The Extraordinary Genius of Albert Einstein

2010, Science  -   71 Comments
Ratings: 6.16/10 from 82 users.

The Extraordinary Genius of Albert EinsteinThe core of the video is a pedagogical workshop on the Theory of Special Relativity as part of the educational process conducted by our youth leadership.

Not for the sake of understanding the theory itself, but using Einstein's particular discovery as a case study to demonstrate and walk people through real human thinking, as being something above sense perceptions or opinions.

We end with reflecting on the principle of relativity in terms of social relations and individual identities or thought processes, asking the question - how was Einstein able to make his breakthrough?

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71 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Theresa Koeppel

    Out of curiosity did anyone of you who left a comment, personally know Einstein or personally know anyone who knew him? Jus' sayin'!

  2. Raul Martin

    Albert is My favourite scientist, I'm very excited for the premiere of Genius , airing tonight at 9 PM on National Geographic.

  3. Max

    To PavolvsBitch; You need to work out which sex you prefer and, for the first time, go get some.

  4. Guest

    i notice she is not wearing a watch howcan talk about einstein without wearing a watch he like inventor big ben

  5. Ty Gibson

    It's too bad that this girl is so clearly stripped of her own ideas... When I found out that she was apart of a Youth Movement, a siren went off warning me of some cultish/political propaganda... sure enough! We live in a crazy world.

  6. Susan Carroll

    Wow, it's truly entertaining to read some of these negative comments in regards in Albert Einstein. To deny his intellectual genius, his influence in theoretical physics and his humble philosophy... is only a deplorable attempt to start some sort of flame war with those of us who "are" aware of his contributions to the better understanding of our universe.

    I personally feel that above all, his humanitarian efforts and philosophical influence supersedes his scientific achievements. This prodigious man was truly a free thinker who refused to be owned by anyone or any country. He paved a way for people to think outside of the box, to not fear questioning authority and to be true to oneself introspectively... regardless of outside opposition. His undeniable contribution to Science overshadows the other side of Einstein... that being of a man who was not only an academic scholar, but a profoundly deep philosopher and humanitarian as well.

    I don't expect anyone here to actually be objective to this post, but that's okay because Einstein needs no defense against inadequate underachievers on a website comment board. My intention in this post is not to incite a argument or debate about Einstein or to even address any of these ludicrous conspiracy theories... but rather to state my peace in honor of a man that is, without doubt, the most inspirational person of the 20th century.

    I did however take note of the pattern left by many of those flooding negative posts in this comment board, to have shockingly terrible grammar... so terrible that I personally feel embarrassed for them.

    Anyway, that's it. "Einsteinians" are few and far between so I expect nothing that would be a positive contribution to myself personally. :-)

    Always and forever - in love with Einstein. <3


    1. Omar

      simply amazing

    2. Hassan Nawaz

      Well Said,

      i believe we should only honor and look into Einstein's achievements and contribution to the Science, rather then to focusing and discussing his ethnicity or religion. I believe wisdom does not relate with any ethnicity or race, it could belong to any body. So no matter Einstein belong from where, what all matter is his contribution.

  7. Guest

    Sorry... double post.

  8. Guest

    Wow, it's truly entertaining to read some of these negative comments in regards in Albert Einstein. To deny his intellectual genius, his influence in theoretical physics and his humble philosophy... is only a deplorable attempt to start some sort of flame war with those of us who "are" aware of his contributions to the better understanding of our universe.

    I personally feel that above all, his humanitarian efforts and philosophical influence supersedes his scientific achievements. This prodigious man was truly a free thinker who refused to be owned by anyone or any country. He paved a way for people to think outside of the box, to not fear questioning authority and to be true to oneself introspectively... regardless of outside opposition. His undeniable contribution to Science overshadows the other side of Einstein... that being of a man who was not only an academic scholar, but a profoundly deep philosopher and humanitarian as well.

    I don't expect anyone here to actually be objective to this post, but that's okay because Einstein needs no defense against inadequate underachievers on a website comment board. My intention in this post is not to incite a argument or debate about Einstein or to even address any of these ludicrous conspiracy theories... but rather to state my peace in honor of a man that is, without doubt, the most inspirational person of the 20th century.

    I did however take note of the pattern left by many of those flooding negative posts in this comment board, to have shockingly terrible grammar... so terrible that I personally feel embarrassed for them.

    Anyway, that's it. "Einsteinians" are few and far between so I expect nothing that would be a positive contribution to myself personally. :-)

    Always and forever - in love with Einstein. <3


  9. Seeker Vera

    Einstein plagiarized many of 'his' ideas, it's a shame how many of those he 'borrowed' from never received their due credit.

