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Fahrenheit 9/11

2004, 9/11  -   57 Comments
Ratings: 5.80/10 from 87 users.

Fahrenheit 9/11Directed by Michael Moore, whose aura of controversy only grew after his Oscar acceptance speech at the 2003 Academy Awards, Fahrenheit 9/11, like Moore's Bowling For Columbine and Roger & Me, promises to expose the corporate wrongdoings and big-money scandals perpetrated by America's financial elite.

This movie, however, looks beyond the inner echelons of General Motors and Lockheed Martin in hopes of outing the evildoers in the White House, particularly in regards to the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush.

In addition to criticizing the administration's handling of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, Moore digs deep into the surprising relationship with the Bin Laden family held by both Bush administrations, and questions whether or not potential Saudi involvement with the attacks has been ignored.

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57 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Lisa Stanley

    That's the problem with Americans, they always seem to ignore the wrong that goes on in the country. Not until it hits them in the face anyways. E.G. police brutality against Blacks was "dealt" with until it was caught on tape - Rodney King. They still ignore the fact a good percentage of NATIVE americans live on reserves enduring terrible conditions - it's like they're are a forgotten race. Not to mention the disrespect they have as they celebrate "Thanksgiving" which in truth was a massacre (of 700+ Native americans). By no means is America a terrible country at all, but it was founded on a lot of things i.e. death, slavery etc. To stop events like this repeating itself, history must be remebered. "As those who forget history are condemm it to repeat." But just walking around like it is ok is not the solution. It's never really the average citizens of the USA that start these things, but it is started by the hands of the elite and powerful. Even though some of Moore's ideas may be questionable; just push aside that patriotic american pride for one minute. Understandbly you begin to realise that the USA is no better than any other country - full of greed, corruption and power struggles. It takes people with Moore's process and civillians brave enough to stand up for what is right.

  2. Britt

    All do respect to anyone who has posted on here but no one will take you seriously if you can't even spell **** right.

    1. KAREN

      It's due. Not do. I'm not going to say anything else.

  3. batvette

    "Moore digs deep into the surprising relationship with the Bin Laden family held by both Bush administrations, and questions whether or not potential Saudi involvement with the attacks has been ignored."

    We can only wonder why Moore did not look into the huge endowments given to Ex-Presidents Bill Clinton (millions to his personal Presidential library) and Jimmy Carter ($20 million to the Carter Foundation) by members of the Saudi Royal Family. But of course corruption and dirty dealings are only committed by those on the opposite side of the political fence, right?
    This "documentary" if one can even call it that, was nothing more than a political hit piece on a sitting Commander in Chief for political capital. It sought to discredit a war with young Americans on foreign soil still fighting it. When it unfairly portrayed Bush as lying to go to war, and our enemies saw this, did they attack Bush? No, they attacked his surrogates sent to enforce US policy actions- young Americans in uniform.
    If it was fair or factual criticism that would be one thing, but it wasn't.

  4. bran042225

    Come on, nothing is funnier than the guy who doesn't want any money and is "one of the people" not give his "documentary" (sorry gotta laugh everytime I say that in reference to Mikey) away for free. I mean He wants the TRUTH out right? Mikey has zero money and is a slave to the public. Well, I mean he hasn't made a movie (sorry, meant "documentary" of total facts) in three years. Most people would be insanely hard up and on welfare at that point right?

    Wait, I saw Mikey at an OWS rally.... He looked fine. Never stated how hard it was for him in "these hard times". Even had his publicist in tow ...

    I mena he cant have money to pay a publicist right?


  5. Tomer Malka

    I cant wait for Oliver Stones documentary to FINALLY come out... ! I think it's slated for a May 2012 release..

  6. joe31

    you know we have to stand up againt the banks and banking institutions are financial problems may also be a distraction from against 9/11 focus...its not the terorist we have to worry about ,but the coroporate instutution that are killing us and crypling us,and the the carreer politions who decieves us just to get in and wheel and deal to get rich them selves,there should not be conflick of interest but theres conflick of interest all over the place,the way it all has been handle proves alot is a farce,all citizens of the world should stand up to corporate institutions and banks that fund all of this,and quick being stupid in elections,get off the ken and barbie syndrum in picking the ones who give the best heart felt commercials who tell you want to hear,but go there own way once in,edjucate yourselves on canidents go off of there past actions to tell u who they are and not what they tell u up front,the problems including,its all man made we not suffering major drought or something but were all struggling,ggiving them our money is a big betrayel to us as they continue to nickle and dime us to death...I also dont believe most americans would give up the liberty for protection what a bunch of crock,you oppress many for few come on,to you think you can trust them once given this power,learn from history

  7. Derrick Gregory

    Michael Moore is the best at letting us know this type of stuff.

