The Collective Evolution III: The Shift

2014, Conspiracy  -   146 Comments
Ratings: 7.77/10 from 253 users.

This is the third installment from the series The Collective Evolution in which the authors claim that there's a rebellious fluctuation stirring every aspect of our planet. The people are waking up, they're in the streets, they're educating themselves, and they're demanding change. It seems the days of the quiet citizen are becoming numbered as more and more grow tired of our current ways. In 2011, Time magazine gave person of the year to the "protester."

As they stated in the cover story themselves, "massive and effective street protest" was a global oxymoron until - suddenly, shockingly - starting exactly year ago, it became the defining trope of our times. And the protester once again became a maker of history.

Since the year 2000, millions protested in over 100 countries around the world for reasons ranging from economy to 9/11 truth. In some cases peaceful protests even led to overthrowing of governments in power. To name some of the notable protests, in 2010 and 2011 over 600,000 protested in Greece against new austerity measures. The Greek people were unhappy with unemployment and the state of the economy and decided to take their displeasure to the streets.

In 2011 the occupy movement sprung up, bringing out hundreds of thousands from more than 95 countries raising awareness of the wealth inequality, political corruption, and corporate influence over government. Also in 2011 over six million marched in Spain due to political and financial unrest. This was a month long protest.

Continuing the trend in 2011 the Egyptians revolted against election fraud and other socioeconomic factors. Millions took to the streets and effectively overthrew their government. In 2013 the Egyptians were at it again, this time protesting over economic and security issues. They once again successfully overthrew their government to bring about change.

2013 also saw a huge uprising in Turkey were protesters demanded the protection of Taksim Gezi Park and hoped to raise awareness about police brutality, freedom of speech and to push their government to resign. 2013 was also home to the march against Monsanto. It featured over 2 million people from 52 countries.

These are just some of the unprecedented amount of protests that have taken place in the last few years. This isn't to say that the protesting is the answer to the world issues but we're seeing clear signs of people getting fed up with how things are. The general populations is standing up for themselves and demanding change.

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146 Comments / User Reviews

  1. we live in the age of morons with screens.

  2. Looks like the elites shut down your revolution with coronavirus

  3. technology is gift to be praised and feared.

  4. @Zac Tolan
    > He made you too

    My parents made me, sport.

  5. If you worship the sun, you are submitting your whole self in loving adoration to a big light bulb. Worship God who made the big light bulb dummy. He made you too. Now we're all sick of religion, right? But hypocrites always infiltrate the gathering of the sincere ones to tarnish the true cause of what inevitably turns into religion in this age. Don't forget- this is the age where rot happens, decay ensues. Now, it was happening to me. I had no character and what substituted for my character in me was going quick. Now, I began to trust in the God who created us, the God of old Israel and the disciples of Jesus, maybe Mohammed too, I don't know. The thing I have to say to you is that if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him, and save you I guess. I needed to be saved and it happened. Now guess what? The group I joined persecuted me right out of there six years later, but I got the training I needed. If your motives aren't right, you'll cave in and worship the devil with enough pressure. If you are pure in heart, you'll be fit to be raised from the dead and get to hang out with all the cool people in eternity. If you're a sell-out and lift up your soul to falsehood or a stupid thing like a big light bulb, who can trust you in eternity anyway? It's corrupt people like you who ruined the world we live in now. This age is a TEST...woe to those who are receiving their comfort in full. The grand goal of all true religion : treat your neighbor as yourself. You can live on an earthship and still not be free of guilt. We need a change of heart.

    1. You must be relatively young.

  6. There are some people whose comments cearly shows that they didn't fully understand the message from this documentary. Some even claimed to be open minded and "awakened" but couldn't accept that "LOVE" could actually be the answer for the world's problems.

    Now, I'm not saying that "Love" is the solution, but is a way to get reach a solution. Trying to change others is almost an impossible task and can never be done overnight. "LOVE" will have to come from within. That is the message of this documentary. Change will have to start from loving yourself and understand who you are. If you can accomplish this, then you can demonstrate and teach that "LOVE" to your children. If you keep complaining about your life's miseries and how you hate your boss and how nice it would be to have a Ferrari, it will influence everybody around you. That negative energy will consume you and consume others.

    Of course it's not easy!!! How can you be compassionate towards someone who raped your child or murdered another person, etc? If these people who became rapists, murderes, thiefs experienced love from the moment they were born, it would be very likely that they wouldn't commit such atrocities. My point is, we cannot be responsible for other people's actions, but you as a person, have the power and the choice to live how you want to live. If your child was raped and murdered, obviously you will not forgive nor show any "love" and understandingtowards the mother f***** who took your kid and destroyed your life. But It is your choice to turn that horrible experience into something positive and meaningful and not let anger take over your life.