    It's even a bigger shame he's being lauded for it.

    1. Susan Carroll

      You are apparently misinformed.

    2. Albert Heisenberg

      VERY misinformed...

    3. Albert Heisenberg

      Spoken like a true dilettante of science history. Kindly explain and delineate from whom Einstein stole, what he stole, and how he "stole" it. Do mean plagiarized many of his ideas the same way the physics community would "plagirize" his disquisition on stimulation and spontaneous emission of photons 40 years after his publication on it (i.e. the LASER)? You mean the same way he "plagiarized" special relativity, yet the people who you allege Einstein stole from didn't even understand their OWN theory--assuming he stole it, which history clearly shows he did NOT--enough to generalize relativity to non-local, non-inertial reference frames (i.e. General Relativity). Please stop the anti-semitic parroting of pseudo-history. Einstein is the greatest genius of the 20th century and, here's a rejoinder for you non-scientists to remember: its not even CLOSE.

  10. Anthony

    Einstein plagiarized Poincare and Hilbert. Albert Einstein weaseled out of debates and Q&A sessions because he was a fraud.

  11. Lary9

    OMG. This video is put out by the Lyndon LaRouche people! Sponsored by: LaRouchePAC dot com
    It's put out by Lyndon LaRouche... beware. His agenda isn't about relativity's a "hook" to attract very smart blue-chip's all about LaRouche uber-right wing politics. He's been around for 40 years in various forms and re-inventions.

  12. LLaqui

    My hero!!

  13. Gri

    before albert einstein what he found ,indian GURUS all ready found with out any help instrument used by einstein r today scientis ,even till to day what they worte still exectlay to mark very very precise and very accurete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Bala Krishnan

      Do u have any proof

    2. Susan Carroll

      Please cite your sources.

  14. Eugene Marks

    I can load any of the Known universe stuff. Ive been watching these vids since 2010 and hve never had any issues with any other videos. I come back here from time to time giving it a chance to refresh. Ive allready been back to the 4th n 5th page viewing all the Science content. So I keep an ear to the wall looking for new stuff. Thing is I cant even find the Know Universe stuff on any other sites. Any thoughts, ideahs as to why this may be?

  15. anuragawasthi

    If Time travel is possible then the future exist in present.............If past,present and future are present in same plane,Then We humans do not have any free will..........................Ajivikas knew this centuries before

    1. Achems_Razor


      Well if you want to go down the rabbit hole, there is no present, the present is always the past, check..."The primacy of consciousness" on "Keen Talks" our synapses fire slightly ahead of our "nows" the present already happened, the only present we have is our probabilities that we pick and choose from the unlimited probability field with all the interactions to form the ongoing reality that we are accustomed to.

      Even though all is static according to quantum mechanics, we have free will, we can choose in what direction to travel from our static picture book album, pulling out pictures that are forever frozen in time if you will, and there is more than one plane, "Hugh Everett 111" many world theory, exceeding 10^500 alternate realities/parallel worlds.

    2. anuragawasthi

      Hi Razor,

      Long time......These infinite nos of parallel worlds have incorporated all the probabilities so not matter what ever you choose it is always
      present.......may ne this universe was an pilot project for something even bigger and then this was abandon........thats the reason it keeps going on and on in those video games which keep
      moving even after the screen shows "Game Over"

    3. Achems_Razor

      Maybe, but to me the probabilities are unlimited, we are forming new probabilities as we speak and those probabilities are going in other directions forming new probabilities ad infinitum. Even in your "Ajivikas" I imagine it is spoken about multidimensional selves.

    4. Guest

      There's an explanation as to why the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light. There is no past, present, future, all already layed out. We pick and chose a thought thought.

    5. Achems_Razor

      Sort of, see what I said to @anuragawasthi: below. Even our "nows" are not instant, they are vibrations. If you can slow time down enough we would be flickering, here and not here. But not faster than the speed of C.

  16. awful_truth

    There are many documentaries that better explain Einstein, and his accomplishments. (special and general relativity) While I commend their promoting Einstein's thinking, they did no justice towards his idea of simplicity, with their convaluted explanation.
    In a nutshell, velocity(speed) is a measurement of distance divided by time.(V=D/T) If the measurement of the speed of light remains constant regardless of the speed of the person measuring it, something else in the equation must be changing. (time) the speed of light is so fast compared to any other velocities you will encounter in life, it has tricked you into believing that time is a constant, when it is not. Thus, the faster you travel compared to others around you, the slower you age compared to them.(only noticable at high speeds) At the speed of light, time stands still. Thus, relative motion is actually relative perception.
    A consequence of this is, two people can observe the same thing, and disagree about their observations,(contradictory explanations - simultaneous vs. non simultaneous) yet both are correct. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it. Live long, ans prosper everyone.

