The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice Age

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The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice AgeThe Gulf Stream and The Next Ice Age is about the consequences of global warming on The Great Atlantic Conveyor, which has to do with regulating climate and the fear that the melting of ice will stop it, perhaps triggering an ice age.

In the battle against climate change there is no enemy to fight, just our attitudes. - Nicolas Koutsikas, Director. Climate Change is hot on the political and social agenda internationally. Our climate is changing, with industrial production, habitat, transport and everyday human activities acknowledged as causes of global warming.

The Gulf Stream and the Next Ice Age is a one-hour documentary which explores the results of a recent American government report that believes the collapse of thermohaline circulation will take place around the year 2010 and impose a minor ice age on Europe. Could Dublin acquire a climate like Spitzberg, and London like that of Siberia? The Gulf Stream is a powerful surface current, driven by the Trade Winds.

Its origins lie in the Gulf of Mexico and it carries the tropical waters from the Florida Strait to the great banks of the United States, where it heads eastward, carrying its warm waters to the borders of the North Atlantic. As soon as the tropical waters hit the Arctic Ocean, they cool abruptly and plunge towards the abyssal zone to form a loop, known as "thermohaline circulation." Then, like an immense conveyor belt that slows down in the ocean depths, it sets out again southward to rejoin the beginning of the Gulf Stream.

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138 Comments / User Reviews

  1. For me it's very simple. At one time all the greenhouse gases were in the atmosphere, life didn't exist on earth. Over billions of years these gases were sequestered in the earth. When say 99 percent of the greenhouse gases were sequestered life on earth started to evolve for millions of years and decomposing carbon matter continued to be sequestered. Along come humans in the last couple of hundred of thounsands of years, remenbered it took these gases and decomposing matter billions of years to be sequestered in its present liquid and solid forms. Now along comes these humans in the last 150 years or so and they start releasing these gases into the atmosphere faster than mother nature can re-sequester them. What happens? The answer is elementary, we start turning back the clock to the point were life on earth in its present form and numbers become unsustainable. What took mother nature billions of years to accomplish we are reversing in a few centuries. All you need to do is look at the gases being measured in the atmosphere today with what they were a few decades ago. That's all for today children.

    1. Ricardo! It has taken me much time, frustration and alone time to understand EXACTLY what you are saying. Now the question is how long before we are slowing put to sleep by the Nitrous Oxide...before the boom? Or is Mother Nature equipped to stop and reverse....again, how long? We are simply a byproduct of her...✌️

  2. We'll here we are. 2010 happened six years ago. Have to report: No catastrophe with the Gulf Stream. No new ice age. The last time this happened (ice age caused by re-alignment of the Gulf Stream) was more or less 10,000 years ago. At the time warming (caused by what we really don't know) melted a gigantic two mile-high ice cap that had covered most of Canada for thousands of years. This created, over a period of more than a hundred years, a humongous fresh water lake about half the size of the Mediterranean Sea. The lake at the time very slowly drained down what is now the Mississippi River. But seismic activity (earthquake for all of you from Cleveland) suddenly opened up drainage directly into the Saint Laurence. Fresh water, which would have taken hundreds of years to drain down the Mississippi, suddenly was dumped into the North Atlantic in a very short time. This changed the salinity of the water and caused the Gulf Stream to relocate. This can’t happen again. Where will enough fresh water to fill half the Mediterranean come from? How will it suddenly appear in one or two year’s time, fast enough to drastically change the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean?

  3. It would appear that those of you who are still in denial about climate change probably left school at 16 or read most of the right wing drivel Rupert Murdoch feeds the world!

    1. Yes Susie...we are human. It took me a long time to understand...and it was an uphill batter the entire time. Still not sure if it’s better to know....

  4. This is from 2008

  5. More scaremongering disguised as science.
    I stopped believing anything the liberal pseudoscience buffoons said 25 years ago, and I was right, every prediction they made did not come true even slightly.

  6. Complete and utter nonsense. Nuff said.

  7. Good video but the most appallingly bad caption subtitling I have ever seen in my life -- by "SBS Australia," who have the gall to boast of their having a "copyright" on their atrocious work. Click on CC to see what I mean for closed captioning. Very poorly transcribed. Better to just try to hear it without reading the transcriber's pathetic gibberish.

  8. err, this documentary is based on the premise that salt water is heavier than fresh. As global warming, and the resulting infusion of fresh water will occur over many years it will affect the global average oceanic salinity levels rather than create a differential

    sediment cores are hard to argue with though

  9. it's already too late... if we quit all fossil fuel burning today the CO2 and the methane leaks from Fracking up to right now, already released in the air rising to the stratosphere will melt all the ice. within 100-150 years the earth's population will be reduced to below 1 billion.

  10. What trite rubbish! More alarmist nonsense that serves as food for the gullible. So what exactly caused the other ice ages? Maybe cro magnon cars were too inefficient emitting vast quatities of greenhouse gases.

    Give me a break. How about some real science that relies on facts instead of speculation.

  11. Good stuff... well presented!

  12. Damn that gulf stream. THAT'S why you stetson-wearing friends of Uncle Sam, on that side of Thatlantic, have been having extreme heat waves and why us dentist-dodging limeys on t'other side are experiencing (another) cold, wet and grey 'summer'. Pah, so much for that-theeere 'glurbal wurmin' – bah n' pft!

    1. Stetson wearing friends of Uncle Sam? Wtf! Didn't you even watch the video?

  13. This climate change has REALLY screwed up my purchase of snow shoes for the wife and I .....up here in Canada.All we had this winter was sparks from the alluminum snowshe cleets due to a lack of snow.

    Oh well,I've been cold since 1959 and I'm ready to sell the snow shoes and take up sailing because the spring,summer and falls are getting nicer EVERY YEAR !! I guess I'm an optomist at heart and I embrace change.

    Snowshoes 50% off ....$800.00 new !! ....will trade for sun block.

    1. I was in London, Ontario for 10 months, including the winter of 1957. 6ft of snow, -30f. Flying from Montreal, over the St Lawrence seaway, and North Atlantic off Greenland back to the UK in July 1958, from 30,000ft I saw broken ice sheets like mosaic tiles, to the horizon. Now in Qannaaq, Greenland the houses built on the permafrost are sinking into the ground and have to be stabilised with refrigeration around the foundations.

    2. Fantastic Ivan!!!!!! We need the humor....

  14. To Jordan. Black absorbs heat. So what you are saying is not a proven fact, it is a proven fail. If you laid asphalt for instance in a city, it heats that area up, because it is dark colored and dark colors absorb heat. Go to a science class please.

    To John. That is depressing to make the assumption that mankind isn't worth keeping. I bet you don't say your life is worth nothing when you wish to live and have a choice to make a difference. Also, I notice the ? near carbon monoxide. The actual gas you are thinking of is Methane. Methane has a huge footprint compared to CO2. The reason it is assumed that Methane could kill off the world is because of all the trapped gas from all the previously living lifeforms. All bacteria and even large mammals as ourselves produce methane when we live and when we die. It was trapped in the ice during the ice ages. Ages plural because there has been a few more than one including the Little Ice Age which wasn't that long ago in human terms. Corporations have everything to lose just like everyone else. They are not humans (corporations) but they are run by them and they will fight for life like the rest of the planet. To think otherwise is ignorant.

