europe it was painfully obvious that Europeans NEVER learned light cavalry tactics heavy cavalry and chivalry ruled medieval Europe in fact the fabled Parthian shot was a term used to insult "cowardly" tactics of light cavalry. do you seriously think a country with a German (Saxe-coburg) monarchy, previously dutch(Orange), Scottish(Stuart), welsh (Tudor) Norman who them selves settled the question of which invaders should rule Anglo-Saxons or Danish as neither following hundreds of years of roman occupation would really care who was going to marry some woman kicked out of the royal family, also Roman Emperors came from Spain, Arabia, Britain, Germany, the Danube as well as many other spots im sure.

    2. Dude stop lying. It was Charles "The Hammer" Martel not Charles "The Great" and he wasn't made up, he existed & was the Grandfather of Charlemagne & is MY ancestor.

  72. They left out DickCheney.

  73. Please note that the title of this documentary is NOT:
    The Most Evil 'People' in History.

  74. what about nuclear attack on japan??
    it was just Hitler and Stalin???
    let's face the realities without prejudice ....

  75. I look at all these comments and can't help but feel disgusted. What gives you the audacity to say George W. Bush should be on this list?! He failed as a president because his education policies were terrible, he failed to resolve immigration issues (which had more to do with congress than G.W.B. himself), didn't give the homosexual community the equality they deserve, and was as we all know began a war that has become increasingly unpopular as time goes on. For the love of God, Stalin killed over 500,000 of his own people, Hitler committed genocide towards European Jews, and Vlad the Impaler tied his countrymen to horses and rammed stakes through them; and you compare G. W. Bush to those monsters?

    I do not represent any political agenda, I support human rights; and as a human rights activist, to compare G.W.B. to these evil men not only shows your personal ignorance, but makes us Americans look bad in general. Turn off the T.V. and read and do some background checking before you pollute the Internet with your bullsh*t.

    1. stop trying to pretend to be clever or balanced. How many people have died as a result of American policy under Dubya's reign? Since you throw in numbers how many did Vlad kill? Did he wake up 1 morning in the mood for blood or did he become a killer? what motivated him? What motivated Bush?

      Ignorance making America look bad? You are very right but but with the wrong reasoning. How many died in SE Asia due to policies and wars of US Presidents? What was the reason for their deaths? please do your reading and background checking and answer these questions.

  76. Mugabe should be on this list, whereas the other mass murderers of history either were in some twisted purge or aggressive expansion, what Mugabe is doing in Zimbabwe is a systematic dstruction of his own country.

  77. I didn't watch the video, but i wonder why Mao, who is responsible for over 70,000,000 million deaths isn't put at the top of the list. Peter

  78. the sound on this doc is terrible

  79. As the comments well show, everyone is always looking to demonize someone else. Yeah, there are plenty of bad folks of all stripes. But it's very obvious when people use them to shore up their own prejudices.

  80. Jews have murdered 600 million Whites in the 20th century alone. By indoctrinating Whites (through the mass media which they own)into thinking that overpopulation is bad, Whites have simply stopped having children or worse, aborting innocent children. That is murder, plain and simple. Jews-the worst murderers in human history!!!

    1. What convoluted thinking.

    2. Ya gotta wonder how some people even manage to tie their shoes.

  81. Comments for this post should have been disabled. I love how there exists a minority group that hints around to being ultra-informed on all the underground knowledge the rest of us could benefit from if we just "opened our eyes". As if their exhaustive Google searches and youtube research have made them privy to top secret evidence the rest of us don't know exists.

    Bush Jr. on a list of most evil men in history? Honestly? If he's evil, its only because he didn't push for forced sterilization of m@#$%^ who troll the Internet for any opportunity to prostitute their weak and juvenile conspiracy theories and political views (which are always bathed in the colors of altruism and intellectual liberation).

    Mao should have definitely made the list. Bush Jr. was guilty of not listening to reason, and as I said earlier, not sterilizing the conspiracy theorists in order to spare us the perpetuation of their neuroses through future generations. On the micro level, there are many serial killers who could have made the list easily.

    1. "...guilty of NOT STERILIZING..." ... Hmm...

  82. phil atio you have such a strange sense of balance..what? deal with the native american genocide? okay who did that the americans or the europeans? lmao! anyway as it has been said it's a matter of perspective if the guy up the road kill's my family he is the most evil man ever,if i kill his its me..we have both a angel and a devil on our shoulders

    1. "who did that the americans or the europeans?"... (C) All of the above.

  83. I think the #1 Evil men in history have to be the Constantine, Alexander The Great, Christopher Columbus. Also it's never been proven that 6 Million Jews were killed. No statistical data has been submitted for those numbers till this day. That was just America's & Europe's efforts to cover up, equate, and forget about the 10-20+ million of slaves who were slaughtered by the hands of Europeans for over 300+ years.

    1. There should be a dislike option. You obviously did not live in Europe during WW2.

  84. Does anyone know the Author of this guy who made the videos ( pol pot one ) and when it was published? thank u

  85. Britain supposedly being worse than Nazi Germany is hilarious. Britain was at the forefront of abolition, of relinquishing colonialism, of parliamentary government. That Phil Atio guy needs a lesson in historiography, that's really mental stuff he's comin out with.

    Crackin set of documentaries, thoroughly enjoyed em.

  86. What a load of misguided c@#$ people are writing. Especially this notion that Churchill killed 8 million Germans!!! The total German casualties during WW2 numbered just over 8 million.

    If Churchill and Britain had the military power to wipe out that many Germans then the war would have been over within days! It was a "World War" not Hitler vs Churchill.

    The Germans fought other nations too, Stalin and his USSR account for a high proportion of the German deaths. Bearing in mind that Hitler invaded Russia first.

    There is no innocent people out there and every country acts according to it's own interests and agendas. Morals quickly disappear in war time and leaders can get power mad and greedy. People will follow them because they are hidden from the barbaric acts that give them a better life.

    Here is a simple proclamation of human nature - Evil is a construct people use to justify their actions against "evil doers" and also a way for history to simply rationalise actions that seem crazy when viewed out of context and without the experiences that led to these acts.

    Is the anthill that dominates your garden evil because it has wiped out several other anthills without mercy? We are animals somewhat at the mercy of our nature and our nature is to survive, dominate and continue our genes. Sad but true, as the cost of this is horrific for those unfortunate enough to be weaker than ourselves.