  17. PavolvsBitch

    Oh yeah, btw, this bunch of monkeys follow Neitsche' who wrote most of his delirium out during a syphillitic breakdown of advanced degrees caught through sodomitic and perverted sexual practises. So is he another 'hero' of y'all?

  18. PavolvsBitch

    I***** - why do you think that picture of him sticking out his tongue like an ape was made famous? And you still don't get it. If you want genius, try Tesla, not some genetically dysfunctionall failure at physics, not a lazy clerk stealing and selling others patents.

    1. awful_truth

      You seem to like making accusations regarding people you have never met, nor know nothing about. Tesla got burned by Edison(and Westinghouse) for his patents, but please enlighten us to what patents Einstein stole, and thrived off with his meager lifestyle? You also claim Mileva Maric (Einsteins's 1st wife) was brilliant, (flunked out several times) contrary to documented evidence. After reading your other rants, may I suggest you seek medical attention and anger management as soon as possible. As Dr. Phil says, how is that working for you? (it's a rhetorical question, please don't respond back, I have no time for ignorance!)

    2. PavolvsBitch

      Keep following your insane idols, like 'Dr Phil' - you're evidently deranged. I do know what I am talking about. Just that you can't get your mind beyond the prison of that box.

    3. Ohgod_herewego

      It's really sad and disheartening to read your comments. Recently, I've seen others jump on this Tesla bandwagon and being a far-flung conspiracy theorist seems to come with the territory. It's really unfortunate because Tesla really was a genius and DID have patents taken from him, but the story ends there folks. I 'm sorry, but I don't buy this whole 'the only true genius was Tesla' bs. People like you really hurt the man's cause and I'm sure he would never want such a racist simpleton to be his mouth-piece. God rest his soul.

      I just think it must make people like yourself feel so very smart to refer to Einstein as r*tarded. That's absurd. I know I'm wasting my breath on you, but maybe I can at least stop others from buying into the thoughtless garbage your completely brainwashed and soiled mind proliferates.

      People please recognize guys like this for what they are! When they start talking mysticism, Tesla the misunderstood genius, Einstein the retard, down with Zionism, and other convoluted trash, do yourself a favor and tune it out. I hate to be so negative, but people like PavolvsBitch (did you mean Pavlov?) are what cause the stupidity and ignorance that lead to mankind's most horrendous acts. We've seen what true perverse evil can be unleashed on man when broken psychotic logic like this prevails.

      When someone presents their arguments with so many misspellings and incorrect grammar, it's easy to deduce that education was never much of a priority. So they have an inferiority complex when it comes to higher education or any kind of authority. It's become typical these days. The 'end of the world, nwo, you're all being lied to, everybody wake up!!' guy. Cliche at this point. Seriously.

    4. Jack1952

      Patents cover inventions not scientific theory. The theory of relativity is not a patentable commodity. One can take credit for discovering the existing laws of science but you cannot own those laws.

      You are consumed by your hatred of the Jews. This hatred is the underbelly of most of your posts/rants. Many of your comments degenerate into a tirade of insults which bear a strong resemblance to the syphilitic and delirious mind that you obsess about. Your valid points are clouded by your rancor and quite often dismissed due to your inability to control your venom. Please reconsider your approach when trying to engage in a discussion.

    5. PavolvsBitch

      Well thank you Jack for the distinction but if I may be so bold as to suggest that 'scienfitic theories' can and do end up as patents, no? Or can't you take that necessary step in 'evolution'? How else do you imagine that the destructive scientific tools depoloyed for private trade and commerce against us, became reality? Did they 'pray' it all into existance? If you can label it, you can own it. Case proven in realisty.

      And Jack, as for rancour and hatred, read 'outrage' as much at the sheer lassitude of mind that passively digests the toxic waste passing for 'education' history, science. And that's a fact Jack. History is not a 'quaint' idea for discussion as it is unfolding in sharp focus around us.

      If you live in a world where you experience the benevolence of an honest, just and lawful society then congratulations; but do you have a sun and moon like this one?

      Where I live, it is somewhat different to that and my language carries the weight of billions over thousands of years of tyrranical injustice. The biggest enemy being Willuful Ignorance.

