Death by China

2012, Politics  -   69 Comments
Ratings: 8.58/10 from 366 users.

When China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, bolstered by the unwavering support of both Democrats and Republicans in the United States government, America was promised a new wave of growth and prosperity for its own people. In the 15 years that have passed since, it's easy to see that this promise remains unfulfilled. Nearly 60,000 American factories have moved to China, millions of jobs have been lost, and the lives of working Americans have been irrevocably impacted in the process.

The popular feature-length documentary Death by China dissects this crisis in an intelligent and thought-provoking manner.

Narrated by acclaimed actor Martin Sheen, the film doesn't cast dispersions on the Chinese people, but rather their oppressive authoritarian government. According to the views expressed in the film, China's ulterior motives started to come into focus shortly after they gained entry into the WTO. They quickly flooded the American marketplace with illegally subsidized exports, wooed U.S.-based corporations with assurances of cheaper labor and operating costs, and hypnotized the average consumer with lower-priced goods. The cruel irony of it all is that American workers - many of whom have lost their jobs to China's predatory trade tactics - are ultimately rewarding these efforts by consistently purchasing their goods.

China isn't the only player in the demise of American manufacturing. The film casts an equally critical eye on companies like Apple, Boeing and General Electric, whose executives have moved their operations offshore to maximize profit potential. Meanwhile, the U.S. government becomes more slavish to China as their debt to the country continues to rise above $3 trillion. In effect, the film states, increasing pockets of America are being controlled and owned by Chinese interests. If this is allowed to continue, the U.S. will lose its identity altogether.

Featuring informed viewpoints from experts on China, global financial authorities, bereaved business owners, and ordinary citizens who have fallen victim to the crisis, Death by China calls for a unified outcry for change. The film urges political leaders to halt a "fair trade" policy that is anything but fair, and for consumers to take a stand by being more selective with their pocketbooks.

Directed by: Peter Navarro

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69 Comments / User Reviews

  1. paul

    had to switch it off after 30 minutes. it's like a powerpoint presentation of china bad.

    1. sirma

      warning to americans,study history,how many kingdoms were their,strong and powerful and no longer exist,it is true,by king solomon that no kingdom stay long without watching and sheperding,be adjustable and rejuvinate afresh

  2. Urbandweller

    The new scapegoats...China. But let's talk about American politicians and policies that allowed this to happen. Why get angry and hostile at China? They saw a great deal for themselves and American multinational corporations saw a great deal for themselves. China brought 250million of their people out of poverty, whereas in America there was/is a steep decline into poverty - literally eliminating an entire middle class. Thanks President Clinton. Thanks Republican and Democratic establishment rober-barrons.
    The greed of the independent (accepting no connection to country or community) and the entrepreneurial "efficient to the bottom line only" class is what's destroying America. Not China. China has no power of authority here unless we give/gave it to them.
    In desire for obscene riches our multinational corporations have given away the "kitchen-sink."
    With regards to manufacturing jobs here they were unequally assigned to favor blue-collar, white workers. The lack of opportunity have always eating away opportunities for Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans. And they had no resources to make a documentary about that. And those with resources to do so didn't care to.
    White American men who've been stealing wealth from Americans for decades are now sniveling because someone (China) cheated them, when they've been cheating others and now each-other.
    If the best price and best products are "Made In China" I'm buying Chinese until American politicians and multinational corporations get their acts together to protect ALL working America and stop gourging on everything and then to relieve your conscious decide to donate money you stole in the first place creating the crisis in America that your policies instigated!
    And now thanks to you we have literally imported the coronavirus here to America. Greedy-evil business men and Greedy-evil politicians are in the final phase of destroying America. Thanks.

  3. Stephen

    In the late 'eighties there was a whole raft of negative images of Japanese in movies and "documentaries" explaining that the Japanese are racist, sexist, exploitative, threatening to the West.
    As soon as it was obvious the 21st century was not going to be the Japanese century, that is Japan was not a threat to US/Western world hegemony, the negative movie images and documentaries dried up virtually overnight (as did the previously powerhouse Japanese economy.)

    Now it's China's turn for the same treatment because now China is the perceived threat to universal US / Western hegemony.