    1. Winston Churchill didn't kill 8 million Germans, but he starved 7 million Indians and an arguement can be made that he belongs on this list. He was a racist, imperialist who supported eugenics, the use of poison gas on 'uncivilized tribes', white supremacy and terror bombings.

  87. "I hold therefore that Japan, Germany and the United States are the most evil nations of all"
    Well I could see USA on the podium for most evil nation but I still don't think they would be number one. I know China, Britain, Russia and USA might as well be in a four way tie. Hitler killed 6 million people, ok thats nothing from a historical view of mass murdererers. You got guys like leopold in belgium decades before hitler and murderers like champlain and napoleon from france. Yo got communist like mao and stalin. Can't leave out grand slave trading and killing states like France and Spain too.

    Idi amin ain't got shit on any of the guys on this lsit.

    "Ok first.. churchill did not declare war on germany it was neville chamberlain.. second.. This is about the most evil men not the most evil nation.."
    How convenient, Britain is run by a dynatsy of evil people so they just leave them all out.
    "Right i cant believe some people are defending hitler!"
    Oh boo hoo crime me a river. No one is defending Hitler and no one here hates jews eithers. We are just saying all life is equally valuable. If Hitler killed 6 million jews and Churchill killed 8 million germans 8>6 = churchill is more evil. Unless you want to argue that jewish lives are more important than german lives which is imo racist. All life is equally valuable
    "No he did not personaly gas the (est) 6 million people deemed unfit to live (1 million of witch were children) he did not personaly shoot the 40,000 at babi yar so the are many evil men.. But who was the one man did more than most to turn germany into hell ? Hitler.."
    I would hold it was the man named Churchill who killed 80,000 men women and children in dresden and truman who killed all those innocents in nagaski. Japan is an oil-less nation by the 1945 they could have just stalled the war as Japan had lost all its oil colonies and they would have run out of oil war over.
    "@saqib your views are politicised nonsense clearly anti-british to make out the nazi were just defending is a joke.."
    I think saqib has a valid point, Britain said there policy was to assassinate Hitler and force the Nazi party to death and they would not surrender. Hitler COULD NOT END the war if he wanted to so britain was the aggressor. All the Nazi even today are thrown in jail or hung. Knowing that faith the Nazi people even if they did not support Hitler, had no choice but to fight for germany and themselves. Further most Germans new Hitler was racist but did not know of what hapened in concentration camps (that is why usa only learned about them in auswitch after invasion). As there was a constant stream of jew refugees leaving german controlled europe throughout the war. However most people in 1930-40 europe and america where racist aka that why they had segregation and apartheid or kicked out jews from their country etc. If you have any grandparents who are white you will know they are not advocates of diversity and miscegenation.
    "One last thing on the ‘evil brits’ could you see the nazis putting gandhi through university?"
    Considering that Jesse Owens, a black olympic athlete in the berlin games has a very interesting take on who was more racist between hitler and fdr, and it was not hitler.

    "“I hold Britain is the most evil nation of all” – no-one believes your United Statesian propaganda since it was the United Statesians who committed genocide in North America, Iraq, Guatemala, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, Chile, Grenada etc.
    I don't remember all these Genocides, definetly in north america, as did britain do, Vietnam was usa cleaning up frances mess, guatemala was spains mess, usa never invaded iran, afghanistan and iraq and grenada was britains mess.
    Lets see usa wanted to control their contient as did Hitler and that makes hitler and usa evil. Britain attempted to control the entire world, murder all the native people in every english speaking country outside europe today (India, China, African english speaking coutnries, north america, australia, central america, carribean, south america, pacific ocean), yet america is more evil? Hitler copied Britain, Britain invented concentration camps.
    "The genocide of the native American people was committed by United Statesians. Deal with it. The European powers had essentially determined the state of the modern world before the rise of Hitler, Japan, the US etc. It is the influence of the latter powers (Japan, Germany, the Great Satan) who had failed to recognise the times in which they were living who committed (and continue to commit) the atrocities of which the former powers (Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, the UK and France) are so appalled. I hold therefore that Japan, Germany and the United States are the most evil nations of all."
    No these countries are johhny come lately to the mass murder scene. Germany killed 6 million jews because germans got tired of jews controlling their country (media, banks, money, etc) of course this is racist and wrong, but that doesn't even compare to the 600 million people according to dr. khalid muhammad who britain kidnapped and/or killed, 100 million of which bodies rot in the bottom of the ocean today. That doesn't even count the dead indian and chinese slaves that britain was trafficking. That is Britain was 100 times worst than Nazi Germany when it came to killing people.

    1. This doc is not about countries but individuals.

  88. @phil atio, slight error in your history pal, it was Harry Truman, FDR's VP, who had become pres.on FDR's death in Apr of 1945. The bomb was not dropped till Aug 6th of 45. No other critiqe's though.

  89. I can't see there Mr Bush & Mr Blair they are the most evil men in history.

  90. no Mao strange

  91. Ok first.. churchill did not declare war on germany it was neville chamberlain.. second.. This is about the most evil men not the most evil nation.. Right i cant believe some people are defending hitler! No he did not personaly gas the (est) 6 million people deemed unfit to live (1 million of witch were children) he did not personaly shoot the 40,000 at babi yar so the are many evil men.. But who was the one man did more than most to turn germany into hell ? Hitler.. @saqib your views are politicised nonsense clearly anti-british to make out the nazi were just defending is a joke.. One last thing on the 'evil brits' could you see the nazis putting gandhi through university?

    1. there all evil,and hitler was a jew,thats been proven now,so is lennon and marx,collectivily how mant were all killed,the zionist are the all time mass murderers,even on there own people,the ones who chosed to go to palastein were saved the ones who dint got sent to the camps,they were not usfull to the atheist zionist,oh yeh and they will set up the next messiah

  92. Frankly I am fed up with Britain (not Britian) being blamed for atrocities committed by the United Statesians post-1776. The most genocidal of peoples in modern times were the United Statesians, secure in their 'manifest destiny' and 'American exceptionalism'-fuelled quests. No-one in Britain ever believed that tripe. Neither did anyone else outside the United States.