      Those who have taken the trouble to enquire, examine, investigate and involve over many years have a choice: to remain silent to a doomed and mislead race or to alert the people as to instances of deceit.

      What is your role, matey, except upholding the 'I'm alright, Jack' approach?

    6. Jack1952

      Well, can't say I didn't try. Don't let the "outrage" diminish your life.

    7. PavolvsBitch

      Jack, yes you are 'trying' as are the id**ts who diminish the quality of life for those too young or vulnerable to protect themselves. Through their ignorance, which they assume as bliss, all evils are permitted. Pollyanna's psychopathic playtime in Pandora's box.

  19. Terry Shannon

    Feels like springtime for Hitler.

  20. athurman

    You are all off the mark. This is a propaganda piece that is supposed to show us how to think like a follower of Laroche or Paul. Supposedly "independent thinkers are people who disbelieve common sense and can go beyond common logic. The chick hardly understands the subject herself. It is a dreadful documentary

  21. lex lexich

    time will prove einstein wrong

    1. PavolvsBitch

      it already has .... just that the intellectually incapacited like this story, it's nice and cosy.

    2. Jack1952

      I thought Einstein proved that our understanding of time was wrong.

  22. SeedyShaman

    i wonder how many calls were placed to the "ADL" following these comments.......LMAO......

  23. dmxi

    fact is (or not ?correct me,if i'm wrong)that most of einsteins theories were postulated & published before ?what does that make of E's publicity?should that not be corrected & if not,why?

  24. John

    This is not a film about Einstein's scientific achievements. This is a film to promote Judaism and the "superiority" of Jews. Ironically, not only was Einstein NOT a practicing Jew, but he seemed to want very much to distance himself from Judaism. He didn't consider himself a "Jew" in any real sense. As well, I don't really understand this desperate need of Jews to imagine they are an "ethnic" group -- they are NOT. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnic group. Imagine how hard we would laugh if christians started claiming they were an ethnic group. We should all laugh equally as hard at Jews in this regard. I suppose they think being an 'ethnic' group will somehow promote more sympathy for Zionism, and the 'right' of Israel to violently, brutally, and murderously steal Palestine from the Palestinian people. Because, after all, the Jews are Gods chosen people (they are special, better than everyone else), and God gave this land to the Jews 5000 years ago. Yea, right. I don't think the leaders of Israel are stupid. They know full well what hokey bs that is. But this kind of propaganda has served them very well for the past 65 years.

    1. Winston Smith

      Actually Jews get the notion that they are also a nationality because they were originally from Judea, -a geographic location with a national identity as well as a religion/
      Personally, Im for dissolving all religions, (letting it happen naturally) You want spirituality ? Try mysticism (the book I AM THAT BY Maharaj i a must) contemplation. There is no dogma there , only explorations of the inner spaces of the mind. The lineage of tradition is almost irrelevant, they all come to pretty identical conclusions.

      -This 'doc' is unwatchable.

    2. PavolvsBitch

      oh, no they were not. The Promised Land is an ideological Utopian religion and make not mistake about it; it is not geographically bound to 'nation' which was created to amalgamate the masses into more manageable chunks, sharing the ideologies of 'nation' or 'democracy' to live fight and die for the amusement and wealth of those psychopathic lunatics conjuring up all religions.

      Albert Pike: Three World Wars.

    3. PavolvsBitch

      No. Asiatic Mongols and Turks. That's the truth of this tribe's origins. Sure, the Arabs and Jews are behind the scenes brothers and always have been but the tribe in ascendency in the West has been the Ashkenazi.

    4. Lary9

      It's put out by Lyndon LaRouche dot com... beware. His agenda isn't about relativity's about LaRouche's politics.

    5. Syd Kait

      Anti-Jewish people (like yourself) were the ones who declared that Jews were an ethnic group or even a different race so they could feel superior and demonize Jews. Hitler followed through with that and, unfortunately, many still believe it.
      I have NEVER heard any Jewish people (my family/friends) claim to be an ethnic group. And even if they did, I wouldn't automatically assume it was for a sinister purpose, because im not a bigot.

      One Jewish website even says " Jews were deeply offended by that decision, offended by any hint that Jews could be considered a race. The idea of Jews as a race brings to mind nightmarish visions of Nazi Germany, where Jews were declared to be not just a race, but an inferior race that had to be rounded up into ghettos and exterminated like vermin."

      Your anti-semitism is showing. And no, i'm not Jewish.

  25. SeedyShaman

    if i had access to the mystery schools, im sure i could mystify the masses with knowledge the ancients already knew......DOWN WITH ZION!

