The Money Lobby

2013, Politics  -   62 Comments
Ratings: 7.24/10 from 51 users.

They say money is the root of all evil. Well, nowhere is this more true than in US politics.

The 2012 US presidential and congressional elections were the most expensive in history, costing six billion dollars.

But who paid this money and what did he, she or they expect in return? How about the American people, the so-called electorate, the 99%? Is it their vote all the top 1%'s cache? Who are the true king makers and puppet masters behind the scene?

The Money Lobby examines how Political Action Committees (PACs) and Super PACs have managed to monopolize the political discourse in the US in favor of a privileged class.

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62 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Blueyonder

    This is a misquote. The correct quote us "the worship of money is the root of all evil". Isn't education wonderful?

    1. Michelle

      Actually the quote is "for the love of money is the root of all evil" 1st Timothy 6:10 KJV -- not that I worship the KJV (one of the worst translations according to scholars) but I can't help but quote it due to its popularity among American literalists.
      Behold! Thou education now art complete :-)

  2. ixcoatl

    biggest contributors were jewish enterprises

  3. systems1000

    Yes. And then add super weapons,religion and industrial waste into this deadly cocktail and were faced with extinction.The only people who had some kind of handle on this problem are/were the indigenous.Unfortunatly whats left of them are still/now being herded into concentration camps by creatures who are less then human and being marked for extermination.But what comes around will go around.Ya God.

    1. 1concept1

      You are already faced with extinction.

    2. systems1000

      i,m ready anytime you are.

    3. 1concept1

      "you are already faced with extinction", meaning we are all leaving this planet, one at a time or all together. It doesn't matter if your ready or not. I am not quit sure what you meant by your statement?

    4. systems1000

      then it was a misunderstanding.Yes,were all! riding in the only available space ship.

    5. Rodney Bresch

      I don't follow. Leaving the planet doesn't mean we're going extinct. Life has made it through some serious **** over the last few billions of years to put it briefly. So could we go extinct, sure who knows. But, there is def a chance that life will continue to develop far past the age of the earth.

    6. steviecomment

      Erm, you paint a very dark picture of the human race. We are all the same, indigenous or not, even the bankers. I'm looking for change, don't think we are doomed quite yet. And relying on god is a cop out.

      Is that you Mr Icke sir?

    7. systems1000

      The only reason were all in this together is because superior fire power forced us all into it. The indigenous life was practical and sustainable,your prid pro quo concepts aren,t.Thats the nature of decline and fall.
      Mr; Icke.

    8. Hongster Hong

      what is all the talk about human extinction? I thought we were talking about American politics. get over yourselves americans, the world will move on upon your demise

  4. steviecomment

    Or, when Bankers want to make more profits, they lend out more money, even if the "loans" are to people that have no way of paying them back. Now these "loans" don't come from the vault, they are simply numbers typed into a computer. There is your inflation.
    And don't forget the interest added too, for the risk we are taking.

    If we could elect bankers, i'd have no complaints.

    1. 1concept1

      We do already and they control the printing press. A banker by any other name still smells like, tihs.

  5. systems1000

    When some people start demanding more money it creates a chain reaction in others to do the same in fear that they are being left behind.Thus everything starts to go up and the country starts to print more money,thus Everyones money starts to devaluate.A system that trys to regulate the worth of another will all ways be plagued with this disease.

  6. steviecomment

    If no one benefits from inflation, why is it here.

    Banks benefit from inflation, it's a hidden tax.

    Banks are private businesses, that can't be right, can it?

    1. Mattycakes

      How do bank's benefit from inflation? You've got it backwards; inflation hurts creditors, and benefits debtors. I borrow $100 - when I repay, if there was inflation, the 100$ I pay back is less valuable than at inception, if deflation, then the 100$ I pay back is more valuation than at inception. Bonds are a deflation hedge.

    2. steviecomment

      The reason inflation happens, is because the Bank lends out money it creates out of thin air.