    "I hold Britain is the most evil nation of all" - no-one believes your United Statesian propaganda since it was the United Statesians who committed genocide in North America, Iraq, Guatemala, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, Chile, Grenada etc. The genocide of the native American people was committed by United Statesians. Deal with it. The European powers had essentially determined the state of the modern world before the rise of Hitler, Japan, the US etc. It is the influence of the latter powers (Japan, Germany, the Great Satan) who had failed to recognise the times in which they were living who committed (and continue to commit) the atrocities of which the former powers (Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, the UK and France) are so appalled. I hold therefore that Japan, Germany and the United States are the most evil nations of all.

  93. Bush JR??? You may not agree with his decisions but clumping him together with Saddam & Osama...Your sorely mistaken.

  94. well you all people see after a uncertain time that israel is the root of all the killings in the world and ehud olmert will be at the top of the list

  95. @eztb12
    "Love the name by the way, ahahahah."
    "That said to say Hitler was not the agressor in WW2 is horribly misguided."
    Well if you take Britains account that Hitler was about to take over the world then perhaps. The reality is that Britain controlled more land and resources in Canada or Australia, or India, than Germany. Hitler was smart enough to take small pieces of country rather than entire countries to avoid entire wars. When the British declared a policy of war until Hitler is dead after he took a small piece of a country, they forced Hitler into a fight to the death mode. Remember the policy of churchill was no nazi surrender was acceptable. His goal was to kill Hitler. It did not matter if Hitler resigned and gave up all the annexed land, Churchill would still have invaded Germany. He wanted to do it for political and power reasons. Britain was the agressor they just needed a "reason" that sounded good in public. Don't you find it strange that in every country the british people go into, the country is filled with violent blood sucking savages with fangs. It doesn't matter if it was Zimbabwe, or Canada or Australia or India, or Germany, or Austria, or Singapore or when Britain fights war to sell drugs in China-ie opium wars. No matter where britain goes every nation they encounter is evil. I hold Britain is the most evil nation of all. They are the ones who practiced succesfully what Hitler did. They committed mass genocide in Canada, America, the carribean, Australia, southern africa, well most of africa and asia, and began to populate those countries with white people. Hitler was copying Britain, and Britain got mad that he was actually succesful at it. It is precisely why the Japanese say that as soon as we learned the game (imperialism) europeans changed the rules.

    "Now we could say that the treaty of versailles was unfair, it definelty was. But that was no reason for what Hitler did."
    What did hitler did?
    "It was just the means he used to get the nation behind him. Order out of chaos, does that sound familiar. Hitler created order out of the chaos of this treaty after WW1."
    LOL, so Britain made the chaos and you fault Hitler for being a good enough leader to turn his 3rd world germany into the leading technological country of the world.
    "The German people loved him for it. Thats why they failed to see his misguided and yes “evil” policies."
    I reject the idea that Hitler had uniquely evil policies. Was killing jews wrong, yes, but I do not believe jew lives are more valuable or less valuable than other lives. Further I motion that Most white europeans had the same hateful feelings toward jews in the 1940s as Hitler did and many cities in america, canada and other western coutnries had pro nazi marches, rallies, and even riots between nazi supporters and jews in the 30s. Further it is Britain who if I believe correctly, expelled all the jews along with several other countries in europe who gave jews the choice of being killed or converted or leaving.
    "They, the Germans, should have worked through what ever non-violent means neccessary to get the treaty redesigned so their nation could prosper."
    errr. the treaty was designed to make sure the Germans did not prosper. The brits wanted to elminate competition, they wanted to ensure they would have no rival in europe. Germany was the only european country that had enough people with tech. backgrounds outside england to build an indepent advanced society. By 1940 Germany was more advanced than Britain and had this been a 1 on 1 war, Germans would have one.
    "Not start invading countries and taking their land, killing men – women -and children (I have the film to prove it) humiliating who ever they came acrosss, it was horrible."
    True but Hitler was backed into a corner, had he surrender which churchill refused to accept he would have been killed along with all the other senior nazi members who were murdered by the british government. Would you surrender to a foreign country who said they would kill you if you surrender?
    " I agree about the US not accepting Japans peace agreeement, I think they wanted to show the world they had a BIG bomb. But Germany was most certainly the agressor in WW2. They didn’t neccessarily attack the British until the British declared war on them but, Britian and the US were the super powers of this time."
    Largely, true. Germany was more advanced than Britain and had much more scientist than any other country.
    " They had 2 choices, either ignore the pleas of nations that were being pointlessly destroyed or act on the worlds behalf."
    Well considering that Britain killed off half the world, I find it hard to believe they saved anything. At least america was more moderate despite bombing th tojos

    "The US president did not want to get involved for a long time."
    lol, your being a good lemming for the gov't and its propaganda, they are not going to write in your history book, FDR just likes killing people like the rest of the dictators on the list. Of all the dictators in ww2, including churchill and fdr the only one who was justified in my book was hitler because had he surrendered he would have been murdered by the chuchill government forces and that was the official policy of the british government. So I call that self defense.
    "Pressure from US citizens is what started to change his mind.
    You mean military industrialist who wanted to sell their guns to the government
    " Then after Pearl Harbor, he had no choice. This is no excuse for what we did in Japan at the time though. If they truly wanted to surrender, I have no real proof of this, then we should have backed down."
    Well the war was going to happen once the oil embargo was imposed. Take out texas and deep water oil drilling and have some country put an oil embargo on us and see how fast they get bombed. I don't blame japan for bombing pearl harbour, they knew the war was coming so they tried to bomb our ships to prevent us from sending our troops to invade them. Had the Japanese wanted to INVADE and take over america then they would have sent 100,000 land troops to hawaii and california but no such event ever happened. It was a sneak attack right? The point of these missle strikes is to deter your enemy from strike back.

    "Don’t get me wrong, Britian and the US have done some really messed up stuff and are just as guilty of attrocities as anyone else. But WW2 is one of the only wars I would say had to be fought."
    I agree, USA could not just let Japan bomb them, USA war in Japan was fair game they were attacked first. Germany made allies with USA enemies so theyw ere fair game too. Russia was invaded by the Germans according to the history but I question that. Stalin was evil and no lie is beyond him in my book. He killed more than Hitler did in his concentration camps. Britain just was evil and wanted to murder hitler, and hitler was right for standing up to them.
    "We could not let a mad man take over three quarters of the world, think of what the outcome would have been."
    Well america should have bombed germany like they did, but they should have bombed britain next.
    As for allowing a mad man to take over, well Stalin is worst than Hitler and he ended up controlling a country 3 times the size of america. The communist Chinese murdered more than all the deaths in ww2 and we americans put them into power. It seems like the onyl reason Hitler and sgt-tohjoe were such killers was b/c their neighbours were pure evil-somethin we found out the hard way through the cold war when the commies wanted to nuke america!

