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2004, Performing Arts  -   14 Comments
Ratings: 7.94/10 from 17 users.

Ondi Timoner's wildly entertaining documentary tells a familiar rock n' roll tale, one filled with crazy nights, substance abuse, out-of-control parties, temper tantrums, art-versus-commerce debates, musical differences, onstage fights, and smashed sitars. What makes DIG! so electrifying is that you see it all unfold in front of the cameras, as Timoner follows the highs and lows of two bands - the Brian Jonestown Massacre and the Dandy Warhols - over the course of seven years.

The eye of this hurricane is BJM frontman Anton Newcombe, a walking anachronism and true believer who seems straight out of 1968 and worships at the altar of the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and Love. Part genius, part snake-oil salesman, part megalomaniac, Newcombe truly believes the BJM are here to start a full-scale rock revolution. He picks the Courtney Taylor-led Dandy Warhols, with their similarly punning name and druggy riffs, as allies in the war.

The Dandys have just signed with Capitol Records as DIG! begins in 1996, and the BJM looks to be the target of a major-label bidding war. But a showcase at L.A.'s Viper Room before a crowd of A&R people quickly turns into an onstage brawl involving nearly every member of the band. It's indicative of what's to follow: As the Dandys' career takes off, Newcombe's admiration for Taylor turns to jealousy and spite, and the BJM burns through band members like disposable lighters.

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14 Comments / User Reviews

  1. mims

    the song on the end credits is godless- the dandy warhols !

  2. Jambustamante

    DW is perhaps one of the best confluences of raw R&R roots, unique attitude and style (they actually are upfront about ripping Velvet Underground -- how refreshing), insightful, but wry and witty lyrics, and innovative music that hasn't forgotten that at the end of the day we all want to feel like insiders. And for those who consider them sell-outs, in today's music environment no amount of "selling out" could even come close to the fortunes amassed by bands in the pre-internet era. I say fair f*cks to them. Grab the ring while you're on the merry-go-round, 'cause it ain't gonna last. I'd rather see DW on a lunch box than Cold Play

    BTW, I get the need for efficiency in tapping out comments in a discussion forum, but the silly grammatical mistakes such as "To bad. . ." (should be "Too bad. . .", if that wasn't painfully obvious) are like nails on a chalkboard. S*it, my 10-year-old son wouldn't commit that foul.

  3. Jose Camaraza

    I've never heard the song played on the end credits. Can someone help me out with the name?

    1. Jim Bunion

      do a google sound search.

  4. eetwo

    To bad the Dandy Warhols just used Anton for his talent to get really big.
    They have fallen off the map and BJM still performing regularly with a hardcore, true rock fan base.
    Can't say much for DW, they just play suck bawls. Can we say Commercialized together, Kids?

    1. Maria Francesca

      You could not be more wrong. You can't label the Dandys 'commercialized' just because hey made it bigger than BJM. They're still not a mainstream band, have just released yet another kick-ass album and remain one of the greatest band of the past few decades. They widely are known for their unique ability to stay true themselves, rather than sell their souls to the industry.
      So check your facts, sweetcheeks.

  5. stevie

    i have a love hate for this film, the singer/leader in my old band seen the film and began to act like Anton, even ripped off all the tunes and still does to this day. the band are good but I'd kick the s!@# out of Anton over and over if i was in the band.

  6. Scott

    I gotta say, I really enjoyed this doc but wasn't that impressed with the music from either group.

  7. bryon franzen

    seems BJM and I are the same age.

    I grew up, raised three girls. I Never even get to see the TV. Dam... missed my generations work. BJM missed my money. I would have payed... been there...over and over.

    My guess BJM is like Susan Boyle...the world raped her....she should have been payed the whole time.

    Attn: BJM...can you please put out a greatest hits album for old farts like me...i missed the boat.

  8. InedibleHulk

    20 minutes in, I'll say this flick is captivating and watchable, but I'm not seeing anything special about Newcombe or his band. Maybe I'm just too sober, but we'll see...roll tape!

  9. Brian Jones

    I saw the Brian Jonestown Massacre the other night with MAtt Hollywood back in the line up and can assure you they are still as great as ever. I got bored of the Dandys long ago but Anton and the bjm just keep rolling on, best band ever!

    This doc is one of my favourites and it's one i always recommend, thanks for posting Vlatko

  10. someone

    yes mazzy cos dandies and bjm have both done amazing theme songs for hannah montana.
    and the dandies are still producing amazing music. earth to dandy warhols was one of if not their best album so sh.

  11. steve

    best film ever made.2 really good bands

  12. mazzy

    This is what happens when a band without talent is at the right place at the right time, with the right hair. They get signed. Then ten years later, the only gigs they can pull off are theme songs for 'Hannah Montana'!
    Very entertaining if you liked the 1990's grunge scene =)