Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove

Ratings: 6.60/10 from 197 users.

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian GroveSince 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the Great Owl of Bohemia.

Now, for the First Time in History, an Outsider Has Infiltrated Bohemian Grove with a Hidden Digital Video Camera and Caught the Ritual on Tape. That Man is Alex Jones, the Exclusive Digital Video is Just Part of His Shocking Documentary: Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. (Excerpt from infowars.com)

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77 Comments / User Reviews

  1. welcome2detroit

    Now what b*****s? Reading these comments from 2017 bashing Alex Jones just shut the **** up, and we know all the leftist propaganda ex Climate Change, False Flags over the last years to create racial tension and violence. Its 2020 and **** is happening. You just don't want to admit it or accept it, or you are part of the problem. Liberals are ashamed to be part of the DEMONcrat party and we now see the Globalist & Elite NWO plan being played out. God is coming. We are in the end.

  2. yunnorlu

    Ohh men the rating to this documentary is 6.66 :)

  3. Troy

    Does anyone remember where this first aired? Was it mainstream tv?

  4. Susan Overstreet

    This brings to memory a statement made by former president of the United States J.F.K He was assisinated 7 days after he promise before leaving his noble office to expose plans to enslave us. Don't be so quick to believe this is merely the elite "playing". I was young the day President Kennedy was murdered. Our nation mourn his death as if they had lost a family member. Never since has a president been held in this regard.
    This film could be a peek at what he had planned to stop.
    Rest in peace Mr. President. May your words open eyes. I heard him and have educated many.
    This was the greatest country on earth. For the people by the people. One Nation Under God.

    1. Walter

      He will be remembered in what happens to all who participated in his death. In the Word it says, they shall not escape. Psalm 1, 14, Matthew 5, and :

    2. Norah

      JFK never said that quote about enslavement. It's propaganda. Google is your friend

  5. Heidi Svenson

    ...Alex Jones (or at least the one we see flapping his ego all over the internet today) is a hired mouthpiece for the very people he claims to expose. Period. His theories are contradictory and all over the map and purposely filled with incorrect historical "alternative facts." Think about it, people. Even IF he was legitimately on the hunt to expose "the Elite" in the beginning, you better believe he has since been "dealt with." Personally, I saw fear in the eyes of those locals, not wicked bong loads. They were all very skittish and visibly nervous about admitting anything - even hearing rumors. They are either on the inside or they have been silenced/threatened. In any case, bottom line, we could all debate the ridiculousness of Jones vs. his bravery or "truthiness" all day but that is precisely why he was "chosen" to spread the misinformation. If he were even remotely learned or respectable as a journalist or if he even made sense he would not be permitted to continue his feeble "broadcasts." It's all part of it. It is the same reason the two-party system is also a lie- to confuse and distract the people into petty in-fighting. All the while, they are all back-slapping buddies on the same evil side.

    Most frustrating of all was the nauseating camera work. I know it was supposed to be "hidden" etc. but jeez! All I kept thinking was, are they SURE this is from 2000? Even early 90s BetacamSP cameras captured far better.

    Too bad they filmed the whole thing with a potato. But then again, of course it is bad footage. Jones sprinkles real truth in with blatant falsehoods and made-up contradictory blatherings -- all to keep people confused, in-fighting and most of all - separate and not believing.

    P.S. That GF though....could they have at least TRIED not not to keep shooting her tits? Typical...

  6. Christobal DeLicia

    Alex Jones is the traitor and Russian agent who brought us President Trump. One day this work will be studied along with Communist propaganda of the Soviet Union and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Easily dismissed as a ridiculous stunt at the time, it is an early signature work of an evil man.

  7. beachgirl

    Pure wickedness

  8. Terra818

    That scream sounded real to me.

  9. Allison Mick

    Alex Jones' theories aside, him interviewing the townsfolk is just not good journalism. Pretty rude to ask someone's opinion with an insane leading question and then make fun of their answer.