    As said on the documentary, we are all connected in one way or another. If we are all energy and frequency, whatever action you take (good or bad) will influence at least 1 person who somehow is connected to you, and so on until it becomes a circle. Even if you are doing your best to show others that you are a good person, but deep down your intention is actually to be "rewarded", that won't work either. If your neighbour asks you to help fixing a pipe, do it wthout expecting anything back. Do it because you truely want to help. Don't do it already thinking if you help the neighbour, you will expect the neighbour to help you back, because that might not happen.

    So, finish my point with the following quotes:

    "Man is born good, it is society who corrupts him"- Rousseau

    "The way to insanity is to make the same mistake over and over again and expecting different results" - Einstein

  7. I was following the idea of people awakening until it took the mystic turn. Does there have to be some supernatural excuse for mental development to continue beyond puberty, well into adulthood? Couldn't it be that people have come to realize the degree of political double talk and vagueness, and unaccountability with such power? When I am repeatedly told they say, won't. I eventually think to ask, who are THEY? Isn't it actually natural to question rather than to blindly believe and follow? Hasn't social peer pressure historically encouraged joining the crowd or majority belief, often fueled by media?

  8. There's no shift in consciousness or mystical transformation, as they might present different phenomena.
    There's a natural albeit weak reaction from the masses, to the ridiculous and unreasonable way of life an international band of powerful punks want to impose on the world. If we call miraculous the cry of pain , when someone hits you, then yes we have a "shift" in consciousness and alignment of social and astrological phenomena , lol.
    This, combined with the fact of the enormous knowledge accumulated and the radical change to the true character of economy, that has rendered traditional religious and financial systems ineffective and ridiculously out of touch with reality, and you get an idea why those people may protest.

  9. My question about these 'urship's (I definitely know I'm spelling that incorrectly) the issue with living off the grid is that don't you have to own land before you have a place to build your home? Someone help?

  10. I've had a look through the comments under a lot of these documentaries, and it seems strange why so many people would venture onto design only to critisize them. Surely the type of people watching these docs are mainly those that are interested in them . . . .

    1. Why wouldn't you criticize? Shouldn't you be critical toward everything you see, hear and read? A person who seeks out only information that confirms their world view isn't seeking wisdom or truth but conformity. It's what's called a confirmation bias.

  11. Great film! People could all take so much from this film!

  12. Probably one of the best films that is current and actually brings together what is going on in a clear sense. For those who think this is "new age".. you clearly don't get it. This isrefreshingly not new age at all yet explores some amazing concepts in a way everyone can understand.

  13. Religious *cough* sorry... New age ($100ph) faith healers and self proclaimed or ''wanna be'' guru's claiming the problem is ego!
    But not their ego of course! That's fine because it's correct! It's all them other incorrect ego's that are the problem! lol

    Don't worry, they will all 'shift' soon, and move on to a higher realm of existence, leaving all us poor pathetic consciously undeveloped ''sheep'' behind to drag our knuckles into oblivion!

    With any luck :P

    1. Hardly new age at all. Clearly you didn't watch the film.

    2. 2012 mayan predictions being taken seriously? hippie trippie interpretations of of celestial events....

      The fact they talk about consciousness like they have an effin clue, talking about universal energies and other supernatural none-sense!

      so yes... new age mumbo jumbo! (and i have watched it twice mate! .. this is my opinion, not my ignorant outburst!)

      ''Live your life with love'' haha great advice, tell that to the rape victim or the victim of genocide! or the person watching their children starve to death with 'coke' buying all the fresh water in that area!
      Because living your life with love *(as a huge percentage of the population already try to do every day anyways) wont stop them horrible events and situations from happening!

      More preaching to the converted, who think the CEO of Glaxo Smith Kline watches this and changes company policy because of it???
      aka: faith based ideas from.'living in a dream world', hippies! Preaching to the converted for the sake of their own ego!

      It is an ignorant view of the world and false hope ''new-age'' psychology ... like 2012 and rakie!

      ''love will stop the tyrants!'' lol such blinkered, presumptuous and false hope views of human consciousness!

      Clearly you have a bias opinion! and don't like me saying bad things about the new-age movement and consciousness shift ideology!