    1. Jack1952

      Tell us where these mystery schools are and who is in charge of these institutions....if they exist at all. Being a mystery how would you know what it is they know and whether it is what the ancients knew. Isn't that the nature of a mystery? It is unknown? How is it you know?

      And what does Zionism have to do with the wisdom of the ancients? That is a link that I would love to hear about.

  26. skystarved

    Try as I might I can't quite pin down the meaning of the final rant.

  27. John

    Content is OK, but presentation is so pathetic, inept, and painfully boring as to render this doc as unwatchable.

  28. Harley Aguilar

    Good documentary, and thank you, i love this site. To the video creators: normalize your audio levels! I keep having to turn the volume down when the girl is YELLING AT THE CAMERA.

  29. dmxi

    who do you mean with ' them' ?

  30. PavolvsBitch

    Einstein was a r*tard and this is a fact. Upon investigation people will discover, as I have, that the given icons for the masses and those followed by Elite's who fill souls, minds and bodies with toxic waste, are INSANE.

    Brain damaged, genetically defected either by birth, torture, accident or filthy habits (syphillitic brain damage) all of them, deranged. Psychopathic.

    But they found a fitting place for one of their own as a passive plant on the receiving end of others patents and genuis. He stole and sold the goods, having privilege access to patent applications. A marriage of convenience to an apparantly brilliant woman also hid his m*ronity.

    Tesla was the Genius - if he had been honoured for his gifts to the world we would not and could not have half arsed climate change goofs running the show as 'experts' and 'scientists' today. They would be seen for what they are.

    Hence Einsteins famous sticking out tongue m*ron picture (you fools! he says) and the pathetic response when asked to explain 'his' theory which he couldn't because it was not his and he lacked the intelligence to understand it. Hot plates and pretty women. As if he knew much about women, men being their only interest.

    To head up a film with the words Einstein and Genius is just a huge joke played on the dumbwit public. If they're still worshipping him, they deserve no better than this monkey.

    1. AlTheIrish

      Wo get of the fence and get a life

    2. Epicurus

      wow. everytime you leave a post i get more and more sure that you ought to be taking a strong anti-psychotic medication and put under constant supervision.

    3. AlTheIrish

      Ha agreed

    4. Jack1952

      This is one of your better incomprehensible rants. You always manage to bring a smile to my face as I shake my head in complete bafflement.

    5. Sieben Stern

      You should go work for LaRouche. Fit right in.

    6. wald0

      I bet you have to spit out your gum to walk. Anyone that says Einstien was a m0r0n obviously is to simple to follow his brilliant theories, which have been proven time and time again by repeatable experiments and physical observation to be accurate. And by the way, which scientists are "running the show" as you say? I wasn't aware scientists had the power to pass laws and regulations. As a scientists myself, a chemist in fact, you would have thought someone along the way would have mentioned that to me. You use technology everyday that was built on the principles of relativity and it consistently works, case closed genius.

    7. Epicurus

      "I wasn't aware scientists had the power to pass laws and regulations. As a scientists myself, a chemist in fact, you would have thought someone along the way would have mentioned that to me."

      oh s***, did you not get the memo?

      im sorry, my secretary is going through a messy divorce....ya, we have all the power! I know, pretty cool eh?!

      what did you expect though? we have been making so much bank by lying about evolution and global warming.

    8. scitek01

      you seem religious.. go get enlightened.. lol

    9. scitek01

      wow insulting brilliant minds.. let me guess you havent accomplished much in life ;P btw you sound psychotic.. heres how you spell GENIUS ~genius~ lol.. you must learn something new everyday hunh.. hen again we all do!

    10. docoman

      Hey?? I agree Tesla is a much underrated genius, but most of the rest of what you said I was ??
      I am interested in what you're saying, I think, but couldn't understand your reasoning or be sure of your meaning.
      I got the bit about him being married to a smart woman, and Tesla, but you lost me after that. What do you mean mate?

    11. hellosnackbar

      Your daft epithet is the only word of common sense applying to you.
      Einstein was unique in his amazing thinking.

    12. PavolvsBitch

      No. What are you people defending and why on Earth are you so feeble in your 'faith' of the great St Einstein that you know soooo little of him, his mental retardation as fact and the fact that he could never explain his theories when questioned, aside from making childish anecdotal illustrations which the hard of thinking accept as 'witty'. TESLA was the only genius ....

    13. Mike Kercher

      wow! you take stupid and closed minded to whole new, possibly never before visited level!