  10. Xenobius

    Load of sewage.

  11. Xenobius

    This made me laugh. This site references itself, wikipedia and beforeitsnews. com oh and abovetopsecret. com. There has yet to be any valuable reference to lead me to believe this is at all plausible.

    1. so sorry

      Did you just use wikipedia as a rebuttal? You realize that wikipedia is owned an ran by progressives and liberals, and they're riddled with BS references and won't allow any reference that goes against their ideals.

  12. riordan23

    load of crap, quit the opposite to what he is saying is what is actually happening, if you start with the intention of validating a opinion/delusion you will do exactly that. this man has obviously spent many years trying to validate his OWN idea of the world, once he's started on that road what else can he do but exactly that?

    1. rizzla

      and where is your information to back up your claim,,or are you doing exactly what you accuse Alex Jones of???? but you re too blind to see that so don't worry about it
      don't get me wrong as far as im concerned Jones is shill, but that doesn't mean this **** isnt happening,,,the greatest lies contain sprinkles of the truth, so when you dismiss it as a lie,then you hear the truth,,you dismiss that too because it is similar to the lie,,,welcome to the mental environment buddy,,you re way behind,get working or be a sheep being fooled forever

  13. RMS

    Its easy to Infiltrated Bohemian Grove when your part of it, Alex Jones

    1. sknb

      My boyfriend and I thought we were the only ones who thought this. Yeah - NOW he works for FOX news.

  14. Hokua oe

    this is just Christian slander which some Christians are good at because they are too afraid to get real information...not all Christians are like this at least...
    I'm glad that my Christian friends are more open minded
    as a practicing pagan I'm offended...I don't think he did any real investigating, more like jumped to conclusions based on fear...usually the burning of a dummy is a symbol of the passing of something old like a passing year
    oh by the way...I suggest that you Christians look up Roza Bal in Kashmir India and Yuz Asaf aka Jesus of Nazareth

    1. rizzla

      why??? lol,,only immature minds need religion to justify their existence,,you people need to evolve,its very frustrating,,,is santa gonna come too? or the tooth fairy?
      seriously people,,,evolve!!!!! grow up!!!! and open your eyes you sheople

  15. abbas

    @imotob check out the lesser key of solomon

  16. imotob

    i have searched lots of books looking for references to this demon pj and can find no references anywhere and please dont say its p.j crowley this does not even make the slightest sense

  17. imotob

    and as a wican i can assure you they are not doing anything that MANY ppl all accross the world do there is nothing sinister or evil going this is just a celebration of nature as has been done for THOUSANDS (well b4
    christianity) of years. man wish we could afford the fireworks for our celebrations

  18. imotob

    are they any weirder than some religions groups i think not i have seen scarier things at christian churches. and just because they dont worship a christian god does this make them wrong yes it may be weird but hell lots of ppl put store in a 2000 year old book written by PEOPLE. my kids play dress up as well

  19. imotob

    pity the video is so jerky and fuzzy and did they really need all the cloak and dagger b4 they even got there. plus if these are worlds richest ppl the car park apart from a couple of mercs the rest of the cars looked like hondas, fords etc is this really what the world elite drive?????????????

  20. Jordan Stevens

    The world is crowded with demonic spirits. It is easy to attract one. Even to stray a bit from the straight and narrow invites them in. I know not everyone believes that, but it's the truth. Of course their biggest defense is that people don't believe they even exist. If you find yourself defending that point of view, take another look at yourself. A wonderful world awaits us when we can shake them off.

  21. theRelm

    Despite what any of you say, the Bohemian Grove is real. While I would not advise anyone to believe everything you hear in this film, you must admit that there is certainly something strange going on. It is very distubing that our past Presidents and other leaders of various stature would be involved in an organization like this. They are shaping public policy that all of us as Americans will have to live with and that is simply wrong. Alex Jones has some "out there" theories that I wouldn't even consider believing, but one has to agree that there is something fishy about this so called "club."

