Explore China

Ratings: 6.41/10 from 17 users.

Explore ChinaWith a population of 1.4 billion, the People's Republic of China is vitally important to the planet. China's rapid growth impacts the environment locally and globally. In a world affected by globalization, China embodies the phenomenon in both positive and negative ways. China’s modern society provides a better life for many but also brings with it a loss of cultural tradition and natural resources.

To uncover some of the mysteries of China, Charles Annenberg Weingarten and the Explore team set out on a three-week fact-finding mission through Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, Wolong, Xi’an and beyond. Each stop brings them closer to grasping the complexities of the country’s ancient culture and the implications of modernization. Meeting with some of the most innovative minds and leading non-profit organizations across the country, the Explore team delves into issues such as the environment, human rights, public health, social change, philosophy and education.

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6 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Daniel Owens

    I have nothing against the chinese but I strongly oppose the idea that Lhasa is in this documentary about china. The world gave up on Tibet's cause and it is disgusting what we all accepted when we gave that up.

  2. jh

    to get fullscreen

    just click on the video top bar to get in linktv and search china on the website

  3. Gothic Tom

    Well let's see. "Explore China". First the 'explorer' goes to provincial village school which is just about the ugliest-looking poor school one can imagine [and to see them learning English- what a "miracle"], then he goes to Tibet (place that shouldn't be part of China at all, according to western propaganda) and we see the Tibetan buddhist spirituality, more or less continuation of old myth that Tibetan buddhism is the most peaceful and freedom-loving religion in the world. Then the part where economic growth is sidelined with msg "this growth is bad really". Then we see the chinese environmentalist that (surprise surprise) falls within the modern western environmentalist paradigm. Then we see human rights activist that is more american than chinese in her frame of mind (judging by her English) then the "explorer" teaches chinese to be environmentalist the way he sees fit, finally when you knead it all together with platitudes of "human rights" and "democracy" you get a documentary that could be called "China that we want you to see" or "China that we want to see". Put two spoons of history and one grain of authentic chinese culture to make an excuse for this extremely biased (bordering with propagandist) documentary.

  4. WR

    BTW I'm surprised and disappointed that this guy is going around pointing at people, as that's considered rude in China (and pretty much the rest of Asia I believe). He should be gesturing to people with an open hand - pointing is for dogs.

    I spent basically the whole of 2007 in East Asia, and it's important to be conscious of your behaviour, and modify it where necessary according to the customs of the region you're in (which is true doesn't matter where in the world you are - it's called having class). It's very unlikely anyone would ever make an issue of your faux pas (unless you were being clearly and intentionally obnoxious), but you won't gain the level of respect you get when you're sensitive of their culture, or at least trying to be.

  5. WR


    You could just download it with a video downloading agent, like Realplayer Downloader, and then watch it in VLC (cause Realplayer itself is c***).

  6. tallorder

    is there a way to full screen this doc?