      They don't take any risk, but still claim interest. So even with inflation at its peak, it's a steady profit.

  7. systems1000

    Actually no one benefits from inflation.Except those who think they can by killing the golden goose.

  8. steviecomment

    When people say they think money is evil, i no what they mean. I think whats unfair about money is inflation. Who benefits from inflation............mmmm i wonder.

  9. systems1000

    Just because people seem content to live with little money dose not necessary mean that they wouldn,t like to hit the mother load, perhaps they are not in the right social position or cleaver enough to get their hands on any.Example,look at all the gambling.Sad but true,those facing imminent death and or/sliding into old age will wake up to the horror that money is not as important as they once thought it was.Money can only give us a more comfortable place to die.

    1. 1concept1

      systems1000, some people come out of the either early on. I have a friend that is fairly wealthy, boats, buildings a thriving business. He said to me once, "I wake up every morning fearing poverty is just around the corner. Two things, I believe, motivates most people, fear of loss or unworked for gain.

    2. systems1000

      you might try to help your friend by reminding him of the old adage-you can,t take it with you. After all,what is a human life span when compaired to eternity?That equation is only a myth.

  10. Luis Fernando

    I love this site(TOP)

    The only thing i regret is ....Not having enough time to see all docs

    Cheers and keeps up the good work

  11. henrymart81

    Definitely not as biased as CNN. I swear CNN must have a staff of fiction writers.

    1. 1concept1

      I'm curious, why CNN what about fox news? Or could you elaborate?

  12. Adam Young

    there will never be time where the 99% are free from their puppet masters. we will try to overthrow them via legal process which will continue to fail and ultimately we will rise up and use violence which then a genocide ( and an accompanying corporate sponsored media propaganda ) of the many million undesirables. if they'll demolish occupied skyscrapers in the name of money, how much further will the EVIL 1% go when it's their lives at stake ?

    1. 1concept1

      "there will never be a time where the 99% are free from their puppet masters". "We" will try to overthrow them....., you make ref to the 99% as you being one of us? and then you go on to call yourself EVIL? That's a weird statement.

    2. 1concept1

      99%, of the world is "EVIL" and the 1% with their pockets filled with gold, "your" MASTERS? You might want to rethink your statement?

    3. tylerward

      Adams statement did make sense he mentioned the 99% in a different statement, your just over thinking it.

    4. Adam Young

      i said the 1% are EVIL, not myself. yes 99% of the world is evil but how many of those evil 99% that you personally know would not only kill you for more money but sit around in board meetings, discussing how to best not get caught doing it ? know anybody like that ? now wouldn't you consider such ideas to be on a higher level of evil ? sorry i couldn't make it simpler for you.

  13. Adam Young

    it's " the love of money is the root of all evil " not money itself !
    first Timothy 6:10

    1. systems1000

      the only problem with that is that everyone loves money.Thats why I stopped going to church.I graduated from kindergarten many years ago.

    2. 1concept1


    3. 1ColleWorld ©

      Yes! Thank you Adam.

  14. Lenny

    PressTV, RT and al-Jazeera are incapable of objective reporting.

    1. tomregit

      Not nearly as unbiased and reliable as Fox News?

    2. Tim Chisholm

      Your joking...right?

    3. tomregit

      Yes. Perhaps I shouldn't have assumed that it would be obvious.

    4. pwndecaf

      I think they are better than most US agencies.

    5. charles1957b

      That is a rather broad brush to paint the finer details, story by story, needed to make a comparison.
      Rather than agreeing to go to that extent, I instead would argue that I think that they are definitely worth watching.

    6. charles1957b

      This episode was entirely objective and well reported. Other episodes, (and channels), are not completely unbiased. I agree to that extent. On the other hand : Who in the World is completely unbiased?