  22. Sam Blackburn

    OH yea. And I thought Alex Jones was a Texan... What the helll Is he doing running through the woods, on a "secret spy mission", in some gay ass white pants and a bright shirt? Where's the effing Camo dude? Seriously.

  23. Sam Blackburn

    What if Alex Jones where paid be the Elite to give us all semi-useless bits of information with just enough untruth and ... well bullshit... to discredit anyone seeking the Truth.... My instincts say maybe to that...

  24. Jess

    BIBLE never SAID GAY was SIN nor QURAN!!!

    1. davidkc53

      Looks like you haven't read the bible, have you!

  25. Jess

    hmm liek y2k my 18th birthday!

  26. Jess


  27. Soul

    It would be better to get into their preconditioning of our minds about religion. Before that, let me first clarify that religion can be like fool too... Fool before had been actors in the theater, then it became atheist, then it became stupid but it still in its raw form, fool. So, like religion, it is you in your own stance in what is out there beyond your control... It is not congregation. It is you on your essence of establishing of what is unknown to be known... A guiding influence.

    So, can you just live your own life and just observe of what is going on? You know religious people says: It is not too late... Repent! Get in touch of what your congregation is telling you about Lord Jesus. Listen carefully and know Lord Jesus! The cross is an atheist tool to remind. Reminds me of Jimmy Hoffa.

    The big owl and naked people running around having fun, huh? This Bohemian Grove is a Presidential retreat?... Hmmnnn... Sounds like the other side of Camp David. Christ is the God and the Devil.

    Well, no God is not a notion that there is no Devil... Temptation is the word and results is expected from them and not reasons. Men in black, eh? Owl Effigy.

    New World Order... Is it not about money. Show me yours, I'll show you mine! No money, no honey...

    Oh boy, this summer sets them free!Yearly activities!

  28. Alex Boivin-Scott

    honestly? honestly? like really?
    half of the documentary is this paranoid guy preaching about a world government and the politicians are sacrificing dummies.
    then he throws interviews with random locals that dont look credible at all. then he sneaks into a "supposedly" extremely secured lodge and you never see him ever get talked to by security.
    the ritual looked like a show with walt disney music going on in the background.
    the guy filming it had parkensens (or however yiu spell it) or something.
    no point
    dont watch

  29. sam

    there's more clown worship at mcdonalds...

  30. Chiquifuria

    Pufffff and I saw the whole crappy video and no murder at all!. I expected a lot more shit in it, the entire show was like watching theater in Broadway but with a froggy acoustics. Total waste of time. But of course should something like that they claim happens this guy and all the reporters in the video footage would be swimming with the fishes long time ago.

  31. Quinton Viskup

    OK, So this film simply turned me from a skeptic to a full on believer ... a believer that the creator of the film is a paranoid nutcase.
    There was absolutely no proof that this was in anyway an occult ritual.
    As mentioned in other comments here, pre recorded music and fireworks, this is a tourist attraction.
    They discussed such restricted security yet there was zero footage of any altercations with security. They seemed to waltz into the "compound" AKA National Park unscathed, rode in with "members"...asked the member how much his robe cost.... ahem... if Im trying to be incognito chances are good I'm not going to ask how much the attire costs.... it would be like hiding the the washroom of an afterhours club and then asking the bouncer what the secret password is.... you are going to get busted.

    This whole film was a load of crap.
    And also 2 hours I will never get back.
    I think I might just go to northern california and go see the site myself.
    I'm guessing admission to the dinner theatre is around 35.99$

  32. Nakor420

    The video speaks for it's self, whether they are sacrificing REAL children or not doesn't change the fact that we don't need our leaders engaging in occult practices. Some of you are talking about druids, and even if someone mentions druids in this doc, it has nothing to do with druids. This ritual dates to ancient babylon, and the cult of Molech certainly DID do human sacrifice, and if this was handed down through the centuries by the power elite in secret, then there is nothing to suggest that they don't STILL commit real human sacrifice. If they have nothing to hide, then why not let a CSI team in there to examine the altar for evidence of human remains? Why do they have to be SO secretive if they aren't doing anything wrong? The fact is these people are evil, and they are our leaders. Say what you want about Alex Jones, but at least he has the balls to sneak in and smuggle a video out, to try and inform the sleeping masses of sheeple. I don't believe everything he discusses, but this video is genuine, and it's a big deal.

