False Flag Hoaxers

2018, Conspiracy  -   51 Comments
Ratings: 4.35/10 from 159 users.

From Columbine to Sandy Hook to Parkland, Florida, the scourge of mass school shootings has left many citizens across the U.S. in a state of perpetual mourning, and has ignited a fuse of urgent activism in many others. "False Flag Hoaxers" is about a much different subset of citizens. They are small in number, but ferocious in their ability to sabotage the spotlight from tragedy. For them, these incidents do not represent unspeakable acts of savagery, but elaborate conspiracies planned and executed by the highest levels of government.

Produced by VICE News, the film introduces viewers to several false flaggers who are part of a larger community that convenes primarily through social media platforms. There, they dissect the course of events as reported by law enforcement officials. They study the news footage and search for inconsistencies in eyewitness interviews. They label those who had the good fortune of surviving these incidents as "crisis actors" employed to sell a phony narrative. Some are brazen enough to scold the family members of victims for being complicit in a mass conspiracy. In many of the cases presented in the film, their tactics appear to be shameless and barbaric, and they're perpetrated with stubborn resolve.

Side Thorn is one of the conspiracy theorists profiled in the film. Standing by a makeshift memorial mounted at the footsteps of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, he bullies mourners of the 2017 shooting that claimed the lives of 26 churchgoers. He demands proof that contradicts his notion that the Department of Homeland Security staged the massacre.

The filmmakers attempt to identify what factors embolden these hoaxers to make outlandish claims and further distress the surviving victims of violence. Is it the symptom of mental illness, a hunger for celebrity, or motivated entirely by political ideology? Their ugly rhetoric is informed and inflamed by the likes of Alex Jones from Info Wars and other conspiracy-minded media hosts.

Their narrative is countered by the victims who witnessed these tragedies firsthand, and are left to live with insurmountable grief. "False Flag Hoaxers" is a sobering and infuriating viewing experience.

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51 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Elvenkind

    There certainly is a lot of mistrust toward the government of people in the USA and elsewhere in the world, but I have to say that the government must carry some of this burden, since they have knowingly been using their position and power in order to start wars, based on lies, fueled by grief, and creating even more death, so whom should be blamed when the population start to become so confused that they now longer know truth from lies, or believe that truth is lies and lies are truth? It's obvious that the doctrine of !Plausible deniability" from the US intelligence services, mixed with profit oriented (instead of strictly fact based) news shows that seem to prefer the most shocking angle, the themes that gives the most fear and causes the most anger in the people watching it, and again mixed with things like Soviet era Active Measures (disinformation campaigns), have made many people simply loose touch with reality. The program above show the result of this, but I don't think these are people that one can reason with. But I think it also show people that actually DO KNOW what the "real" truth is, and just pretend, since they have discovered, as Alex Jones did, that there's money to make by feeding the monster, and they simply have no morals. And when it comes to these, then certainly they are given exactly what they want when people become upset, and should be prevented from further traumatizing people already hurt, by the rule of law.

  2. Just jaymi

    Who films while being shot at?????????

  3. dodie gears

    Those two denying Sutherland Spring, were so bad, they stalked, harassed, and threatened these poor families over and over again. They threatened these people with hand guns! They were imprisoned. Alex Jones should be sued into poverty, and shunned, and actually, imprisoned too.

  4. History Repeats Itself

    I don't know any of these people, fake or otherwise, but I consider myself to be a person who likes the facts. I believe ALL ethical journalism is based on facts. Media giants need to just give us the who, where, what, how....and allow us to come up with our own beliefs concerning these shootings, but instead they do seem to be spoon feeding information to the public and I can see why the theorists are concerned. For all that say these people are quacks, they can turn right around and say you all are incredibly gullible. TRUTH IS NOTHING BUT PERSPECTIVE, ISN'T IT? Give the public just the facts and quit pushing your perspectives down our throats. I don't care what your opinions are. I care only about the facts in the event i'm not present for any of the events that take place and if you give me something other than that it's considered propaganda.

  5. Greg

    I'm 6 minutes into the video and I am not sure I can listen to these mentally unstable people, who clearly have no boundaries or morality, for another 19 minutes.