  14. Don't waste your time with this crap.

  15. I guess anyone who just stop watching a few minutes in or thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo new age b.s. has a small brain and found it hard to understand. They are usually a bunch of sheep who follow the heard and have a hard time understanding documentaries like this. The Collective Evolution series is a great one. Watch it if you have an open mind and can comprehend the fact that we are all part of a collective consciousness and that you revolve around the universe not the other way around.

    1. Well said. One of the only open minded people on here it seems.

    2. From that I am to assume that being open minded really means accepting any alternate views of the the phenomenon we call consciousness and presuming that because of some highly speculative experiences that there is a collective consciousness that is evolving to a 'higher' state/realm/plane??

      Because I am open minded and fully understand every idea and thought process being presented in this video, and still think it's a pile of new-age consciousness shift rubbish!

      ''Love will solve the problem and assist the consciousness shift!''

      1: thats not a new or refreshing idea! it's as old as time and very prevalent around the world...
      2:claims about universal energies or speculative assumptions about the nature of consciousness...(that are also not new idea's)
      3:perspective based/presumptuous interpretations of ancient cultures and universal energies that have also been around a long time... and are full of holes and leaps of faith!

      Oh and forgetting that people living with love is not the problem....

      The problem (or part of it, if you want to call this perfectly balanced universe a 'problem' at all) is that LOVE is not the only thing in the universe!!!
      love will not remove hate and greed and selfishness and all the other 'problems' with humans or nature.

      (remember the beavers don't choose to be environmentally friendly.... they are regulated by environment or predators ... but if they could, they would multiply and multiply untill their were no trees left... lions eat live babies!! seems even nature is selfish and cruel (and loving and beautiful!).... and my point is there may well be a difference between humans and all other life, but we are still a part of nature... or the natural system... and this needs to be remembered)

      hate and greed and all things of a similar ilk are a part of the universe... we need to work out systems that accept that if we want to have any control of our lives or planet or future etc!

      You can't debate hitler into stopping what he can't sing a song to get the tyrants of the world to think the same as you....
      This docu and so many like it act like the problem is there is not enough love... but there is loads!!!!!!

      It's the fact we have to share this universe with hate and greed! and we are not doing that.... we are acting like we have to remove them and i don't think thats even possible.... it's like taking a morale offense to gravity and so trying to remove it's existence through debate or meditation...

      When we should be accepting these things are a part of the universe and work around them or with them!
      Don't expect 'evil' to just stop cos you feel love towards it or yourself or everything ....because it will turn up- at your house, take your children and all your food and laugh at you while it walks away... NOT feeling the least bit bad about it!

      Bad people or things will happen... we have to set up systems that do not allow for bad people to be able to exploit them... like 100% transparency in government and business for example ....
      So that any position of power or control over others is of of such that you can not have a secret talk or meeting... can not make decisions that hurt others or are selfish or help only your friends....can not do ANYTHING without it being public or open knowledge!
      With systems set up to make sure the flow of informations is 100% verifiable and all participants of it's dissemination are 100% happy to be accountable and public at all times!

      And then, if it were not possible to be corrupt without everyone knowing, corrupt people would not take the job....or it would force corrupt people to stop!
      Because somehow the way the role is defined and the things that have to be agreed to before being allowed a position of control would make it impossible to do anything in secret once in the role!

      now i am not presuming that it would be easy to set up systems like least they would work and so make the base of a realistic view towards making the world what I think would be a better place... for me! .......

      .... oh and any1 who shares my view!
      But really its just selfish ego thinking it knows whats best for the world.. understand the universe sooooo comprehensively that i can make decisions about it's desired or right direction and expect the WORLD to think the same...(sound familiar yet??)

      or call them names if they don't!

      1-''Everyone should just loooove!''
      2-''Yeah but they are not all doing it''

      1-''yeah I know but they should beeeee!''
      2-''Ok that's great.. but they are not, so...''

      1-''Well tell them all to loooove''
      2-''Ok... err, they laughed at me''

      1-''But love is the answer''
      2-''*face palm - head shake* I'm going home''

      ''Just love and it will all be ok!'' get an effin grip! and start helping the people actually trying to think of solutions to 'this' reality!

  16. Zeitgeist recycled

    1. Hah, not even close. This is way better.

  17. I got to 2:49, and realized this "documentary" was full of sh*t. Protesting is one thing; *effectively protesting* and bringing about *positive change* is quite another. The "Occupy" movement...what did it accomplish? Greece? Are things really better off over there? And Egypt...they got Morsi out...was that a "protest", or, as some believe, a coup?