    1. Quinton Viskup

      I'm sorry but there is no way in hell he "smuggled" anything in or out of that place. He speaks of altercations with security yet NONE of it was caught on tape. I assure you a film maker would NOT edit that footage out.... an altercation lends credibility to the severity and secrecy of the event.
      From the footage I saw this appeared to be a summer outing at a national park. A reenactment of a tradition (I'd rather not call it a ritual because that would imply there was something evil about it).

    2. Nakor420

      Ok, first of all, some of the altercations ARE on tape ( or slightly off camera). If you knew anything about Bohemian Grove ( which you obviously don't) you would know there is no way for him to just whip out a camera and start filming. The whole point is that it's a secret society, and video taping is NOT allow, thus he'd get kicked out. And seeing as he was there posing as a member, he couldn't really do that now could he? And before you go saying" they would know he wasn't a member.", the guy who helped him sneak in knew some of the pass codes, so he WAS able to infiltrate. An undercover cop doesn't bust out a voice recorder or a walki-talki when in disguise, and neither could AJ just bust out a camera to film security gaurds. Furthermore, for you to say this looks like a national park just shows how ignorant you are. The bohemian grove has been discussed in the news before, and the club itself has released some PR photos that include the giant owl. So it's pretty obvious to anyone who knows anything about it, that this video was taken from inside the grove. ALSO, if you study the workings of the occult, you will find that the cremation of care IS the same ritual that is used to sacrifice a child to Molech. A ritual that dates back to ancient babylon and caanan. One doesn't have to "imply" that there is something evil about it. The mere act of human sacrifice is evil all on it's own. In short, nothing you just said makes any sense, and you should stop polluting the atmosphere with your rediculous assertions.

  33. Darrian Smith

    As an Occultist, this video makes me hysterical. What's so funny is the fact that not only is this as obviously poorly conducted ritual with symbolism that that isn't even correct within the system (exampli gratia, the masculinity of the owl as demonstrated in the ritual --which should be considered female as per Lilith. If this were a "Druidic" ritual, Cernunos or Pan shouild have been used to represent the Lord of the Forest), but also the poor camera quality which basically makes one unable to make anything of the atmosphere, the attire, and "the real human sacrifice". You'd think that if the elite were the professional Occultists that Jones and the rest of the paranoid community think they are, that they would at least be able to set up a scene without tacky light effects, unfitting music, and unenthusiastic speech qualities.

    Mr. Jones has always used his paranoia-act-induced conspiracy theories to keep the dough rollin' in.

  34. MyReligionIs2DoGood

    I believe this documentary should be listed under 'Conspiracy' rather than 'Mystery'. Just a thought...

  35. 9Achems_Razor9

    Just logging in for the comments, saw this doc. quite a while ago.

    1. Guest

      a new pair of glasses?

    2. Jose Manuel Ataide

      Azilda, what a nice pic you got there =D

  36. FireBringer

    This is the biggest load of bullshit ever!!!

    Don't listen to this evangelist Texan Nutcase! Please! The Druids did NOT sacrifice people, EVER and we DON'T today! Nature is not the female side of Satan, and I felt my stomach turn when he said it. That sounded iffy and you know it!

    Don't listen to this crazy nutcase! Please! Please! Please! It's this kind of stuff that started the Salem witch trials and gets people hysterical!

    It's guys and videos like this that get people hurt.