    "hose men that fought and died for Britian and the US are the most brave and honorable men I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. I have interviewed many of them, I was going to write a book at one time, and they did what someone had to do."
    The American ones are war heroes. The nazi ones are war heroes. The british ones are pawns of their bad government.
    " They put their selves in harms way countless times, lived in mud and holes in the ground, froze almost to death at times, etc., etc,."
    And so did the nazi soldiers in stalingrad
    " They did this because someone had to stop what they saw happening all around them."
    Well Stalin was a communist and was pure evil and we americans acknowledge that, Hitker tried to stop him so hitler was good too and so were the nazis who fought for him. They were racist yes, but so where most white folks in 1930. I don't know any white man who puts his pants on one leg at a time from 1930 who think black, white, jews and chinese, gays, women are equal.
    "They deserve your respect, as you now live in a world they helped secure."
    i'll respect the american ww2 heroes who defended their country from the tojos who bombed america, and ill respect the nazi ww2 heroes who defended themself from the british assassination attempts on their leader, and Ill respect any ww2 serviceman from any country who defended themself from attacks (Germany, Russia, America, France, Namibia). But I have no respect for those no good hosers or brits who made war monger their hobby

    1. Churchill? When Hitler invaded Poland, Chamberlain was the PM. It was Chamberlain who declared war on Germany. He was forced to do so because Britain and France had an agreement with Poland to protect them if Germany invaded. Hitler knew this and attacked anyway. In 1940, Hitler attacked Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium; some of these countries were neutral and the attack was totally unexpected.

      Japan had been in a war of aggression in China, Mongolia, and Indo-china since the thirties. The United States finally imposed the oil embargo in 1940 as a protest against these expansionist campaigns of Japan. Japan retaliated because it felt it could no longer maintain its dreams of a Japanese empire unless the United States was neutralized which it believed it could do by crippling its navy by attacking Pearl Harbor.

      Your time-lines are completely off center, you distort or ignore whole sections of history, and you refuse to accept any facts that do not support your own bias. My parents lived in Holland in WW2 and the stories they tell about what they had to endure at the hands of the Nazis are quite chilling. If you want to hear expressions of gratitude concerning the liberation from the Nazis, go to Holland but I think I'm just wasting my time even talking to you. You are, obviously, an unreasonable individual and are not going to listen anyway.

  96. Also
    Franjo Tudjman
    Alia Izetbegovic
    Should be on that list, they were no better.
    Croatia and Bosnia sucked up to the Brits and Americans during the war, so they were less criticised in the media, unlike the Serbians. No one came out winner, innocent have payed for it from all sides.
    War is just a big money making machine, no wander the Americans get involved in everyones business.

  97. There are few more that have been forgotten on this list-
    check out

    Slobodan Milosevic -
    Ratko Mladic
    Radovan Karadzic

    check out their blood bath and mass murders- just in today's world- and in the middle of Europe- it took place in the '90's .. the whole world witnessed this massacre and not much has been done about it - they should be on this list - without any doubt !

  98. It's Lester Wise, sorry Vlat wont happen again...
    Wise is just my last name.

    Yeah, I too feel that alot people could use a good azz whoopin'.

    My grandfather was on a destroyer in WWII and I've spent many hours picking his brain about this war. He lied about his age so he could sign up at 17. He has also expressed a feeling of sadness for the other men that he killed as a gunner. He told me that he sometimes felt incredibly guilty for this. Even though the people he killed were trying to kill him, it doesn't matter, he still feels remorse and wonders if it should have been him.

    I think that says alot about war and it's lasting effect on people. Even if it's justified, it's still horrible.

    So back to the topic at hand. I ask simply, what is evil? Is there a scale that determines which act is more evil than the others? I don't think that a list like this is even possible. The most evil people probally didn't get caught.

    Phil Atio is somewhat correct in showing that this list is lacking any western couterparts but I think this was made to be sensational to appeal to our own sick "evil" side. It's why we rubberneck at accidents and listen to all the lurid details on the nightly news.

    "Vicariously I live while the whole world dies." M.J. Keenan

  99. Well once I got to it, I realized I had already watched it. Man that one guy that is a guard is messed up in the head if you ask me. I would not have been able to keep from busting him up, what an ass. The Phsycology professor needed a little straightening out as well, he let this go way too far. Thanks any way, talk to you later.

  100. @ Lester

    What's up bro, nice comments. I am going to watch that other doc. you talked about right now. Are you both Lester wise and wise lester? I'm not sure we can have two names that we post under, maybe it doesn't matter I don't know. I have seen Vlatko say something to someone else about it but, they may have been causing mischief. Any way thanks for the recommendation, about the other documentary covering peoples actions in certain situations. Sounds like a good watch.

  101. @ Phil Atio

    Love the name by the way, ahahahah. That said to say Hitler was not the agressor in WW2 is horribly misguided. I agree about the US not accepting Japans peace agreeement, I think they wanted to show the world they had a BIG bomb. But Germany was most certainly the agressor in WW2. They didn't neccessarily attack the British until the British declared war on them but, Britian and the US were the super powers of this time. They had 2 choices, either ignore the pleas of nations that were being pointlessly destroyed or act on the worlds behalf.

    Now we could say that the treaty of versailles was unfair, it definelty was. But that was no reason for what Hitler did. It was just the means he used to get the nation behind him. Order out of chaos, does that sound familiar. Hitler created order out of the chaos of this treaty after WW1. The German people loved him for it. Thats why they failed to see his misguided and yes "evil" policies. They, the Germans, should have worked through what ever non-violent means neccessary to get the treaty redesigned so their nation could prosper. Not start invading countries and taking their land, killing men - women -and children (I have the film to prove it) humiliating who ever they came acrosss, it was horrible.

