Global Wolf

2003, Nature  -   19 Comments
Ratings: 8.65/10 from 104 users.

Global Wolf educates viewers on the history of the human-wolf relationship throughout the world and follows international wolf researchers as they work to preserve a species once hunted to the edge of extinction. Gesa Kluth, a European wolf biologist, plays happily with captive research wolves as she explains they are quite friendly to each other and the humans they recognize. Her quest is to determine if the German wolf is truly extinct or if there may be hope to revitalize the regional lineage.

In the Yukon, Canadian biologist David Jones joins his friend Steven Frost, a caribou tracker, as they traverse the Porcupine River. The two men hope a caribou migration will result in some wolf sightings. Although Canadian wolves boast a healthy population they are known for their evasive nature. It is therefore a unique event when a wolf presents itself to Jones and Frost, engaging in a conversation of howls with Jones – an encounter that lasts over three hours.

In Russia, wolf rescuer Vladimir Bologov purchases a litter of wolf cubs from the hunters that orphaned them. He takes them to an island where we discover he has established a wolf refuge. Striving to allow the wolves to remain as wild as possible, Vladimir keeps his distance, allowing the wolves to remain semi-wild but cared for in the refuge for a year before driving them as far into the wilderness as possible to be released. Vladimir remains with the wolves for days after release to ensure the likelihood of their survival, and fits them with radio collars so he may continue to track their progress.

In addition to following these specific researchers, the filmmakers take us to India to survey the relationship between the human population and area wildlife, and to more remote areas of Egypt and the Middle East, as the historical conflict between humans and wolves is elaborated upon. While crediting the endurance of wolf populations with their ability to adapt to various environments, it is also explained that their attraction to herd animals and the resulting threat to livestock is what put them at odds with humans as far back as the Middle Ages.

Citing their reputation in ancient folklore and fairy tales, wolves have been used to represent power and threat throughout the world in ways that have perpetuated their near-demise for centuries. Global Wolf offers insight into the complex relationship between wolf and man, the beauty and diversity of wolves, and the part they play in our greater world ecology.

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19 Comments / User Reviews

  1. chelsea

    GO WOLVES!!!!

  2. Dave Ford

    Great documentary .. The wolves are misunderstood in that being top predators they keep large and small game populations under control. They kill and eat the weak and sick keeping the herds strong and healthy. They eat carrion thereby keeping the environment cleaned up.
    Zachary Pontalion check out "Dogs Decoded" a lot of it concerns how wolves became domesticated and the influence of the domestication on our civilization.

  3. Zachary Pontalion

    I forgot to mention that it was for my Pre-AP Biology class. My apologies.

  4. Zachary Pontalion

    I loved this documentary and I love wolves! I chose this as my documentary to find a claim, counterclaim, and research that backs it up. I found some claims and counterclaims, but I don't know what research they used that backs up their data. Could I get a little bit of help...?

  5. aga

    i really hate documentaries about animals with humans in them... i really hate humans because of their treatment of animals... bottom line -humans suck!

  6. Indigo

    zee788: Yes, what you first said about wolves tearing into other animals is not entirely false. However, you must see that the reason for this tearing is their survival. Then, when you take a look at humans, you can see meaningless destruction of both animal and plants for no reason, or for stupid reasons that aren't worth the life of what we're destroying. You misunderstand their intent in their ripping. It is not because they are cruel creatures, but because they are working on a natural instinct to protect themselves and survive.

  7. FreddyFazbear

    Zee you have no reason to judge wolves like that.What did they do to you?Your precious little poodle has more wolf blood than dog blood,you know why?of course you don't,because you misjudge wolves for no effing reason.

  8. Hilary

    So good! Love wolves. Glad people are finally understanding how important they are in the role of a healthy ecosystem. Such beautiful and misunderstood creatures.

    1. zee788

      How are they misunderstood? They rip apart small animals and tear their flesh apart. What exactly is there to misunderstand there?

    2. Emma Stanaway

      This type of willful blatant ignorance & stupidity is what helped wolves to be hunted almost to extinction & completely wiped out. Yes, wolves eat small and large prey, unlike humans they don't kill for pleasure they kill to survive. Please, go read a book or do some research before you make yourself sound so silly again. Wolves are incredible, you may even enjoy learning something

    3. zee788

      What is ignorant and stupid? Was anything I wrote inaccurate? Perhaps you find watching a snarling animal tear off another creature's head off 'incredible' for your precious nature worship, but I don't.

    4. Emma Stanaway

      Yes, everything you wrote was inaccurate, again, please go read a book or do some research before you make yourself look silly again. No nature worship here, just respect for intelligent life. I have to wonder if your type of ignorance is an act? You do not warrant nor will you receive any further replays until you can say something intelligent. All the best

    5. zee788

      Ah, so wolves are vegetarians. I see. I learned something new here. Thank you for teaching me, great Buddha.

    6. DrJack37

      Why can't the animals make nice, like baby Jesus?

    7. CapnCanard

      It may interest you to know that domesticated dogs, from cute puppies, from Great Danes to Chihuahuas have the same DNA as Canus Lupus. Please proceed to put that in your pipe and smoke it...

    8. zee788

      And? How exactly does that support your position? Where exactly did I defend domesticated dogs?

    9. CapnCanard

      It may be of interest. Wolves are wild dogs and being wild they are misunderstood. Krikey! They don't act human like your precious Chizu. Bubbles. Y'all mizunderestimate dem B cuz humens R not gude comminkatores.

    10. zee788

      In other words, I did not 'misunderstand' them at all. Nothing you just wrote provides any evidence for your position.

  9. bringmeredwine

    I really enjoyed this doc. Don't understand the low rating. learned a lot about these beautiful creatures and their history with humans. A real shame about the wolf bounties in Russia. Sigh!

    One more thing; at my camp, we can hear the wolves howl some nights. Very haunting calls, yet it's reassuring; knowing some are still out there.