    1. You clearly missed the entire point.

    2. one thing builds on another….same as general evolution, development of high tech implements, etc. Even Rome was not built in a day. Ha

  18. Major logical flaw in this video right at the beginning. The current era is supposed to be the great era of the protester and public awareness but it is never compared to previous eras where there was also a lot of public outrage such as the 60's and multiple other times in history. We just have to assume he has done the numbers.

    1. It greatly outweighs previous eras.

  19. this started off ok but around 25min into it there was a lot of unlogical new age mombojumbo bullshit going on.
    Frequent use of consciousness and even 'galactic energies' made me not watch the rest.

    1. John, I agree. I think the video went off script on the message and started getting into a lot of existential rhetoric that lost me. I just skipped through the rest of it.

    2. What does new age even mean? Anything that talks about anything remotely related to spirituality? If anything, this was refreshingly not new agey.

    3. does that mean you cant even lookup the meaning of New Age on Wikipedia? If you did that, it would answer your own question

  20. I have often wondered if there Is such a thing as a collective consciousness or one that emerges at larger scales of organisation than that of the neural networks in our brains. While these speculations are interesting to contemplate, one must be very careful to keep their assertions about reality confined to things that are grounded in sound reason. The creators of this documentary have failed to reign in their imaginations and instead let emotionally conjured subjects run wild in their worldviews. As most of the viewers have noted in the comments; there is nothing like the lack of diligence in critical thinking to lead to such very far flung ideas about such disparate subjects.

    1. If I could take somebody else's words and make them my own then this would be one statement I would do that with. You've managed to go straight to the heart of the problem in a clear and concise way. I applaud you Sir/Madam.

    2. I agree with some of this. However to me, we shouldn't need some view on a larger collective mind, to realize that we are in very dynamic times. Information is flowing like it never has. We have the ability to do what we could have never done in the past on the level we now can...move as a unit(using the net) comprised of independent components who have each other's back. The issue with herd mentality, is that individuals don't break from the crowd often or for very long, because it's much riskier to be "out there" and/or they get made an example of. We have to move as individuals, who realize they're a part of a larger body called society, because it makes sense to care about the members of a group(body parts). This is what seems to be most important, and it's apparent that the world is on the verge of changing drastically....from a technological standpoint alone.

    3. Everyone says it can't change. When we replace that and the "f*ck people and what they think" mantras plaguing us all, with new mantras, things will happen. If enough people thought we could make big change, then that's what we'd make. We have the power(tech) to put our "money" where our mouth is, we're just operating on archaic ideologies that need to be shed.

  21. This is just the new age occult agenda, nothing more. Has been around for hundreds of years.

    1. Interesting :-{

    2. Clearly didn't get the point of the film.

  22. This started off fine, and then it turned into complete babble.

    1. Not even, I thought this was great and clear. One of the better ones I've seen.

  23. As a Leo I find all of this to be most interesting, the fluctuating excitability of sunspot activity directly effects the controllability of my hair.

    1. crazy....have the same problem but as me irish gran molly used to say:"
      the child is cursed with the hair of a protestant!".....& i'm
      catholic!!!it took years'n tears 'till she forgave me dad for marrying a
      protestant girl from germany but now i know she was wrong & the sun
      is to blame!a burden less in my sinful (catholosized?) life!cheers

    2. Totally off topic but I can't help myself! My brother has a whirl of hair on the back of his head, my great aunt (a nun, long dead) always said it was where he'd been licked by the devil during his birth - punishment for my parents not being married, the sun has a lot to answer for ;)

    3. why off topic???me gran thought it was a conspiracy....a hairy one,though!btw,i always believed being licked by the devil is better than the 'licks' of a pedophile uncle?now thats off topic but a valid assumption!

    4. My man used to get licks from his dad, the slap round the head sort though, almost a blessing compared to the other sort. I think i like your Gran, must be a 'Call of the Irish' thing, catholic quantum wobbles! ;)

    5. ah yes!!!the good old 'slap-on-head' technique to spur the intelligence
      machinations of the brain....was me dads favorite,but i believe he
      mistook 'awakened consciousness' with 'unawakened concussion'....a
      mix-up of words & meaning to my demise,if you will.the multiple
      usage of that pedagogic method alone should have left a balding spot
      without the protestant hair curse!but you gotta love 'em for the special
      attention granted.....>smirk<

    6. Blaming the Irish is never the way to go you spawn of Satan. Begone demon, get ye back ta red hair mountain!

      Edit: My apologies. To be fair I didn't realise we were talking about Quantum Uncertainty and how it relates to hair colour. Please cease your journey to red hair mountain, there is nothing there for your kind, fair one, but death and uncertainty ... in that order :/

  24. It was going fairly well at the start but sure enough the crazy eventually crept in. Over unity devices, quantum quackery, UFO cover ups and solar flares that change human consciousness. They even speculated on the G2 cloud event as an upcoming source of consciousness shifting energy. I have nobody but myself to blame for watching but I feel like a little piece inside me has died. It's too soon to know for sure but I think it may have been my consciousness.

