The Cross of the Moment

2015, Environment  -   18 Comments
Ratings: 8.14/10 from 119 users.

The Cross of the Moment investigates the environmental crisis in a wholly original and stimulating fashion. This feature-length documentary expresses an urgent need to correct the ill effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and explores the major stumbling blocks which have kept governments and the masses from becoming more active in finding solutions.

It all begins with the Fermi paradox. Surrounded by a universe many billions of years older than our own planet, isn't it reasonable to assume that extra-terrestrial life must exist? If so, why haven't we seen evidence of it? A panel of experts, including figures from the fields of academics and science, begin their journey of exploration by mulling over this contradiction. One possible explanation may lie in the miraculously complex series of factors which make our planet uniquely positioned to sustain life.

This serves as a prelude to the main thesis of the film. Recognizing that we are blessed by such a seemingly random and rare set of planetary circumstances that make life possible for all of us, shouldn't we do everything in our power to protect it?

As argued in the film, we see evidence of climate change all around us in the form of perilous drought, severe storms and rising temperatures. Yet many remain obstinate in the face of these mounting catastrophes. There are many possible societal and economic reasons for this. For example, our industries have become entirely dependent upon the use of fossil fuels - it has become an essential strand of DNA that runs through our everyday lives - and a change from this accepted custom does not occur without tremendous resistance.

The Cross of the Moment lays out the personal behaviors and capitalistic considerations that continue to drive the ongoing disintegration of our planet's precious resources. The film points out that our attempts at increasing efficiency in areas like automotive manufacturing are a step in the right direction, but short-sighted in their sustainability and long-term impact. The interview subjects articulate the consequences of our continued inaction, but they manage to soften the typically apocalyptic tone of climate change with a welcome call for humanism.

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18 Comments / User Reviews

  1. adzkia21

    The Cross of the Moment investigates the environmental crisis in a wholly original and stimulating fashion. This feature-length documentary expresses an urgent need to correct the ill effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and explores the major stumbling blocks which have kept governments and the masses from becoming more active in finding solutions.

  2. mikey a

    @mike m: you have defined yourself in relative terms; if DustUp is "dum" it would seem on the totem pole of intelligence, you are underneath the pole somewhere, having failed to do your homework like a good boy.

  3. winter

    1. 3rd world nations are not the ones sucking up all the resources. Corporations go to these nations, promise them this and that, and steal the resources. The poor in those nations remain poor and now their land is polluted with toxic waste from the aforementioned corporations. Then the rich corporations become very rich from laying waste to the third world countries.

    2. Soon we will run out of resources because of the rich corporations. Then the global warming will end. The greenies will sit freezing to death on barrels of nuclear waste, wishing for real global warming.

  4. mike m

    ur dum

  5. DustUp

    You can fit everyone on the planet and then some, inside the borders of Texas. Do the math. Then there is a whole lot of ocean that you could live on.

    All those who think there are too many people on this planet, move to another planet or be a good example of what you believe and off yourself.

    Unfortunately the elites are doing it for you with chemtrails, GMO crops, Vaccines, Fluoridated-Chlorinated water, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, feeding meat animals the wrong GMO food causing your arteries to clog, nuclear and fossil fuel energy, etc. These are not Capitalism problems but Any corrupt govt problem, which would multiply with less recourse, via socialism.

    All those who desire Socialism, please pull your head out and move to where that is already. You will think you are in heaven because the major media will edit out much of the real news just as they do here. Have some balls, quit your belly aching about all the problems socialism-corporatism has caused while blaming it upon capitalism. The only reason Any country can afford socialism is via partial capitalism, and most countries including this one cannot afford as much socialism as they have now. Most western countries, including those wonderful Euro socialist countries, are in debt up to their hair follicles with several under water, waiting for the last bubble to emerge and pop.

    Please educate yourself on at least this one item: Govt of any type, IS the problem. The more govt, the more problems. Always was and always will be. If they actually solved a problem they would be out of a job. Rather, they create more problems to expand their domain and fief-dumbs. Then cry for more money to solve the very problems they created. Learn it. That IS the reality of govt and especially socialism which is the opposite of lean efficient govt.

