FIFA's Dirty Secrets

Ratings: 8.03/10 from 29 users.

FIFA's Dirty SecretsThe half-hour programme saw investigative journalist Andrew Jennings look into allegations of corruption with FIFA, the world's governing body of association football.

Within the programme he alleged that three members of FIFA's executive committee had been given bribes by International Sports and Leisure, a marketing partner of FIFA.

The three men - Nicolas Leoz, Issa Hayatou and Ricardo Teixeira - were reportedly involved with a sports marketing firm responsible for broadcasting rights and took money from them.

Jennings further alleged that a fourth current official has been involved in ticket touting. Both of these matters had not been properly investigated by Sepp Blatter, the President of FIFA. It also made a series of claims about the bidding process for hosting the FIFA World Cup.

The documentary was broadcast only three days before the result of the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups were announced. This led to fears from some people that it could ruin England's chances of hosting the former tournament, with some accusing the BBC of being unpatriotic; however, the BBC defended these claims.

Russia ultimately won the right to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018, with Qatar emerging victorious for the 2022 tournament. The question of whether the documentary was a crucial factor in England losing the contest was brought up by a number of key figures after the result was announced.

Hayatou, who is the vice-president of FIFA, denied all accusations of involvement in the scheme and claimed money was in fact paid to the Confederation of African Football (CAF). He threatened to sue the BBC for the making of the documentary. The programme received 52 complaints from viewers.

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13 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Steve

    With all due respect Sasidhar and Salman Shaikh, Qatar winning the world cup in 2022 is an absolute joke. I am not sure how you can defend it in any way.
    Yes, I understand the stadiums will be cooled, and that the country has hosted the Asian Cup. But, seriously, this is the World Cup. Football is massive around the globe, but it is certainly as big in England as it is anywhere else. England has all the infrastructure built already, many great stadiums, trains, motorways etc: Also, the fans who travel will not have to swelter through a middle eastern summer. I could think of at least 20 countries who would be better hosts than Qatar. FIFA have taken billions of dollars from bidding nations when they knew who was going to win it beforehand.

  2. the true

    all won by FC Barcelona and messi with his 4 gold balls won it thanks to the friendship they have with FIFA, money of dubious origin, = MAFIA = BARCA = MESSI = BLATTER

  3. Scott Pert

    I am still amazed Qatar won the World Cup legitimately! Qatar is practically 'UN-livable' in the Summer, also, there is a ban on alcohol...
    So someone will be upset, Western fans or the Muslims that reside there!

    1. Salman Shaikh

      For the 2022 World Cup
      There is going to be alcohol allowed :)
      Although you would need an alcohol permit.
      And the stadiums are cooled too
      from 50 degrees the temperature is brought down to 27 degrees

  4. Marcello Gomes

    Same here in Nrazil, money won all champ of soccer ... its a corruption land, welcome

  5. goodie9000


    please stop removing my comments on this FIFA documentary
    I truly admire your altruistic and benevolent attitude by setting up this site great site; how however It's doesn't justify censoring others on certain subjects.

    Thank You for reconsidering your take on this issue.

    sincere regards

  6. Brad

    Corruption is in the air! It's a shame it goes way beyond the game of football!

  7. roppy

    "£3 Billion in tourney earnings and that this should be kept secret from the taxpayers"

    Hahaha to avoid any secrecies they just organise it in a country which has one of the lowest taxrates in the world and no income tax. And Problem solved!

  8. sasidhar

    some info on qatar's football
    though Qatar is not a great football force, it has successfully hosted a number of internationals. these include the recent(one month ago) Brazil vs Argentina match, and they are the hosts of Asian football cup in 2011.their national team isn't that bad either.most important of all is that they represented middle east in the bidding process. good luck and congratulations Qatar

  9. Gus

    It's been a fact for over 20 years that fifa is a dirty organisation. Even the ex Uefa president hinted that.

  10. Greg

    Well said Epicurean_Logic !! Sepp Blatter (besides being a moron in my opinion) and his cronies are on the up and up at approx the same level as is Juan Antonio Samaranch and his committee. Everyone knows they are all paid off to vote in certain countries to host Olympics and the World Cup. Ok I am way to tired to try to make a sensible posting so i should go away and try this again tomorrow lol.

    I will add this last bit before i do go. On the subject of bribes, I have recently read a very good book about bribery in soccer/football called The Fix written by a guy named Declan Hill. It was a fascinating read about bribery in professional soccer/football going back many years. While some parts were shocking in there claims of high level games being fixed it has made me watch some games, that normally I would have just sat back and enjoyed. with an eye of skepticism and when a player misses an obviously easy goal it does make one wonder.
    Hope this made some sense, I am to exhausted to proof read it lol

  11. tigerspaw

    Is anyone surprised?

  12. Epicurean_Logic

    How did this documentary cause England to lose the 2018 World Cup?

    England were considered as forerunners to win the bid for a while. To go from race-leaders to ain't-getting-a-single-vote-no-hopers in no time at all!! There should be another investigation into why.

    I was originally under the impression that two English FIFA reps were caught with their hands in the cookie jar? Anyone?

    The shadowy nature of FIFA is again coming into question and when you consider that Qatar(???) won the bid!! something is definitely rotten in the state of Denmark. All due respect to Qatar, but who in the hell are they and what is their contribution to world football and also, speaking as a cynic and sceptic by nature how much are they paying Sep and his cohorts?

    One startling revelation in this documentary is that FIFA want tax breaks that guarantee (reportedly) £3 Billion in tourney earnings and that this should be kept secret from the taxpayers! Well done the Nederland's for exposing this truth. Our pathetic pot of piss-head politicians don’t have the balls to stand up to these bullies and crooks.

    World Cup. Keep it FIFA and expect a call from our lawyers presently.