    1. john

      yeah they are mean and nutty, they arent wrong though.
      Its funny how everyone beliueves the official line without doing the research,.
      I have to say it was a lot easier to research it when it happened vs now that anybody who wants honest investigation is slated as a cruel nutjob.

  6. Mkchrc14

    To my fellow humans who feel offended and hurt by the comments of individuals who see conspiracy in one tragedy after another. Stop trying to figure out how we can convince these paranoid humans who lack the ability to emphasize with someone who is suffering a devastating loss. It is not possible. How often have you seen evidence rejected with the statement that the evidence itself has been faked? Why just look at the comments below. One comment made the accusation that the conspiracy theorists featured were not real! No amount of exhumations, photographing, analyzing or demonstrations will do the job. Even if a person with such beliefs were an actual witness to a public tragic event his fellow theorists would say he was brainwashed and that theorist would agree. There is nothing we can do for them. The mental illness has spread to their heart and there is no antidote.

  7. Prob. called sheeple in next reply

    Oh my god, so much stupidity here, I'm speechless.
    No, not everything the government says is true, but not everything is a conspiracy either.
    Please hoaxers, stop looking for signs and clues where there are none and get some help...

    Think of what you are demanding, why should they put out pictures and certificates out to the public to prove that they are dead?
    Do you realize how sick that is, to put out pictures of murdered children on the internet just for you nut jobs to be satisfied? It's completely sick that you want to see this...

    And if they were to put those pictures online for you to see, you will certainly argue that the pictures are fake/cgi anyways. These people cant be reasoned with, they decide on what their idea of something is, and then proceed to find "clues" that support that. Aka confirmation bias, try doing it the other way around if you really seek the truth.

  8. Thomas

    In the event of a death by murder a Postmortem MUST be carried out. and a death certificate given to the next of kin by a registered medical professional.
    All this is very easy to clarify. Just confirm and document who the bereaved are.
    Who can confirm who disposed of the Bodies?
    Where are the Birth & Death certificates to prove that they actually existed?
    Is this too much to ask. Even a driver committing a TRAFFIC violation has to provide proof of who they are, or they get banged up!
    Those who claimed to be relatives have gotten quite wealthy out of this crap. It is quite frightening to think that so many Government Officials are Involved in these cover-ups.
    Perhaps a full investigation should be carried out by A.G.Barr??
    It all smells of the Demoncrats - Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's
    Remember...Haters of the truth belong to the father of Lies!

    1. john

      Thankyou. I'm tired of being regarted as a hatefull nutjob for wanting basic evidence and askin basic questions.

  9. mr.boof

    This is what you call a double bluff

  10. Glen Hale

    No one can find any evidence of the sandy hook shooter existed any where..

    1. Lawrence Sweeting

      I say you are an alien and the only way for you to prove you are not is to have your skull cut open and your brain dissected. If you refuse to let that happen you are admitting you are an alien.

  11. PsyOpo

    If this is a "documentary" then I am not keyboarding these words. Do a websearch for 33 Unanswered Questions on Sandy Hook.

    Then you will understand why people still have questions about the "official narrative" ...and why Vice never looked into anything, at all.

    This video has an agenda to misdirect your attention. Focus you onto a loud and rude actor to distract you from looking deeper at facts.

    If you wasted your time listening, the silhouette dad works for or is a fellow traveler of the globalist agenda, those who want to grab guns and regulate (control) the internet so only their propaganda can rule your mind and then be able to do the nefarious things they desire. Why just the internet? They already control the major media.

    Just because people die at a location, doesn't mean there isn't much more to the story than what the globalist agenda major media script and edit so you will come to the conclusions they desire; just like this ultra lame video by "Vice".

    For all we know the loudmouth and granny are part of the script to get you to become emotional and disbelieve anyone who looks beyond the surface, whenever anyone loud and rude shows up?

    Note the stark difference between the fellow with the Sandy Hook Hoax website, who is calm and has found many reasons to question the official narrative, contrast with the loudmouth and granny. One is a person willing to investigate, the other two appear to be part of a scheme to get people to hate or be emotionalized against anyone who "they"(globalist agenda's media) point and call a "conspiracy theorist".

