Medicinal Cannabis

2010, Drugs  -   108 Comments
Ratings: 8.01/10 from 72 users.

Medicinal CannabisIn this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health.

This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real science surrounding the world's most controversial plant.

Topics include: What the consensus is from over 1500 scientific and medical trials? What conditions have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana? Its historical use as medicine dating back over 5300 years.

Methods of delivery and their different advantages. Government sponsored studies intended to show Marijuana having negative effects that yielded the exact opposite results.

Common myths about negative effects of Marijuana and what the research really says about these topics. For more info and donations visit the official site Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health.

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108 Comments / User Reviews

  1. What movie shows the hope that the opiate crisis could be eased by the use of cannabis products.?

  2. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness! Cannabis is really indeed magical. As studies progress, it unfolds a lot of possible uses and applications in science and medicine.
    I hope this could be the future treatment of a lot of diseases.

  3. Many people have been using medical marijuana to cure their disease.

  4. Medical cannabis is a great herb for different medical disorders. I love this post!

  5. its not just tobacco as the leading cause of lung cancer, but carbon intake... i.e. ... fossil fuel burning, gasoline, oil, coal...or air pollution. smog.. hello,

  6. said from moroco: d'apres ce que je lis et je regarde parmis vos programme j 'ai recapitiler que le canabis est une source de soulagement si la personne la consomme avec responsabilitée et apres avoire consulter une visite midicale pour agreer ss consomation,ici dans notre payé la loi le combattre malgre que la plupart des gens consomme en cachete je serai heureux si vous et les gens qui collabore a l'edition de ses pricieux documentaire si vous avez la possibilité de nous venir en aide par votre governement et les gens de la science et la medcine a eclairé le parcours lorsque vous engager a venir en aides envers les autres par des medicaments a demender de faire parvenir ce produits comme vous le faite par des pointe de distribution comme les pharmacies et coféshop car je vois dans ma commune des jeunes qui se conduit vers les comprimés de niveau 2et3 non organisé et des gens qui fournis leur argent pour l'acheter et qui soufre de la qualité si entre parenthese vous proposer de organisé le marcher et venir a aider les gens car vis a vis au donation que s'engage les payés puissant pour venir a laides des leur frere peuvre la façon d'ou elle trace son trajectoire pour l'investire a l'amelioration de qualite de vie de son peuple ce drnier est pricisement les partie faible de la societe qui prend des micro credit pour sortir de leur situation difficille et qui ne puissent pas subir les frais d'un traitement a budget levé ils se derige vers le cannabis pour soulager leur douleur mais en meme temps ils sont menacé d'etre intercepter a n'importe quelle moment malgre de leur position de consommateur qui vous tend la main pour les aidé vive la science medicinale qui a eclairer nos chemins vers des secret de cette magical herbe TANKS100%FOR YOUR MIND

  7. SWEET BABY JESUS. I love this bull it is similar to the big Tacbacco compnanies ads in the 50's and 60's.

    1. You must be one of those people who believe that if its perscribed its safe and believe that alcohol is safe. Lol, I love it when s*upid people say extremely uneducated things about stuff they know nothing about(through personal findings). I am going to be going to college to be able to grow, sell, and cook with cannabis. through my findings and observation(first hand) of experiments with proper controls cannabis is a good thing. And when it comes to religion: cannabis was consumed by shieva, given to us to use by "god the father"(Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.), used by bhuddist monks sinse forever, and praised as being a gift from god/the gods in many other religions. Why it is illegal now is because of racism(against those said to use it in the 20's-blacks, latinos, and asians- in egypt as ethnic grroups battled as well as in india, both to remove officials of different groups and beliefs, in many places in africa as part of apartide as it was also given a racist name-daga- and many more places for similar reasons while most remaining countries just followed what they saw). Most everything they said in this doccumentary is true and proovable. After knowing that do u still believe that cannabis is bad? Do u think its fairly illegal? If so you are r*tarded and that's that.

      Thank you for reading,

  8. It has helped my Cervical Dystonia spasms. I highly believe in it. So I already told my specialist to put me on the list when they pass the bill. :) Waiting...

    1. Just quietly keep using it. I've been interested in the cannabdiol as a potential wonder drug without the effect of the high. But the high can be nice as well.

      By the way, some have had tremendous success using cannabis as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. But they were juicing the cannabis(apparently the leaves, stems, and bud--all of it) as the helpful chemicals are then more potent. But juice an apple or orange with it. There is one story of the young woman who cured her rheumatoid arthritis by juicing cannabis. I have a niece with a very similar problem and I hope to get her started on juicing cannabis. Note to self: I've got some work to do.

  9. This dated 12/03/2012;

    Big thanks( even though i live else where) to Washington and Colorado. Perhaps change will occur soon every where else soon.
    I can attest to the curative properties of cannabis. I've been smoking the herb since i was 17. I am 42 now was always 140 lbs, never gained weight. I work in a restaurant setting and can out work those 20 years my junior. So to those who feel that us stoners are overweight, lazy you just can bite me.

