Gods and Monsters

2000, Military and War  -   10 Comments
Ratings: 7.24/10 from 38 users.

In the fog of war, there's often a thin line between success and failure. Gods and Monsters profiles a few occasions throughout the history of warfare when hugely misguided tactics led to punishing defeat.

These skirmishes were not defined by the winds of cruel fate, but by the gross incompetence of military leaders whose arrogance got the better of them. In these instances, many soldiers paid the ultimate price for the unchecked egos of their superiors.

After leading a defining military victory in Egypt as commander of the Eighth Army, British Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery was heralded as the savior of the Second World War. Bolstered by the adoration of government leaders and a fawning public, he was placed in charge of the D-Day landings for both British and American forces. His early successes were the result of great caution and careful calculation, but those qualities eventually fell by the wayside when President Eisenhower insisted on dictating military strategy himself. Feeling his authority threatened, Montgomery launched a massive and hastily planned air attack behind enemy lines in Germany. Hundreds of allied troops were killed before the landing even took place.

Tens of thousands of men shared a similar fate under the leadership of Major General Charles V.F. Townshend. Desperate to regain the fame that met him early in his military career, he led increasingly aggressive and foolish campaigns across Mesopotamia in 1915. This bloated sense of vanity ultimately sealed the fate of his command.

General Douglas MacArthur is perhaps the most celebrated of all American military commanders. Over the course of his long and distinguished career, MacArthur's dominance was unquestionable and he operated as though he was beyond reproach. At the age of 70, he led a campaign into North Korea, bickered over strategy with President Truman, and stubbornly dismissed the formidable intervention of the Chinese. His actions would place the United States on the brink of World War III.

The brave men and women of our fighting forces deserve our admiration. Gods and Monsters values them as well. The film understands that the same values that comprise a successful military leader - particularly the possession of aggressive ambition and supreme confidence - can also result in catastrophic consequences for those who serve under them.

Directed by: Katherine English

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10 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Sed

    Wow unbelievable - the Brits hate Napoleon even after more than 200 years since he stopped teaching them lessons. You're pathetic, pommies lol.

  2. Parker

    Timothy L .... Learn to spell CANADIAN before you admit you're from here

  3. Marcus Anton

    MontGomery was an arrogant ass. He thought he was a Patton which is laughable.

  4. TIMothy Lechowicz

    Let's see mow, el trumpo was left a successful real estate business. He had it at about 50% of its value, when he became President. But between gim and the mafia their skim bankrupted a casino. And as a Canadien, i feel comfortable commenting on your bloodthirsty ways. You're getting in more wars than i can count. Bloodthirsty people get in wars, or start them.

    1. jon

      successful???? He's been broke since the 90's!

  5. Ant

    Power is dangerous

  6. Thais

    They don't, he just exemplifies the kind of indiscretions that are the subject of this documentary.
    No need to get all snowflakey about it ;)

  7. Thais

    Don't he just exemplifies the kind of indiscretion that the documentary is about :)

  8. Jay Steff

    Please tell us at what point they mention Trump? Is that just a snow flake transference of a mania against trump but NOT any actual comparison that was presented?

  9. Brad

    I found the similarities between Gen. MacArthur and Trump to be scary, history repeating itself. When will we ever learn!