    Vice interviewed Hogg, why didn't Vice interview the girl who spoke with the suspected shooter on the way out of the school? Hogg was promoted by the media. Why didn't a media supposedly after "what happened" also have that girl everywhere also? She didn't fit the ban guns narrative.

    If you want to believe there was just "one crazy shooter" from a hotel window in Vegas, then you simply prefer to be exactly what the globalist agenda want you to be; a propagandized sock puppet who will eventually support gun control.

    Gun control is what it is about and they will kill as many as they think it will take to get it.

    1. Elvis

      All of what you're speaking of has been debunked. Not that it needed to, since it's all lies, but people have actually sat down and debunked all of the "33 unanswered questions" and more. Learn how to think critically, or you will be fooled by people on youtube over and over again.

    2. john

      its for the sake of villifying the inquiring mind.
      YuO dOnT bELieVE tHe OfFiCIaL lInE? U muSt bE A hEarTleSS B4StArD /s

    3. Sequoia

      Why is it so hard for anyone to see there's more than 1 story to every situation? 30 years ago and actually before that news and events from across the world came to us from tv,radio,newspapers and school that was our history, TOLD to us. And the majority of the people took it as face value. These were truly good times, meaning people utialized the tools to think freely, to engage in discussions, to detect the different versions of one narrative and be curious enough to challenge that one narrative that would lead you to the actual truth. If it was not for Investigative Journalists risking their lives to reveal and discredit the blantant lies being told to the public about corporations,foreign countrys,health depts,wall St,stock market,banks,domestic terrorists,wars,our govt the people would continue to believe what ever was being told to them. Unaware of the danger to our lives,health,finances,civil liberties,rights,freedom,environment,education. I refuse to be TOLD what to think or believe one narrative. I will always want the TRUTH and cannot be happy with a lie. To accept a lie is the same as an insult, your allowing to be disrespected. Ignorance breeds secrets and corruption in any country,which is how one is brought down and destroyed,with the help of those who turn a blind eye.
      The last 20yrs the tool to have healthy discussions to think freely to challenge the only narrative to actually seek the truth has been lost. More than ever people are more comfortable with being told the only narrative,it's easier for them to accept the insults and disrespect since they believe "The government wouldn't lie...they couldn't they took an oath...We the people control the govt ....We know they lie about some things but not everything." For those who will say this aren't interested in TRUTH,they are the ones who reject it and lash out to the ones who seek it. Confined to think inside a box,when others have the courage to think outside of it.
      I have no problem to be one of those who think outside the box,or to be a "Conspiracy theorist". I do have a problem with insults and disrespect. I would be ashamed to be anything less

    4. Scott Stagner


  12. Robin

    People just don't want to realize the truth. Sandy Hook. These children were 5,6 years old. Riddled with bullets from a weapon with a bullet designed to basically explode on impact. Anyone that would want to see that as proof first of all is sick. This happened. Children were killed those who think otherwise need to get out of their boxed world of endless time than to do nothing but over think to satisfy their need to think nothing like this could happen

    1. Mike

      Robin, please keep fantasy and reality in their separate realms. The 5.56 mm cartridge is not designed to "explode" on impact. In fact the round has been subject to a lot of criticism for the very reason of "lethality".

      Another thing. I do not know that there were children killed at Sandy Hook, i was not there. Likewise, I do not know that there were not kids killed. You are in the exact same position, whether you ad.it it or not. The fact remains that there are lots of red flags and questions surrounding the entire situation. If these questions could be answered, it would lay it all to rest. But they have not answered these questions. From odd house purchases on Christmas eve, to the finding of a gun ling after it was reported, video footage of the fire station, Gene Rosen, doctored photos, memorial trees, the multiple roles of some of the parents, etc.

  13. Suzie

    Why isn’t someone suing this nut job for $100,000? Take him to court and show proof that it happened! He’s said on camera enough times that he’d pay it... make him put his money where his mouth is!!! #psycho #cruel

    1. jj

      These people are truly crazy. I do not know that anyone died at the Alamo - I wasn't there. These people are SICK and should experience the horror themselves one day.