    To cptwayne. There is no written evidence of 3 million estimated underwater volcano's. There is evidence of previous volcanic activity but those move to new locations as volcano's tend to do. The Hawaiian Islands are a previous volcanic chain. The islands were created by the crust of the earth (mantle) moving across a hot spot. Which to this day continues to create more islands. Also it was the book of Joshua (and I am not even religious) and it wasn't the earth he spoke about, it was the Sun.

    "Then spake Joshua to JEHOVAH in the day when JEHOVAH delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
    And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
    And there was no day like that before it or after it, that JEHOVAH hearkened unto the voice of a man: for JEHOVAH fought for Israel. (Joshua 10:12-14)."

    That is the quote you are referring to. Also, never use the bible or any reference to religion when dealing with science, especially if you cannot quote it correctly. The fastest way to be proven false is to do so. Nor are there any facts to back it up. The rouge force that you could speak of never stopped the mantle, it removed the crust / mantle from the earth and created our moon. It was from a previous planet that had the same orbit as the earth and crashed into us Billions of years ago. However you were right, the crust kept spinning and the earth absorbed almost all the mass of that planet. There is also no proof of demagnetization prior to an ice age. Don't just google, read some science journals or something other than stuff about planet Niburu / X.

    To Rocky. If you seriously think that there is an alternative that would sustain what we have in the US alone, please tell me and others. Because there is no reason a company wouldn't jump on the band wagon and make trillions in one year alone by having a renewable source. There is no RENEWABLE source. Even solar energy isn't renewable. It is consumed, converted and used. Wind energy isn't renewable because we are not outputting wind once we use it. Laws prevent this from happening. Energy may never be used but only transfered from one form to another.

    I swear 90% of this site's viewers have no background in anything. I am not a scientist, I am not an astrologist, I am not a political affiliate. I am someone that actually cares to take the time to educate themselves, ask people that know about the topics, and then come to conclussions just like anyone should. Stop googling and start talking to educated people. This site is just gross at times.

    1. nice to see intelligence......

    2. collin your wrong about all humans producing methane,the fact is a small amount of humans produce methane.I just thought you should know this to so you don't fall into the same mistake again.Nitrogen, the main constituent of air, is the primary gas released during flatulence, along with carbon dioxide. The lesser component gases methane and hydrogen are flammable, and so flatus containing adequate amounts of these can be ignited. However, not all humans produce flatus that contains methane. For example, in one study of the feces of nine adults, only five of the samples contained archaea capable of producing methane.[1] Similar results are found in samples of gas obtained from within the rectum.

    3. You should give up talking about crap subjects. Strictly for old farts.

    4. remember that that you said that when you are watching your grand children freezing before they starve, in the dark.

    5. Just imagine a 20th century without Adolf Hitler being a self-conscious sufferer of severe flatus. He made it worse by being a vegetarian - all those beans. Perhaps if he'd been an omnivore we might not have had WW2 in Europe?

  15. forget science
    forget politics
    use common sense or your spiderman instincts

    30 yrs ago snow was averaging 4 feet by early nov
    10 yrs ago avg 2 feet by late nov
    nowadays less than a foot and its jan 16
    although i am unsure summer temp's i do know they are alot more humid
    at the same time i recall hearing snow falls in florida california? and elsewhere over the past 5 yrs? which i never heard of in 30yrs

    i also know that based on travel experiences the changes seem to occur in highly populated areas - big cities mainly in north america (dont notice it as much in europe or mexico - although i dont live there)

    i dont really factor in hurricanes / floods proofs but who knows

    one interesting fact? which i seen on a show where they mentioned some large glacier melting by 2015? or 2025? which will cause an increase in carbon monoxide? levels which will cause a point of no return ( a substantial raise in levels that will increase tenfold and there will be no stopping

    although gores video may be bs, i dont belive the before and after pics of glaciers melting are noty fake, which should be a concern in general
    i strongly believe that alot of these issues are normal natural occurances

    i also agree gov's/corporations will milk the public with propaganda to make money as i already see it for environment charges, plastic bags, disposal...all new charges which will do absolutley nothing on overall effect
    the worst part is that they will do so even if it does mean mass destruction

    as george carlin says we are like ants and the earth can continue on with nio ill-effects but i believe even george realizeds that we (mainly north americans) are really like termites and we will destroy anything & erything in sight.

    since i was a kid i tried to not litter, turn off lights, not walk on lawns, not burn plastics, not let car idles, not waste water...stupid little things to some people but common sense / moral values to others

    on one hand i beleive thaT global warming, natural or unnatural is a HUGE issue and we should all try to prevent it for the future of mankind

    on the other hand mankind is pretty disappointing and i welcome an end to our existence

    it seems like the majority of people that are "spoiled" choose to ignore/contribute issues until its too late ...

    good luck to future generations and planet earth

  16. What did the American Academy give us? Milton Friedman and Neo-Liberal Economics-the end of history-this is it-the Fifth Riech-forever! Now that is a real laugh wouldn't you say? Unfortunately-the people in power the 1% and their illegitimate inbred offspring in the political sphere make sure it stays that way.

  17. although i do agree with your very documentary orentainted opinion on world poplation, the fact of the matter is that we all know in our heart of hearts we are all to blame for pretty much everything wrong with this world because we let the powers that be sell us any old s***t and then pretend to belive them because it makes us feel better, any how this doco provoked me to write somthing else so enjoy.
    lifes a rose
    Who are we to to dig and tear in to our mother earth's breast with out a care.
    How can we defend the things we do, when ignorance infests most of you.
    We should be the defenders of earth's emerald eyes, and yet we cut into them with our saws and scythes.
    Our mothers forests has fallen by half, in less than a century well actually half, and still we sit and listen to those, who tell us its peachey and life's a rose.

  18. When europe freezes up the sahara dersert will probably turn into the tropical forest and grasslands it was the last time europe was in an ice age.

  19. I once heard someone say ''we are in the test tube runnng the test''.

  20. There should be a reversal of white european emigration to southern spain, middle east, northern africa as that's where the areable land would be

  21. I first read about the theory of the shutdown of the Gulf Stream conveyor in a science magazine (I believe it was Scientific American) about thirty-five years ago. At that time there was no concern about climate change induced by global warming and the idea was simply posited as a reason for the very rapid cooling of Europe resulting in the last ice age. The reasoning behind it seems well founded. Now, even if you don't believe global warming is caused by human activity, what do we gain by remaining on our present course? Our continuing use of fossil fuels to power our activities cannot have a positive outcome. Ignoring the catastrophic ice age that could result in Europe, the diminishing supply of fuel to power our world will present us all (or at least our children an grandchildren) with an ever diminishing quality of life. Travel, trade, and even the much beloved foreign wars for fun and profit benefiting powerful nations would decline. We are all trapped in a system that is almost impossible to change because of a complete lack of political will.

    As a young man in love with his V8 powered '57 Chevy I was oblivious to these concerns. We must now, en mass, leave these adolescent foibles behind and and begin to understand the need for public transit and renewable energy sources to power our world.

    How we get there is, unfortunately, well beyond the knowledge and scope of a sixty-three year old guy still trying to make a living. =:0(

  22. So many god damn Nay sayers below!!! I have a theory that all you HCGW (Human Caused Global Warming) skeptics are just so f--king lazy you can't stand the idea you might have to actually get off your asses and DO SOMETHING to possibly avert such circumstances. I also believe from what I have learned hat natural cycles occur and this may be one but how can anyone believe that human activity is not contributing or even accelerating it? You can't tell me that all of our unprecedented industrial and agricultural practices have NO negative effect on the environment on which we depend to survive. Yes OUR SURVIVAL as a species and that of others is the only thing on the line here, the earth has been through much worse and survived just fine, its inhabitants are the ones who rise and fall when the shit hits the fan.