    Make no mistake - if the day ever comes that India is seen as a threat to US / Western hegemony there'll be an endless series of "documentaries" denouncing the Indian caste system and systematic sexism.

    Is the Chinese government despotic? Sure. Was there anywhere near as much concern about that BEFORE China started to appear as a potential threat to US / Western power? Nuh. (Or at least very, very little.)

    It's not that the facts as presented are wrong, but the motivation is patently propagandistic.
    I wonder if the Chinese make documentaries about Western countries like the United States (Yes - and other Western countries too) about say, how grossly disproportionately racial minorities are put into prison, or executed, or massive drug and violence issues etcetera

    We can all make each other look bad, but let's be honest: the real fear here is not of Chinese lack of democracy, the fear is of Chinese threat to five hundred years of Western world domination.


      I’d like to see how you feel about CHINA In 10-20 years. AMERICA IS THE GREATEST NATION ON Earth.. While America will have its issues, no other nation has a Constitution that ensures LIBERTY.

  4. Chris

    Glad to know the film doesn't cast dispersions.

    1. Pay Attention Chris

      On the Chinese PEOPLE. Pay attention.

  5. Gary

    India and China equally share one destinct advantage over ALOT of other countries and its served them extremely well in there growth. If you think either country whos eceonomy's are both growing leaps and bounds gives ONE IOTA about dumping plant waste into there eco systems your sadly mistaken..LMAO... They dont even remotely play by the same set of rules as most countrys..LOL.. India calls the Gange River "mother" ..and I personally know of one section of the river where 12 tannerys dump its entire waste load directly into her..and these tannerys ALL are within a 17 mile radius of each other...its absolutely criminal..sad.. and if it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny... Everytime both countrys go on about how proud they are of there growth I just want to break out in an absolute CACKLE... You stay beholden to a system with no direct set of rules nor remotely consider the impact you place on the area around you and companys will come in DROVES if the government allows it..and in these places thats exactly what is taking place... So before people begin the soap box declarations of just how much harder they work.. or how much smarter they might want to stop and get a better understanding of the complete picture... and of course decide for yourself wether you think this is a true accomplishment... America has done MORE in the past 20 years as far as working with regulations than ANY other country..,. and we have suffered as massive price for it.. but when you consider us and those cheating this system... its like dealing with a bunch of children who think shitting in the pool while you swim is perfectly normal and acceptable... Sorry for the curse words... but true... Fine... your getting the plants to move there... just dont kid yourself in believing its because of ANY other reason that the ones I just described... you would be fooling yourselves...

    1. fukyankeeEmpire

      China has enough nukes to put USA to a stone age

      (200 major population centers nuked = stone age), same as France or UK. As for conventional warfare, Iraq and Afghanistan have shown what 700 billon of US dollars yearly can provide you with. You can kill Osama, but can not subdue a country. Heck, if they are willing to wage a war of atrittion, your nation is not willing to sustain (Vietnam), you will still lose.

      USA never faced an enemy that would be willing to go full asymetric warfare and was facing 3rd world armies and 40 years old equiptment on the battlefield.All of this paints a tad different picture then "we spend 700 billon, as much as rest of the world".

      Hell, due to some ingenuinity, NATO could not even subdue Serbia! (serbian army and low altitude AA assessts were unharmed) after weeks of bombing and had to switch to civillian
      targets like bridges and civillian energy infrastructure.

  6. elvis

    the fat lazy american idols watching american, blames the hard working thin chinees

    1. Tony

      Not blaming the poor and exploited Chinese, but the bloody communist totalitarianism and Han expansionism.

  7. Felix M

    This supposed "documentary" is another of those political pieces for scapegoating. All of its points (with a whole lot of finger-pointing at China) reeks of self-serving hypocrisy and pushing convenient labels on others for our own failings.

    Look... I get it, I lost my job to competition from China too, but I don't blame some far off foreign country, when it is my own political leadership and our corporate management that has failed our workers.

    Why blame China when the basis of our capitalism is "free markets" and global competition? China "crime" just happens to be a country that has adopted our American free enterprise model with an enthusiasm and energy that few others can match.

