Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated

2017, Biography  -   8 Comments
Ratings: 6.60/10 from 91 users.

Demi Lovato's career trajectory has taken her from a Disney darling to a chart-topping pop superstar. Buried beneath the facade of success, however, was a damaged young woman struggling with addiction, mental illness, and overwhelming physical and emotional demands. The YouTube original documentary Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated follows her pursuit to overcome her demons, and illustrates how that painful journey is impacting the maturity and soulfulness of her music.

Born in New Mexico in 1992, Lovato was just two years old when her parents divorced. The trauma caused by the abandonment of her birth father, coupled with the onslaught of incessant bullying at school, would continue to resonate as she entered adulthood. From an early age, singing provided a refuge from her pain and insecurity.

Bolstered by the encouragement of her mother, she began attending training classes and auditions at every given opportunity. She soon landed roles on children's television, and quickly became one of the Disney Channel's most popular stars. Her career continued to blossom in the recording studio and on touring stages all over the world. The rollercoaster of fame did little to quell the underlying issues she had yet to confront; in fact, it brought them to the forefront. With her life and career hanging in the balance, she made the brave decision to seek treatment for her addictions to food, alcohol and cocaine.

Lovato's family, friends and collaborators are on hand throughout the film, and they describe the highs and lows of her life with great compassion and insight. The centerpiece of the film is a brutally honest conversation with the woman herself as she recounts her struggles to find her truest self.

Viewers will also savor a behind the scenes look into her recording sessions. A fierce and commanding vocalist, Lovato calls upon her life to deliver potent songs of heartbreak, loss, failed relationships and the rocky road to self-empowerment. At 25, her voice embodies a breadth of experience that's usually only found in singers twice her age.

Raw and revealing, Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated is a moving portrait of an assertive young woman coming into her own.

Directed by: Hannah Lux Davis

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8 Comments / User Reviews

  1. lucy

    wow, i seriously loved this documentary. how moving to understand the real life problems of a human, that we thought we knew, highly recommend. i was reduced to tars on multiple occasions. just give it a watch

  2. Wiki

    I think it's an honest account of real problems.. Mental illness, drug addiction.. I think it's relatable to people who have had these problems & a good insight for those who have not. It could make a good door-opener for those who have teenagers to have an honest conversation about these issues. My nice is a huge fan of Demi's & I think she can learn a lot from hearing that anyone can have depression and the dangers of self medicating with drugs or alcohol only leads down a darker path. Demi's obviously not proud of her choices, but I applaud her candidness of revealing the unflattering truth of real world problems.

  3. Sally

    I think she's a human being just like anyone else and she shares her struggles in a candid yet creative film. She was able to overcome her addiction which is very inspiring to others who are struggling. She a young women with a great gift (her voice is awesome) and she's very open and honest. She has come a long way and I think she has a great personality. Good for you Demi. You go girl !!!!

  4. Jimmy_Popstar

    she doesnt take her clothes off at all. just saying...

    no redeeming value to this. its just another person's story.. and not a remarkable one either. its like the JCole 'doc' posted a while back. i dont think the story of a famous person is ever a good story. i could care less about their problems or 1st world struggle, and the fact they had anything to do with its production just furthers my scrutiny of the gimme-gimme microwave mentality of the Millennial generation.

    your story is not a story, its just your life. get over yourself. go to the beach and soak in the water and bask in the sun and realize how awesome the world is without you or anyone else.


    1. Candace

      The fact that you opened your comment by announcing that she doesn't take her clothes off says quite a bit about your character. It diminishes your opinion on the subject of mental health and one celebrity's willingness to open up and end the stigma on the topic.

  5. Joe Jacobs

    Why would you post this here? This is not a documentary, it's a series youtube is doing because Demi paid them to do it. It's literally a Disney rich girls autobiography, it does not belong here in the world of educational things.

  6. John

    Why do parents bother to have children if they are going to basically ignore the struggles they have to grow up. I think parents are the lamest people on the planet.

  7. Jerry

    Very touching !