  23. I LOLed through the whole thing. What a load of poo.

  24. You know --- people should quite worrying about the cause of something as major as a recurring change in the climate. A quick internet review of ice core researchers will show you that changes are perpetual. Try doing something to prepare for these eventualities and get a life. If you don't do it for yourself, no one else will. The bodies that promote law changes to "save" us from what ever threat they have invented will simply take your money, and remove your freedoms. Instead of paying higher taxes to save us from terror or climate (which does neither), spend your money on beans, bullets and a good fur coat. If it's too hot, remove the coat -- you may still need the beans and bullets.

  25. interesting doc, i liked the theory of drowning as many muslims as you can before we all freeze to death....wait oh hold on thats just my theory but it works go try it ppl!!!!

  26. Every world organization, everyone bar none, the world health, global warming organizations, the UN are all political bodies that have no interest in you, you are just a pawn to them, Don't give them your faith they will only use you then spit you out.
    Don't take their inoculations, don't believe their doctrine, and whatever you do stay alert because things are not as they seem.
    I am not telling you to be afraid but ....stay alert!

    1. id love to know this stuff that I should be alert for :P

  27. Look fellas. global warming is natural. it is not human caused. there is always warming just before a deep freeze. it's in the histories of this planet. LONG cold ages followed by VERY SORT periods of warming. certainly not caused by man. but its a cyclic progression. with every ice age and subsequent warming man makes his biggest evolutionary changes. I wonder what we will look like the next time the earth warms up enough for us to replenish the earth.


  28. Oh my Gawd,.. it's human caused global warming and we are all gonna die ! Arrrggggg

  29. Completely useless drivle in the comments section. Excellent information in the documentary. Thanks.

  30. In short... crap. Just another piece of propaganda made to make people more gullible to be ripped off based on propagating lies about global warming based upon human output into the atmosphere. Just to debunk it in few short sentences ...
    -Ice sheet on the south pole grew immensely, much more than ice melted on north pole.
    -Human output of CO2 to the atmosphere is LESS than 2% of that produced by natural global ecosystem.
    -CO2 has weak influence on temperature change, comparing to regular water vapours it is about 30 times WEAKER.
    -Temperature changes on the earth are influenced the most by the SUN ACTIVITY, most importantly the number of sunspots. There were NO SUNSPOTS for the most of the year predicting very cold winter. This was most unusual activity since such was not observed for more than 200 years.
    -Another very important issue is that the orbit of the earth varies vs sun in multi milenia cycles like mentioned here 10, 20, 40 and 100 thousand years.

    Oh, on the lighter side I wonder how many SUV are driven on Mars. Ice caps there are melting MUCH FASTER than those on the earth lol.

    Those are few but most important issues this screed does not mention for obvious reasons. Just to hit the nail in the head number of scientists disagreeing with "human caused climate change" tripled in last two years outnumbering those that are pro by factor of 20:1.

    It is about time to get rid of those lying scumbags. The true issue here is to TAX YOU TO SUPPORT WORLD GOVERNMENT via UN.
    In the end climate will do what it always did during long earth history no matter what those a-holes like Al Gore will tell you.

  31. @revolution

    Viva la gordita! throw a shrimp on the barbie!

  32. I agree that there is quite a bit of pollution but apparently plants thrive on co2....that's carbon to you and me!

  33. So, Man Made Global Warming isn't working.. but a gulf disaster might...

  34. Yep, all our human activity is causing disruption of the solar cycles and wreaking havoc on our good old planet Earth. Our activity is also causing an ice age on Neptune, too. We'll all just have to stop using sunscreen. What nonsense. Anybody who falls for man-made climate change is gullible beyond belief. Follow the money and see who stands to make money (lots of money) from Carbon Credits.

  35. Farren,

    Yes! We have to all stand up! The beginning of a revolution!

  36. @nos es sic screwed:

    interesting sites. i've been to them occasionally a few months ago. may start checking again. the idea of a pole shift sounds fascinating. im very interested in getting to the bottom of that.


    the sources are the NOAA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center. I was not following the climategate thing so you tell me if they are frauds.

    im not for or against global warming. im for evidence. everything i've said here is based on evidence. if the evidence shows that global warming people are wrong, then that's what im for. that's the attitude we all should have. adopting a stance and trying to hold it no matter what, no matter if the evidence refutes it, is ignorance

    your link shows that the ice volume has increased 25% since may 2008. that's an extremely short time span. but, if the sources are accurate, an interesting and relevant one.

    the longer term data (from about 1974) show that arctic sea ice has been gradually declining. this is a much stronger pattern than a brief blip of increase from may 2008 to may 2010. however, all data is relevant and good for knowledge and understanding.

  37. @revolution:

    you may want to calm down lol.

    i too agree that corporate and political elitism is a growing disease that is ruining many peoples' lives, putting unprecedented species extinct, and dividing the top 1-2% from the rest of us peasants.

    however, the trends that have been going on have been going on from before April of this year, when the BP catastrophe happened.'s very complex. very sneaky animal. we must hunt intelligently to figure its ways.

  38. I swear the people who believe in global warming are f***ing s****d! I cannot believe that they can't see what's going on! It's all about the money! BP caused the biggest economic disaster in history just to make more money! Cheney bought out boots and coots before the disaster and the ceo of bp sold his stocks before it as well! Now think about it! It is about money! Now saying that, the oil will and has got into the jet stream to break/slow it down to cause dramatic weather changes to the entire world such as a small ice age! Al gore knows that most of the people in the world do not believe in his ignorant theory! So the elite had to come up with something to make the people believe again! Now since weather patterns are changing people on this site believe in global warming now because of it! It's a big f***ing scam to the extent of killing billions of people for easier control and to gain trillions of dollars from carbon tax! How in the f*** is money going to stop carbon emissions? Volcanoes throw a s**t load out! You f***ers have to wake up! Oh wait... It just rained today but yesterday it didn't rain! omg! It's global warming! You got to be f***ing kidding me!

  39. @TheParadigmShift:

    "That is the plot from a science fiction movie called 'The Day After Tomorrow'"

    wanna know something? i haven't even seen that movie. im just reporting what is going on based on weather data i've been looking at over the past week. if what's going on matches what they predicted in that movie, maybe there is something to their ideas

    "The Arctic ice cap has expanded 25% in the last two years and you say it’s getting warmer up there??!?!"

    i don't know where you are getting that fact, but here are some:

    wunderground com /data /images /latest_monthlytempanomaly.gif

    wunderground com /data /images /latest_monthlyseaice.png

    (i've spread the links out so this comment can be posted quicker, otherwise Vlatko would have to approve it and that may take some time)

    both of these graphs show that:

    1. The arctic near the north pole is one of the fastest-warming areas in the world.

    2. Arctic sea ice has been decreasing since 1980 (or more). It is not "25% expanded" as you say.

  40. @ Farren

    "Want to know why much of the US and Europe are so unusually cold right now? Because this cold air normally would be over the arctic and the north pole. The past few years, due to the changing climate, the arctic jet streams have been acting unusual. Normally, they keep the coldest air up near the pole, and only briefly release colder air masses down to the US and Europe and Russia."

    That is the plot from a science fiction movie called "The Day After Tomorrow"

    You Warmistas make up ridiculous theories (global warming causes colder temperatures)when the observed temperatures don't fit with your AGW theories.