    Why didn't we blame the Japanese, when they "flooded" our markets with cheap consumer electronic products back in the 80s?
    Likewise, why didn't we blame the India for taking over all our software jobs too?
    India does not have a whole lot of worker's rights nor do they have proper environmental protection laws.

    Come on...aren't this a little too selective in pushing the blame?
    There are many other Asian countries that have atrocious working conditions and equally bad, if not worst, environmental pollution as they are all trying to industrialize, and give their own people a leg up the economic ladder.

    Consider this too..the UK during her industrial revolution in the 1800s had terrible pollution and near zero worker's rights, not to mention extensive use of child labor too.
    But of course, that was UK then, but who are we to fault China for trying to rapidly walk through the same path to development now?

    In fact, moving a Billion people from abject poverty to a modicum of middle-class wealth within 20 years, without a severe social revolution of some sorts, is a testament to their governmental efforts.

    Any other Western nation going through the major and rapid changes that China has, would probably not do as well as she did.
    Western industrial nations are the ones who welcomed China into WTO, and now when she has done well within the system, we punish her for being a better capitalistic competitor? What hypocrisy?!
    Would you rather China, NOT join WTO and be like another North Korea, that is isolated and a constant destabilizing threat to the rest of the world?

    So make up your mind Navarro, what do you want?
    Ok, lets say you want China to "play by the rules" of "fair trade" (whatever the heck that means), so do we expect Chinese companies to pay their workers the salaries that American workers get even after factoring for the exchange rate? Come on folks!

    What constitutes "fair trade" and does it have any meaning for a capitalistic dog-eat-dog system that America is (and long before China even joined the WTO).

    You'd think Wall Streeters and American bankers and corporate CEOs are not themselves as harsh as or even more brutal when it comes to the bottom line?

    Point is, the Chinese are merely learning the rules of our capitalism game and happen to be better than us at it. That is the only reason why fear China, more than other countries doing the same (but are not as successful).

    During the Cold War, we feared the Soviet Union as a military competitor, but they were no match for our capitalist /consumer system.
    Now, we've met our match with China as both a worthy military and economic competitor, and thats why America is shaking in her boots.

    I don't know about you, but I relish a good fight with someone my size and matching my capability. China is worthy competitor and can be a friend too, if our political leadership handles it well. Remember, we were sworn enemies with the Japanese during WWII but it now Japan has largely adopted the American way of life and has become a steadfast ally too. Who is to say China is not on the same path towards a safer world?

    I'll admit there are no easy answers to this conundrum and plenty of mis-steps could lead to war and conflict, just as with the Japanese. So I suggest Navarro tread carefully with his rhetoric and work with the Chinese as "frenemy" rather than paint them over with overly broad strokes.

    It is the same with American companies competing in capitalistic markets today. No two companies is BFF (best friends forever) nor is it unheard of for competitors to join hands or efforts to conquer new markets. I mean Apple was once the arch-enemy of Microsoft, and Microsoft even saved Apple from bankruptcy once....and now they too actively compete with each other.

    The same applies between countries except with more layers of complexity.
    So, keep a level head and not over-simplify our relationship with China, nor should we be overtly antagonistic towards them.
    Hey, as we often like to say: its not personal, its just business.

    1. hbh

      Nice to see some comments arguing against this right wing propaganda movie. Yes there are challenges in China on human rights, and there is a dialogue, and China is listening.

    2. Bill Farley

      Great analysis. As a Canadian I applaud your description of reality. But at the same time chuckle to see China beating the Americans at their own game. Sounds like corporate American whining.

  8. D Bowling

    "don't buy in China"... what a joke !! it was the US Wallstreet model that sold out US jobs and encouraged corporations to roam the world for cheaper business practices "at the expense" of the US citizen... US Govt. sold out its people for globalism, CEO & shareholder bonuses...

    1. Chris

      Really? You sure it wasn't labor, which now demands oh about a hundred times what China will do it for?

  9. A.Gomez

    welcome to the new world shape - when countries controlled by corporations, not by governments - it seems that some corporations have more power over their countries.
    if you linked all of that to capitalism you will get more sense this will end within decades when most of the people will starving and will be jobless.