  8. W D

    Whilst I found this an interesting documentary after I'd scrolled through a few comments I began to despair.

    I'd not found a single one that was either grammatically correct or was devoid of spelling mistakes. This was all the more disconcerting when I considered the masses of investment into 'Edukashun' over the last 60 years. Now I am now torn between the (presumably) opposing views that (i) 'Conspiracy Theorists' are poorly educated and ignorant, &/or (ii) 'The New World Order' has already succeeded in ‘Dumbing-Us/You Down’ and it’s thus too late for anyone educated to take seriously such poorly constructed comments as have been posted here.

    ...Either way, I fear all that's worth saying is “So long, and thank you for the fish”…


    1. Achems_Razor

      @W D:

      So you figure it is up to SeeUat Videos to teach people how to have proper constructed comments? This is not a school, if it was it would not be free.

      I personally do not like "educated" people to be grammar Nazi's, of course that is my own opinion.

    2. Guest

      Your friend Robertallen is best at it...80% of his posts are about correcting other people's grammar errors while not paying much attention to his own typos. He is to me the most annoying person here although i know he must have much more interesting things to write about. If only he could put his teacher hat off for all to enjoy him.
      But mentioned how much you look up to him not long ago, so i guess you see an exception here.

    3. Achems_Razor


      Well yes, an exception to Robertallen1, when he does in a blue moon deem to write something concerning the docs in question, a prolific writer, and I must admit I keep a list of all the big words he uses to broaden my vocabulary. He teaches me. LOL

  9. Daði Freyr Kristjánsson

    Low quality video

  10. Matt Kukowski

    Advocate for alternatives to OIL. Ever wonder why they ave to resort to LIES to get us to back a war? Ever wonder why govt just doesn't come out and say we are going to war because American buy plastic goods, food and transportation based on oil? Well if they did people would most certainaly say NO we need to think of ways to get OFF OIL.

    But, no no no no... BIG OIL Backers have been around since Rockefellers and others struck OIL in the 1800's to replace whale Oil.

    So, keep that in mind. We need to get off OIL... it IS THEE crisis of our time and times to come... it effects the economy in EVERY way and will be hard to transition.

    1. batvette

      "Ever wonder why govt just doesn't come out and say we are going to war because American buy plastic goods, food and transportation based on oil? Well if they did people would most certainaly say NO we need to think of ways to get OFF OIL."

      And yet "thinking of ways" does not negate the necessity of oil in our lives, does it? Or are we of the naive belief that if we wish for something hard enough that will make it reality?
      Didn't work for Peter Pan and it won't work to fulfill the desires of the "alternative energy source" ideologues either.
      However you're wrong about your most fundamental point. The government DID come out and say that was what the war was about, and the people whose backing was needed knew this, read the document by the government stating this, and voted accordingly.

  11. Connie

    All of 9/11 was over oil. We have lost tens of thousands of our men over oil. We went to war with an Bush using an excuse to go to war with IraQ to benefit his family monitarily for decades to come. How much money did you make at human expense george bush? Notice no csps with your name. I don"t respect u

    1. batvette

      LOL what does your car run on.
      BTW if this was purely for Bush family profit explain Congressional approval of it, and spare me the insult of "Bush duped them". They have decades of tenure.

    2. batvette

      Oh no Bush is disrespected by someone whose foreign policy knowledge is on the level of elementary school children. I'm sure he's losing sleep over this.
      You DO realize our whole system of government with three branches precludes any individual's tyrannical waging of wars as you describe? Oh that's right you don't.
      Both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were launched only after Congressional debate and roll call, with clear mandate for each.

  12. Connie

    afghanistan was all over oil. Bush was an oil man before his presidency!.It was all about oil and buiding a money bag for his generations to come. How sad! How much money did you make Goerge Sr. and Jr. at the expense of our country and our citizens?