    The Arctic ice cap has expanded 25% in the last two years and you say it's getting warmer up there??!?!

    As I stated before in my comment #49 the average temperature at the North Pole is -50 C so it is not melting up there like you fear mongering carbon tax hungry AGW pushers say.

    CLIMATEGATE proved that human caused global warming theory (AGW) is nothing more than politically motivated junk science.

  41. Farren
    One of the best sources currently is Lord Monckton. He is very adept at proving his point.
    Just do a search: climate change denier or some such. Perhaps:
    Climatologist denials. It should prove interesting.
    Gore's hockey stick hypothesis is entirely false and was proven to be false even before he put it forth.
    In addition you can read the emails of the leading climate change proponents that were hacked a year ago. This laid out they themselves knew that it was false and were actively working to cover up the facts.
    This whole anthropomorphic climate change is nothing more than a scam to bilk the commoners out of their cash.
    It's like an ancient priest saying that if the natives will give them their Gold then he will make the Sun return during an eclipse.
    Go to my website and read more scams in the making.

  42. I just watched a video on the Gulf Loop. The gulf Stream was picking up heated water from the gulf and then sending it up the east coast and across to Europe to keep it warm in the winter. The point of the video was that the oil and dispersant have shut down the Gulf Loop. I can't find it now but if yo Google the shut down of the Gulf Loop you will find plenty.


  43. @nos es sic screwed:

    i read what you posted in #73. i have not looked at the other planetary warming, so i can't comment yet on that.

    of course it's true that the earth has been much hotter and colder in the past. i need to see the charts and data you look at to see where you're coming from. i have myself been a bit back-and-forth on this issue. i havent been looking at long-term (more than about 200 years) data for a while.

    do you know some good links to charts and data that you think are best to show what's going on?


    "Yes you are right that all time weather records are being broken and in the last few years they have been all time cold weather records."

    that is a gross oversimplification and not even a true one. it's only been extremely cold in certain areas (northern US and Europe especially). in others, it's been extremely warm. as i posted in #72, the reason for cooler Europe and US is because that cold winter air normally would stay in the arctic. these past 2 winters, it has not. the warm air that would normally be in the US and Europe has gone to the arctic. it's way hotter than normal at the north pole than we've ever seen it (im not talking distant past).

    i heard about that Australian summer snow. it shows that the antarctic is probably experiencing similar things as the arctic. colder australia and new zealand, hotter south pole

  44. @ Farren

    Yes you are right that all time weather records are being broken and in the last few years they have been all time cold weather records.

    Yesterday Australia got snow in New South Wales in midsummer and most of Europe and North America is under a blanket of snow. We got snow in Alberta Canada last July.

    It has been cooling since 1998 and that does not fit with the theory that co2 causes warming because it has not changed.

    See my comment above (#49) for more info.

  45. Farren
    Did you read what I posted? It has happened before. Geologic records prove this out. Back then, human recorded records are problematic at best. Yes, they do exist.
    Read Proto Hebraic or Proto Cainan.
    Earth Changes IS real. It's just not humanity that is causing it.
    Just wait until you see what will happen in the next two years...

  46. @nos es sic screwed:

    if global warming is false, then why are weather records being broken more and more? a stable world would rarely break a record. it would stay for the most part within its previous boundaries.

    a warming/changing planet will continue to push the envelope, and will not return to stability. if this is what's happening (and it is), then how can all you deniers keep your heads in the sand and spout anti-al gore propaganda? that's all you do. meanwhile, the earth is changing the most we've ever seen it.

    it's like the titanic sinking and ya'll are trying to arrange the deck chairs and pretend nothing's goin on

  47. Sorry to bother you but did anyone notice how much money that looser al gore made on his carbon credit fiasco? I left his name lower case for a reason.

  48. What a bunch of funny people. Just like many of the other wack job scientists, if the data or lack of it doesn't match the desired outcome; change it so it will. Wackos should be on the funnyfarm. Most of the people there don't think they have anything wrong with them either. Global warming - no wait, Global cooling - no I mean whatever it is you did it. Science should be based on facts not assumptions and maby's.

  49. Global warming is false and science bears that out if you care to do the research.
    First, one volcano gives off more Co2 and particulate matter in one day then all of humanity in one year. Currently, there are more than 300 volcanoes active. Go ahead, check it out I'll wait...
    Good your back.
    Up until 2009 all the planets of this Solar system were warming. Why? Because the Sun was going through a substantial Solar flare phase. The volcanoes were active due to the heating of the Earth by the Sun.
    Now, the Sun has become exceedingly quiet. So, now we have cooling.
    This has all happened before. About every 11,000 to 13,000 years the Sun goes through this cycle.
    Gore's "hockey stick" has been proven without any doubt that it is an outright falsification of the information.
    Finally, look to who is to gain from this "climate change". Who?
    Big oil and banks. Their idea of a fix is to put further taxes on humanity in toto.

    1. Well, lets also add that there are over 3 million undersea volcanoes of which some 7000 are known to be active. The Arctic is melting because the undersea volcanoes up there are active and the ocean currents have changed along with the wind direction. Also, the Earth's poles, apparently, go through a flip just prior to an Ice Age. At least once, a rogue force hit Earth and caused the crust to stop spinning, the core still spun. This lasted for a day, the sun and the moon stood still, then the crust once more resumed its spin (Book of Job) in sync with the Earth's mantle.

    2. Wouldn't something like that cause total massive destruction? I mean totally rewriting the landscape? Not saying its not possible, cause I am a physicist. But I don't understand geology well enough. Do you have a source besides the bible, cause everyone interprets the bible differently.

  50. Global Warming, or Climate Change, is a fact.

    A better name to call it, so more people might understand and recognize it, could be: Increasing Weather and Temperature Extremes. because that IS what people notice. it so happens that many people in the US and Europe are seeing increasingly (and record-breaking, which means extreme, which fits this phenomenon) cold weather, like never before in record-keeping history. they are also seeing hotter summers. it goes both ways.

    The Earth as a whole is warming. It "coincidentally" (or not) happens to be at the same time we humans started dumping enormous amounts of gasses into the atmosphere that have never been released in such amounts except for mega-volcanoes in eons past.

    Want to know why much of the US and Europe are so unusually cold right now? Because this cold air normally would be over the arctic and the north pole. The past few years, due to the changing climate, the arctic jet streams have been acting unusual. Normally, they keep the coldest air up near the pole, and only briefly release colder air masses down to the US and Europe and Russia.

    the past two winters (in the northern hemisphere), the arctic jet streams have reversed their normal direction (which is west-to-east), and are spilling out their coldest air down south to England and Europe, and to the the US and Russia, while warmer air goes up to the pole. This warmer air is the warmest it's ever been in the arctic and is rapidly increasing the melting rate of the ice sheets and glaciers there.

    So the climate is definitely a-changin'. What all the people who are getting the cold arctic air and who get all the propaganda by the big oil companies and right-wing spokespersons think is that it must mean there is no global warming and/or climate change. wrong. it is proof that climate is definitely changing.

    poles are warming to the most they've ever been. cold weather most people are getting would normally be kept at the poles, but the reversed arctic jet-streams are changing things up and melting the poles further.