  10. You dont appear to know what you are saying. If you suffered with a chronic uncurable illnesses that made your life pointless you might change your mind. If the only thing that helped decrease that intense daily pain was pot then you might change your mind. If you suffered from an illness that caused violent heaving and barfing sessions that wrecked havoc on your already brittle body you might change your mind. If the only pain medications allowed to you were ones that make you sleep all day and miss out on your children's lives then you might change your mind.
    For me that illness is chronic pancreatitis.
    Prescription pain meds only dull the pain and they are harmful on the liver and kidneys as well as ones colon.
    People seem to think that in order to safely use pot as an herb that the person must be some kind of morally corrupt uncaring unbathed low life idiot who spends his waking hours stoned. Yeah there are some people like that. Just as there are some people who are addicted to food so should we make food illegal? Some people are addicted to alcohol and go home every night to beat their kids while drunk. Some people are addicted to cigarettes and smoke them in enclosed cars and homes with their children trapped in there with them clowly dying from it. Some people are addicted to sex and run around cheating on their spouses and spreading STDs so does that mean we should out law sex?
    There will always be the stupid kinds of pot smokers just as there are stupid eaters and drinkers. Anything used improperly is harmful even water.
    There are many many people out there who have not been able to find physical relief with those presciption medications that make them sleep all day and night and kill their livers off, but they have been able to find relief with pot. And one doesnt need to smoke it to get the madical affects of it. Nor does one need to go running to a joint everytime they are stressed. One must buck up and face life but that doesnt mean we should have to mercilessly suffer in agonizing pain beause the government doesnt like one of God's herbal healing plants. You'd be suprised how many people use it and function normally in society.
    Common since tells us that pilots, surgeons and others in such jobs should NOT use pot before their job just as they should not use prescrption pain meds before doing those things due to their sleepy side affects. So common since must be used as with all herbs and medications.
    But to deny a critically sick person a chance to grow and use a FREE herbal plant is communistic. Notice I said FREE? Do you think that maybe that is why it isnt being legalized? Whose wallet do you think would suffer if we didnt need to buy so much prescription pain meds because we could grow and use our own pot for pain?

    1. My son has chronic pancreatitis. His was brought on by alcoholism and although he's been sober for 4 years now, the pancreatitis will be a lifelong thing. He also gets relief from his pain with cannabis, and that relief allows him to keep working and keeps him from having to take other drugs for the severe pain. He hated the way he felt when he was prescribed narcotic pain killers and was afraid of possible addiction to them since he already fought off one addiction, alcohol He is a cigarette smoker already so the smoking of it wasn't an issue, but finds he gets better pain control from eating foods made with the oil.

    2. I'm in the same boat as your son and for the same reason.I've been sober for 15 years.But left with this life long health issue and also I'm a type 1 diabetic because of alcohol(the legal drug).I had started drinking at ripe age of 17.But fast forward...I'm now Off all pain meds and only use cannabis...both with THC and also CBD oil.I vaporize because smoking is bad for people with pancreatitis.The vaporizer is wonderful.Make sure your son tries one.The desktop box kind can run around 50 bucks for a very good one.You don't have to spend hundreds. Thank God I live in a state where I have access without being a criminal.I also changed my diet to a very low fat all organic one.Best wishes to you son.Rachel

  11. One of the best vids on the subject.

  12. criminalized marijuana is not just stupid it is MURDER!!!!

    these scumbags in politics and government in their pathetic effort to control us have restricted sick people from a confirmed medicine and perhaps even treatment.

    Im tired of hearing all about the miracles of industrial petrochemical medicines.. nature is the true source of health care, not artificial synthesized chemicals and outright toxins.

    I read somewhere that the average American GP usually completes around 10 hours of nutrition study in their MD course. if this is true... I;m OUT of their corporate fantasy.


  13. Every elected offical and law enforcement person should be required to watch this a least three times so that it sinks into their neandertal brain that pot is good for you !!!! cant beat mother nature !!!

  14. you guys are all focusing on extremes. the fact is that marijuana is non addictive, non violent, enjoyable time. by non addictive i mean, the user will not experience withdraw symptoms if he/she stops using the drug. do u want to know why marijuana is such a big industry? 20 billion in canada alone! its because everyone is doing it! millions of people smoke! and do u know why u never hear about it? because its a victimless crime. In the 1930's when Henry Anslinger was trying to turn marijuana into the image it has today by the majority; he and the FDN always struggled to capture marijuana smokers for the central reason that it is a "victimless crime". The party doing the crime would never report it and there is no victim. no body gets hurt. Buddy smokes his joint and goes home. Thats it. the only harm he did was the act of smoking. if he had stuck out of his house at night. crept over to the nearby park and packed a bowl full of lawn grass and smoked that. he did the same amount of harm to himself,which by the way is nothing. People don't smoke a joint before doing crime either. thats bulls***. most people who smoke herb get paranoid in Mcdonald's. when you smoke weed you want food and enjoyment/relaxation. What's one thing Pot smokers have in common that tobacco smokers don't? well I can name a few. Marijuana only smokers do not have COPD, less chance of contracting cancer rather than an insanely increased risk with tobacco smokers (2000% increase risk in developing cancer) and the list goes on and on about other benefits. My favorite difference between pot smokers compared to tobacco smokers is that all tobacco smokers do is complain about trying to quit, how hard it is, and always seemingly regretting smoking tobacco. they hate it. its what makes them battle the cold and rain just to have a smoke. its pathetic. On the other hand marijuana only smokers love that f***ing plant. I have never heard a pot smoker complain about trying to quit. marijuana is easy I've quit several times in my life. once for the military and many more as I've travelled. it is habituating but you can quit without puking up your lungs out and being bed ridden for days or weeks, or without stress levels go through turbulence, insomnia etc. Drugs that do have these withdraw symptoms are drugs like heroin, crystal meth, alcohol and tobacco, morphine etc.

