Human Resources

2010, Society  -   41 Comments
Ratings: 8.63/10 from 97 users.

Human ResourcesIt's a documentary about Social Control, examining the history, the philosophy and ultimately the pathology of elite power.

Overall, Human Resources is rough around the edges but still overloaded with gems. Set aside some time to digest this - and take notes.

Scott Noble does an admirable job of fitting ten hours of material into two. He gives the space to all the people he interviews... there's a metric ton of ideas here and he lets almost all of them unfold and breathe at their own pace.

The footage itself is very low-fi and some of the interviews feel like they drag on for too long, or wander in circles. Impressively, those moments are few and far between.

Noble can't cover everything, but the scope of this movie alone makes it the most ambitious entry in this strange genre so far, more complete than The Century of the Self and less hysterical than the Zeitgeist franchise.

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41 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Robert

    The main empasis of this documentary is the simple fact that fear is the single driving force in America to control us. It's still completely true today, 8/19/2017. Everything forced on us is done through fear. It's human nature and it's true. All of you need to wake up. Simply watch any news station and watch the fear 24/7. I stopped watching news on cable tv. It's all propaganda. Simply watch any George Carlin stand up on our government. Capitalism is great if you allow all the workers to vote on how the company is run and allow everyone shares in the company they work for. Profit is not the only thing that matters. In capitalism all the board of directors care about is profit, period. Capitalism sees the top 10 people on earth owning 50% of the world. America is an oligarchy anyway. Our entire US government is simply pawns to the richest elite. Our elections are rigged then hacked to ensure the right candidates win to carry out the masters orders. We are simply cattle taught fear in all aspects of life to control is. We are being lied to every day. It's insanity. I love America but I hate all of our leader. They are all worthless. We need change. Run for office. Lets all do mass protests til they are forced to listen. Every other country protests constantly, it's time we do the same.

  2. disqus_KdUnT1g1kG

    I hate these documentaries that start with 10 minutes of random stock footage. I get that they are trying to set the tone, but it's in the most heavy-handed way...

  3. Janewilson

    Well, i was actually so annoyed by the small amounts of misinformation i made a profile.

    1) the Linda Macdonald experiment i know, however i was unaware that she had a husband at the time actually i thought that she was locked up because her parents didn't like her boy friend.

    2) the angry girl hitting the doll was not in reference to the experemant they talk about on the film see Fabios comment before.

    I am pretty sure i learned about the LM experiement from the same documentry he links to BBC 4 recently aired the brain a secret history....its worth watching, even if i am mistaken.

    I wish the makers where more careful about these things albeit small it 1) makes people who know about the experiements they are talking about dismiss the film and 2) the spread of misinformation travels faster than truth.

  4. Janewilson

    the linda macdonald experiments i know of however the details are off, i dont remember that she had a husband and 5 kids actually the information i know was that her parents sent her there because they didn't like her boyfriend, when she got out she ended up marrying him anyway. Unfortaunatly i canny be bothered to find the links and like Fabio said the angry girl hitting the doll is a completely different experiment.

    It is a shame because by misinformation albeit small, 1) makes those who know of the experiements dismiss all of the subject matter and any other films this company may have mad and 2) misinformation spreads more rapidly than truth

    if it wasn't so late i would look up links for you all, see fabio's link below also im pretty sure the linda Macdonald experiement was in the channel four documentry recently aired called something along the lines of the brain a secret history.

    1. Pepito

      Maybe these small, obviously false (dis?)info was placed there as a sort of protection from official persecution. If the rest of the film were true certifiably true, that would lend plausible deniability? Or maybe just a researching/collating errors.

  5. Ferdia OBrien

    Wow, this is one of the best and most important documentaries I've ever seen. I have to show this to as many people as possible!

  6. CapnCanard

    This should be required watching for all people. We all go to work without knowing that we are slaves to the system of corporate government. But I must say that a lot of this has always been suspected but to hear that other people confirm it is shocking. But given all this who won't become an Anarchist working for a horizontal distribution of power? The actions of authority highlighted here are beyond despicable and inhumane, they behave like Nazis.

    1. ErnestineBass

      They're totalitarians, Cap'n.

  7. Matt Kukowski

    The driving force of fear is Primal... hence the helpless infant case... but when you Understand the Self ... Love becomes more powerful. The tragic thing is that most of us will never know the Self in time to overcome any fear. Even of death, once you know that Love is the creative force that made the Fear aspect manifest in the first place.

  8. toy

    Im sooo happy i aint american, otherwise i would be a shamed all the time.. even though other done same there is no country as brainedwash as Americans.. I can understand countrys like north korea, the ide of shutting out countrys.. even though theres only America to shut out..

    Best doc ive seen in a long time.. =)

  9. simonbaush

    Great documentary with good info on the subject. Some sound issues here and there but overall, it's worth watching.