    1. Things are warming up and it is caused by human beings this time not sun spots or volcanoe's. The North West Passage is now open-idiots are clapping hands singing we don't have to go all the way around to Panama anymore. A capitalist will sell you the rope to his own hanging and that is just what is going on here. Look at our Ocean's and our eco-system, just about everyhting is extinct. We have to make rapid changes fast. Sustainable non polluting forms of energy must be developed for all we got. Every home should be energy self sufficient. We need to conserve our resources-not spoil them with pollution like our fresh water which is just about gone-never mind peak oil and global warming. There are other grave circumstances that make change and ecology paramount to human survival no matter what your climate gate emails said-that was all our of context and the guy who "exposed" it was a paid psychopath who would do anything for money just like most of them in the 1%. If they think they can escape the consequences of what is coming down the pike they are sorely mistaken. Unless they have colonies on the dark side of the moon which I wouldnt' doubt with the amount of shuttle missions that have gone on over the past decade. Were toast-and I think it is already to late to stop the catacylism that is going to threaten our very existence here on earth. And if not that nuclear war will break out in the middle east and we may get a few dirty bombs over here or some biological or virological attack and the way things are it maybe our own govt. They were the one's that let the anthrax loose after 9/11 that crap came from an American Lab.
      Allot of people better get their head of out the sand. If 9/11 were not an inside job why have we not asked ourselves why it happened? 700 military bases around the world keeping population in check while our multinationals rape and plunder the resources-usually with one big viscious dictator sitting on the top of the heap plied with wealth drugs women weapons and all the domestic power one could ever dream of-Just enjoy it and screw your people over. That is what we do around the world on a daily basis. So climate change or not things have got to change no matter how you slice it. Play your video games toy soldier-when the time comes-it will be brother against brother again just like the civil war.This is not a criticism directed at you Farrn I just happened to jump in here. I agreee with your post good stuff.

  51. Thank you bush and likewise for the entertainment. You know in your own minds like most of us do that you are wack jobs. I believe people like you on did evolve from monkeys, likely the really hairy little brained scrawney ones. Of course we should reduce emissions and pollution but everyone knows deep down the only reason for the global warming fiasco is money and to push us closer to the one world government and one currency. Nothing else matters to the banksters. Study the real history not just what your brainwashed educational system is trying to pound into your head. Check and see who filters and slants the news most people watch. Big brother may not be who you think. Watch your back little sheeples. Thank you all of you on the side of the movement away from one world power. It is a lot closer than you might think.

  52. More Global Warming propaganda. Look at where the Gulf Stream 1st broke. It broke in the Gulf of Mexico. It broke not long after the oil geyser started flowing. Let's not blame this on global warming. A lot of scientists have said that there is not global warming. These scientists are blacklisted and kept out of UN debates. Lets not forget about all the fudged climate data that surfaced last year in Angola last year.

  53. sorry about the profanity in the previous post, its just so aggravating that this kind of junk receives resources better used on getting us of this rock.

  54. Global Warming has to do with the suns cycles and the earths magnetosphere, NOT with humans. It took cyanobacteria over 1 Billion years to put enough oxygen into the atmosphere to make any difference to the planets ecology, fossil fuel burning technologies simply haven't existed long enough to have made any perceptible difference. Stop watching mainstream media for information, its all bullsh*t designed to make us feel weak and powerless and guilty.

  55. Just maybe this is what caused the last little ice age...seems to me they didn't exactly have cars and factories back then -but they did have the sun! The global warming fools want you to believe that we are the cause of this and that somehow we must pay to "fix" it. What a load of c@#$!

  56. ridiculous Global warmers now claiming warming is causing people are just plain ignorant.

    the only possible solution to this for you to be taxed heavily so that the politicians can profit grossly from their scam carbon exchange trading schemes.

    there's nothing that can be done about the cycles of the earth, it has warmed and cooled for billions of years and will continue on whether man is here or not and without one red cent of you money.

    governments the world over are desperate to find new ways to separate the fools from their money

  57. Man-made global warming - yeah, right...
    This fairy tale is brought to you by the lunatic Al Gore, self proclaimed creator of the internet, pseudo-scientists, and other criminals who stand to profit handsomely from the cap and trade scam.

  58. We have well documented evidence from Richard Hoagland that all of the planets are warming, quite massively. We are a bit arrogant to think we have that much influence, and especially that carbon is significantly causative. Global temperatures for the past 15 years remain flat on average. We have, however dumped enough Core-exit in the Florida gulf to change the viscosity, so no longer do the temperature bands remains separate and force motion to occur, and the loop west of Florida has indeed broken off and no longer exists. That is a small but significant part of the gulf stream while the other two feeders come from directly south to maintain most of the Gulf Stream current. We will indeed see a mini ice age from that effect.

  59. The fact is that in the past, when temperatures were higher, communities prospered, plants grew well with the additional co2 - this has been verified by ice cores and tree rings, taken from numerous places around the world. Plants don't grow in the cold....think about it. Read Professor Ian Plimer's book entitled "Heaven + Earth" - it is a very good read for us lay people. And yes, I concur, the sun drives climate and always has, long before we became industrialised, in fact long before we were around in such numbers. We certainly live in interesting times!

  60. Um. Truly stunning that even with all the evidence against man being a significant factor in climate change, mind controlled drones still post their mindless drivel.

    I'll state the facts so even the slow drones will understand: CO2 has gone steadily up the last 50 years. Temperature has had two significant periods of decrease in that time frame. (1945-75, 1997-present).

    Though I fear you too stupid to understand this but it's all about the sun. That's where our heat comes from. It increases output - we get warmer, etc.

  61. It's the SUN STUPID!!

  62. The Earth has flip-flopped between warm times and cold times more 60 times in the past few million years. Most of this was without any help from humans.

    Man-made global Warming or Global Cooling is all nonsense. I'm old enough to remember the first Earth Day and the hysterical ninnies screaming about the "Coming Ice Age". That didn't happen, so they became fearful of warm weather.
    Now they claim anything bad is caused by humans.

  63. Physicists have said that all the planets are increasingly warming up because of the sun! Why is this fact hardly ever mentioned in Main Stream Media?

  64. p.s. - i DISAGREE with 'patrik'...the problem isn't a population...the problem is the population's lack of self control...from oil to food to f__kin'...serious lack of self control.

  65. sorry 'theparadigmshift' - i overlooked your wise comment - well said!

  66. global warming/cooling theory is a b.s. money/power scheme.
    carbon emission tax scare is a b.s. money/power scheme.
    other, more toxic and immediately disastrous forms of actually VISIBLE pollution are REAL and happening uncontrollably every day, like the BP disaster in the Gulf - does this have a negative environmental impact? yes. will events like this, or better - 'carbon emmissions', fry the earth, or cause massive global flooding or trigger an ice age? don't count on it - but that doesn't mean that 'something' isn't happening.
    climate change is REAL. It happens everyday and has so for millions and millions of years - everything changes, nothing remains the same forever. sometimes the changes are slow and unnoticeable, sometimes they're quick and hard to ignore.

    the cosmos in it's entirety is responsible for the climate on this planet and any changes to it.
    Can we control it? very doubtful. any attempt to try is a fool's goal. can we execute a little more control over our 'environments', and make an attempt to be better stewards for the health and security of both our economies and our environments, and ultimately for ourselves? definitely.
    but will it happen? I doubt it.

    we're not going to give up on oil entirely, but we can certainly hamper our dependency on it with other means of actual renewable energy sources - there are many, many options...unfortunately, we'll have to wait for the greedy, bullheaded, oil possessed elitists and their obviously blind and lazy supporters to capitalize on every last drop...hopefully big pharma will have grown a heart by then and will develop some of the currently existing but non-marketed treatments/cures for the hundreds of ailments/illnesses/diseases associated with our obsession with oil and industrialization...
    lol, yeah right.