    Also what marijuana is doing in your brain is very different. Our brains actually all have a cannabinoid receptor that processes cannabinoids like THC. Other drugs that people use inflict there "high" in a different way. Usually by altering endorphins and other behavior influencing chemicals in our bodies. We process THC like we process our regular feelings of happiness or sadness etc. Through similar receptors in our brains.

    The fact is marijuana is relatively harmless compared to our other legal substances. Yes it is true people abuse marijuana and use it as a coping mechanism, and people also do that with alcohol, coca-cola-tobacco, chocolate, ice cream, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, heroin, painkillers, porn,that list could go on and on. People use substances to cope with things. Im not saying i agree with it, im just saying it happens. a lot. and like all over the world too. So do we ban everything that people can abuse? or do we only stress to people why not to abuse or misuse? just f***ing legalize it and tax the f*** outta it, ill pay it! ill open a cafe in toronto!

    "When all them cars go past you dont hear it cause your thinking. Herb is the thing, it give you a little time to yourself so you can live; if you use it". - Bob Marley

    1. There's only one flaw in your thinking... it would be virtually impossible to effectively tax marijuana. If legalized, it would basically be a "free" drug. It will grow almost anywhere. This is a fact that does not go unnoticed by the pharmaceutical companies that have a much more powerful voice in government than the people. Big pharma has a vested interest in blocking legalization.

  15. States like California have the right Idea, it is cruel to keep medicine from the sick.

  16. I advice people to use a Vaporizer for your herbs, it doesn't involve burning. Thus keeping it clean and more healthy. You can also better regulate the amount of CBD's and CBN's being vape'd. The lower the temp', the softer the hit. The higher the temp', the higher the hit. So if you really want the benefits of using medicinal cannabis, use a vaporizer...

    Edit: @lol I live in the Netherlands. Don't have to tell you about our laws regarding cannabis. If you think that there are only bums, lowlifes and junks in this country, you'll be surprised to see that that's not the case. If there is a substance that can make your painful life so much better, then why not use it, for crying out loud....

  17. Seems like most people who don't like marijuana/don't want to see it legalized don't want to give others the choice to control their lives and ingest substances that they see fit. Just because you don't support or agree with something doesn't mean that everyone should have to follow you. Saying that people should not have to choice to smoke weed is un-american. I don't like alcohol, it makes me sick and I tend to make bad decisions, does that mean no one else should ever drink alcohol because of my bad experiences?

  18. the best prescribed drugs could do for my mother after being diagnosed with breast cancer,was let the cancer come right back twice,ten years of kemo and surgeries to get her nowhere, until she started to smoke marijuana,wich to me was a massive shock because all through my teenage years she was so against me smoking it. she even had the cops come by home to give me a talking to.Besides that my mum now is able to go back to her work,her gardens and all the other things she enjoys in a new light. I like so many other people have seen the good come from medicinal use of this drug. to deny it is plain arrogance.

  19. its simple ppl, especially to the ones who want to post here and not watch the movie... we were designed to consume cannabanoids. just looking into the human anatomy tells us that. yes, i and many others enjoy this euphoric feeling more often than our bodies tell us is nessesary, but ill be a stoner way before ill be a drunk and history has proven that my choice to do so is a very safe one. i pay my bills, dont kill ppl, and am cautious of my carbon foot print. and im sure there are more ppl like me than in any other demographic in the world. we just have to continue to push the envelope like we ve been the past few yrs and this civil war weve been fighting since 1937 will be over and won. keep it up buds and stay safe.

  20. Plants contain an amazing amount of healing powers.

    My brother was diagnosed with severe stomach and intestinal problems of many kinds- many of which he connected with stress. (Stress is a medical diagnosable state - high cortisol levels and such).

    I was with him when he was vomiting profusely, terribly terribly sick after a difficult break up.

    The doctors said he would have to be on Nexium and other medicines for the rest of his life.

    He stopped drinking alcohol, started eating a predominantly raw and vegan diet, no chicken, beef, pork, minimal (maybe once a month) fish and dairy, and smokes marijuana every day. He lives in NYC.