    The US president did not want to get involved for a long time. Pressure from US citizens is what started to change his mind. Then after Pearl Harbor, he had no choice. This is no excuse for what we did in Japan at the time though. If they truly wanted to surrender, I have no real proof of this, then we should have backed down.

    Don't get me wrong, Britian and the US have done some really messed up stuff and are just as guilty of attrocities as anyone else. But WW2 is one of the only wars I would say had to be fought. We could not let a mad man take over three quarters of the world, think of what the outcome would have been.

    Those men that fought and died for Britian and the US are the most brave and honorable men I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. I have interviewed many of them, I was going to write a book at one time, and they did what someone had to do. They put their selves in harms way countless times, lived in mud and holes in the ground, froze almost to death at times, etc., etc,. They did this because someone had to stop what they saw happening all around them. They deserve your respect, as you now live in a world they helped secure.

  102. @slag
    "@Phil Atio you should really study your history better. Winston Churchill is not evil because he did not start that war. Yes you are right, he declared war."
    I would propose he who declares the war starts the war because he who declares the war makes clear his intent for war.

    "What would have been more evil, to attack Germany who was attacking its neighbors or to turn their head and pretend millions were not being killed."
    At the time churchill declared war millions were not being killed. Most of the jews were killed later in the war, churchill had no knowledge of the holocaust until the first camp was discovered, and Britain had been killing millions of indigenious people across the world including australia and practicing genocide through residential schools in canada at the same time. Hitler copied britain's model for wiping out indians and applied it to jews. You also neglect to mention that europe had been in a constant state of war since the collapse of the roman empire. To put it solely on hitler is unfair. Yes Germany was annexing other places in europe, but they were following britains lead. Britain set the standard by committing genocide and conquering and killing countries in north america, africa, australia, and asia. You also neglect to mention that many of the places hitler was annexing wanted to be annexed. The german empire under hitler was doing well economically compared to most other countries.
    "People have a right to defend themselves."
    WW2 was not about self defense it was about money, power and bombings. Hitler did not invade Britain, britain declared war on germany. I hold that Britain was the aggressor in ww2 and killed the majority of people (which is why they won).
    "At that time, we did not have the weapons we have now where we could send a small missile in and take out Hitler or the SS heads. The way of war was attrition. FDR didn’t go to Japan and start attacking, Japan went to America and attacked them."
    This is largely true, however Japan was a resourceless nation and when America placed the oil embargo on the Japanese it was reasonable perceived as an act of war. This is because the Japs had no oil and would eventually run out and have riots in there streets along with a military that could not function. The japs and yankees had rising tensions for decades. I will concede that the Japanese did launch the first large scale attack on America.
    "On this point I can not and will not flex. People die in war, but people who stand up and refuse to be taken over or exterminated are not evil. Period."
    Then Hitler cannot be evil in your book. Hitler refused to be taken over by russia, america, britain, canada, france etc. because the policy was no negotiation with Nazi germany and the goal was to assassinate, life imprison or/and hang all senior nazi party members
    "I agree about the Native Americans, just not about George Washington. He didn’t have any thing to do with the Natives being massacred. That was other U.S. Presidents. I think that is one of the most overlooked atrocities in world history.
    Also every one talks of the Nukes dropped on Japan, but they don’t think about it before speaking."
    Maybe it was the americans who don't think about it before dropping it. Japan wanted to surrender, USA refused because they wanted to try their new weapon
    "Less people were killed by those two bombs than were being killed by the fire bombing that was happening prior. In all reality those two bombs saved more lives that any thing else that happened during WWII."
    Or fdr could have just accepted the peace agreement the japs were trying to send. By the time Japs were bombed they had no point to fight. The oil embargo had taken its toll, and japanese navy was detroyed, the army was bust, and they had their territory reduced by 90%. They were being bombed by all the allies (every singlecountry in the region) China, UK, Dutch, Russia, and America and had no reasonable prospect of winning war. the japanese knew they would never win, they just wanted to prevent an invasion, ironically something along the lines of what bush argued about iraq.
    I know that’s no consolation for the families of people who died in those attacks, but it’s true.
    "No one ever says that Bill Clinton or that the Queen or England were evil."
    I do, I say they are tremendously evil, well not really bill clinton, clinton did what he could, I say the queen is far more evil. How many people in africa were murdered under her watch. How many australians killed, and she did nothing to stop it.
    "I have never heard that. Nor have I heard that the United Nations is evil."
    ever hear of alex jones, fidel castro, hugo chavez, robert mugabe, saddam hussein, food for oil programme, ahmadinejad or any leader of any country that is not a US ally. The goal of the UN is a single world government, and it plans to achieve this slowly by making all the laws in all the countries the same and then making regional blocs (EU, african union, asian union, north american union, caricom, south american union etc, then joining them up).

    Point is if your going to make a film that calls the most evil men, you put in the most evil men, not just the ones that are the enemy of your country. If you go to vietnam, maybe jfk, and richard nixon are the most evil men to them becuase of all the women and children they killed in 'Nam.

    Evil is evil, murder is evil, every dictator from Hitler to Chruchill can come up with 100 reasons why their killings are just. i don't believe any of them because political dictators will tell you whatever they think you want to hear to make you support them. Churchill was not going to say, we are going to bomb Germany, because Germany is now richer than us, more technologically advanced than us, is gaining mor epower than us, and stealing our job of murdering people across the world. Explain to me how German army was able to take over countries in days. The answer is because many, not all, but many of the european countries supported and wanted to be part of hitler's germany, in fact mussolini said so in a speech, and went as far to say as he admired hitler and hitler put german troops in sicily. Hitler was evil, yes, but he was very popular. Many european countries viewed be taken over back then how iraq viewed being taken over in 2001. Iraqis thought they were going to get rich and advanced like americans.
    @wise lester, you truly are wise, hitler never killed a single person and was a well documented animal lover. Hitler mislead his country on jews and taught alot of hate to his people. However Hitler did not inspire the german people to fight, it was when the foreign nations like Britaina dn france declared war ON germany did the average german feel well they are attacking us, so we better get behind this hitler guy. Hitler was not a unique racist either. Many eropean countries had expelled jews, or forced them into ghettos, russia use to execute jews as the communist had all religious people

    1. Those Indian schools in Canada, though deplorable, were not death camps. There was program of extermination, no gas chambers and no firing squads. One does not nearly compare with the other. You must have studied history by reading comic books.