    1. thanks for sacrificing yourself to warn us of wasting crucial time of
      'conscious-biological-entropy'....highly appreciated!best review i've seen here
      for a long time!as i can only make use of the 'like' button's an extra 'thumbs-up'!other's will/should follow!

    2. My sacrifices are offered for the greater good but it is nice to be appreciated for them, especially by those who one respects. Thanks dmxi :P

      Edit: *whom

    3. it's commenteers like yourself (& greetings to dew,docoman,a_no_n,oQ,nutzsack,& few others) that make this site worthwhile besides the array of well balanced documentaries.can only return the 'thanks'.

    4. Yes i'm quite pleased with our little knitting circle of shills and CIA spies as well lol

    5. I hear you. The way i try and observe data, is through different lenses. I have my catalog of compiled data as it corresponds to it occurring "randomly", as i try to take the same data, and look at it as if they're is something larger going on...cuz the verdict isn't in for me at least.

      The issue is, when u look at the universe like there is some sort of plan or goal if you will, you become overwhelmed by the innumerable amount of factors that go into contributing to the process. Basically, you play connect the dots, and it quickly gets complicated, as you move from physiological factors, to sociological, to tech, to eco, to geo, to interstellar and so on.

      The film just needs a bunch more disclaimers, as they don't seem to have sufficient evidence to bolster some of their points.

  25. Is this a modern day cult?

    1. Clearly not.

  26. There have always been hippies and technological progress and a ruling elite so the film could have been titled "The Collective Status Quo - The Lack Of Change"?

  27. I gave 5/10 stars but i meant 10 sorry lol


    When is the American public going to wake up to the fact that our
    president and his henchmen are already off the rails?

    Kathlene Sebilius announced that
    7 million people have signed up for ObamaCare. Joe Biden said that 4 million people have signed up for
    ObamaCare. I'm sure they get their numbers from Catsup bottle

    Do you think there might panic-driven disarray in the White House? If if wasn't so freakin' frightening I might be
    enjoying a Marx Brothers movie plot. -- TC

    PS: Why is Ted Nugent apologizing for complementing Barack Obama? At least he acknowledged that Obama and Biden seem to qualify as some kind
    of primates.

    1. So it's the president that tried giving everyone healthcare that's off the rails, not the one who started a crusade in the middle east...good to know.

      The only thing that's frightening is the hysteria of the right wing as they try literally every tactic and trick they can to disrupt/remove this president and his authority.

      never in my life have i seen such twists of logic as has been seen from the American right in the last few years...and outright lying as well.

      Ever since Obama won the election (which is more than Bush ever did the second time around) the American right have taken their ball and gone home, they've ground democracy to a complete stand still because they don't want to work with the black man...and yet you don't see THAT as being off the rails? it's a strange double standard!

      to be honest, Ted Nugent calling Barrack Obama a primate is the pot calling the kettle black. Nugent's a neanderthal with gunpowder!

    2. Nugent hasn't been cool since the 70s.

    3. Ted Nugent has only been cool to people with impossibly low standards, aka those with mediocre taste.

    4. Your being way too kind in your description of Nugent -

  29. The people have lost all power to to mega corporations, mega government and a general stupidity to what is really happening to them!

  30. They speak of a cycle. But there are many cycles and they are exponentially occurring at faster and faster paces. It is just moving very fastly right now.

  31. I think there’s “science” to support humanity as a mulit-cellular
    organism forming. Multi-cellular colonies evolved into sponges, that broke from the surface they grew from, as they evolved into the jellyfish. Civilization(s) is stationery as the sponge was, and is mobilizing into virtual landscapes and we might be entering interstellar regions physically.

    So is it a coincidence that the internet resembles the nerve
    net in the jellyfish….? I def don’t think so. I have much more to support this, but obviously am restricted here.