    He has not needed Nexium or any other pharmaceutical since. He has moved up in his profession, started earning more money, and has been in a stable relationship for three years.

    Also he is 43 years old and people think he is about 35 (that could be genetics though).

    ALSO - A study in Japan has found that women who eat mushrooms every day and drink green tea regularly are 90% NINETY PERCENT LESS LIKELY TO GET BREAST CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. To the moron who titled his comment "lol". Do you not realize that people DO take substances to make themselves "feel normal" and they are prescribed to them by doctors? And these drugs kill over 100,000 a year? While marijuana has been proven time and time again for thousands of years to be medically useful to people will many illnesses and diseases. And guess how many people have EVER died from marijuana? Zero. Thats right a--hole, zero. In thousands of years not a single person has died from weed. So stay ignorant and judge people who are making a choice to do something natural and not harmful to anyone. Support the pharmaceutical companies and die like the rest of people who support killers while rejecting what they dont know.

    1. i dont think he was saying parmasuticals were anybetter than weed he was simply stateing that people should start to face up to problems i know plenty of people who are mentaly degenirates becuse of years of smokeing sounds to me your the one judging those who choose not to nullify themselfs constantly you people are so defensive becuse u belive it is the right way ur in denial .

  22. I'd hate to see what would happen to this country, with it's already overweight, ignorant, self pitying population, if weed was legalized. :( Get over yourselves and learn that life isn't painless and never will be. Anyone that thinks they need weed to relax needs a shrink appointment, too. If anyone honestly thinks that they need a substance to be or feel "normal" is probably already ****** up and won't ever be/feel normal regardless of how much they smoke, drink or inject drugs.

    1. you are a really ignorant person marijuana has medical benefits who are you to say other wise no one says any thing about pain killers or medications that only mask the problems and make you sicker maybe you need a shrink you dumb f*** marijuana is nothing compared to alcohol and pain killers are so addictive I would never take them get a life and don't comment on things you don't know about. 20 year user and i'm 130 pounds

    2. I am a medical marijuana patient you are very ignorant do you no how addictive pain killers are and how many Americans are addicted to them have you ever herd of muscle relaxers cannabis is a alternative to the very addictive medications out there I have used marijuana for 20 years and I way 130 pounds 35years old get over your self I hate when stupid people make comments about things they no nothing about

    3. from another medical patient, friends, dont let this obviously ignorant idiot get us excited. we should kno by now that theres ppl who play dumb and say stupid shit just to hear themselves, heres an example..

    4. i used weed for years telling myself i was healing myself now that ive stoped my anxiety and depresion is much more servere and its going to take a long time to dry out and feel normal again ITS TAKEN ME TO VERY DARK PLACES say what you want i agree its no medicine deal with your problems head on people theres more to life than nullifying your self.

    5. I have Anxiety, Depression and Sleeping problems, the thing about smoking weed is you need to know what type of weed will help you and how much to smoke. Chances are you were smoking Indica which is the weed that gives you a "body buzz" which would be good for sleeping and stress relief but in my opinion not for depression. What you should have smoked was Sativa which is the weed which is good for pain relief, it makes you energetic and optimistic which would be good if you are depressed because I know how bad it gets but it is also better smoking once a week or once a month not everyday. This will keep your tolerance low and your wallet full.

    6. People use drugs to feel normal all the time. Any medicine any one takes is a drug, are you saying that everyone gets a flu shot is in need of a shrink then you are stupid. There are troops who use weed to help them with PTSD having PTSD isn't normal, they use weed to help them out. I'm guessing you are one of those stupid people who likes to criticize weed without having used it or just because you couldn't handle it. grow up

  23. F legalization. I likemy weed cheap!

  24. None of you should even act smart cause i bet nobody looked around on this site to find a name to see who wrote this shit, considering anyone could have. I'm not saying its wrong and i'm not saying it's write but still SWED.

    1. Learn how to spell and punctuate your sentences before calling anyone stupid.

  25. the politics and weed need weed is harmless when used correctly

  26. I am the victim of chronic pain. To deny me the use of this helpful herb is not only beyond understanding, but cruel and hypocritical. If I drunk myself into a stupor to relieve the pain, guess that would be considered OK. Use of medical marijuana may save some poor soul from taking his/her life due to intractable pain.

    The issue is nothing but a political football, which legislators trot out to show how anti-drug they are. But let them be in my body for five minutes. I guarantee they would quickly change their anti-marijuana stance.

    1. Sharon, I wish the best for you in your future and hope that marijuana eases your pain as much as possible. Ignore any one on here who was mean and remember that the "the first rule of nature is self preservation".

  27. been smoking since i was 20. It gives me energy, more empathy and i am more relaxed and artistic. This "drug" is used my Doctors, lawyers, police, judges, policeman, musicians, athletes. Do some research on it, More people die from Aspirin in 1 year than all the years pot has been used. This plant is a HUGE threat to corporations and big pharma. It's only illegal because it poses a threat to Profits.