  15. Justin Lesniewski

    Money is pretty god danged evil, immoral, illogical, wasteful, whatever you want to think of EVIL as! Yes I know evil doesn't exist that's why I added all the smarty things that people blame evil on......Things that Should bother us as beings in this loving universe.... It perpetuates social stratification, puts a dollar sign on every natural resource, gives power to those that haven't earned it, keeps power to those who haven't earned it---- need I even go on? Oh......Wait.....Money is the Sh##Glue that binds us as a world, and its the quintessential carrot on a stick for you sheeple, they would HAVE you believe....even though They dont even realize they want you to believe something they dont even understand, they involuntarily vomit in their mouths and swallow it back down without even realizing how bad it tastes! Scum is overflowing from the cesspit of the USA I am so disgusted and I bet God is too. He probably changed the channel to a way cooler planet, where people actually care about something besides themselves.... people think they know something but they dont know anything,

    You Don't Know Anything. I do. Learn about a concept called "positive disintegration" study Nietzsche for 5 years, listen to a few george carlin shows, halfway kill yourself just to appreciate life, abandon God like a staunch snobby atheist, and then come back to love him again truly, and know in your heart that this wasn't all for nothing.

    Money, Money, Money. Your alright Jack, until someone wants to get their hands on your stack! MONEY it keeps this big s###ball rolling down hill and picking up speed and SH## and people like you all mashed up into a big ball of S%&* and stupid. You know what, I guess the Nazis Death Squads weren't evil, they was just a means to an end....durrrrr Guns are a means to an end, so I guess they aint evil either? DURRRRRRRRR guns dont kill people! people kill people! DURRRRRRRRR People just love to stick their big stupid opinion into things, and say it like its a FACT. LOL "you are entitled to your own opinions, but your not entitled to your own facts!" /Rant

    1. tomregit

      "---- need I even go on? "
      No. Please don't.

    2. wald0

      Are you just referring to everyone in general, or do you have someone specific in mind? I can't believe anyone would be so arrogant as to tell the world, "You Don't Know Anything. I do." I mean do you really think you're the only person in the world to read Nietzsche and other philosophers, listen to george Carlin or consider concepts such as positive disintegration? I know many that have and they still disagree with you, does that automatically make them "st*pid" in your opinion? If it does maybe you need to hit those books again because I think you may have missed something fairly important along the way.But that is just my opinion, much like the above is only yours- wonderful thing about real critical thinking is that it answers to no individual authority but instead provides us a reliable system for discovering truth.

    3. Justin Lesniewski

      I was in a mood when I wrote that, sorry, I stand by my opinions except the middle part about people on this site, that I revere. "You don't know anything. I do." I apologize that was very arrogant and egotistical. It's hard not to be angry about the way things are. Most of us are marginalized so badly we want to exercise our opinions almost violently... But I do apologize I was totally in the wrong to take that tone, with a site that I revere and mostly respect everyone here. Sorry again, I hope I learn from this mistake.

    4. Sieben Stern

      lol @ staunch snobby atheist. Because believing in god ISN'T making up your own facts? Riiiight.

      Whatever. God LOVES money. Just ask the pope.

      Roll over and go back to sleep.

  16. demiurg

    this document is sooooooooo "objective"

    1. Lenny

      PressTV is Iranian propaganda in English.

    2. CURI0S

      Well, they have some pretty credible experts here, regardless of who produced this.

  17. Geoffrey Grekin

    Money is NOT the root of all evil... It's simply a means to an end.
    The truth about money is that its simply a tool in which the true roots of evil; power, control and influence can manifest itself.

    1. systems1000

      not can but will.