    There seems to be a basic blueprint of bringing together units to produce novelty(aka evolution simplified). New properties emerge until the slate is cleaned, and starts over with the tools provided from each prior round...all at an exponential rate. You can see it everywhere in nature.

    1. LoL, what a load of rubbish. English please!

    2. I'll upload a vid i made later tonight or tomorrow(can't from where i'm at). It breaks it down better. It is a bit technical in places, but simplified enough to where if you're open minded enough, you'll find it's far from rubbish.

    3. .

    4. Okay I have watched it, fair play to actually going and making something.

      Kind of interesting.............., but I am not sure I really get what your getting at?

      I get the impression you might like the upcoming film Transcendence. (See trailer). Is this what your kind of hinting at?

      So your suggesting evolution is on some kind of pre-programmed path to some kind of end/or perfection or path to even higher degree of consciousness?

      I liked the idea that the internet is kind of a brain. From a knowledge perspective it certainly is. (Its a bit like having an elder in a tribe). We often go to the internet to find "answers to various questions". But those answers are still uploaded by humans!. Its not like a machine is processing the answers.

    5. Def thanks for the watch sir.

      It is all about transcendence, but they're focusing on the transcendence of man from what I've seen, instead of the transcendence of mankind. Ray Kurzweil does(where the idea was inspired by i'm sure) this as well. As in as the shift suggests, we are all a part of something larger. I look at the identity as an illusion contrived by nature to facilitate evolutionary requisites, such as life and death(which have driven biological evolution esp). As a result, we have manifested these fragmented views of the world around us, and will soon transcend these out dated views.

      So it's not how awesome it will be when we as egotistical self righteous individuals jack into the machine. It's when we do so in conjunction with one another.

      A bunch of "separate" interstellar particles formed the cell. A bunch of "separate" cells formed the mutli-cell org, and a bunch of those(us), seem to be in the process of forming an even larger body.

      You can see the centralized process, sadly enough, in our power structure, dating back sometime, but it has picked up speed recently. But i think that is just a precursor to what's to come. The idea is that the brain realizes it's body parts are important, as governments don't, but soon will possibly, as it would make sense to from an evolutionary standpoint.

      But yea when the first brain formed in the worm, all of it's "data" was uploaded by the cells of the nervous system...or the indidual components. Imagine we could process social media posts 1000's per minute(hypothetically we're augmented intellectually). Each post would almost be like praying, in that it would beckon across an international sea of willing participants, working towards a common goal...just as all of our different senses and different body parts do. Grabbing an apple is a very complicated process mathematically, and takes a lot of parts working together to pull off.

      Whether it's completely pre-determined or something on the quantum level perhaps has some sway or some other outside force(interactive the golden rule u see every where in nature) is hard to know. I think of divinity as outside of the realm of understanding. One thing seems likely, that evolution does have a direction.

      Sorry for the long post, but hard to cover shortly.

    6. Okay, I think I kind of get what your getting at.

      I am not convinced evolution does have a direction tho...., also natural selection would suggest otherwise.

      Humans relatively speaking have been around for like a split second. Some animals are well suited to their environments. I.E tigers and crocodiles. I think its a bit silly to think that evolution has a direction, just because we drive cars, wear clothes, and can post a status on a social media website.

      Although the idea of a "mind being uploaded to a computer/network" is fascinating. I would of thought its impossible, as its very hard to pin-point what makes us "us". Also without being able to see through human eyes and hear through human ears, presumably you would no longer be human? I am presuming we need a human brain as well. Its like taking an engine out of a car. Neither the car nor the engine have any practical purpose.

      Also lets not forget that around 99% of all species that ever existed are now extinct.....

      Were pretty lucky to be here in the first place. Were only having this conversation right now, thanks to people hundreds of thousands of years ago arming themselves with rocks and spears, and then mastering fire, cooking food on fires, settling down into tribes, and so on and so on.

    7. Natural selection is just a grade of evolution. But it has to be at least hard to imagine that star dust made it where we are now “randomly”. One thing I don’t do tho, is speak of certainties in regards to things such as.

      99% of species went extinct. Except that many of those that did, evolved into us. It’s like family members die, but lineages live on. We all die in cycles, just like cells do. And just like cells, we don’t realize we’re a part of something larger.

      We not only survived drastic climatic fluctuations, multiple massive meteoric impacts, along with countless other geologic and ecologic factors, we did so…exponentially. Natural selection can’t account for this. I don’t speak of certainties as of yet, but there’s over whelming evidence to suggest it’s driving towards or being attracted by something outside of our perception.