    Lets look at the history of alcohol and tobacco which kills more people but is still legal. Its a double standard.

    1. now we are talking, you are correct, if weed would be legalized, pharmacuticles and pharmacies
      would loose a lot of money , and politicans as well, i think it is those two that are fighting it the most,
      all they do is push chemicals down your throat, than over time more prescriptions, i been in pain for 15 years,i did have surgery on my neck , but it was just worse after that i ended up having to go to a bigger city the doctor tried all she could, i am a diabetic now, but i have a hard time, just to get out of bed, my kidneys are working at 60% well that was in november of last year, my doc lowered my breakthrue medications to all most nothing, i don't go looking for pills in the street, i just stay in bed and take the pain.
      i have no idea if louisana prescribes medical weed, will ask my doctor next time i go,it was nice to read all of your responses, please excuse my writting errors.

  28. Cheers with a huge HempStar bud in one hand and a huge Kush bud in the other. My friend rock.


  30. I make cannabis tincture. I supply about 45 clients - arthritis (a big one) epileptics (of which i anm one), MS, musular dystrophy, amputee (of which i am one) cancer, anorexia, HCV, HIV and the list goes on - one of my clients has a nerve damaged arm from a MTB accident - he's essentially one armed - he swears by my tincture - i have a tincture recipe on YT. Now - cannabis is too good a drug, therefore drug companies support prohibition. Forget all the other bullshit - this is how it is - imagine the $$$ the drug companies would lose if everybody can grow their own (extremely effective) medicine - well, all we can do is be like me - a bootlegger for the best reasons. Remember - persist and prosper, question authority and dont believe a word they say.

    1. I wish you were my supplier :(. The people I get cannabis from are only in it for the money alone. I need it so I can eat and so sometimes I go without food and am in horrible pain for days.

    2. As someone who was in the "business" for five years, I never looked at my profession as immoral, or only for the money. I loved to see the joy I brought people. The couple who would use it to get in the mood, the soldier from Iraq who used it to help his PTSD, the people who used it in their lives as part of beautiful social ritual that formed a tapestry of art or political discussion, the people who used it to focus, to escape the nine to five of their lives in peaceful serenity, the boys who weave words into rap freestyles in my hallway, the people using it to heal after recovering from heroin or cocaine addiction, the doctor who shared it with her son, ..... Every age and kind of person came to my door to buy and partake and I was proud of what I did. I lived simply, in a three room apartment with five other people.

      My mother owned her own business for over fifteen years. I wish she could know that part of me- the part that knew to manage the books, give good customer service, and negotiate a fair deal.

      I am also the first to say that it is not for everyone. Some people should not smoke, and usually those people know who they are. And that is ok.

      Three months after my boyfriend and I closed our business, it was decriminalized in my state of Massachusetts. It was one time in my life that I felt beaming and deep pride for the democracy I saw around me.

  31. i make cannabis tincture and supply about 45 clients - many being elderly, with arthritis.i have a client who paralysed his arm in a mountainbike accident - he's essentially one handed - and has much muscle spasms - he swears by my tincture - i have 2 cancer clients, depressives, epilepsy (i myself am epileptic), MS and muscular dystrophy, hep C, anorexia, amputees (which i also am) and the list goes on - i have a tincture recipe on youtube - so - pot will never be legal cos the drug companies support prohibition - its a natural medicine we can all cultivate - imagine how much $$ the drug companies would lose if everybody could grow their own. Therefore be like me, a bootlegger for the people - question authority, kill your idols, persist and prosper.

  32. im 19, been smoking since 15, never gave into peer pressure cuz i thought it was SOO bad cuz of the bullshit propaganda and now i smoke everyday,, i got in tuned wit myself, life and existence..

    1. I'm 47 & have been smoking it for 32 years now, I'm thinking of giving it up soon because I just don't the same buzz that I used to.

    2. try a new variety

    3. Actually...i started smoking when i was about 15 too. I completely quit when i was 27 (even though i was surrounded by it) until i was about 45. Since then, i can smoke for months and quit for months and alternate this way. Most of the time when i start smoking again it is because the artist in me wants to dive in the well of my inspiration.
      When you quit long enough, smoking again is much better, of course if you smoke for medical reason ...then it is a different story. I am lucky to have good health...would that be because of all the pot i smoked??? HUM.

    4. I was the same and gave up. What i found was that smoking ocassionally. (once a month) brought back that ole euphoric feeling. Try that.