  13. WTC7

    But in Bosnia and in Kosovo the US are protecting Muslims... So you are wrong.

  14. Muhammad Shahid

    this plan made for just killing Muslims and nothing else that ........

    1. Guest

      But in Bosnia and in Kosovo the US are protecting Muslims... So you are wrong.

  15. talashea

    Warmongers omfg that is all i can say......

  16. mako kozelj

    we are all f***ed. people in power do not give a f*** about anything

  17. Luis

    bush played his part, Moore should study hipnotism, particularly a technique that uses the absurd to make you think about the consequences, not the escence. Why is he attaking bush? he was just a player, and Bin Laden did not do it, it was the american finnance, bankers, and the army.

    1. Rich McAdam


      Any Presidential 'puppet' plays his/her part. You ask why he attacks Bush... Bush is an 'unhinged' person. To give the orders that he's given - whether they came from above him or not is irrelevant - he's sick! i'd attack him too!!

      Today, in London, I turn the tv on and its 10 years ago - 9/11. and to watch or even hear 1 minute of news, makes me massively angry.

      What will make the masses wake the fu*k up??


    2. Kim Wangnoo

      Bingo. I think Moore actually was kinder to the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz cabal than they deserve. I wish he'd brought up PNAC, one of the biggest smoking guns supporting the theory that 9/11 and all that has followed was a huge, insideous plot developed and carried out within our borders. Or Operation Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin events, proving that actors in government are more than capable of false flag attacks. Still, Fahrenheit 9/11 is one of the most important films of our time.

    3. Darlene Tschopp

      Hey I agree with you I am an american citezen born and raised and I hate what has gone on in this country I have wioken up but it is the rest of the public who does not see the evil of greed in our governments past. I hope that peoplke will wakle up before this next election and see what is being done now to help stop greed Bush I feekl has come into the presidency under a false and unreliable voting system that was wrong because after all votes were in he really did not win the presidency back then maybe if he didn't this would have never happened.

  18. GoughLewis

    Exposes the Bin Laden connection, the White House flying out the Bin Laden family members & Saudi Royals to Saudi Arabia, while all of America was a NO FlY Zone is worth the watch alone.

    Well made stylistically, but does not go deep enough, and is light on the hard research ultimately. Amusing, but the reality is a lot darker. The events of September 11th, 2001 was an old school Stand Down/False Flag operation.... Like a Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which was declassified as a false flag operation this month by the NSA: great, only took 30 years....

    The truth always comes out eventually it seems...

  19. RedBaron9495

    Well with the power of the Internet and information distribution, hopefully young Americans won't be fooled next time around.
    As we can see from the Arab Awakening ......young people are getting clued up and won't digest or accept the propaganda staple diet dished out by Governments (even ours in the Western World) or Autocratic Regimes or despot Dictators.
    A lot of lives lost needlessly in Iraq on both sides...particularly the local population. However having said that, i believe this time the UN got it right in terms of intervening in's a just cause and hopefully 1 evil Dicatator less.

    1. Richard Scott

      I agree regarding Libya, though I think too much was done to make sure it did not seem like "another Iraq". which in my opinion, has hindered the effectiveness of the effort, as if ground troops were down in the first place then Gadaffi would have been killed months ago, and would be in a rehabilitation period by now. I am only 18 years old but I do realise that the whole point of medern warfare is totally about oil, to one extent or another, intentional or not, but thankfully in the case of Libya the primary cause is just.

  20. Jim Hall

    George W wanted a reason to go to Iraq and Bin Laden gave it to him. Hussein was the target not Bin Laden. Thankfully Obama took care of Bin Laden.

    1. Mario Pacheco

      Oh please Jim!, US presidents are all controled. Do not make me laugh that Obama is a good person because it looks like he killed Osama Bin Laden.

      Kind Regards from Argentina

    2. MannyS

      I actually agree with Jim. Obama may be controled, like all presidents are, but in the end, major opperations like the one performed by the navy seals are directly ordered by the president, i.e: Obama, therefore, your argument isnt valid, it is Obama's victory, especially since he did in two years what Bush couldnt do in eight. And please dont use the excuse that mose republicans have used in reference to the metaphorical pickle jar that is the war. please dont say that Bush 'loosened it up for him'.