    8. Thanks for the reply.
      Links get deleted, but I did manage to watch the vid.

      How life started on earth is still largley uknown, but I try and keep an open mind. I have been an atheist for 10 years now, so I struggle to see things and events as programmed or planned to certain degree. Human technology will defo be the main force of change, and seeing how far the internet has come in just 25years is amazing!. I think there will always be limits to AI, can a machine/robot ever get pleasure from a sunset or cold beer after a long day at work? I doubt it.

    9. Nah the link is still there, I'm just an airhead I guess.

      Yea i hear ya. I went from raised christian, to agnostic, to athiest, back to agnostic, to nearly feeling certain there is something more to it than we currently hold. Really, my tipping point was exponential evolution. I may not have put much emphasis on it in the video, but for it to be occurring, strongly suggests a direction. I had my anthropology professor years ago try to dispute me on it, and finally after going over the numbers with him enough, he caved and said it's happening exponentially...or at least linearly. But, the acceleration of time is one portion, it's def increasing in orders of magnitude.

      To me, it means in the next 25-50 years, if we come anywhere close to staying consistent with how things have been evolving, we will accomplish wild things. The AI limit seems logical from as how could you teach a machine to feel emotion. But, the singulairty that seems upon us suggests a bio-mechanical age of doing just that and more.

    10. Just out of interest, how comes you link the existence of god with human progress?

      Also you seem a bit obsessed with exponential growth. Exponential growth is fascinating, but it does not feed people or put roofs on peoples head.

    11. Sorry i didn't get back sooner, and I thought my vid was deleted and thought my response to your response was moderated(after i didn't see it for like an hour) i thought the convo was over...impatient lol.

    12. And I hear you about uploading into the machine. But from what the past and present seem to be telling us, is that we will make HUGE advancements in the next few decades. Who knows how it will play out, but it does appear to be going digital. It could be we create AI that continues the process. I add that, because i don't present some fairy tail, where "immortality" in the christian sense, is god's gift to us. In reality, mother nature is very harsh, but only from our puny self righteous perceptions. I think organisms are like body parts, and they're meant to be transcended as the process evolves.

    13. but yes, i don't think we will be "human" for much longer. IQ is advancing exponentially, as our tools to boost it are. The world is on the move.

  32. First 15-mins is good, then it all goes a bit downhill. The solutions offered at the end of the documentary don't seem all that convincing either.

  33. Spiritual awakening...or internet access?

    1. So true.

    2. I agree, but the net has just inspired the new level of
      awakening we’re at. It’s been happening. Martin Luther was one of the first to utilize the printing press, as the reformation exploded onto the scene, being followed by “the great awakening”. Then radio, tele, along with many other
      innovations carried us to where we are now…up and at it lol.

  34. Bring up real problems and then pour fruit loops all over them. Smells like lizard people dis info.

  35. where do you get these crapy ideas?

  36. Too much connecting dots that may or may not be there to back a very valid point, which holds itself without pseudoscience. 80% of the time is wasted on superstition.

  37. YEP! Unless you repent!!!! The Borg =youwill be assumilated !!

  38. I find the doc to be legitmate. I like to put it as simply as I can: The competition model(our current reality) of politics and economics is a bloated and dessicated corpse. The cooperation model(okay, I dunno what else to call it) is a much more effective strategy. Let the old model/standards wither, dry up and blow away. Hell, I've been feeling it since the mid '90s and now I am not feeling so gawd-damned isolated anymore.

    1. The only problem with that way of life is that eventually the Romans show least that's what happened first time around...they say history is cyclical.

  39. i support this doc and gave it full rating however when keeping an open mind which i always try to do , i feel like i would have to close my mind to accept some of the pseudo science presented in this film. it is of my opinion that much more could have been do to fully break down and cover the objective aspects of the film and completely skip over the santa claus easter bunny type of stuff. "sun spots correlate with human consciousness .... " is like saying pink floyd's the wall completely correlate with the wizard of oz. in fact if you research further you will find that all music has internal fluctuations that could at first glance seem to connect to any video footage. this takes energy away from fully covering the most relevant issues because effort is wasted on hunches that are irrelevant to the most important facts causes and conclusions when dealing with such an important topic.

    1. I am an
      Environmentalist and all for change but after visiting their website I found way
      too much hocus pocus, angels and fluff. That just took away any credibility
      with me.