  33. I, like millions of others, smoked pot for literally decades (I'm sixty-three years old). How the hell did that happen to me??? It is great for the calming effect it has after a difficult day at work, the enjoyment of music and the arts in general, working at my particular hobby, and countless other things. After a long history of using I found I was simply smoking too much and not always at an appropriate time. I quit entirely about two years ago, and the good thing is that it was as easy as simply deciding to do it. I had the devil of a time quitting cigarettes about thirty years earlier. I still enjoy pot on an occasional basis but by baking instead. I seem to lack self control when it comes to smoking pot, however, it is neither addictive nor a "gateway drug" in my experience. It is totally benign when compared to tobacco or alcohol, with none of the addictive properties and far fewer physical health problems. The criminalization of cannabis use is truly one of the most misguided things we are doing. The extradition of Marc Emery to face "U.S. justice" was a real low point in our Canadian battle for sanity in law. Legalization has been completely absent in discussion and debate in our upcoming federal election Keep enjoying it Azilda and let us try to make some changes by unabashedly promoting the cultivation and use of our herb.

    1. I am 66 years old and love my cannabis. I plant in farm fields near creeks and wild places. enjoy the serenety and peace of mind when I do my bong. I used cannabis to quit alchohol and cigarettes. I can walk five miles feel great. I dont buy it anymore. got busted three years ago when an old friend narced on me.

    2. pot i like to say hearbs,makes whatever i'm doing much much more enjoyable my take

  34. What is tragic, is that, If they legalize it tomorrow it does not mean they have to release or pay anyone. They broke a stupid law that was in effect when they were sentenced. Think of the thousands of people siting idle, Consuming your tax dollars while at an age when they can be contributing. Think of the money that would be saved if we did not have to build more prison to hold these people. If we did not have to arrest or prosecute these people. Think of the good that could be done if law enforcement shifted its focus and resources to violent crimes and those who harm children. I do not smoke weed but all this is madness. Its a waste of money and people. I pray they legalize it, and free the non violent offenders caught up in this madness.

    1. It's a lot easier for the cop-DEA-thugs to bust marijuana users and growers than to do the police work to find and bust dangerous criminals. Not only are they fascists, they're lazy fascists. I think it's time for people who can think straight to declare a Declaration of Independence against the Federal Government. They've become monsters and we are supporting them with our tax dollars and our acquiescence.

    2. I rarely see 21 likes on one comment....and then some!
      Very well said and that from a non smoker! Check these comments by best rating, you'll be surprise to see the support for legalization.

  35. I had an intestinal infection for 6 months- it consisted of consistent diahrea and vomiting...i honestly felt that i was going to die..during the time i visited 6 doctors and 2 G.I specialists...none of the doctors, nor the G.I. specialists could figure out what was wrong with me...they told me it was something that i was going to have to live with (even though they didn't know what i f--king had)...towards the end of my 6 months of consistent stomach problems one of my friends told me to try some weed....i was completely against it and thought it was just as bad as any "hard" drug....boy was i wrong...the first time i'll admit i didn't feel much except a small improvement with my was my first time being high so i didn't know what to expect...the 2nd time (the next night) my buddy told me to try it stomach problems completely vanished...not just for the time being but eventually (1 week later of continuous use) all together....i went back to the 2nd G.I specialist and told him the problems diminished...he told me i probably had a bacterial infection...then he said "it seems that the fiber tablets we gave you seemed to work" i told him "nope i tried cannabis and it really did the trick for me" i didn't even take the fiber i smoke on occasion with my friends but i cannnot thank cannabis enough during that time

  36. Let's say they legalize...what happens with the thousands that are in jail for that reason?
    A little problem, they don't know how to solve....shame is right but it is placed on the wrong side of the deal.

    1. I didn't know that it would be a problem to free people who have done nothing wrong. I say this, because I'm fully aware of the legal implications that the government would face(paying the people who were jailed wrongfully). The government would probably raise taxes in order to do this, so what money is nothing and freedom is everything.

    2. Many thousands of people are in jail for dealing, smoking, growing, transporting pot...It would leave a lot of jails half empty. What do they do with the jails that are existing and the one they keep wanting to build?
      The pot issue is huge when you start looking at all the angles that need fixing.

    3. Well, maybe the taxes wouldn't go up. Taxpayers pay for criminals in jail, if they are freed, that makes a lot of extra money back in tax payers' wallets, plus, most of those in jail for marijuana-related crimes will be back on the workforce paying taxes themselves

    4. Good f***ing point, I never thought of that? :)

  37. Look at Willy Nelson, he's been going at it for a hundred years and he's still going strong. As far as I know he doesn't have any major medical problems, but then, I don't know him that well. Still, he's been puffing the killer weed for so long now that somebody should do a study on him, they just might find out that cannabis is actually a preservative.

    1. him...saw him in concert in Austin Texas. Him and Leon Russell...what a night! az

  38. How can the government make billions of dollars worth from the medical industry, if the public can grow the miracle cure in their back garden?..
    Thats what it all comes down to.

    1. thats right.. it always gone be about power (money)

    2. Until we can grow in the garden in open view, it is very easy to grow a pound in a closet. Very easy!

    3. Growing your own is not about money, it is about growing organic, the strain you like and not depending on others.
      And it is a very interesting plant to play with. It has genders, it looks beautiful, you can graft, clone, or just sing to them, and it grows fast 'cause it's an herb!
      For a gardener it is a toy.