  67. For all you "believers" for "John Holdren global cooling"...that's right, global cooling. The US current president Barack Obama's science advisor in the 1970s tried to push a "global cooling" agenda, which failed...and guess who's pushing a "global warming" agenda now...(oh, sorry, he wants to call it "climate disruption"...I'd like to disrupt his #$^#)
    Why would someone do an about-face like this? Perhaps you should research his book "Ecoscience" which calls for the culling of most of the planet's population through vaccinations to "save the earth"...I think all you global warming believers should help save the earth and volunteer to off yourselves first, and leave us to wallow in our seething carbon cesspool.

  68. Global Warming was a minority theory popular amongst Gia hippies until we had a few warm summers.
    It was then hijacked; initially as a convenient tool to drive towards higher taxation and now as an even more convenient tool to start to direct us away from oil in preparation for the coming peak which will disastrously coincide with the end of the Holocene. Interesting times indeed.

    The Sun rules our weather - always has and always will - but not in the way you think. Check out the theories on the mid latitude cloud formation through cosmic ray interaction and you will be discovering some real science rather than all that Al Gore blather.

  69. Right on Paradigm Shift!

  70. Guys I am not "right wing" or any wing for that matter. I hate both parties equally. However you guys make me laugh with the Climate Change propaganda. The only reason for this scam is money. If u guys are awake to the agenda and aren't caught up in the phony L/R paradigm then u realize that the "scientists" backing GW have hid and thrown out data at East Anglia. The only people who still believe in GW are the ones paid to do so. While the Rothschilds, Maurice Strong, Al Gore and the rest of the fat cats pushing this get rich we are getting taxed to death and 3rd world countries will never grow...GW was Al Gore's consolation for getting the election stolen. They all are doing this plan for eugenics.

    Get over it guys, Global Warming and carbon emissions are not any realer than the Easter Bunny. It's all divide and conquer.

  71. Right on TheParadigmShift!

  72. Paradigm - Well said and very true.

  73. The official government sanctioned bought and paid for story is that the Earth may heat up 0.3 degrees C to 1 degree C in the next 100 years.

    The average temperature at the North Pole is -50 degrees C

    Why is alleged global warming being pushed so hard by the greedy politicians who are hungry for your carbon tax money?

    Why is the greatest environmental disaster in history (The BP oil leak) not more important? 80% of all marine life in the Gulf has been exterminated and the other 20% is not safe to eat. You can't swim in the water because of the COREXIT and other toxins like Benzene etc... Depleted Uranium use in the Mid-East wars has contaminated that entire area for 4.5 bilion years and released cancerous radiation into the environment.

    The climate is supposed to change, has always changed and will always change. Global warming is being pushed so hard because the politicians wouldn't have to do anything to fix it, they just get your carbon tax and are invested in carbon credit trading scams. Obama himself is invested in the Chicago carbon trading business.

    READ the CLIMATEGATE emails to learn more.

    It's time to get REAL environmental issues to the forefront, NOT tax scams and global government ploys...

  74. Right On Ed! But we need a link or a reference we can look up to justify that belief. I had done just that in other posts(warming on the other planets).
    With that said, We (humans) are still overconsuming and will be ripe for a massive die-off soon.

  75. Global warming is not caused by human co2. The sun is heating up the planet!!!! Human Co2 is .0000001% of the atmosphere. Way less than statistically significant.

  76. My point is, by increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere, we are adding to a natural global warming event. However, increased water vapor in the atmosphere may counter the effect. My geology professor in college (way back in the day) said scientists weren't sure whether we were headed for hotter/drier or another ice age(increased temps> increased evaporation>increased precipitation>heavier snowfall in the upper latitudes>glaciation>ice age).
    or not.

    Either we or our kids will see.

    1. The ice will melt the gulf stream will change, the ocean's will as well, first the heat and then the ice both disaster's will happen just like they have in the past-ONly this time we done faster than mother nature ever did.

  77. Now why did you have to mention that blowhard, Will?
    I can tell you one thing; Cap and Trade is a scam. After that comes, the only change you will see will be the 2 pennies in your pocket. And CO2 levels will still rise.
    And solar radiation output will remain high. What we need is a few years or so with no sunspots. That might even halt global warming on such garden spots as Mars and Venus!
    "Scientists" didn't tell you that part, though, did they.
    Haven't seen much news on it, but remember reports from NASA a while back on the subject. I'll try to get a link to the info, if there is one.

  78. @Phil
    the world can only hope that Al Gore and his lemmings (i.e. YOU) are the first to go. That should get rid of all the hot air.

  79. I have to agree with Patrick, the issue is population and it<s clear that we don't know how to live in a sustainable way. The proof is that people still believe that we are not responsible for an ACCELERATED global warming.

    The earth will be fine, it will find a way to get rid of the unbalance. We are like lemmings,when there is to much population and no major predator to lower our population, we choose to kill our species by gladly jumping off a cliff.

    Let's just hope that the first ones to go are the ones who don't believe in global warming and don't want to change their ways.

  80. Oh, p.s. I'm a religious type and believe in God, yet I know Global Warming is happening. Wow, what a nutcase I must be.

  81. here is an interesting analogy re volcanic and natural emission of co2 versus man made emissions.

    I normally have a water/sewer bill of around 20 buck per month. fine.

    once, the bill had jacked up to around 90 bucks. the next month it had jacked up to over a hundred. I started searching around the house, then under it. I found a small leak on an old pipe. it had beed steadily dripping, slowly, but unceasingly.

    Drips add up. A volcano erupts huge amounts of gasses but also particles that reflect sunlight with a cumulative affect of cooling, not warming. However, with pure greenhouse gas emissions, there is no reflection, no cooling. Having worked in an industrial plant that ran a large boiler (cant remember the horsepower) I know that we were kicking out a lot of CO2. That doesn't even include the electricity we used. Just the natural gas burning in the boiler. This was one box plant in one city. I think in our company we had over a hundred box plants with boilers around the country.
    Industries are spewing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every day, and unlike a volcano, their emissions go on day after day, month after month, year after year. Now add a major emission such as the emission in Iceland adding to it. The short term reflection of solar radiation would reduce the temperature on the short term, but compared to what? to temperatures we had a couple of years ago? but still higher than the norm.
    Add the emissions from automobiles
    the emissions from furnaces and boilers used around the globe. (after all, we may be different countries, but we have only one atmosphere)

    Now comes the fun part. Increasing the temperature has lead to increasing intensity of forest fires, the thawing of permafrost in the arctic leading to even more co2 and methane emission. Its a positive feedback cycle and it is accellerating.

    This documentary shows only one consequence of global warming, but only scratches the surface.

    All of this is demonstrable. Each effect has been shown. So why debate what is happening?
    the Greatest greenhouse gas is water vapor, and as the temperature increases, so does the water vapor in the atmosphere. shall we start discussing consequences?