    2. Janee Clark, I recomment "My Big Toe" by Thomas Campbell, but bear in mind it is a trilogy. Campbell spent nearly 30 years working for NASA. It is strange but his ideas seem very similar to much of what Terence McKenna's has talked about. (McKenna is now deceased) McKenna was an old psychonaut exploring psychedelia via entheogens notably psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine, Datura, Salvia, Ayhuasaca/Yage, Ibogaine, etc. Meanwhile Campbell used TM and a natural ability for OOBE, etc. But it is very strange that they seem to have arrived at a similar set of ideas and conclusions...

    3. yes, i accept that reality is a video game. it is just when i watch a film and put my perspective into what it is like for a person never accessing this information before they can be turned off if you to far off the deep end, there is enough science to back things up without going into spirituality that an individual may not be at that point yet . they may get turned off by certain concepts. by the way i it has been 10 years now that i suspected reality being a simulation peace brothers and sisters.

    4. BTW Terence McKenna's description of the "machine elves" present in the DMT experience or Dr. Rick Strassman's DMT studie really throws a wrench in the ideal of consciousness as per an agreed upon scientific explanation. I've come to embrace the ideal that consciousness looks to be a shared phenomena, as the quantum physicist Amit Goswami(The Self Aware Universe) has said "consciousness it the ground of all being." Hell, at this point I believe that consciousness is the only thing we can be certain of... cogito ergo sum.

    5. So you believe were in some kind of matrix/video game? Really?

    6. Um, do you mean perception is reality?

    7. I posted a link 20 min. ago, waiting for approval. I think it will tickle that question in a deeper way.

    8. Sweet Jesus! That wasn't a link, it was an entire phonebook! Is there gonna be a test?
      Yes, now I get what the smarter ones were talking about.
      Had a good laugh though, when I read,
      "....just as I cannot relate to the farmer's fear of tornados."
      Didn't have my glasses on and thought I'd read, "tomatoes"!

    9. smarter ones? that gave me a good laugh.
      No test from me to you, in that regard I only test myself.

    10. simulation - is there another word you can use in addition to "simulation" -

    11. and Thomas Campbell refers to it as "virtual reality." At this point I believe it may be our consciousness that is the "glue," that gives us form. Just ghosts in machine, or elves, or gnomes creating the universe, or aliens in the ether...

    12. so we should deceive them until we hook them right? Funny -

      Janeen sometimes i feel like you are an enigma even to yourself -

      One simulates their whole life and then its too late - you can only simulate once -

      The good news Janeen your not boring -

      I picture you sitting in this small room and never going out ?

  40. Not seen the Doc. yet but the introduction refers to protest on the "9/11 TRUTH" which in my opinion reflects the very complicated path to change through street protest when differnt people assume they have access to the "truth" kinda like the crusades.

  41. I think anonymous really upped the game where protesting was concerned. they made it new and impacting again...At least until everyone decided that their pet project was an anonymous cause and those damned masks became the go to protesters costume. and then along came occupy, poor naive occupy. By the end of that even I wanted to smack those finger waggling idiots upside the head.

    listening to the Occupy protestors at interviews reminded me of that scene in hitchikers guide to the galaxy where Ford and Arthur are on earth in the past talking to the crew of the crashed B ship.

    Long term Protest movements all fail in the end because they end up getting overtaken by people who want to be seen protesting for the sake of their reputation. In my experience as a lefty it's always been either anarchists or hipsters. Though i imagine right leaning protest groups have the same issues with nationalists.

    1. Long term protests fail? I guess that Mahatma Gandhi failed to get the Brits out of India, eh? And the freedom riders failed, Rosa Parks failed, and MLK failed... gee, thanks for the correction.

      a_no_n, I am sorry but you might wanna check your calendar. I don't think they are done protesting.

    2. You managed to miss the point entirely, well done.

      I didn't talk about any of those guys because i'm talking about a different era. I thought that was obvious enough but apparantly i need to dumb it down a bit further.

      I mean if you think that MLK Ghandi et al are on a par with occupy wall street then fair enough, i personally don't think that.

      I guess i missed the part where occupy wall street brought down the 1% and ended wealth inequality.

      Would you like to continue this discussion based on things i've said, or would you prefer to set up another strawman for me to battle off?

    3. I am very sorry you were offended. I hadn't read your whole post(D'oh) and in my defense(such as it is, excuses-excuses) I am used to seeing most posts degrade any protest that challenges political and/or economic authority. These movements have a story to tell and at the very least we should all listen.

      BTW, the reference to Hitchhikers Guide had first crossed my mind as well... lol

    4. Lol no worries, I do that all the time, half read a post and then fire all guns.