    4. there's nothing stopping people from growing their own food in their back garden, but last time I checked agriculture was a fairly big industry

    5. You are right, not because pot becomes legal will people grow their own every where, there will be a market for serious growers. How many of you grow their own organic tomatoes, spinach, beans?

  39. I can understand choosing not to use it. A lot of people don't like the feeling or have various other good reasons not to. It blows my mind however every time I meet someone who is vehemently opposed to it as if it were this horrible thing. They talk like it does nothing but churn out lazy twisted people. Personally...I use it recreationally, a lot. I have no shame in that. I have for years. Yet every single job I work I am one of the hardest working and lowest stressed people there. I'm a friendly, intelligent, non-aggressive, helpful person.
    Yet I am a criminal.
    I know many people like me as well as many people who use it medicinal purposes(whether legal or not). The only real problems that it, in and of itself, causes from what I've seen is more of an amplification of the type of person you really are. Lazy people...aggressive people...stupid all seems to come out more when you are high. At that point it's not really the drug causing it.

    1. I believe term drug should be associated to chemical stuff. everybody knows that a simple change ( alcohol - cannabis ) on legalization and lots of lives are saved. but we dont have predators so for make the balance they will never take alcohol from the market.

    2. I've always been non violent, I worked my ass off in the military and everyone liked me, I was funny and witty but I still was an alcoholic... Does that mean it was right for me to down a 12 pack every night? No, it means there's something wrong with me that I can't find an inner peace without drugs.

    3. it is a medicine man! If you are sick or not - it is still good for mankind, you. We have allways used it through time of history. We only know that we have used for 3000 years with only good outcome from it. But think further - our ancestors - far far far back in time - ofcourse they also used it because it growed in their forests and at that time the womans probly was the herb-flower collectors for the tribe in the cave that they lived in With elder men shamans as their guids in their minds. NOW AT THIS TIME - we know better. Leave ur aggression and unknowledge of the lies we grew up in - out of this. Start to evolve :) science and knowledge is everything for us now! Med vänliga hällsningar, din bror!

    4. You worked your ass off in the military? What has that got to do with anything? What did you do in the "Military", seriously you sit behind a desk, you sound like a POG! Don't bring the military into this; use your own spine, drop the crutch.

  40. It's so clear that pot has so many positive uses that one has to ask ... why are the powers to be still pushing cannabis prohibition? I really can't understand this? Is it simply that it affords more control and restrictions on the individual ... is it just and excuse for spending more tax-payer dollars on enforcement agencies ... is it another nail in the coffin of human rights? No law enforcement agency that can get statistically high arrests and convictions in marijuana want this to be legal because it's so easy to increase their budgets via this stricture ... without it law enforcement budgets would eventually go down and that is something such bureaucratic institutions do not want to happen.

    1. currently you can get grass one of 3 ways:

      1) by medical prescription which is a hassle and can only be done in certain states.
      2) on the the black market a.k.a the streets.
      3) buying a ticket to holland and making a pit stop in amsterdam

      the powers that be control the black market, big bucks when you think about it. why would they want to legalize it and have to regulate, tax and fix a price.

    2. or growing it yourself...easy easy breezy.
      1 grow light, 12 clones, close to 1 pound or 2000$ in your pocket.

    3. the way to stay in power and make money (which come hand in hand)is by control. Its a known fact cannabis, as well as other mindaltering drugs such as LSD opens peoples minds to question authority and think autonimously. Which is why you get the steriotype of the lazy stoner saying "mann, i didnt go into work, because i dont want to." They are just doing what we are all thinking... in a sence; self freedom.
      As long as we dont act autonimously, the government will stay in control, a government that happens to be supressing your freedom to do so.

    4. Nixon started the war on drugs because the hippies in the 60s and 70s refused to go to Vietnam once they'd smoked; they saw through the whole scam immediately. With pot, there's too many other ways of spending your life then in a uniform or a three piece suit in some cubicle somewhere. Being pro-hemp is like being anti-religion; the straights can't handle anyone that different from them. We're all supposed to play in their party, only...

  41. Just to add; thirty years ago my father insisted that heroin should never be used as a pain killer for terminally ill cancer patients. He would get this stubborn look on his face that told you there would be no compromise. 25 years later, when, unfortunately, he was dieing and in considerable pain, he finally realized just how bull headed he was when he was younger. It took an extreme situation to change his mind.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, I feel for you since my mother has gone through cancer and absolutely refused to let me treat her with any medicinal cannabis. It was very painful to watch.

    2. My condolences. Cancer has to be the cruelest disease on the planet.

    3. My mom has stage four colon cancer and never once picked up marijuana and is doing fine. But she's also in the small percentage of patients that make it past the two year mark and has been a survivor for 8 years.

    4. Most of us are bully with our perception until something/someone shows us a different angle.
      Sorry to hear that you lost your dad to cancer. My folks are still alive, together, healthy...i can't imagine the day one will go away and then both.

