H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters

2016, Health  -   25 Comments
Ratings: 8.36/10 from 101 users.

If you want to change the world, look no further than your dinner plate. According to the stirring feature-length documentary "H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters", that's where the potential for meaningful transformation lies within reach for all of us. The film tackles subjects like obesity, food insecurity, and our planet where resources are being stretched to the breaking point.

Obesity has become an epidemic, particularly in the West where it has resulted in increased incidents of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. According to the medical and nutritional experts profiled in the film, much of this plague can be traced to our dependence on animal products.

The solution can be found in a plant-based nutrition. The film features a series of patient testimonials that work to confirm this assertion. In each instance, these patients reversed their health woes and thwarted potentially lethal bouts of disease by changing their diet.

This miracle cure faces fierce opposition from the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Hungry for profit, they see little financial incentive to change their business models. They thrive on their ability to serve a public's growing desire for animal-based meats.

But the system they employ to meet those needs is quickly tapping the Earth of its resources, expanding incidents of chronic illness, and contributing to the starvation of nearly 2 billion people across the globe. In theory, there is more than enough food available to feed every citizen of the world. However, the vast majority of grains and soybeans are not being fed to the people; instead, they're being grown for animal consumption. With a global population that continues to swell with each passing year, this crisis will only escalate unless consumers demand change.

The film isn't timid in showcasing the most unappealing practices of the food industry, including the grisly goings on at slaughterhouses and food factories. By abandoning our reliance on these animals for our sustenance, we can effectively end the scourge of corporate-sanctioned animal cruelty as well.

"H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters" presents a persuasive, multi-faceted defense of a diet rich in plant-based foods.

Directed by: Nina Messinger

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25 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Bret.

    Yummy, more meat for me. I grew up on a farm and we used to slaughter our own animals..and real whole milk, the kind you had to stir the cream separated by sitting. And quit eating so many plants, my MEAT needs the plants for food..

  2. Archimboldio

    Go vegan ,and stop animal cruelty ,we don’t need meat to have a healthy lifestyle

  3. Amber

    We will destroy earths biodiversity if we stop having cows pigs lams etc. This plant based stuf is really getting on my nerves.... When you get old and your bones start snapping you wish you eaten properly

  4. Crichton

    Great message expressed through science, struggle and spirituality.

  5. Guptila

    Just superb! Gets the message across very effectively. Thanks!

  6. Yap Fei Ying

    I am currently pescatarian. I am glad that I have no desire to eat meat and I do not like dairy products since after stopping sucking my mummy milk.
    MY fiance loves milk and cheese. I am trying to convince him to go lesser dairy products . I do not expect him to go dairy free. Currently, he promises me only eat meat one meal per week, which I am grateful for that.
    Everyone should watch this documentary.

  7. Scott

    Very persuasive argument for vegetarianism! I hate to think of animals in factory farms. Unfortunately most people don't give a **** what they eat as long as it's cheap, tastes nice and is quick and easy to prepare. However I am persuaded to drop meat from my diet. I'm already half way there as I don't eat cows or pigs anyway. I love chicken meat more than I love chickens but I'm going to stop eating them and see how it goes, might even cut fish but that's unlikely.

    1. Amber

      It’s not the people don’t care and there is excellent husbandry and a lot of very good farms you lot are going to ruin the Earth the way you go on about CO2 which is the gas of life and not eating meat. Stop it!

  8. Rodney

    This is a documentary trying to turn people vegan,its definitely not about better animal treatment.if what we eat matters shouldn't it be about fruit and veg,theres nothing about,GMO,chemical fertilisers,known to cause disease and birth defects,nothing about that,all they're worried about is trying to turn people vegan,piss off

    1. jacobo

      why are you so angry? what we eat does matter, yes, in many different ways. and yes, they are advocating for and alternative diet plant based. in any case if anyone should be angry that should be all the 65 billion non human animals that we slaughter every year. think about it.

    2. Lisa M

      You are 100% correct when you say this documentary is not about better animal treatment and that's because they aren't vegan. They promote eating a plant based diet. They don't care about the animals. Their way of eating is plant based, their lifestyle is NOT vegan.

    3. Amanda

      If you are so worried about all of those things grow your own food!!! If the people who made this documentary can convince every one who sees it to actively eliminate 1 to 2 meat meals a week from their diets than that is a win!

  9. Luke

    So much propaganda, a few complete lies, and NOTHING about the dangers of living only on a plant-based diet. It is true though that alot of people eat way to much meat than they should.

    1. jacobo

      hello luke, what are the dangers in your opinion? why is it telling people where their food comes from propaganda? why do you think the industry hides all this information from the consumers? looking forward to your answers. have a nice day.

    2. Amanda

      Jacobo, looks like no comment from Luke! I love it!

  10. Deborah evans

    I,ll never eat meat or dairy again. This documentary confirms information that I have read about from other sources, but this is the best. Excellent.

  11. Mitch Miller

    The moral of the story is, just don't consume animal products. It's hard to argue with if you have any compassion for animals.

  12. john smith

    Albania is the largest meat eating country in the world, and the most cases of death were due to heart disease, not cancer.South America countries also eat a lot of meat, and cancer isn't top of the list for deaths.I think this is a good program, and certainly worth thinking about.There MUST be a link between what we eat and how and when we die, BUT genetics also plays a major role too.

  13. Tleigh

    To Konrad.... yeah that broccoli lobby they're hard hitters alright... pretty deep,pockets too!

  14. Sha

    A great documentary. I am vegetarian, not vegan. I don't eat eggs or drink milk but I do eat cheese. Hm, food for thought, now. Thanks for presenting this.

  15. konrad

    This is propaganda BS

  16. martin

    -- and 'God' pointed him in the direction of a plant based diet who then went on to 'cure' him
    and as an added bonus caused him to lose weight -- praise be the lord - nothing to do with science based evidence eh?

  17. Patty

    Exceptional documentary very moving and an eye opening on very different matters linked to the chain of nutrition.
    Thanks I am very impressed

  18. Robert Fairhurst

    Those schnitzels looked amazing....did I miss the point?

    1. jacobo

      you did. humanity robert, humanity. have a nice day.