    1. Gary

      you almost seem as though this comes as something new to you? Which if it is for you.. totally reveals your actual deep undertsanding on how the world works... Your condemnation for capitolism is a hoot as countrys such as China and other socialist countrys after hundreds of years inch closer to its usefulness... Heres a REAL stark reality for you that I actually challenge you to research and find proof I am incorrect on... In the last 40 years the world has fed more and more people... last 40 years more and more people have transitioned out of complete poverty..thats right.. less and less people are starving today... lesss and less people live in complete poverty... and its also a KNOWN fact .. that all this is directly due to capitolism... so much so that China is even fond of it... Again.. I throw this challenge to discredit this claim... use the internet and feel free to find what you can... but world economists have determined this years ago...

  10. Urban dweller

    They say in the opening how high this movie ranked in NETFLIX. It ranked high as far as comments AGAINST its false rhetoric! Just as the comments made here by people with good sense!

  11. True American 1st

    Impossible to purchase anything without being made in China or an impoverished third world country. The goods from these countries are junk. Our good old American country, and its citizens have sold out lock, stock, and barrel. 60,000 companies that employed over 500 employees fled like rats overseas. We are left buying this junk because very few U.S.A businesses are still located in America. I try buying American made goods but they are very difficult to find. Time for a real change in our political system like term limits, no lobbyist bribing elected officials, writing their own laws to be introduced by those who are supposed to be representing US. Sad how they continue to get away with it.!!

    1. Gary

      WHen your allowed to dump your complete waste into local rivers and environment your BOUND to start getting companys moving there to play... and THATS EXACTLY whats happend in both China and India... its a actual no brainer... With complete disregard with any form of regulations or enviro impact... your a companys new best friend...

    2. fukyankeeEmpire

      "for a long period... protecting the interests of other nations"

      Like the Philippines which you invaded and occupied for 50 years, like Japan which you
      nuked, like Vietnam and Cambodia which you bombed killing 3 million plus, is this how you
      protect the interests of Asia, by murdering them?

      You never, ever see yourselves as aggressors, its your behaviour that has destroyed your
      moral legitimacy, if you ever had any, and encouraged other powers to behave exactly as you do. Asia is not your back yard, regardless of what some minor poodles in the region think.

      When you sail through the South China Sea (why is it not called the "American sea"?) or fly
      spy missions over Russia you are the aggressor.

      You've had it your way for 26 years invading, sanctioning, bombing as you please, I know its
      addictive and hard to quit, but its over. From Syria onwards, any bull**** you attempt will
      be met with proxy forces to counterbalance, as was the case during the cold war, except now you have 2 powers to contend with.

      See: The whole of US history, before you piously accuse others of violating spheres of interest.

  12. Sergio

    The hypocrisy of the US has no limits

  13. Alv V

    This is propaganda, nothing more, nothing less. Hypocritical to it's core. Chinese human rights violations compared to what the US have done to the world the last couple of generations is hardly worth mentioning. Chinese millitary agression? Are you serious? A lack of unions, no rights for the workers, using all the dirty tricks one can imagine with just pure regard for profit is something the rich aristocracy in the US have simply moved to China, because it used to be just the same when people was being jailed, maimed and killed when wanting such "socialist" concepts, enviromentalism etc. and eventually won some of it. What might be scary for Americans is that China is becoming a mirror-image of themselves, and they don't know what to do about being given some of their own medicine. Perhaps next time put someone else then a billionaire TV-personality in charge of the nation. Since bribes, fraud and corruption is de facto legalized in the political process, it's a small chance for things to change. If they don't, perhaps do as China did and have a socialist revolution against the bourgeois. At least weapons in the hands of the citizens don't seem to be lacking.

  14. bob the nob

    all they have to do is put huge tariffs on imported goods that way the factorys will be forced to return home were it will be cheeper to produce products within the united states

    1. Gary

      Not if you still plan on regulating the heck out of these countrys while its "Play Ball" in places like China they wont..LAMO

  15. JJ

    "Women have thrived in this new service economy because they will do anything for a pittance of a salary"

    Doesn't make sense. How can someone thrive when they work for a pittance? Women are not thriving anywhere. Women everywhere suffer because of capitalism. Men need to get out of positions of control so we can change the world.