    I see a bad moon rising
    i see trouble on the way
    i see earthquake and lightning
    i see bad times ahead
    don't go out tonight
    cause it's bound to take your life
    there's a bad moon on the rise

  82. Wow, Another Global Warming "debate".
    That was yet another excellent documentary. It is, however, unfortunate that there is nothing short of global thermonuclear war causing a drastic reduction in human population that can solve the problem.
    China will not slow it's economy and is increasing greenhouse gas emissions annually
    The United States has a relatively low population growth, and it will definitely drop.
    Short of Global Thermonuclear War...
    Well, if we let nature take its course, human population will decrease due to famine and disease. Cause...Global Warming.
    Global warming, Peak Oil, nuclear proliferation, religious zealotry, over consuming of fresh water, the list goes on and on.
    The only answer is a reduction in population, grim as it is. Anybody here willing to murder at least 4 billion people? More? Anybody here going to tell China to stop growing their economy? Will China? Why?
    Apocalyptic visions seem closer and closer. In a few years we will be rationing food, fuel, electricity, and water.
    Two things will be of and ammunition.
    How long before we see food riots again?
    Or when the government tries to force us to do something. How many people are willing to slash their own wrists to save the world? Much of our mined resources in metals and other minerals will be exhausted within the next 100 years.

    Or maybe we'll just debate our way out of it. Kind of like the move "When Worlds Collide". After all, man is a party animal.
    Here's a hint. If you want to survive and you want your genome to survive, you need to begin preparing now. Or, you can debate. Global Warming and its causes are already starting to rip our civilization apart. Once it really hits, so will the K factor and it will be every family for itself.

  83. Honestly, it boggles the mind how some people insist on refuting data which has been diligently collected and mulled over by some of the best and brightest amongst us. By all means question everything, analyze even the smallest morsel of information with a critical eye, but do it without having your judgment clouded by opinion. There is a difference between knowing something and believing you know something.

    "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

    John Adams

  84. Yohann the scientists need funding to continue their research.If they don,t agree with the notion of global warming ,climate change or whatever is the current fashionable term for a huge money making controlling they have their funding withdrawn.So of course the majority agree :-)

    1. Scientists are getting paid millions by the oil companies to deny climage change. And paying millions to eliminate environmental acts lax as they already are. Why would oil companies fund something that was going to give us reasons to shut them down? Environmentalists don't have that kind of money or influence. The Green Party has had millions of members for years yet they were never catapulted to the National Arena the way the Tea Party has been. I think if anyone is being played it is the denier's. BIG TIME. All my political acumen and instinct tell me this is so-as does the empirical evidence. As for BP-To many judges got stock in the oil business-they dont' want to set any precedents that will affect their monthly dividends.
      Another Fact!

  85. To all those skeptical of global warming:
    What are environmentalists really gaining from talking about global warming? Sure some make money with documentaries such as this and politicians get a little from carbon tax, but what about the majority of scientist? Hardly anything.
    What do oil companies get for calling global warming a myth? Well they keep their billions of dollar business and right-wing politicians get campaign money from them by supporting their lies.
    Even if global warming was just a scam where is there more oil? We have to make a transition to renewable sources rather than letting our economy crash when fossil fuels suddenly run out

  86. On a more sarcastic note. Even if all the pterydactyls had badgered the brotosauruses about all their farting (methane). The dinosaurs would still have gone extinct due to climate change.

  87. The climate changes people. It not only has happened time and again throughout eaths history but on quite a few occasion just within the time of man. As to the "reversal of the gulf stream" there is only one way to accomplish this. Reversal of the Earths polarity. To my knowledge no amout of temperature change could acomplish that. The closest you could get is stalling of the gulf stream by massive sudden flow of fresh water into the north Atlantic. This has happened in the past but even then it was due to a large body (ie meteor commet) striking the glacier covering north America. Try tis as an experiment. set the temp in your bathroom to 150 degrees and then flush your toilet. Did it flow in the opposite direction? No? well then.... It is tue that we are in a climate shift. It may be true that we are contributing to it. We cannot stop it. Many will die. Life goes on. You claim concern for "our children" well do them a favor. This will be abhorent to most "tree hugger" types. Teach you children how to hunt. How to kill game and make clotes shelter and tools from the kill as well as gain sustenance. That, unlike your new Prius, will save them when the inevitable occurs. And before you even try to argue know that if they try to live on a vegan diet in prolonged cold temperatures while wearing a hemp skirt they will die.

  88. Bush wrote:
    "Do your research people and look at global trends, these changes might not seem dramatic but you have to take into account changes like we are seeing annually and exponentially greater than any changes our Earth has undergone in it’s lifetime."

    Okay - time to get real. We're looking at miniscule changes in a 150 year period. You must have some kind of special powers to be able to know all of the climate changes the "Earth has undergone in it's lifetime." Think about what you're saying. This planet is billions of years old and it is literally impossible to see any meaningful trend in the extremely short amount of time we've been recording global temperatures. What a stupid thing to say.
    Climate changes people. We see some minor changes and start freaking out, absolutely sure that we're the cause and we're all going to die. You're all sheep. Try using a little logic and common sense.

  89. Global Warming is a scam. Manmade global warming is an even bigger one. :/
    It ceased to be science, now its more like a religion. Fraking Treehuggers. ( you know and those people wearing suits who made million and billions off that scam)

  90. AGW lol, it's just Post Normal Science. If you haven't figured out how this scam works yet, then you haven't done enough research.

  91. This is interesting to watch, especially since the oil gushing into the Gulf is... still gushing.

  92. the study of climate is a very new science, something we haven't even been able to do until just the last 50 or so years, (even something as critical as acurate thermometers are less than a hundred years old) and on a global scale; such as trade winds and oceanic currents until far more recently, in some cases just in the past few years. jumping to conclusions and politicizing emerging theories about the global climate, what makes it change and the patterns that it follows is nothing but knee-jerk reactions over just that, theories. we have no idea what impact carbon emission has on the planet. maybe when we get a replacement for the ill fated Orbiting Carbon Observatory project we can start to. but realisticaly 1 volcanic eruption can; in just a few hours spew more carbon gasses into the air than the entire cumulative emmissions since mans discovery of fire. as we continue to research and the information is assesed we can make concrete decisions backed by scientific proofs and the current politicizing and exploiting emergent theories for political gain will be looked back at like the politicizing of the suns relation to the earth and the flatness of the earth in their days... stupidity is to just oppose or support an idea because it "seems plausible" or "it makes sense"
    climate theories are certainly great talking points and a fertile field for research and debate but not one very abundant in facts just yet...

  93. @Chief - While we argue over the validity of work done by these scientists, those with the ability to prepare for their future; for the eventuality of the worst case scenario, their survival will be secured. Who would they be?

    My guess is cockroaches...

  94. Be assured that there is a powerful group that takes this information to heart. While we argue over the validity of work done by these scientists, those with the ability to prepare for their future; for the eventuality of the worst case scenario, their survival will be secured. Who would they be?

  95. there is a "problem" with global warming and gulf stream science and that problem is that ---
    hard evidence is never available untill AFTER the event....
    think upon that --- "after the event"
    that we will only KNOW; when it is too late!!!!
    there is no way to be certain; before that
    that only after it is too late to change things
    will we know how deep we are into disaster
    remember also that science is the only area of intellect
    qualified to comment upon "all this"
    that politicians, businessmen, etc ad nauseum
    just would not know
    you, the voter, are the power in the world
    use it; or lose it

  96. In regards to take out I ment that it uses a lot more energy (and produces more rubbish) to use a car, wait in line, order, waith while they use more non-renewable energy to eat food that is usually bad for you compounding over time so that you use more 'bad' energy to cart your unhealthy body to the doc's and hospitals.