    2. Guest

      NAH your wrong bud. Money is pretty god danged evil, immoral, illogical, wasteful, whatever you want to think of EVIL as! Yes I know evil doesn't exist that's why I added all the smarty things that people blame evil on......Things that Should bother us as beings in this loving universe.... It perpetuates social stratification, puts a dollar sign on every natural resource, gives power to those that haven't earned it, keeps power to those who haven't earned it---- need I even go on? Oh......Wait.....Money is the Sh##
      glue that binds us as a world, the scum that is overflowing from your mouths is so disgusting, people think they know something but they dont know anything, You Dont Know Anything. Money, Money, Money. Your alright Jack, until someone wants to get their hands on your stack! MONEY it keeps this big s###ball rolling down hill and picking up speed and s*it and people like you all mashed up into a big ball of S%&* and s*upid. You know what, I guess the Nazis Death Squads weren't evil, they was just a means to an end....durrrrr Guns are a means to an end, so I guess they aint evil either? DURRRRRRRRR guns dont kill people! people kill people! DURRRRRRRRR People just love to stick their big s*upid opinion into things, and say it like its a FACT. LOL "you are entitled to your own opinions, but your not entitled to your own facts!" /Rant

    3. Justin Lesniewski

      lol you sound so sure of yourself ^_-

    4. charles1957b

      I agree.

      Money was invented to replace the direct bartering system as markets grew far beyond village size, and as a reliable means to compensate workers for their labor, with a commodity that they could utilize for their needs. As a worker, I would not want to be paid in drums of olive oil or crates of carrots. That would not meet all of my family's needs and I would have to waste a lot of time, trying to trade those items for the other things that we need beyond carrots and olive oil. Nor is it practical for me to bring 15 cows and a thousand pounds of copper to my local Chevy dealer for one of their small cars.

      In these respects, money is a means to an end, as you stated. Unfortunately individuals along the way have learned to game the system to their own advantage and to use that accumulated money to then accumulate power and other resources. Once these tricks of trade have been discovered, they cannot be undiscovered.

      I can only hope that humanity will mature out of this stage to a more equitable system that doesn't use money, but instead uses sets of common goals that humans join together to achieve and that resources in the future are developed beyond the level of scarcity that we have experienced up to now. That was my major in college, "Natural Resources Development".

      Mankind can achieve a lot more, if we refuse to be reduced to a proverbial donkey walking after a carrot on a stick.

    5. Sieben Stern

      I agree - It's the consolidation of money and the creation of wealth and valuing that above everything else that is the 'evil'.

      I can love cats, but that doesn't automatically make me a cat hoarder. I can own a gun and not kill anyone. There's one more step in there where the item - gun, money, cat - is put to a use or gathered in a way that is corrupting.

    6. bringmeredwine

      Hi there!
      I agree with you and Sieben and Charles.
      And according to THEE all-knowing- Justin, we ALL must be idiots!
      Me thinks "Guest" is actually Justin Lesniewski.

    7. DeShaun Williams

      youre comment says... "Money is NOT the root of all evil..." then you explain how it is.

  18. Helen Kennington

    The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

    1. systems1000

      for others yes,but what about your self?

    2. charles1957b

      Money is just green and white paper, at least it is in America. Other countries may use other colors and materials. But it is what that paper allows us to do, that becomes the source of all "evil" and of "good" also. Let's look at a few examples.
      With money one can influence politics, (the topic of this documentary), can buy out small companies - fire all the workers leaving them homeless and hungry and replace them with robotic machines, can initiate wars of conquest, can be influential enough to be able to skirt the laws designed to protect other citizens and the environment, can coerce or convince others to do bad things that they would not normally do, can buy illegal drugs or sell drugs to others for the money, can buy slaves for labor or services, can buy opulence while others around one suffer and even die.
      With money one can help to provide food and shelter for people experiencing difficult times, can provide services for orphans and children in dangerous situations, can obtain medical care when needed, can have a healthy and adequate diet and shelter, can travel to places as needed or desired, can spread the word of one's faith, can provide resources for lost, injured or abandoned domestic animals, can monitor the weather and warn others in advance about dangerous storm conditions, can provide resources to cleanup the environment to protect people and other living things. I know that I could go on in either category.
      Bottom line is : It is what man does with money that is GOOD or EVIL.
      Reviewing the above, I think that the definition of "Love of Money" becomes the crux of the matter. I think that when this phrase was penned in the scriptures, the word association at the time was "Love of Money = Greed" and the "Greed" is evil. I would say that would be true today, given that word association.