  16. Chris

    This is very true about how china has lost its moralistic values. During the last thirty years people in china have lost millions of acres of land, and farms because of how big businesses have sprouted up over the course of three decades. Because of this, trade agreements between the US, and china mixed certain aspects of how those businesses do business. In other words every single farmer has never bought any piece of land because of the fact that the government owns every square hectare. So when a family who grows rice or raises cattle are presented with a an affidavit for land evacuation they have to move into the big cities to try, and find employment to keep food on the table.

    This results in total economic breakdown between farmers of produce, dairy, fish, or other forms of perishable goods, along with the fact that pollution is also a factor. The communist party of china is the exact kind of regime which began almost two thousand years ago, and is still alive to this day. The Xia dynasty, the Zhou dynasty, and the Han dynasty still have surviving family members who believe that the idea of communism should be the staple food for all of the people no matter who it may be. This in turn reverberates among the populace as another word... Fascists. Since their rise to power from the early sixties started to flourish many of the manufacturing sectors went bankrupt because nobody was buying their products inside of their own country.

    Now bring in the WTO. Now their government can utilize their best spin doctors on how to manipulate the open market by using cheap labor, cheap factories, cheap products, and barely no taxable commodities. This was why rivers started to become toxic, that children became sick or their mothers during pregnancy. Or that medical means was almost non existent for lack of funds to those very same farmers who were kicked out of their homes only to move to the city facing the same dilemma because they lacked proper credentials such as a drivers license, birth certificate or bank accounts. Millions died as a result, and the government stated in a referendum that even though the farmers were a part of creating an economy based on perishable goods they were not a part of our idea to help militarize our country. That kind of barbaric thinking is what caused the dynasty's downfall once before.

    Money is the only driving force for china. Nothing else matters in their eyes including their historic past, which has been part of their culture for four millenniums. Yet for reasons of prosperity, and posterity for the children of china they are willing to go as far as tearing down some of the most beloved temples, monastery's, dojo's, part of the great wall, and some of the prefectural provinces for railways, factories, shipyards, and automobile plants but all of them would use their own people for cheap labor under the government's watchful eyes.

    The plural word... 'morals' no longer has any impact. There is no longer any hidden mysticism about the Chinese past or how the citizens were the one's to build their schools, offices, dojo's, temples, or the wall. It was the people who built china, not their government, but because of their military might the population no longer believe that they have a voice to be heard, and if they spoke their will... they would be silenced with a bullet or put away into a prison until they rot. The only time china was ever close to a democracy was in Tiananmen Square during the demonstrations. Since then, it went downhill faster than an avalanche.

  17. bobby

    In 2001 how was there a Democratic president?
    It's amazing how fast historic facts change.

  18. Ed

    Does the EU adopt different trade policies from the USA, with China? How come there is still a large manufacturing base in Germany? Am I missing something?

  19. Zumma

    Why these Americans cannot speak for once that they are just inefficient of manufacturing a single item except weapons. What exactly they want to prove by this documentary? They are right and China is wrong in everything. Don’t try to make people fool. No one is a fool in this world. It is only America who is the big fat idiot, a nation full of bloody idiots, incapable of doing anything and keeps politicizing everything. Stop blaming others and better educate your own people. Or else, every other nation will keep sucking you up.

  20. Brannon Gerling

    What's more republican, democratic, or American than being able to buy whatever you want by whomever you want? Peter Navarro is now Trump's chief trade policy adviser. What they want to do they cannot do without breeching their own most basic principles. How much wool and eyes will it take this time?

  21. Mar

    This film is utter propaganda, what a load of crap! For example 99% of all goods sold in Walmart are made in China, are we supposed to believe that China aggressively walked into Walmarts offices and forced them to buy Chinese goods - please, what a joke.

    The profound profits that this film suggests have disappeared have gone no further than into the pockets of the wealthy corporate elite who have obviously financed this film.

    In the USA today corporations have more rights than people.