    1. wald0

      While I could not agree with you more that this is b.s. and this this guy inparticular is full of it, i can't agree with something else you said. The druids did sacrifice human beings, we have scientific proof in the form of the remains of a sacrificed young warrior. He is thought to have been sacrificed during the time when Rome was closing in on the druids. His remains were found with very fancy jewelry and several ritual items, for this reason it is thought he may have been someone of importance, like nobility to the druids. In fact the documentary that lays it all out is on this site. I can't remember the name of it though. Any way, you may argue that anthropologist misinterpretted the remains they found, but I doubt it. They have alot of experience with identifying things like this, religions of this type in this time usually did practice sacrifice, and they have other forms of circumstantial evidence to support thier claim.

      You sound like you may be a modern druid. If that is so I didn't mean to insult you or say your religion would still do something like this. But you can't just cling to what you want to beleive in the face of strong evidence to the contrary and NO evidence to support your claim.

  37. Jack1952

    Its the royal order of water buffaloes. Ack ack a dack!!

  38. anon

    Recorded music and fireworks : ahah it's only an attraction park for rich people, seriously stop this new order bullshit

  39. d

    Have you ever wondered why any of our so called "Christian" leaders have never told us about this place or what's been going on here. Now maybe you realize the amount of infiltration the NWO has over Christianity and it's leaders in this country.

  40. toddy

    @ trust acid
    You know your right i was thinking the same thing the locals look stoned of the butt( must be some real good bud there) and also dosn't jones look like in the begining if the doc. look like he had one to many esspreso's or something.

  41. Midknight

    Gurl i knew thei waz som' goen on. Thei's republicanz. Wat'd you exxxpect. Plus only a republican wud worship a gi'nt stone ownl motha fukka. Owls ai't even cute. Thei's like stoned pidgions with crooked necks addapted to dodge c*m from hittin their' face

  42. Christopher Scum

    I say Big deal. When he was speaking of she, he was speaking of MOTHER NATURE. I don't trust the Government, the corporate elite but I wish the worst they did was
    this Owl gig. hell, with everything they're doing in the wide open, taken our rights, fighting in a senseless war,taking the wealth of Americans, and murdering people daily with their diversion wars I don't see the real harm in the Owl dance. Of course I'm not a fanatical Christian that believes that almighty GAWD is frowning on this. let the f*** their Owl as long as they don't pull any more 9/11 type activities.

  43. Debate

    Also, I gotta say I do not like Alex Jones. I think he is very, very bad at putting these docs together. He uses emotion to drive his point instead of fact. He's good because he seeks truth and is very passionate in his crusade. On the other hand, I think he distorts things and has a tendency to not back up his points...and most importantly he's a fear mongerer.

    The illuminati is real and these policy makers are corrupt from top to bottom but we do not have to be AFRAID of these people. I was on an Alex Jones kick for awhile and started getting paranoid and upset because his tone and style just promote fear and paranoia and hopelessness.

    Us people on Main Street, we cannot afford to be afraid. Fear is what they're counting on. We just have to brace ourselves and be brave and get ready to protest, to draw the truth out of them, to demand free and accurate press, to demand the truth about and better foreign policy, to demand our liberties, to demand a stop to torture practices, to demand that they uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law, International Law, to demand efficient and uncorrupted administration programs like FEMA and the FDA and the EPA a demand to an end lobbying and a government that is controlled by Wall Street and and end to any other bastardization of human rights and law and order. Most important thing is that we have to stay united. They are few, we are many. We need to understand that we all are fighting against the same enemy. Those of us who are facing home foreclosure or mad at the conatamination of our water ways, those of us fed up with inflation, the cost of food, lack of jobs the war, the TSA, the one-sided point of view in the media and so on and so on....we're all mad at the same thing..the same enemy.

  44. Debate

    @ Son of Nothing. WRONG WRONG WRONG. You don’t know how good your life will be WITH God. I’m not saying you have to believe in religion but to believe there is NO GOD?? That is truly insane to me.