  42. My strong opinion is that they should not legalize Hemp but legalize Pot. Hemp is dangerous to Pot botanically.
    Pot growers have to be careful to not allow huge hemp fields near by. We need to push to allow huge pot fields. If hemp spreads in fields the size of corn or soya fields than pot will have to be grown indoor only. If we are going to use the different breakdown of the plant might as well start with the quality we have trained the plant to become!

    1. why not hemp ?? do you know what hemp can do ?? building material,clothes,PAPER 8 TIMES BETTER THAN FROM TREES, have one doc on this web site about that..

      "I was crazy when crazy means something"

    2. You are quick to label people with crazyness, how about you first approach with a question to confirm you labelling first.

      I know about hemp mister smarti loops.
      Hemp provides no buzz, cannabis does. Hemps provides fiber so does cannabis.
      It is like wishing that the nice wine you drink with your spaghetti be alcool free.

    3. I think you're correct to a certain degree. If you're growing cannabis for its medicinal value and the amount of THC it contains than you don't want to let your crop near ordinary hemp. This could produce next generations which contain much less THC and thus less medicinal value.

      I am of the belief that the Cannabis plant has many more uses than just as medicine. I believe that we should continue to cultivate the plant for its many uses and develop specific breeds for different purposes. Humankind could develop a different breed of cannabis for each purpose, imagine a special breed which is designed to produce the softest most durable fiber for clothing, while another breed is designed to produce the most amount of nutritous seed etc.

    4. it is possible to keep both legal and make safety measures so neither interfere with one another. its kind of silly to throw the baby out with the bath water. also hemp produces MUCH MUCH MUCH more pulp than cannabis. they do not compare on a industrial level.

    5. You can have hemp in the east then, we'll keep what we got here! You got the big fields, here pot love the mountains! We'll be happy to export our crop your way, for your industrious life.

    6. First thing: Replying about I label people... If you thing like that is because the hat fits on you

      Second thing: i made my opinions based in what i believe and i learn every day, never ever i comment about no one.

      And last: Yes i do, im really crazy but just when crazy means something :D

    7. The hat does fit me often. I do claim to be crazy if crazy mean coming with a different perception of the world i live in.
      If i wrote something that upset you, i am is quite possibly because i didn't understand your post, otherwise you wouldn't have mind.

      Concerning pot, i have lived most of my adult life surrounded by people who do not only talk about pot but people who live off it. If one day GOOD pot is legalized in America, it will be due in large part because of the people in the Kootenay region of BC. Of course many other places grow pot successfully but for this region it is a way of life for thousands. Many don't even smoke it, it is a family business, because pot growing IS a lot of work.
      I once trimmed with an 85 yrs old woman from Italy, who came over to help her son's family to harvest. She couldn't speak a word of english. We sat together for weeks. I will always remember this woman's openess and her love of nature....and the many smiles we exchanged sitting, trimming and "thinking" for hours.

  43. cant beleive they wont legalize it here (Scotland) i suffer from depression and smoking makes me feel better - better than any drug the nhs can prescribe, but i have to rely on street dealers when there a danger that the weed could be laced with something - they lace with glass so the buds look more crystal and spray with hair spray to make crisp, or the weed is just damp and not cured correctly. it should be legal and widley available especially for the people with serious medical problems. also for recration purposes - not as a high priority - but would take away the danger of the street dealers weed. you can go to nearly anyshop on any street and pick up cigerettes and alcohol which are proven to be killers. and insted i can get a plain to amsterdam (55min) away and buy as much as i want up to 5gram daily, and it is properly cultavated and safe to use. the governements need to get their act together, swallow their pride and say we lied about cannabis being as harmful as we made out and decriminlize it.

    1. I don't think they lied. They're just to bull headed to admit they were wrong.

    2. The Greatest gift besides LIFE, is "Free AGENCY" the power to choose, and along with that, RESPONSIBILITY !!!

      God in his grace extended these gifts to mankind.

      And man like everything else God gave to him, USED it,
      then ABUSED it......

      then BLAMES everyone else for the choices he made !!!

      Harden Up....& ACCEPT your responsibilities,
      GROW....some "balls".....& be the man God, wants U2B !!!

    3. I live in an area where 1 house out of 5 has a grow room in it. Your mention of buds being laced with glass and hair sprayed never occured to me....
      I wish i could help people like you.

    4. depression is in the eye of the beholder, i have been told by doctors and person-centered psychologist that i have depression; but to know me you would say i was fine, a happy and enthusiastic person.
      you dnt need medicines to help with depression, smile and do things you enjoy, with family and friends etc.

  44. I hope they come out with one doc about why they dont want legalize cannabis. Is more than clear cannabis is useful in all aspects.

    Great doc.

    1. Cannabis....not you understand why?

    2. the reason that they haven't come out with a doc about keeping the prohibition going is it can't be done. Oh wait they tried it's actually a movie called reefer madness.

    3. There are at least two docs on this site that promote cannabis as being addictive and harmful. They both have a large number of poster's agreeing with them in the comments section. They are m*rons.

    4. Check the Drugs section. There are two.