  22. rob

    this video makes it perfectly clear and nails the issue right on the head. how any of you failed to see that is because you ARE ignorant. china does not play by the same rules as the US or UK. no health care, long hours with no breaks for SH*T pay. all the things people NEED, both here and overseas. you definitely can blame China, along with big corporations, government/politicians and liberals. China doesn't play by the same rules, American government/politicians allow them to trade in America. (under very unfair playing fields) liberals in America don't speak out against the human rights violations. and big coorperations sell their country away for quick profits. thank God for trump, I sincerely hope he keeps his campaign promises and hits China hard. make them play by the same rules, and treat their people equal to those in the US or UK, or sanction them to level the playing field. make them pay a price to trade in America for the equality they refuse their people. anyone who says it's America's fault or is propaganda doesn't see what I, and the video have underlined, and need to re-watch the video, or go back to 1st grade and work on your understanding of clear text.

    1. fukyankeeEmpire

      America cares about international law, like the ICC and the Geneva convention? NSA bulk
      surveillance and drone strikes? I'm sure that seems perfectly legal for you to do to others,
      you would pis blood if it was done to you.

      America itself is not a member of the International Criminal Court, nor has America ratified
      the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which it wants China to respect in its
      dispute with Vietnam. Republican Senators have blocked Senate approval of the Law of the Sea

      Convention based on myths and misconceptions about the treaty, including concerns that
      president Reagan opposed the treaty when it was originally drafted in 1982, and that it
      might now infringe on U.S. sovereignty. But the flaws identified by president Reagan were
      fixed by amendments to the treaty in 1994 (which led all other major industrial countries to
      join the treaty). And far from infringing on U.S. sovereignty, joining the Law of the Sea

      Convention would codify U.S. sovereignty over vast new oil and gas resources in the Arctic.
      Other countries have benefited greatly by joining the Convention, and the United States is
      losing out by remaining on the sidelines.

      The most glaring source of global scepticism towards American affection for international
      law can be summed up in one word: Iraq. America's 2003 decision to invade Iraq without any clear authorisation from the UN Security Council is a black mark, not least because the
      war's legacy remains so fraught. At the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague in March, Mr
      Obama called Russia's annexation of Crimea a threat to the global order; when he tried to
      contrast Russian behaviour to that of America in Iraq, an audible groan ran through the
      room. The differences between Iraq and Crimea are real enough, but America simply lacks the credibility to make this case.

      From Central America in the 1980’s to Syria and the Middle East today there is a consistency in US policy. Governments which challenge US domination are demonized. Surrogate armies to overthrow them are sometimes created. Bloodshed and mayhem follows. Individual American deaths are ignored or sensationalized depending on whether it benefits US policy.

      International law is ignored or used as another weapon against the victim.

  23. Bill

    If countries were Power Rangers the USA would certainly be Lord Zedd. The likes of China and North Korea are merely Bulk and Skull. I'm rooting for the Green Ranger - Norway.

  24. Tommy

    So biased. So ridiculous. Why?

  25. Philip Harding

    We cannot blame China for our own dismal policies. If you want to improve life in the U.S., compete with in production with mid-size and upstart companies. Be more like China. Stop shopping on debt. The answers are right in front of us. Stop blaming the huge corporations and banks- boycott them.

  26. George

    This is why we voted for Trump.

  27. Glenn Luttrell

    The rulers and elite are destroying freedom and democracy and have no intent to make the world a better place and strive to fill their pockets with greed

  28. serialteg

    didn't like all the art / war propaganda on this bit... not one bit.

    i get there's a message behind it, but...

  29. DH37

    This is another piece of lie and hypocracy trying to ride on the emotion of ordinary US working people. Complaining about cheap items, but they are bought by fiat US$ out of the printing machine so that ordinary US people can enjoy. Who imported these items into USA? Mostly are american companies. Who gets the major share of the pie? Apple pays 50 cents per phone to chinese workers only. They reap the rest, with no intention ever to pay the full tax. THINK, AMERCIANS, THINK.

  30. Harunha

    Capitalism at work. Now the jobs are going to Vietnam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, etc. Are we going to blame them now? Don't complain, re-invent your economy. Like Singapore, they have changed from manufacturing to research, medical, and service industry. Why is the American economy remain stackant and moaning?