    I normally don’t bother to preach to people but I find it really disturbing when people spread this type misinformation... making it seem like the true intellectuals of the world are atheists and everyone else is silly for believing that there is a Creator. We are only on this planet for a very short time, our understanding is miniscule, but at the very least, we should be able to understand that we are not at the top of creation.

    *edited to fix errors*

  45. Debate

    @ Son of Nothing. WRONG WRONG WRONG. You don't know how good your life will be WITH God. I'm not saying you have to belive in religion but to believe there is NO GOD?? That is truly insane to me.

    I normally don't bother to preach to people but I find it really disturbing when people spread this type misinformation making it seem like true intellectual are atheists and everyone else is silly for believing that there is a Creator. We are only on this planet for a small time, our understanding is miniscule...but at the very least, we should be able to understand that we are not at the top of creation.

  46. Debate

    I meant to say:
    "These people ARE NOT benign and harmless like you and I."

  47. Debate

    I don't care what these people do in their private lives. Oh wait..yes I do. Their morals in the private life, I'm sure, dictate their integrity and morals in their political life. These people are benign and harmless like you and I. They wield power and thus have the responsibility to have high integrity.

    If a porn star can't become a certified EMT then a psychopath shouldn't be allowed to control public policy.

    I do care if politicians running the world are participating in secret activies that contradict their proclaimed faiths. Why?
    1) Governments should be able to lead private lives but when it comes to meeting with other world leaders there should be full transparency. If these secret meetings do in fact affect policy then I certainly do have an issue with that.

    2. Because Bush + the 'Jesus Factor' helped him win a second term in office and his supposed faith helps to sway public opinion so if he's participating in anti-Christian rituals that renders BUSH a liar and hypocrite to the highest degree. I think conservative Christians would very, very different about voting for leaders who participated in this type of stuff.

  48. eetwo

    A going theory, just to tap in on h.g wells metaphoric comment about water.
    Water is tainted yes. Dr. Rick Strassman studies the effects of DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). A substance which is in some plants and most animals produce naturally, is at the seat of the brain, in other words the seat of conscious. It is known as the Pineal Gland, and the ancients called it The Third Eye, or the Temple of Mind. You can easily look it up, yep, we ALL have one.
    It is the only organ in the brain which isn't a duality. It is a single organ and it sort of looks like an Acorn. Very symbolic to our ancestors but we know very little about it.
    Please read 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' if you want some more answers, or look for the film. Much info on this thing called the World Wide Web if you are willing to tap in to a new idea.
    Anyway, my point is this. Fluoride, which is in all our water (except in Denmark I believe where it is banned) calcifies certain areas of the brain, including the pineal gland. Without a functioning pineal gland you have no dreams, your creative thoughts are put on hold, to be forgotten over time. Any spirituality about yourself becomes dormant very quickly.
    If it is true, that people who have a 'spiritual moment with god' or some form of enlightenment whether naturally or through the use of substances, may come from this organ.
    Without it you are just a peon, easily controlled, manipulated.
    Now ask yourself, why would this fluoride be in all our water, and most of the common toothpaste we all use on a daily basis, from the day were born, and grow our first teeth... Fluoride is the perfect enemy and we are taught through media in school that is what saves our teeth from rotting. Again, mega-BS.
    You have been warned!

  49. son of nothing

    Nothing but the celebration of nature & midsummer solstice !! only a fundamentalist christian douche bag would see anything evil going on ! Wake up people . The sooner you stop believing in God the better your life will be.

  50. Joe

    Simply stupid, in every possible way.

  51. Germanus

    What does the dull of care or whatever these cretans are saying stand for. Jesus its like looking at grown up boy scouts. Do these pricks have family?