    2. Scott

      maybe it's because they don't have any proof that it happened, Susie

  14. Anon

    You know what. I lost my 3 month old son and if someone questioned anything about that or bothered me, they're getting taken out for the honor of my son I'll tell ya that!

  15. Laura Greenfield

    One last thought. If the bodies from Sandy Hook would be exhumed, it would need to be open to the public. In other words, it would need to be announced ahead of time and the public notified beforehand by the mainstream media. The public would need to be allowed to watch as the bodies would be exhumed and the coffins opened. That would be the only way to ensure that what would be told to the public would be true. Additionally, people would have to be allowed to film this happening and then be allowed to post their filming publicly. It would need to be a situation where anyone who wanted to be there would be allowed to be so that they could witness and film the truth and share the truth with others.

    1. jj

      Exhume your great grandparents. We already know the truth. Sorry you can't accept it.

  16. Laura Greenfield

    There's one way to prove whether or not people died at Sandy Hook, that's to exhume the bodies. If the families and government would oppose exhuming the bodies to prove the truth one way or another then that would indicate they have something to hide.

    1. Laura

      I say you are an alien and the only way for you to prove you are not is to have your skull cut open and your brain dissected. If you refuse to let that happen you are admitting you are an alien.

  17. Gees Louise

    After doing a quick search into the Whitepages listings for a Kevin Edward Jordan in Sutherland Springs, TX one finds that he is a resident of the town and his wife as well as son do live with him, however one GoogleMaps search of the church and their home proves that their testimony could even have been possible. Alex Jones is loon, for sure, but not everything that is spoon-fed should be taken at face value ... the anomalies are apparent, obviously observed in TX, FL, and CT cases, and are both repetitive and perpetual. Research all sides before coming to conclusions.

  18. Alan

    I thought I had already seen the worst documentary. I was wrong. This one is. An uberleftie rant.

    1. jj

      Not leftie -- Straight up LUNATICS. Unemployed lunatics who should be in jail for harassment.

  19. Larry

    Ahole, a voice of reason in a sea of paranoia

  20. Ahole

    The amount of crazy people in this comment section baffles me. Some people have just watched way too much Alex Jones and gone off the deep end. They see "clues" and "signs" everywhere. These are obvious signs of mental illness. Seek help people. Not everything is a conspiracy, and not everything is a staged event to turn the world against you. Try to listen to what you are saying, and try taking a look in the mirror. Please seek help before you do something real stupid.

    1. Morgan

      I know what you are saying dude.
      I feel sorry and horrible of what happened to those poor families who lost their kids. And your right not everything is a conspiracy.

  21. JW

    This was more a short on the subject rather than a documentary. Unfortunately VISE and others haven't gotten enough substance to trigger those above to actually look into this and other false flag events. If and when they do what they'll find on their own accord will change their opinion and their life. Simple minded people do yourself and this country a favor get off your ass and teach yourself how to research something then once you actually have that ability , I'm speaking here of true research which takes lots of time and effort both of which most will not commit to (that's something those behind these events count on) doing and you'll find yourself wanting to not believe what you yourself actually find and when you get that sick feeling in your own stomach that comes from you finding out truths that you'd never could've fathomed then and only then will you wonder how this was able to get to this point and the horrific reality of how can it be stopped and even worse what's the real agenda!?

  22. John

    This is an entirely appropriate video. The conspiracy theorists need to be made aware of the pain they are causing. Maybe unintentionally, I hope so. Please don't add to the devastation these poor folks have endured.
    I am a pro 2nd amendment Patriot and these obviously mentally people don't represent me, my views or those of fellow human beings I associate with.
    Too many have died for the freedoms we excercise so don't let their sacrifice be dishonored by a few that would pervert it.

  23. daizy

    Vice is 80% FAKE NEWS. I've seen clips of them that seem decent. Certainly not this one. The above is simply pile of crap. If you have it all together, why didn't you try to interview the retired FBI Agent who did an outstanding job investigating Sandy Hooks and in the process was given copies of the crime data base of the region where Sandy Hooks took place for the specified year, and it just so happened that the supposed victims that presumably were killed there were not figured amongs them?!?!?!!? Those are law Enforcement Documents!!!!! papers they take into consideration to prepare their future budgets, update records and what not. Nowhere were the "victims" names listed on them. Someone up said something about "controlled opposition". And you are clearly IT.