  10. Lola San

    This was boring. I'd rather watch the story a high school attempting to become God by killing all the criminals and useless b*stards. T_T"

    1. Hodd

      Come back and watch this one when you start wondering why that happens.

  11. mystiq jones

    This is sociology at it's finest!!

  12. elissas

    Starts off with a raw images and brief charting of the dawn of the field of eugenics. It clearly identifies premise of SOCIAL ENGINEERING which is based on a belief that some people (we refer to them today as elits) are "endowed" with more intelligence, creativity, capability. These elite believe they are entitled with the discerning" authority to select which human traits were desirable, terminable and tolerable for their domination.-

    The movements spawned from the social engineering paradigm were Fascists, Nazis and Fabian Socialists. Of the their shared global vision for social engineerings applications, only the Fabian Socialists agenda to "infiltrate peacefully" survived as the Nazis and Fascists proved force was not a strategic winner. -

    One might expect the film to chart the evolution of the social engineering roots of modern leftist socialism philosophies, its modern day prevalence in institutions like Planned Parenthood or the Department of Education or maybe document the modern Fabian socialist, nazis or even the fascist movements.... but no! Some how, this film maker has turned the origins of the modern SOCIALIST movement into a mightily twisted attack on CAPITALISM. A blatant propaganda distorted lie!

    Suggesting Ford, THE single greatest example of a CAPITALIST, somehow follows the intro of the as a social engineering philosophy! Capitalism, the only economic structure on earth to reward unique individual contribution is the non sequitur subject of the film's criticism of social engineering.

    As with all socialist distortions- it attempts to appeal to the emotions of poor workers, so controlled by the boss. The emotional argument is that this poor worker is somehow prevented from becoming a specialized tradesman BECAUSE their is a subdivision of labor. He is oppressed as a worker from becoming a skilled tradesman or a boss or innovator by what? greedy capitalists, of course who are evil for taking power from the worker! [never mind that this 'removal of power' is his labor which is fairly compensated at a mutually agreed to rate of pay that entirely driver by worker consent unlike the state controls of socialism ] The implicit solution of the criticism is absurd: remove efficiencies that depersonalize the worker- and somehow ameliorate life's inequities.

    This is another ploy to perpetuate the lie that the defeat of capitalism is the solution for 'FAIR'. One must suspend any experience in reality, however, to buyin to the lie that there is anything in life can actually be made "fair". Fair is an unatainable lie it requires you foll yourself. This film asks you to pay no mind to the FACT: no one would EVER be able afford the car without the efficiencies of this poor demoralized human. Also: pay no mind to the fact that CAPITALISM is the ONLY economic alternative to police state socialism AND pay no mind to the fact that CAPITALISM is the only system allowing anyone the self-determination to make of one's destiny what the individual desires! This film is a farce.

    1. Alex Siegwein

      There's no pure capitalist utopia on earth. Pure capitalism is an economic mental exercise. We are, and always have been, mixed market, as is China. The difference is that we are more private than public, whereas they are more public than private.

      Capitalism requires competition to be effective. When capitalists use the system to stifle competition, capitalism itself has failed. Economics requires a more subtle approach than the black-white, good-evil one that you bring to it.

    2. Jeremy Hughes

      You said "leftist" i stopped reading at that point, such a shame to see that much wasted logic.

  13. elissas

    Starts off with a raw images and brief charting of the dawn of the field of eugenics. It clearly identifies the intent and premise of SOCIAL ENGINEERING which is based in the notion that some people are "endowed" with more intelligence, creativity, capability which entitled them to the authority to "discern" which humans traits were desirable, terminable and tolerable for domination.-

    The movements spawnned of social engineering were Fascists, Nazis and Fabian Socialists. All founded on the same global vision of a better world through the controls of social engineering, only the Fabian Socialists' non-military strategy of infiltrating survived as the Nazis and Fascists proved force was not a strategic winner. -

    One might expect the film to chart the evolution of the social engineering roots of modern leftist socialism philosophies, its modern day prevalence in institutions like Planned Parenthood or maybe document the modern Fabian socialist, nazis or even the fascist movements.... but no! Some how, this film maker has turned the origins of the modern SOCIALIST movement into a mightily twisted attack on CAPITALISM. A blatant propaganda distorted lie!

    Suggesting Ford, THE single greatest example of a CAPITALIST, somehow follows the intro of the as a social engineering philosophy! Capitalism, the only economic structure on earth to reward unique individual contribution is the non sequitur subject of the film's criticism of social engineering.