  97. I'm probably asking for trouble by asking but..aussiemum, what's that about eating take out? You mean because the containers are bad for the earth? Or?? Seems the energy we use for our computers probably is lots worse than take out containers, especially the kind we can recycle, which now is most of them in my city. Don't yell at me, I get take out maybe once or twice a year. But I am curious about that one, & wondering if maybe you mean take out food itself is somehow harmful to earth. Can't imagine that, but ya never know. Getting technical, I guess the meat portion would be called that. Methane & all.
    Anyone else wondering how the volcano in Iceland recently is going to affect global warming?

  98. To all of you guys who doubt that we are a major contributing factor to fast and significant climate change let me tell you this; Several centuries ago one (yes I mean only one) volcano erupted in Iceland. That one volcano changed the earths climate for roughly 2-3 centuries (yes that's hundreds of years for you less educated ones) It produced what scientists call the mini iceage. Millions died from starvation as crops refused to grow, many others died from exposure in those harsh unforgiving 6 month winters. That is the damage of only ONE volcano spewing out greenhouse gasses, now think of how much 6.5 billion people continually produce with no waiting period to let the gasses get returned to the natural cycle. This should be a wake up call, turn out the light, walk, grow your own, use reusable shopping bags, stop eating take out. These are all ways to save money too.

  99. I will have to agree with siione. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Actions have consequences. Global warming is a fact. This specifics are debatable - and the potential solutions should be scrutinized.

    Either way stopping global warming is in my opinion impossible without a single superpower or world government... something that does not exist anymore, and the latter highly undesirable under current global culture (the power that absurd religion still retains over the world). It is called the tragedy of the commons. The developed countries want to become sustainable.. but all their frugality and innovation will merely slow the exponential growth of global warming due to industrializing China, India, Africa... ect. That is why it is a hard sell.

    1. China has invested 2 trillion in renewable energy. That is allot of money to improve upon technology that we already have.

  100. I'll have to agree with Triad that particularly this one Global Warming (out of many happened before any civizalition ever existed) isn't entirely our fault! Sure we do have to take responsibilities for our actions but not everything is in our hands. I mean You can't stop the natural changes occuring here and there every now n then. You simply can not. I'll also agree with the point where all that panicking around recent ice melting and so on is more to do with the wish of some countries to regulate EVERYTHING on the planetary scale rather than some precise and prestine scientifically proven truths.

  101. @ Triad

    so scientists can determine how old the earth is, discover the existence of black holes, but can't figure out how much pollution, carcinogens, co2 we've contributed to our environment since the industrial age, huh? You are the fool Triad. Open your eyes and take some responsibility, because that's what it comes down to...people just don't think they should be responsible and will look for evidence to back it up...

  102. I'm sorry let me elaborate "drastic climate changes"....I meant our winters will be colder than normal in mild temp areas, but winters will be warmer in colder temp areas...summers hotter...spring almost non-existent...higher pollen counts than usual, I could go on and on...these are facts

  103. Global warming results in drastic climate changes....for those of you who don't believe we are large contributor, then you are a small child who does not believe that your actions have consequences. Basic science....please, really think about it and use your brain folks...

  104. i love stupid people like triad

    a few humans , come on, 6 1/2 billion is hardly a few. and in the last 150 years we have seriously f--ked up our own living space. yes there have been ice ages before but there have never been cars, power plants, oil feilds or huge industrial manufacturing plants. if you think that we are not the cause of most of the current damage i think maybe the fumes have gone to your head, wake up people.

  105. Fantastic video and very interesting and very encouraging for follow-up
    It's really wonderful

  106. Thank you Charles!

    Karen, This Is the point, we dont know how much of a contributing factor "we" are! There are many many scientists that believe It Is only a minuscule amount.

    So I dont care what the "good Professor" Is suggesting.
    As he and the rest of them have yet to prove that "We" have anything to do with It.

    A green sheep Is still a sheep.

  107. If warming and ice ages have happened in the past, why are they blaming human activities now for what has happened before without any industrial pollution and such?

    Nonetheless, I agree that global warming is happening, but I don't think we are the cause nor can we stop it by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    1. we are doing the same thing as the volcanoe's did only we are doing more of it faster.

  108. Maybe humans are not a major cause of global warming but are definitely a contributing factor, so it wouldn't hurt for everybody to be a little synergistic and lesson their own personal carbon foot print. The scale back might prevent the gulf stream from switching direction and at very least increase the time period between now and the next ice age. This is what the good proffessor is suggesting and he is whole heartedly hoping you are paying attention!

  109. The simple FACT Is that the climate has constanly been changing throughout our planets history.

    It hasnt needed a few humans to do so!

    So why all of a sudden Is It caused by us?

    Its not!

    Choose to fall for your governments scare tactics If you want.
    sure.. me and my right wing views.... hahaha
    Give me a break and YES go do your research

  110. oh and didnt read you second point, too sleepy to do more research proving human influence.. ill do it later

  111. Who gives a s*** about al gore's documentary. Climate Change is real and scary whether your right wing views accept it or not. Read the chapter on climate change in super freakonomics, it got alot of flack for appearing to agree with you, but the authors explained their position climate change after the book was published on the various blogs bashing them.

    Its not a new thing that we are resistant to admitting our own faults, ignorance and resistance to change are basic human traits. But when a station like Fox is trying to destroy a theory, you really have to realize there must be something to it. "However, in the North Atlantic there has been a clear increase in the frequency of tropical storms and major hurricanes.

    From 1850-1990, the long-term average number of tropical storms was about 10, including about 5 hurricanes. For the period of 1998-2007, the average is about 15 tropical storms per year, including about 8 hurricanes. This increase in frequency correlates strongly with the rise in North Atlantic sea surface temperature, and recent peer-reviewed scientific studies link this temperature increase to global warming."(

    This is a milder analysis of hurricane trends, along with disasters such as the recent Haiti and Chili, along with consistently record setting warm winters with minimal snowfall atleast where i am in Toronto. Somethings not right, these changes are now becoming noticeable in our own short lifespans. yes global warming is summer..

  112. Yes alan.

    There Is global warming every year.

    Its called summer.

  113. @Triad

    I think what you mean to say is that humans cause global warming is a myth.

  114. @ Bush

    Global warming Is a myth fool

    Do your own research and look at global trends as you said yourself!

    All the so called "facts" that al gore gave In his documentary were untrue.
    Wake up. Very easy to fool the masses these days.

    Watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" on this very site.

  115. If you are Interested In this subject I recommend watching the BBC Horizon 'Big chill' Its on youtube.

    Its layed out In the typical Horizon storytelling fashion,
    and more Importantly with not much emphasis on the "Global warming" myth, and just concentrates on the coming ice age....

    Were still f--ked which ever one you watch..

  116. Thats not propaganda fool!!

    Were f--ked!!

    Im Investing In thermal underwear..

  117. How can you possibly still see global warming as propaganda? Is it your faith or sum bullshit like that? it's like ignoring evolution and other proven science still advertised as theories.

    The results of global warming are clear and the fact that some people can't see that all the environmental damage we victimize the earth with daily won't have any repercussions is absurd.

    Do your research people and look at global trends, these changes might not seem dramatic but you have to take into account changes like we are seeing annually and exponentially greater than any changes our Earth has undergone in it's lifetime. This is exactly why governments have to regulate new environmental guidelines so their uneducated population have to obey ecologically sound options.

  118. Oh man. More Global Warming propaganda. That's too bad.

  119. Interesting doc. Shows how delicate our ecosystem 'Earth' is, well worth the watch even if its a bit short.