The Greedy Brain

2014, Science  -   4 Comments
Ratings: 8.03/10 from 64 users.

The human brain is often referred to as the ultimate supercomputer. Medical science has much to learn about the cerebral capacity of our species, but they've begun to make profound strides in one particular area of research. Can the power of the brain transcend its human host? Produced by the acclaimed VPRO documentary series, The Greedy Brain explores this intriguing concept.

The question was posed during a groundbreaking experiment involving two laboratory rats who were both equipped with separate electrodes in their brains. One was given the task of transmitting an action while the other was positioned to receive it. Neuroscientists were shocked to discover that the rats achieved the same command and response in 70% of their attempts. In short, they shared a brain. The most awe-inspiring aspect of this experiment was the fact that these rats were separated by thousands of miles. Their cerebral impulses were connected via the internet.

What could this experiment and others like it mean for humans? Spinal injury patients may be able to walk again thanks to virtual reality and its power to activate the senses. A brain implant fashioned with hundreds of electrodes can give a quadriplegic patient the ability to operate robotic limbs on thoughts alone. Gaming enthusiasts may one day rely on their minds instead of a controller. These experiments are taking place now with both animal and human subjects, and they're paving the way to a future which was once only imaginable in science fiction movies.

The filmmakers also examine the advancements that have already been adopted around the world. Utilizing hi-tech imaging technologies, neuroscientists can enjoy an unprecedented look into the mechanics of our brains. They can read how each section responds to various stimuli and activities. With this data, they can formulate the treatments and targeted therapies of tomorrow.

Our brains are constantly attempting to exhibit a level of control over the outside world, and are thereby absorbing the outside world in the process. By understanding and manipulating this process, scientists might be usher the human race into thrilling new directions.

The Greedy Brain is an endlessly absorbing glimpse at the possibilities that exist within each of us.

Directed by: Rob van Hattum

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4 Comments / User Reviews

  1. karaikudi nadeeem

    so much brain but all air, water pollution and Fed not able to control inflation! who is this smart cookie?

  2. Mehmet Emre

    This documentary is really fine. Also i've been working on brain for my thesis, this documentary lets me increase my horizon.
    Thank you for your great documentary.

    Best regards,

  3. Rangarajan

    Fine documentary. It is not strange that brain can act out of the body. Some of the metaphysical phenomenon like out-of-the body experiences could be related to this.
    In Quantum Mechanics, only recently it was proved that under Quantum Entanglement , particles show Action-at-Distance, called Thought Experiment, get entangled, also known as EPR Paradox, which was proposed by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen in 1935. Then it was called spooky action at distance.
    The Natural laws permit action-at- distance, which is a corollary to linkage of brains by thought.
    As an after thought, Brain Net is so real, human race may be controlled by a Queen brain, situated not in this part of the world. Scary.

  4. Roger

    Great documentary. Very impressed with the great strides made in understanding the brain.
    I wish to volunteer my self for any studies, research etc. Feel free to contact me.