  31. Leigh Atkins

    So let me get this right - as the living standards of all the peoples of the world increases & their wages go up in order to pay for those living standards, China's population still lives largely in poverty & their wages are still low, like ours were when we lived in squalor. But they're hard workers so they have to work 80hrs a week in order to bring in a fraction of our 40hr/wk wages now, so they do, which is what makes them attractive to manufacturers so that they can at least maintain low prices to their customers back in 'rich' countries like USA, as well as a profit margin in order to pay their shareholders, also back in the USA. But we're gonna hold all this against them?! That makes sense though doesn't it?! Coz it makes our egos feel good that we can blame someone.
    This is just the natural order, or 'life & death' of human societal/financial systems & we've been watching the cycle for millennia, we just don't remember it past last week's episode of 'Jersey Shore', that's all.
    So we've pretty much tried every system now, all throughout time, which means that the end is soon to roll up. We just have one more human system to try now - a one world government!. Peace & security people! Peace & security! Then BANG - a cap in your back. Don't you just love humans with power?

  32. winter

    Wake up. American manufacturing is not coming back. Ever.

  33. paul MItchell

    I'm no fan of China but this hypocrisy is mind-bogling. At a time when cops are killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis, government regularly sides with the corporations over ordinary people and city council have bottles of clean water shipped into council while ordinary people have to drink deadly polluted water (Flint) - please, don't bore me with such media nonsense (entertainment, virtual reality?). The U.S. is in the progress of destroying it's 7th country in 15 years. What country has China invaded in recent memory?
    For two years in China I worked and lived - and developed a hard opinion about China. However, after learning what I learned overseas living and working (China, Korea, Japan and Germany) my eyes have been opened and I am appalled at what has become of North America. It is disgusting; the arrogance of the U.S. allows it to condemn other countries and people for the same things they are guilty of. and in most cases initiated. I think the Chinese are just better at the game of Capitalism that the U.S. But then, since the Brzezinski crowd started thinking themselves as gods assigned to manage the future of the Earth they don't even now try to hide their deceptions and manipulations any longer.

  34. Roger Andout

    US (&EU) is competing on an uneven pitch. Interesting to watch this in Q4 of 2016 when US is still complaining about Irish (business) tax rules. Little if anything in US tax avoidance rules regarding Big Business/Multinationals has changed since 2012 when this most insightful doc was made. US law makers need to accept that BB is not ruled by morality, nationalism, the long term or the common good; ONLY the Bottom Line.
    To get manufacturing back requires rules to be amended/changed.
    The "10 Commandments" was the only item written in stone.

  35. eric pinto

    with driverfree trucks, stops gone, 50,000 ladies across the land 'laid' off, who supports the kids and grandma ! They too are CHRISTIANS, never mind the 'necks
    who buy our whisky and snuff. Call in Pooteen.

  36. Hannibal

    Say the people whose country has more than 1000 military bases around the whole world... To protect "freedom and democracy", of course...

  37. Graeme

    The need for greed, are you telling me they could not see this coming,I live in Australia and I could see this 15 years ago and I have not got a crystal ball. Sorry now ? Too late the damage is done .

  38. winter

    It was very easy for this situation to occur. The average american is not informed and has no interest in becoming so. The average citizen will not boycott foreign products as long as they are cheap. The average US citizen believes everything she hears from mass media. All this while trumpeting her independence from men to any fool who will listen.
    Women have thrived in this new service economy because they will do anything for a pittance of a salary, even up to spending the best years of their lives racking up student loans. And never wondering why.

  39. Michael

    failure is imminent and our president working in secret has been working on even worse trade deals TPP TPIP ETC that will sell out the rest of the country...our politicians are treasonous

  40. Michael

    So this has been the NWO plan from the beginning...our politicians are bought and paid for elections are corrupt huge money buys elections ...the UN has wrote papers on the Agenda 21 and worse Agenda 2030 and nobody says a word or does squat ...learn Mandarin

  41. DBT

    What utter HYPOCRISY from this ignorant film maker, what do think the USA has been doing to the rest of the world along with every other country involved in the world of Crapatalism!!