  24. Andrew

    Not enough tinfoil in the world for this comment section lol

  25. James

    Vice is 100% Fake News. Gavin must be ashamed of what's happened to his creation.

  26. john

    Simply stated, these people are nutcakes. It's likely they also believe that jet contrails are a plot by the government to poison us and that 911 never happened. Yikes !

  27. Lenny

    This is one of the worst documentarys i have seen. The purpose is to discredit people.
    It is obvious from the narrative and the photographic language what standing point has been taken.
    There is no decleration of what false flag is nor it´s history and of course not the fact that it is in the US law as lawful tool for the government see; The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 .

  28. mark gaboury

    So if we don't believe in the ban gun narrative, we are like the extreme hoaxers who deny 9/11 happened? Vice is FAKE NEWS.

  29. Vince

    The Vice is funded by fake news companies

  30. Vince

    Vice has received investments from Comcast's NBCUniversal, Disney and the Murdoch family's 21st Century Fox, among others.

  31. mary

    I doubt you allow honest reviews

    1. Tony

      you might be right. It seems any comment disagreeing with the 'official story' is not allowed

  32. Jason

    OBVIOUSLY THE DEEP STATE IS INVESTED IN HAVING THIS ...COUGH...COUGH...DOCUMENTARY SPIN CRAP PUT OUT SO THAT PEOPE BECOME TOO EMBARASSEDTO LOOK AT ALL THE ANOMALIES IN THESE DECEPTIVE EVENTS. Never mind that I am trained to spot deviant behavior from a mile away....it was my job for decades. Never mind that I call bull crappie on these staged false flags. Never mind that the kids from Sandy Hook performed at half time at the next superbowl. Never mind that the pics you saw of the Sandy Hook kids were taken YEARS BEFORE THE STAGED FALSE FLAG. Never mind that the feds had a 1000 page scripted manual for that staged event. Never mind that the feds have admitted that no kids died at Sandy Hook. If you people want facts then I suggest you look at the work of Dr. James Fetzer and also Wolfgang Halbig....just....for starters.

  33. Allan Weisbecker

    This film ('Vice' in general) is a classic example of 'controlled opposition.' While purporting to be 'balanced' they neglected to show any of the mountains of actual evidence that these shootings were in fact staged events. Why don't they SHOW Noah Pozner's father laughing just before he goes on camera? Why don't they show death certificates or ANY proof that people died? Vice is out to muddy the waters; they are as much a part of the psy op as the crisis actors themselves.

    1. Rocky L

      Vice is a bunch of paid shills posing as "hipster mc'cool kids" that young people can relate to and trust. In a few words, kids are fuc*ing stupid these days.

  34. goinsideandwatchtv

    Beginning at 18:08, as Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny are walking around the church, the Jeep that Mr. Pomeroy will emerge from at the prescribed moment becomes visible, driver's door standing open. Immediately after Thorn admonishes Granny to "...tone it DOWN", (what was that all about?) the video jumps to them at the sign. The Jeep can be seen there, as before, driver's door open, and Mr. Pomeroy can clearly be seen sitting in the driver's seat. He patiently waits while Granny finishes her graffiti art, and, as Thorn backs away with his head carefully turned to face away from the Jeep, Mr. Pomeroy emerges from the vehicle, again, at the prescribed moment. Granny and Thorn show poorly feigned surprise, apparently having not seen Mr. Pomeroy in the car as they approached the sign that was their objective, even though Thorn actually has to step around it as he backs up. Then, Mr. Pomeroy shakes Thorn's hand as he simultaneously informs him that he is not welcome.

    Am I the only one who sees that this entire thing is staged and scripted, with cooperation from all parties?

    Never mind California, lets hope Texas secedes.

  35. tinfoilhats

    that conspiracy nut does it because he's getting publicity and making money from it. enough said. geez, and i thought i was nuts.