  21. William

    Please open your mind and turn off your TV. There are too many facts that this and other "conspiracy theory" films and books point out that will help you to understand. This is no a joke and you can only blame yourself for ignoring it when it all comes back on the people of the USA. Do you think we are, as a nation, headed in the right direction? Do you think that Washington will make it any better for us? Our children and their children deserve better than this.

    1. Thang Tran

      I don't believe that Washington and the entirety of the government is competent enough to be able to carry out such an operation and keep such operations as a secret. Unless, you can agree with me that George W. Bush was competent?

    2. Guest

      Seriously? then you are more ignorant than those you imply are. When you control the media, you control public opinion.
      That, coupled with a pathetic populace such as 85% of the sheeple in the U.S. of Israel are, it would/is very weasy to "carry out such an operation". I agree, George W. Bush is VERY (in)competent.

    3. Roland Arbour

      JFK,really draws your conclusion to have a weakness.they are misleading,right now.

    4. David Foster

      The process of cover-up is really quite simple: you just keep waving the flag in people's faces, until they become too afraid to question anything. See Nazi Germany for details.

  22. Rob

    inside job.

  23. Fowler

    I agree with Harvard, Moore is very good at using editing to create false grounds that support his anti-american claims. This documentary is junk and any critical viewer can see thought it.

    Moore is pretty much hates America and contradicts him self in all of his documentary's. And he is mortally obese.

    1. Guest

      Agree to a point. I don't, however, agree with the Arabian connection. With the myriad of T. Jews' hands in the mix, (also their treacherous attack/slaughter of our servicemen on the USS Liberty which McCain was instrumental in keeping from the citizens of the U.S. of Israel), along with the nauseating display of our "leaders'" grovelling at AIPAC's feet as they sell out their fellow American's sovereignty to Rothschild's Israel, I am much more prone to believe our "friends" in Israel did it.

    2. Thang Tran

      Hey look guys, Hitler is alive.

    3. Warren

      Just because Michael Moore says that he doesn't believe America is heading in the right direction, doesn't mean that he hates America. Have you seen SICKO, or Capitalism: A Love Story? I'm sure if you agreed with everything G Dubbya did, you would enjoy seeing what this country does to its people

    4. talashea

      That's right just keep your head up your ass, obviously you are blind to all the is going on around you, i am willing to bet you have your local news you watch and all the entertainment shows, and reality tv to keep your small mind active....

  24. Bevin

    The only wars that the citizens of any nation should fight, are wars against an enemy massed on its borders, attempting to invade.

    If one violates this hard and fast rule, and fights wars of foreign adventurism, this is what happens.

    One gets letters from the DOD telling you your son or daughter just died overseas -- for no damned reason.

  25. Joe Smith


    It shames me to see how people are willfully ignorant.

  26. Des

    The two term illegal president who finished a fight his dad started with Saddam and the illegal war yeah right just shows how corrupt the US Government it and with Wikileaks publishing leaked memos perhaps we'll see just how corrupt hence the trumped up charges and dogged pursuit of Julian Assange

  27. Harvard

    Well, that was almost two hours of my life that I will never get back. It grieves me that people buy into this type of deceptive editing and contextual infidelity. I'd be more apt to trust that two-term president he so vehemently hates. Shame on you, Mr. Moore.

    1. jcn1706

      I wish the best of luck,vote for him again

  28. Tara

    this is another great doc by moore that exposes the truth. and the lies and the coruption within the US govt. Michael Moore keep on fighting for the working class. God bless you!!!

  29. Sgt Calderon

    We had no business being in Iraq. The true enemy Bin Laden is still roaming free because George Bush allowed it to happen. As far as I'm concerned, George Bush is just as guilty for what happened on 9-11 as Bin Laden.

  30. drabe

    we going to war against suicide psyco paths ofcourse we going to have casualties

    1. jcn1706

      BUT WY? are we there,wy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  31. charlesovery

    I have just got down researching this and the Farhenhype 911 counter arguement. There is no comparison and to be honest the Farhenhype coutner arguement is completely weak with visible proof presented to counter the arguement in the Moore doc. For me this just adds to the nonsense half truth lies the government has been putting out there.

  32. stephen kidd

    save mankind......restore democricy..... give people power......destroy your enemy peace

  33. mohammed

    Peace to you, I loved the way out of Iraq luxury to you
    Li many documentaries I want to take out a vision