  42. Tenketsu

    Nice of them to start pointing out the faults of the chinese system, but it's the pot calling the kettle black. China didnt force american companies to move to move their factories they greeding bstard owners did that themselves. I hope america burns because it's atrocities are far far worse and I would'nt expect anyone to wiz on it to put the fire out.

  43. nemone02

    They keep talking about prosperity, just how prosperous do they wish to become? Is there a limit to prosperity,does it stop somewhere, or does it just go on until everything grinds to a halt? If America was doing all these nasty things to China they would be rubbing their hands with glee. There is such enormous disparity of wealth between peoples, and it will never be resolved. To hear Americans shouting'foul' over the activities of the Chinese is monstrous when you consider what they did to the people of Korea and Vietnam,or should I say 'Gooks' because they are not realy people.

  44. Xavier

    If we look past the American propaganda in this film, there leaves a valid point that we should refuse to deal with the Chinese until their imports are made ethically . Paying workers what they are due and giving them decent breaks and not long hours.

  45. winter

    And now, the frosting on the cake. Prisons across the US are privatizing - and prisoners, usually non violent drug offenders, are payed a pittance to provide hand made goods to the stores you buy from. if you are an American worker you must now compete with forced labor camps in the US. The private corporations that market the products made by the prisoners keep the profits! Did I happen to say that this is a win win situation?

    The US government is like an onion. The more layers you peel, the more you want to cry.

  46. winter

    The big lie is this. American manufacturing died before the Chinese, when poor quality Japanese cars killed the big 3. If you don't know who the big 3 were, they were the rulers of Detroit Michigan and they made the best cars in the world. Contrary to the claims of this video, presenting the Japanese as peaceful, they came right over here to Pearl Harbor and dropped bombs on us. Some say this is because the US provoked them, but that is another story. So American military general Douglas MacArthur sent US engineers over there to teach them how to build cars they could sell in th e US. The cars were inferior in quality in every way. But the US propoganda machine, backed by the Uass government, sold uninformed Americans on the idea that gas was running out so we had to buy little Japanese cars, because they saved gas. The problem was that after a few years they were riddled with rust and plagued with transmission/engine problems. But they were cheap!

    Well, we know a lot of people don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Jap cars are much improved and almost competitive now, so US is importing cars from the third world country, Korea. Do you think this could end badly?

    Well, only if you buy one. We lost our top paying manufacturing to the japanese, then the germans, now the koreans, because cars, industrial machinery, tractors, and whatnot are where the real money is. Now we have lost our middle income manufacturing jobs to China.

    Let me tell you what your life would look like TODAY if imports stopped. You wouldn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. It's too late.

  47. john smith

    Capitalism knows no bounds, free market. I'll bet those American companies made money selling their factories, but it's the working class that lose out.Why on earth are we dealing with China when it has such a horrendous record of human abuse is beyond me, but tells us something about the societies we live in and their values.In my opinion, there is no difference.One evil supports the other evil.

  48. Michail

    BullShit! China doesn't steal US-jobs, That is just US + westworlds greedy companies way to earn morte money, but easiest way is to blame someone else, Russia or China of course. There s no communist countries any morte, that era is long gone. This video is just a propaganda video used for get exiting and push people against China

  49. Kelly

    This video is promoting great misunderstanding. Fact is there are many lies and deceptions in this video. THIS VIDEO DOES NOt PRESENT THE TRUTH.

  50. Stanislav

    This isn't China's fault, this is the fault of greedy bastards that want to buy everything cheap - even if it comes from forced labor camps in China, they don't care, as long as they can buy cheap stuff. THAT's the problem.

  51. stan wasserman

    Stop harping on what China does and blame your politicians, Treasonous Big business, and lazy Americans who keep voting the two party scam. Don't rail against fellow citizens start demanding big business hire here or LEAVE,

  52. Živadin III

    Cry me a river of emigrants...

  53. felix

    like the USA as no guilt in this situation.

  54. No Name

    SE Asia garment industry is about to be taken over by robotic tech. Uber wants to use driverless cars. Get rid of that costly employee. Who will be left to do the consuming?

  55. Topdoc

    So, U.s... I understand that next threat is China? No one is scared of terrorists anymore?

  56. Teus

    Greed has many faces but it's all the same game with the same players