    As with all socialist bends- appeal to the poor workers so controlled by the boss…the argument of emotion is that this poor worker is somehow prevented from becoming a specialized tradesman BECAUSE their is a subdivision of labor. He is oppressed as a worker from becoming a skilled tradesman or a boss or innovator by what? greedy capitalists, of course who are evil for taking power from the worker! [never mind that this 'removal of power' is his labor which is fairly compensated at a mutually agreed to rate of pay that entirely driver by worker consent unlike the state controls of socialism ] The implication of the criticism is absurd: remove efficiencies the depersonalize the worker- and pay no mind to the FACT: no one would EVER be able afford the car without the efficiencies of this poor demoralized human. Also: pay no mind to the fact that CAPITALISM is the ONLY economic alternative to police state socialism AND pay no mind to the fact that CAPITALISM is the only system allowing anyone the self-determination to make of one's destiny what the individual desires! This film is a farce.

    1. Lance Spencer

      You have obviously succumb to the propaganda that is being fed to America. You obviously did not watch the documentary very closely, in that, there is one quote saying, "the end does not justify the means." You are the problem with America today, it's this blind fearful attitude that we segregated ourself to a system that is both immoral, and inhumane! I hear this argument from people that capitalism is the only system that works. To me this is an outright lie, and to narrow yourself to such a small frame of mind is both ignorant and disgusting. You are the problem with America, people like you have no moral basis or concern for what is good or right. You are more concerned with economic growth and driving your new Mercedes Benz, cause this, greed is morally "good" in American culture. To me this is disgusting and only shows the pervasive ignorance of our society. One last thing on economics, capititalism is what we have right now, but we should strive and develop something better. To stick our heads in the sand and say, "this is the only thing that works," is downright jaw clenching American pervasive propaganda! Good day, and may you wake from your dream like state soon to save humanity as we know it. Let's evolve!!

  14. misel

    the problem is not America and how Americans are affected, or how their government is full of s***, no! it`s a global issue, it`s just easier to spot in the USA. for everyone who liked this documentary, you should try this one: The History of the Self. It`s a story of how using marketing and Freud`s psychoanalysis one man practically pushed all mankind into oblivion. check it out, you`re gonna love it

  15. Tryfon Farmakakis

    I was surprised that while discussing the modern educational system and all its secret agenda and shortcomings no mention was made at all to the existing alternatives, such as free and democratic schools (see A.S.Neill's Summerhill for example). But I suppose that the aim of this documentary was not to present solutions or alternatives but just the inherent evilness of the concentration of power.

  16. casey

    everyone watch this! please!

  17. Sif Fiona Slevin

    Excellent movie. I definitely acquired more knowledge.

  18. Kaysey Manuel

    Bravo Scott Noble! This is an amazing piece of work. I wish more would view this!

  19. Gary Arsenault

    This is a really amazing movie. This is something that should be required for everyone to view and understand.
    It also shows that the government of the USA is not controlled or responsible for the people. The citizens of that Nation, USA , are simply viewed as human resources for the corporate elite.

    The citizens of the USA, unfortunately quite brain dead, its a shame that can't clue in.....they need to have a major revolution fix their house

    1. Allison Young

      We're really not all brain dead... the fact is that we in America are all so different, for every one person that understands what is going on and sees exactly how the system works there are five people that are brainwashed by the media and are so caught up in the millions of distractions going on each day... everything is so expensive to live in this country it is nearly impossible to afford to survive right now and so hard to get a job which means if you have a job already there is no way you can afford to miss a day to protest without losing your job not to mention the corporations hate protesters so god forbid if your facebook is being stalked by your office and your protesting your more likely to lose your job... the elite aka the top 2% of the country have the bottom 98% in such a tight grip, the new world order has planned and set this up for centuries, they know what they are doing and they are doing it very well and the bottom 98% are so easily manipulated and controlled like poor sheep, it is so sad that its gonna take something big to wake people up and open their minds, i for one think it's pretty impossible and idk what we can do about it.. there is no revolution in the future of america because if you are against the elite then you are considered a terrorist and you will be put on blast on every media outlet on every single channel and paper in the country until people think you are clinically insane... people who know what is going on are to afraid to open their mouths because it doesn't take much to single that person out and destroy their reputation and their lives.... it's sad, it really is... but every time i watch the movie FIGHT CLUB and listen to Tyler Durdan and hear about PROJECT MAYHEM it makes me wonder if it would be possible to start fresh... Back in the 1800s the private banks used to have 20 year charters and after the 20 years was up we would vote on whether to reinstate the bank or dismantle it, the system worked great until they tried and succeeded to murder the presidents who fought against the banks (i.e. lincoln, jackson, garfield...) but now with the FEDERAL RESERVE there is no charter we can't even AUDIT them for god sakes... Ron Paul has been fighting and fighting to just audit the Fed and see what they do with our money but the elite turn this down over and over again... I feel if we Audited the Federal Reserve and the facts finally came out about what the Fed does with our money then maybe, just maybe people would get angry enough to stand up and fight... but most likely this will never happen and we will be treated like sheep and crushed like bugs... The elite like Rockefeller don't even consider us people, we are called "FEEDERS" to them... f--king FEEDERS, can you believe that??? Those that understand the false American internationalists, the money masters, the puppet politicians, the crooked scientists, psychologists, and sociologists that are tearing this country apart need to stick together and fight for our constitutional rights and make sure that we still have a country as beautiful as the United States once was...