    Any talk of climate change WITHOUT the severe impact of Chemtrails/geoengineering (govt caused climate change) is bogus. View docu's on that on this website.

    The govt-media indoctrinated socialists love to suck up more of the same propaganda. It is not education if it is misinformation, just like they emotionalized you with in school.

    When will all this propaganda end? When the majority actually do their homework and check, not for confirmation, but for opposing views that provide actual climate data instead of bogus computer models reported as "climate data".

    1. UrbanDweller

      You're right it's not capitalism per's capitalism on steroids that's the problem. Unregulated and rules not enforced. And no government is capable of surviving on pure capitalism (which is why USA is about to hit rock-bottom), which is why the system needs a reboot. Even China recognizes the need for an interdisciplinary approach to government. China: communism/capitalism. Denmark, Sweden, Canada, France, etc: Socialism/capitalism. USA: corporate capitalism and nothing else. America's government caring for the top 25% who "takes" 80% of the money and the rest gets trickled down. Trickled down as in peed in your pants, like urine trickling down your legs. THAT'S American government today. Peeing on working class people.

  6. Mark

    Excellent film, one of the best on the subject of humanity and the earth. I think this film and its content should be mandatory viewing in every junior and senior high school across Canada and the US for the next 10 years.

  7. Jerico

    Sure overpopulation is a problem, but is just reductionist to say this is the main problem in CC. There are enough resources in Earth to live for all of us, but not if we still want to have luxuries like gold watches, cars per each person, huge private swimming pools, big golf courses and meat everyday. The focus should be on the overconsumption of developed countries and how developing countries want to imitate them (e.g. China, India). We can have new technologies (less or no fossil fuels) which is luckily happening, but without a behavioral change we will not get far. Sadly, talking about real changes on consumption patterns is a taboo topic as it "attacks" culture and the "freedom" promoted by capitalism.

  8. Lita

    Past extinction events, take tens of millions of years for life to come back. What about the War Industry? the oligarchies; they control just about everything, massive spending, and it is increasing, by gov't all over the world, Russia, China, Japan, Indonesia, US, many others, spend trillions on weapons. It's corrupt, and keeps the billionaires happy.

  9. KsDevil

    The doom and gloom in this documentary might distract from some of the actual useful information that is being presented.
    I doubt the unbelievers will stick around long enough to hear it.

  10. Lewie Miya

    This would help to educate everybody in a very meaningful way unless one is not quite intelligent and patient enough to sit for an hour.

  11. Lewie Miya

    Very educational by top scientists. I wished everybody would take the time to absorb what is being said. I am hopeful.

  12. Shelley Mizener

    Brilliant, grateful, happy to share... all about education and we need to inject that into our youth...

  13. eddy

    @Ben Ward
    I couldnt get past youre first sentence... my mind certainly get untangle the second.

  14. Ben Ward

    I couldn't even stand to watch past 3 minutes such small minded theories. I suppose the human mind cant help but mumble the universe complicate it, tangle it and have no real idea of what its doing.

  15. Glorianne Hesse

    This is a film everyone should see, s it asks: what is more important, humanity or profit? Capitalism is destroying the planet. This documentary does a good job of making this argument. Regarding overpopulation, it also makes the point that civilization can survive with a population of one billion people. Or, as another speakers said, 1/10 the number that exists today. We know that China, until recently, limited the number of children to one per family. It evidently worked so well, that the number was raised to two per family because the work force had grown too small. I mention this only as one example of a workable solution to population...if not a pleasant one. I believe this is an extremely important educational film and one that will help stimulate us into joining the many movements afoot to bring imperative change to our society and the world. The survival of humanity is at stake. The time for action is becoming distressingly short.

  16. Sha

    Fascinating! (And, by the way, thanks for having this web site -it's a great source of information.

  17. hank

    Supremely interesting, but disappointing that more emphasis was not put upon the threats posed by OVERPOPULATION.
    ALL our problems proceed from this central fact, and every remedy to address social, environmental, and economic issues are only temporary fixes doomed to failure without first reducing human numbers.