    2. I grew up in being educated in the American public education system so I am aware of the loaded historical narrative that we are all taught at our schools. Churchill and Roosevelt were good, Mussolini, Hitler, and Hirohito were evil. Hitler was not good and there was a mass deportation of Jewish person who were killed and died of harsh labor conditions and even poor sanitation in transport and the ghettos. But there is no historical evidence that there was an actual gassing program. The 'gas chambers' have ten crematoriums that can burn ten bodies per three hours, but the 'gas' room could kill 1,500 or more per hour. There was no way to keep up with the reports of 20,000 gassed per day. I have seen Auschwitz. I'm sure it was a bad place, but there were no locks on the gas chamber room doors, there was a glass plated window inside and the gas was suppose to come from shower heads at the top of the room. Gas doesn't have fluid force that water does it doesn't move from atop, but is release from the bottom. Also documentation from the Nazi record keeping show that Cyclon-B was used to delouse and to cleanse the clothing from the incumbent prisoners. You understand that 95% of the gas was used for the purpose of sterilizing clothing for the purpose of preventing typhus. I'm no fan of the Nazi's or their thug masters, but I believe that when you accuse someone of a crime, you accuse them only of the crimes they commit. In this case most of the American and British records from camp inspection show the remaining dead bodies found on arrival was due to illness, disease, and starvation. Horrible in it's own right, but not mass gassing and burnings.

    3. There is no evidence except for the testimony of Nazis at Nuremberg and subsequent trials. This includes the testimony of Rudolph Hoss, the first commandant at Auschwitz. It would seem that there was a gassing program in place. The numbers involved may be incorrect but whether one thousand or one million the Nazis cannot be excused for this action based on a head count. It was part of an action to fulfill the final solution. That the final solution was Nazi policy is not in dispute and is well documented.

    4. What would you expect from your education system? We went to war against a guy that invaded half of Europe, enslaved and allowed the deaths of millions of people. but somehow we were still the bad guys. Japan invaded China, French Indo-China, Mongolia, and Korea, bombed Pearl Harbor but the United States was the aggressor and manipulated the attacks and all those invasions. Is that what you seriously expected to be taught?

      If Cyclon-B is under pressure it doesn't matter if it comes from the top or bottom. It is being forced out and will fill the room quite quickly.

  103. The biggest, most glaring issue that this documentary fails to address is that these "evil" men did very little killing themselves. The issue is why men are so easily convinced to kill other men in the name of god, or duty, or national pride or pure greed.

    Because um, did Hitler actually kill anyone? I'm not a history major but I'm pretty sure it was mislead German citizens that did the killing?

    There is a powerful documentary here called "The Power of the Situation" which deals with what regular people do in extraordinary situations.

    This gives a better insight into "evil" than any repeated jingoistic slogan or dogmatically charged excuses given for mass murder.

    And oh yeah, killing is killing whether done for duty, profit or fun.

  104. Wow, I love this site. Sometimes, just for the comment pages.

    Enzo must drink the same kool-aid I do. "No-one is inherently evil, just human." That may be my next tattoo.

    And EZ2B12 is from the exact baptist upbringing(brain-washing) I'm from. My brother from another mother, if you will.

    Although I am not totally in line with all of their thinking, I am usually not that far off...

    But @Shag

    Where to begin...

    I agree that millions haven't been killed since the start of operation Iraqi freedom or whatever carefully crafted slogan that's being using now. But, if you look at the number of Iraqi's that have died since 1991, well that 100,000 number gets a little larger. And we're not simply talking about those killed by "smart bombs" either...

    And your statement that the bombs in Japan actually saved lives is just ridiculus.

    And Osama Bin Laden (our own personal Emmanuel Goldstein to give our 2-minutes-of-hate to)...

    When did it become OK to destroy an entire community because of a fringe element? We didn't blow up Northern Oklahoma after McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing?

  105. America is run by evil pigs...Bush should be written in history as one of the worst presidents and should beplaced right next to Hitler.

  106. Khrist,.. osa dieos dana mensio asa complimentios ola P.N.A.C dasa hais dione sacrafice'd donna triess thousandios owna personna pour controllon deis middula eastrona indigeno resourcie.. tha, bah, tah nah, eioso tu bhana la osios des U.S.A !!!!

  107. how about alexander the great,Genghez Khan,musolini,queen victoria (enslaved africa,colonized asia and america).......

  108. @Randy
    "He knew, as I do, that the Planet is Fine! Once we kill oursleves off, the Earth will prosper and heal and grow."
    Well said... like we see in 'Life After People'... nothing was left but the everlasting 'Nature'.

  109. @Randy,.. a real man speaks !

  110. 420 Vision is right, of course.

    However, I subscribe to the ideals of George Carlin who sat back and watched as the world burned down around him.

    He knew, as I do, that the Planet is Fine! Once we kill oursleves off, the Earth will prosper and heal and grow.

    Evil? Whatever... the Arrow of Entropy is the only god that matters.


  111. EVIL men will always succeed with their plans because GOOD men find satisfaction within ranting like a headless chicken followed by that all important daily napkin assisted pull job. Get off your lazy fat butts, pull your eyes away from the 'puter and actually DO SOMETHING for a change, you SO CALLED MEN !!!!!

    Luv Trisha !

  112. I found this documentary informative and interesting. Not all episodes have bad audio quality, Pol Pot sounds great. the episode, not the man. Thanks Vlatko!

  113. I downloaded this awhile back and the audio quality is the same.. garbage, much like the content. I was very disappointed in this, along with many other 'History' channel documentaries, but this one to me is complete garbage. It would have gotten 2/5 from me if they would have at least given a solid methodology for what they consider 'evil', but for now I'll be generous and say 1/5 for this simply for being able to kill time.

  114. @ iesika

    I noticed that same thing, thought it might be just my sound system though. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

  115. This was an interesting topic, but the sound quality on the video is really poor.

  116. @ rohit soni

    Thankyou man, Peace to you as well brother.

  117. P E A C E.....

  118. Everyone THINKS they know who was or was not this or that- you don't. All you get is what the media or your neighbors tell you. Not that i have any inside data at all, thats my point. Don't be so cocksure or ready to condemn as you simply do not know what you are talking about near as much as you would like to believe.

