A Future of Abundance

2013, Technology  -   14 Comments
Ratings: 8.49/10 from 53 users.

If you're feeling gloomy about the state of the world, you can turn to author Peter Diamandis for a jolting shot of optimism. As expressed in his book titled Abundance, he believes our modern technological revolution can help to fulfill all the essential needs of humanity around the globe. A Future of Abundance is a new documentary that explores Diamandis' uniquely hopeful perspective.

It's difficult to see the forest through the trees when we look around and witness a world in constant crisis. Whether we're observing the scourge of starvation, pollution, economic turmoil, environmental destruction, depleted energy resources or defective health care systems, the issues plaguing our global society seem apocalyptic and insurmountable.

Diamandis urges us to look closer. In his view, we already possess the tools to achieve a near utopian existence. The price of solar energy is rapidly diminishing, and could one day power the world at a very low cost. In the Sahara desert, sunlight and salt water are being converted to meet the region's demand for power, fresh food and clean water. These same elements can also be employed for similar projects in any of the world's most arid climates, including Australia and South Africa.

What if your preventative health care needs could be served with a simple device you use at home? Emerging technologies make it possible to track and diagnose health concerns without having to travel to the doctor's office. The impressive reach of the internet and crowd creation can assist the next generation of inventors, allow them to avoid the bureaucracy of corporate development and distribution, and bring more life-altering innovations to the masses with greater ease than ever before. Five billion users will be connected through the Internet by the year 2020, and the brightest minds among them will be able to share and build upon the most promising innovations of tomorrow. This free flow of ideas can inspire more effective and cost efficient solutions to a variety of pressing issues.

The documentary field is often mired in the morose and catastrophic, but A Future of Abundance celebrates a world of endless possibility.

Directed by: Martijn Kieft

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14 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Urban dweller

    As long as we exist under a capitalist system there will always, ALWAYS be lack, greed, scarcity, scapegoating, racism, etc. It's inherently built into it. Capitalism worked for awhile but it has outgrown its ability for further constructive growth - except, unfortunately, the cancerous growth of greed!

    1. martin eigenberger

      So true. Capitalism has become the ever narrowing bottleneck of planetary welfare.

  2. Phillip kalaveras

    This doc. fails to factor in the greed, corruption and incompetence that California has in abundance. Most Californians get their electricity through PG&E whos rates are set by a commission selected by the Governor (PUC). The rates are tiered and after the first few days in a billing cycle, the rate jumps to over .41 cents a Kwh. The National average is like .08 a Kwh. PG&E's rate is not just outrages I believe it to be criminal and they have just been granted another rate hike later this year. PG&E is one of the Democrats largest donors though and Democrats have had a lock on this state for 48 years in a row. The feds need to seize PG&E if not the whole state.

  3. John Richardson III

    Great, great documentary ! With the sheer volume of doom and gloom and vast scale of the manipulation of logic its extremely motivating to come across like minded people working hard and getting results to create a better future for humanity. Thank you for creating this and I will be recommending this to everyone willing. VERY INSPIRING !

  4. splib

    good vid, mahalo, w regard to the last statement to implementation happening in 20-30 years, this is only restricted by the old money paradigm barrier, in removing the money paradigm, implementation happens in 2 to 3 weeks or days... thought is instant, design is lengthy, implementation is hampered only by cost, but no longer now the case, if you wish to further tech faster remove the money system first and then the sky's the limit instantly.....mahalo for your time...peace

  5. Robert L Schafer

    Thanks for your presentation. Everyone should find something of interest and value in it.
    I was left with wanting to explore singularity university. The book Singularity made the point the future is coming to us faster than we think. So far I have not been impressed with this claim. Maybe when we reach the knee of the curve, but for most things, it is still a waddle forward.......most every thing takes too much time and expense to come about unless it is military hardware.

  6. waynerudall

    In the most dangerous places of power; the media and politics, we, I'm over 70, have put fanatical unbelievers. They, with the power but no wit or wisdom, do even accept the possibility of climate change. The desparity of income of income between the rich and the poor increases exponentially. What is the ratio now (1 rich: 40% really poor ?) maybe, I can't keep up. No amount of technology will be allowed to develop. Money is the fiction we must work for. The bottom line is money, not ,"wealth", a , good life as it should be. I have a deal of respect for most people and their philosophical /pychological values. But they are of no consequence. We are slaves to idiots and have no chance of survival. Sorry.

  7. Joe Lister

    I couldn't finish watching this. It's nice to be positive and I have no doubt much of what he says is generally true, however, I'm not an Economist but I think it would be easy show that the money needed to make the world a better place isn't going to where it should to make what he describes a reality. Politics, power, and greed make what he says very unlikely, maybe impossible. If the human brain operated differently, we would have a chance. If ALL humans had a good education with an emphasis on critical thinking, if ALL humans understood that the importance of "shepherding"
    (I can't think of the word I wanted here) and nurturing the world, if we could believe that the there is enough "pie" for everyone (i.e., enough resources for all people to have food, water, shelter, safety, etc.) and not hoard these things because they fear losing them, if, if, if lastly we could temper our resource based capitalist focus on MONEY and consumerism, then maybe we could retrain our brains to toss out old "bad habits" and move forward with projects like this writer is describing. It "could" be done, it could nearly be done NOW, but not with the current mentality that exists in our collective minds. I think the next human revolution must come in the the form of a philosophical and psychological change in human thinking and training the brain to TRUST instead of FEAR. But this is no easy task, after all I think this has been the goal of every religion and that hasn't worked out so well...yet!

  8. Liz Field

    One must think it before you can do it. I found it convincing. It makes me want to live a long time.

  9. Nalinaksha Mutsuddi

    It's agreed the science provides endless possibility. But the process to make it available for all may not be feasible practically. There lies the real problem.

  10. Generic smith

    @ Phillip Veale It's planned obsolescence, and it really grinds my gears. search "The Light Bulb Conspiracy" on this site.

  11. Phillip Veale

    If you are prepared to misrepresent the truth then what is your motive !
    His whole intention is summed up in the manner by which he walked through the door !
    Be wherry of those that use the term singularity to represent us all.
    With all the technology in the world why is it that almost every product I purchase literally break just out side of their designated warranty period.

  12. Oliver Koslik

    Good stuff SeeUat Videos!

  13. john duh

    why cant we search these docs by year? or recently added?im interested in the 2017 docs but there no way to search them here