  52. Son Of Scotland

    I Say We Get William Wallace Back Alive To Do Some Ass Kickin

  53. LuSQ

    Good comment PC812

    Alex Jones always refers to the owl statue as a depiction of Moloch but he never explains why. As PC812 correctly stated, Moloch is normally envisioned as a bull-deaded diety, not an owl. In Hawaiian mythology there is an owl god called Paupueo - however he is more concerned with chasing away dwarves rather than demanding sacrifice - so it's no great suprise that Alex Jones chose to omit that.
    With alot of focus on the owl statue I thought Jones was going to go on and talk about how the owl is a symbol of wisdom and a recurring icon the whole NWO, Illuminati conspiracy. An owl is even fiendishly hidden on the one dollar bill!!...unfortunately Jones ignores this territory when it would have been interesting to learn more.
    Moving on to the supposedly "occult" cremation ceremony, Jones is way off in what he says. When the cremation of care ceremony takes place at BoGrove it is a pro-christian ritual in which brotherly-love and christianity defeat paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifices. Alex Jones just got scared at the thought of American presidents not being nice, wholesome Christians. And then he went and made a poor documentary about it.

  54. Josh

    I find this disturbing not because of "satanism", I find it disturbing that high level politicians create policy behind closed doors.

    The outright hypocrisy also bothers me. That our "great christian leaders" would be attending these rituals and (apparently-perhaps supposedly) taking part in homosexual behavior. If you're a homosexual pagan running for office that's one thing, being a homosexual pagan and running while masquerading as a happily-married straight Christian is something else entirely.

    Like everyone else has said, Jones disgustingly distorts all of the ancient religions and practices that he filmed.

    Also, Bryant are you serious? How dare people in other religions celebrate other holidays! They must be from SATAN!

  55. Bryant

    And you wonder why GOD created hell in the first place??

    P.S. everyone beware of New World Order agents on this page who are trying to infilitrate this comment page

  56. just1truth

    It's better than Alex Jones staged "infiltration" of Bohemian Grove. I can't believe any rational person would watch Alex Jones and think he is telling the truth about everything. He constantly mixes truth with lies, bohemian grove was the perfect example. It was so staged. William Cooper called him out long ago but he still has blind zombie like followers. That call everyone else brainwashed.

  57. Chickabee

    Very interesting documentary but like a previous poster said. The locals were tripping lol. I'm guessing that place makes and sells some awesome brownies.

  58. marty

    probably the dumbest and worst put togather doc. i have ever seen.

  59. PC812

    Alex Jones should have done some research. He claims that this is a Luciferian, Babylonian, Canaanite ritual. Those are three completely different belief systems. It would be like calling something a Christian, Muslim, Jewish ritual.

    Second, he claims they're worshipping a statue of Moloch, who is represented in literature as an owl. This is a flat-out lie. Moloch has always been commonly represented as a bull but never as an owl.

    Jones is deliberately twisting the facts in order to fit his preconceived agenda that these people are devil-worshippers.

  60. sulphury«carl»

    All the locals have been brainwashed and drugged!!

  61. Perx

    @ewo You're wrong. Sweden is not a Christian country. It's mixed religion country. Most of the people here don't really care about religion. They live their lives the way they want.

    On the other hand it is a tradition to celebrate mid-summer. That has been going on since the time of the vikings.

  62. Yulie

    People If you were watching MENADAS a Greek tragedy you would have been socked. Completly. That is just a performance for the midsummer. In my country ( ok in the acient Greece) we used to celebrate the same day. So we would escape from fires and dryness also pray for the weed.
    Now in the some day we have the big Christian fiesta for Agia ParaskeyH. Maybe the guys are Neopagans. But I dont believe that they sacrifice babies.
    That is sick.

  63. TrustAcid

    haha its a great doc...but why are all the locals so freaking stoned? maaan they look like they were on a trip for months!

  64. Truthseeker

    great doc, well put together and i'm glad sm1 has the balls out there to expose this......politicians have sold the souls to the system of anti-Christ....and will suffer in hell for it!!!! The power they have now, will leave them when they die, then they are in gods "hood"....."never walk into the wrong neighborhood"

  65. h.g wells

    dont be diallusioned by the tainted water. its still poison but not as you know it.