    And stop thinking all westerners are somehow guilty because of what some presidents have done or what you repeatedly hear on T.V. Every one is guilty and you all know this. That being said if it all bothers you so much maybe the change should start with you. Stop being so ready to judge and blame others for your hard ships. Open a dialog that at least has a chance of bringing people together insted of segregating further and blaming on and on. I don't care where you are from or which president represents you, in my opinion you are my equal until proven other wise. I have no reason nor do you to be so militant toward whole nations of peoples or to make judgements based on conpsiracy theory.

    All is relative, judge each case on its own merits and stop generalizing. Other wise we can look forward to more and more killing and longer lists of so called "evil people" in the future.

  119. i believe there are far worse evils in our world..the evil of man is reckless selfishness..its childish and greedy..everyones potential for evil is no different than these men..most men though, are not in the position to exhibit their evils much the way these men give a man power, and he accepts it in vein..


  120. (@Matar, well said. )

    Any of you who seriously think Million(s) have died in Iraq and Afghanistan are in need of a reality check. I don't think you comprehend what millions looks like. Combined Iraqi, Afghans, US, and other troops its probably some where around 900,000 maybe. Around half of which were killed by insurgent bombs. Just saw a number on a Liberal Anti War site that said 919,420 estimated dead in Iraq and Afghanistan. If any one was going to claim millions it would have been the lefties.

  121. Also, going to Rwanda didn't pay any thing. There was nothing to be gained for them. Hence they didn't go.

  122. @Phil Atio you should really study your history better. Winston Churchill is not evil because he did not start that war. Yes you are right, he declared war. Would you rather him set back and watch Germany take over and murder all of Europe? What would have been more evil, to attack Germany who was attacking its neighbors or to turn their head and pretend millions were not being killed. People have a right to defend themselves. At that time, we did not have the weapons we have now where we could send a small missile in and take out Hitler or the SS heads. The way of war was attrition. FDR didn't go to Japan and start attacking, Japan went to America and attacked them. On this point I can not and will not flex. People die in war, but people who stand up and refuse to be taken over or exterminated are not evil. Period.
    I agree about the Native Americans, just not about George Washington. He didn't have any thing to do with the Natives being massacred. That was other U.S. Presidents. I think that is one of the most overlooked atrocities in world history.
    Also every one talks of the Nukes dropped on Japan, but they don't think about it before speaking. Less people were killed by those two bombs than were being killed by the fire bombing that was happening prior. In all reality those two bombs saved more lives that any thing else that happened during WWII. I know that's no consolation for the families of people who died in those attacks, but it's true.
    No one ever says that Bill Clinton or that the Queen or England were evil. I have never heard that. Nor have I heard that the United Nations is evil. Yet was it not evil for them to stand by while hundreds of thousands of innocent people were hacked to death with machetes in Rwanda and the Congo and still in Dar-fur. I think that is evil that they are more worried about being P.C. and what the world might think than they are about those poor people being massacred.

  123. @Phil Atio

    Hitting the nail right on there. Evil is relative. All the major politicians/ leaders throughout history will have blood on their hands. No-one is inherently evil, just human. Even the most sadistic killers are capable of moments of love and compassion. And like zardoz, we leave ourselves capable of 'evil' acts when we learn to justify our actions through beliefs, dogmas and ideologies.

  124. Errr... "possibly 2002 depending on their work flow" should have read "possibly 2000 depending on their work flow".

  125. @Greywall - politics, policies, individuals aside... any time someone makes a list of the "most evil" or anything of the sort, it's going to be subjective from the start.

    Also, the series has a copyright of 2001 and 2002 (depending on the episodes), which probably means they were researched, written, and produced before 2001... possibly 2002 depending on their work flow (regardless as to whether or not anyone in your list deserves to be in here or not, I'm just saying that the docs are slightly dated outside of politics, terrorism and actions we talk about today, like 9-11, etc).

    Last thing: the writers probably had plenty of others on the list, but remember that these programs are limited by TV seasons.

    Cheers... and cheers to Vlatko as always for one of the best information depots on the web! Top Docs is perfect... I just wish it came in an intravenous form, haha!

  126. @Greywall You should have stopped at "I agree with you that they have all been puppets". OBL was a CIA asset, originally hired to run the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan. Hussein was installed in Iraq by CIA. All the worst stuff Hussein did was at the behest of CIA, the picture of him shaking hands with Rumsfeld was taken directly after his use of poison gas (given to him by the US) against the Kurds; enticed to invade Kuwait by April Glaspie; the CIA gave him a list of people to kill after being helped to assumed power in Iraq. Personally, I believe there are no evil people (gives them too much credit), but evil forces, systems (money), ways of thinking (rationalization, compartmentalization, willful denial), etc.

  127. @Inzane
    i was talking about the future...a warning..

  128. wow if only they knew about the Nigerian president Abacha and how he killed so many people.

  129. No need for more comments after the one from Phil Atio.

  130. What, no Dick Cheney?

  131. @Matar
    "Well Genghis Khan could have been on the list as he killed around 20mil according some sources. This was even in the middle ages! However, it was not evil. It was the rise of suppressed people, so every slaughter he did was in rage against anyone who messed with his people."
    Have any of the evil men ever confessed that whatever they did was for their personal joy? Can you name a single? All evil men did whatever they did in the name of security of their people. Hitler, Genghes Khan, saddam Hussian, OBL or the Bush Jr.... you name anybody.
    @ llawyerG
    I agree with you that they have all been puppets... that's why I think them of worse evil... wolves impostering as shhep...
    "Some people are afraid we will forget to hate Muslims if one documentary goes by without demonizing them."
    I disagree with you coz majority doesn't hate muslims just becoa they're muslims... I don't hate Saddam and OBL becoz of their faith rather I hate them becoz they were agents of evil and puppets in the hands of evil and they helped Bush to land in Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan... So please don't try to hide Saddam and OBL's evil character behind their faith... they've been 'Lawrence of Arabia' of modern times... people barely care about the faith of Bush... they see his political character... Genghes Khan had no religion, his people probably worshiped the Sun... people don't care about that and hate him becoz of his deeds...