  20. Allison Young

    wow.... i wish more people would watch this doc, it was very well put together and jam packed with amazing information some of which i was not aware of.... it also made me question the validity of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, since Rockefeller was behind a lot of the funding for these experiments in the early 1900s, and the Rockefeller's owned the World Trade Center, I believe the "Fear & Terrorism" agenda going on today was brought about by a new age societal experiment funded by the Rockefeller family and the CIA. The Rockefellers took out a terrorism insurance policy on the Towers in July of 2001, two months prior to the attacks which has paid out over $4.55 billion dollars since, not to mention how much $ they have made from the wars and our military industrial complex. After watching this film you see how their minds think, you see their motives, and you see the lengths in which they will go to experiment on innocent civilians and change the course of the world only to try and gain control over us as a whole. This theory makes a hell of a lot more sense and stands much stronger than the "official 9/11 report", that has been drilled into our minds since the faitfull day.... I hope people start waking up from the dream world they live in and start giving a s*** about how these people are effecting our lives and our chance to grow as individuals and as a society. Peace & Love, not War & Fear...

  21. Irishkev

    No, a government, using its' own people as guinea pigs. They couldn't, could they?

    1. Hodd

      It's not even like it's an exception to the rule.. it's the way it's done it seems.

  22. Luke Woollen

    Looking forward to the time when the corporations we work for own our bodies due to mechanical implants designed to improve human performance.

    1. Jeremy Hughes

      If my understanding of the United States Corporate entity is correct, we already are owned, a social security number is the number the government puts on you at birth, you are also expected to earn a certain amount of money in your life, do a search for this information, I believe searching for the legal definition of "Person" will get you started. : )

  23. Epicurean_Logic

    The second half of this presentation is extremely disturbing and not for the faint-hearted. I feel like someone just injected me with horse tranquiliser. Ethical government and it's concern for the collective is a fantasy.

    The first half was good, behavioral conditioning (behaviourism) is a fascinating topic that is worthy of study and one that we are all subjected to from our earliest days by parents, schools, friends and through to government. It is not a bad thing per se, more of a fundamental process of the brain.

    Now where did i put my shrinks telephone number!

    Also, from the dawn of civilisation men have tried to control the world. No-one has ever succeeded and no-one ever will. The more their grasp tightens the more we slips through their fingers. Humanity is not quantifiable and packegable for the most part. Someone will always want to tell you what to do but Individuality is our default position; we are born alone, will die alone and for the most part our consciousness is impenetrable to all.

    Suck on that big government.

  24. David Holz

    its hard to say how we do anything about this , i feel like a revolution of all people should take down this atrocity.but most revolutions are violent and violence is never the answer. tell everyone you know that there is a greater force already in control of our minds. not much we can do about it except for our own personal decisions, they want us to kill each other well destroy our weapons, they want us to fear well have hope,they want us to panic well be patient. the truth there are more of us*(the good people) then there are of them(ridiculously evil people) they may have control now but time is a swift earthquake. not long before these acts are recognized and put an end to. If you still believe in the good life make a comment here . Put an end to robotic assemblies, mass productions, unspeakable tortures of endless lives, always remember there is more than enough to go around. Peace and Love to all my Brothers and Sisters of this earth.

  25. Clix (????)

    We shall overcome. The revolution has begun, in our minds and on the world stage. A people awaken is an unstoppable force.

  26. Gareth Sidwell

    Many Thanks

  27. Man Iac

    great stuff

  28. Antoon Kemme

    The music in this docu is kind of disturbing as it is not ducked when people speak. So sometimes it is hard to concentrate on what the speaker is saying. Found this after about 10 mins

  29. Tyler Stanley

    / what he said.

  30. Mad

    My favorite quote from this film has to be Noam Chomsky "The downfall of the soviet union was a small victory for socialism I tried to publish an article but nobody would publish it, nobody knew what I was talking about" The soviets used the banner of socialism to gain popular support from the peasants to feed their totalitarian regime which was in practice just fascism and oligarchy, hence the word socialism has in effect been degraded from its real meaning. What they were talking about in the 'participatory economy' is basically exactly what I've been saying for awhile now. But the typical American mind has been regimented like a military regiments its soldiers, its hard for them to question their government, elsewhere in the world there is very little trust of the government (justifiably).

    1. Man Iac

      i feel you bro