  132. I'd put Ben Bernanke and his Rothschild handlers first. For the rest I agree wholeheartedly with Phil Atio except that the 6,000,000 figure still has to be proved as no forensic evidence or documentation has EVER been found - only a bunch of wildly contradictory 'eye-witness' reports from the likes of bald-faced liars like Eli Weisel (btw, anyone seen his much vuanted tatoo?)

  133. This movie is made by some half baked sissified neo-western liberal panzi. Too scared to tell it like it is.
    Hitler is evil for killing 6 million jews, but Churhill is not evil for killing 15 million Germans? What about fdr, he is not evil for nuking the japanese even though they tried to surrender to the americans. By the time of the enola bomber gay, the japanese had lost all their war gains. The axis was dead, and they were being bombed from china in the west, singapore(UK) and indonesia (Dtuch) in the south west, Russia in the north and usa from the east, it was japan vs the world and that is wy they were running suicide missions.

    What about george washington, he murdered alot of indians, and all them american/canadian genocidal presidents who murdered off a contient full of indians and then kidnapped a bunch of blacks beat them rape and tortured them and forbid them from reading books. Then paid off their slave masters and genocide practicer to stop practicing genocide.

    It makes my blood boil how it is ok the villianize certain groups but westerns behave like they are clean. The reason why usa-uk control the world is because they are the master murderers, rapists, killers, terrorist. I think all human life is equally valuable. You can't say winston churchill or fdr was a good man but hitler was evil. when churchill and fdr murdered more.

    If there is a god which i believe there is, I do not think he says hitler killed jews so he goes to hell, but churchill only killed blacks, indians, germans, and non jews so he is just and goes to heaven. Recall it was churchill who declared war.

    1. Canada didn't become a country until 1867 and slavery was abolished in what would become Canada in the late 1820s. If you knew about this at all you would know that many African slaves escaped to Canada in order to have freedom.

    2. btw, Truman did the nuke, FDR died suddenly,as did australian Curtin, just before war's end

  134. Cool doco topic ill watch now before bed. I agree with the Ghengis assessment that was a revenge thing. As to additions i would say Tojo and Mao for sure. And as to Dubya "millions" no way even close proly not even over 100k. Besides congress voted for the war so ya gotta throw in over 100 congressmen to share the blame.

  135. Some people are afraid we will forget to hate Muslims if one documentary goes by without demonizing them.

  136. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a nuclear bomb and killed millions? I guess you can't avoid getting bs in the comments.

  137. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama should be on this list. They are terrorists, cause they all killed people around the world with stupid wars or stupid foreigh policies.

  138. Hugh said

    "Bush definitely should be on this list..without a doubt,when one considers just how many million have died because of his wars of greed and power..he definitely should be on the list."

    I'll agree Bush and his cronies Should be on a list of Evil doers, But not sure the numbers add up to multiple Millions.

  139. this doc will be updated a few years from now..
    mahmud ahmadinijad- the iranian leader brought to end the only prosperous democracy in the middle east. he got a nuclear bomb and killed millions.

  140. So basically, if you want to be remembered in the history books you best start killing many, many people for no reason at all.

    Seriously though, all these men were shaped by their surroundings and environment, some thought they were doing what was best for their people or the world (Hitler for example thought he was making the world a better and safer place).

    To state a very over used phrase, the history books are written by the victors.

  141. @Vlatko
    X'lent site man. Been checking it out almost every day for about two years now. You are doin' the ppl of the world a great service. Kudos, keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks @Tard Bagseed. I appreciate that.

  142. @Greywall

    Bush Jr, Hussain, Bin Laden... evil? IMO, Bush Jr.= puppet/moron. Husain = puppet/redneck. Bin Laden = puppet/scapegoat. Keep learning, the truth IS out there.

  143. Bush definitely should be on this list..without a doubt,when one considers just how many million have died because of his wars of greed and power..he definitely should be on the list.

  144. Well Genghis Khan could have been on the list as he killed around 20mil according some sources. This was even in the middle ages! However, it was not evil. It was the rise of suppressed people, so every slaughter he did was in rage against anyone who messed with his people. His actions in today's northern China was revenge. So, that is not evil. The entirety of the Mongol people left to fight... It's a border case.

    "Bush Jr., Saddam Hussain and Osama bin laden". Seems you do not fully appreciate how good the times you live in are.

    Will watch this now. The list looks ok to me. Except for one man that was truly evil, Mao Tse Dong.

  145. and what about the evil men like Genghez Khan and Halaku Khan and evil men of our times like Bush Jr., Saddam Hussain and Osama bin laden??? This list is half-cooked and presumptive in many cases...

    1. Dick Cheney and George W. Bush (Now Obama and Clinton Bill & Hill, too) Will Go Down in History as Some of the Most Devious, Evil Men of Our Time !!! I'm Not Kidding ... The LORD God of Israel and His Son King Jesus are, Recording Everything in the Lamb's Book of Life (In The Holy Bible in The Book of Revelation) You Will See, If You Take the Time to Read It. Bette Milder's Song is True "God is Watching Us" !!!
      I've Done the Homework, The Twin Tower's, Buddy Buddy with The Bin Laden Family, The Disaster's of The Fire's All Over the USA as we Speak, The BP Oil Spill and the Purchase of The Halliburton Oil Spill Clean-Up Company, Just Month's Before The Spill, Wake Up !!! Do You Know How Many Billion's of Dollar's this bunch of Shyster's has Hauled in and The Death's of America's Hardest working Firemen, Policemen and Worker's of All Type's that are Now Dead that They Have Caused and Oh Yah, Don't forget Obama Stating and Making it Perfectly Clear as He like's to Say .. He is ALL For Queer's Getting Legally Married Now .. This IS An Abomination To God Almigjhty !!! It Will All Come Out Very Soon .. Just wait, Watch and See Jesus is Coming Soon .. It's Right in the Book People Please ..Take note of What I'm Saying & Remember Salvation is the Greatest Miracle of All !!! These gopv't People Only Care About Themselves and Their Money .. It Won't Help Them Someday Soon !!! Thank You and Have a Great Day ..
      And Remember, " Jesus Loves You !!! John 3:16 :) ttys

    2. you right brother

    3. what? dont know who is more pissed off you or god . **** sorry God,...

    4. the vatican control the kings of the earth just as the bible says it will. Take a look at the main video on my youtube channel. It's just an intro for a much longer vid i intend to post. artsychic2000