Technology - 7

Gaming for Life

Gaming for Life

2013, Technology

Escaping harsh reality or relaxing after a hard working day? A guilty pleasure or the only reason to wake up in the morning? Computer games are made for fun, but sometimes they cause one's real life turning into one slaughterous level which inevitably...



2012, Technology

Control on our daily lives increases and privacy is disappearing. How is this exactly happening and in which way will it effect all our lives? A film about the rise of the surveillance state into your life. Technology is becoming better and more...

Thorium: An Energy Solution

Thorium: An Energy Solution

2011, Technology

Uranium is used to fuel the world's nuclear power plants, but a vocal segment of the scientific community claims that it's too dangerous and rare a chemical to sustain that role for much longer. In the feature-length documentary Thorium: An Energy...

City Under the Sea

City Under the Sea

2010, Technology

In the future humans may need to adapt to a life underwater. There will be many dangers. Scolding volcanic fluids and crushing pressures can kill the unwary. In some ways it's easier to live in space than underwater. We know more about the moon than...


Science of Surveillance

Science of Surveillance

From every cell phone call to every credit card swipe, we leave an electronic trail. But at what price? Explorer takes viewers into the disturbing world of surveillance technology and scans the latest and future technologies used to even...


Beyond Human

Beyond Human

Humans becoming more like machines. Machines becoming more like humans. Over the centuries, scientists speculated that we could tap into the body's electrical system to restore lost functions or enhance our powers, like machines. Science fiction has returned again...

The Thorium Dream

The Thorium Dream

2011, Technology

There's much to take for granted in the evolution of technology, or at least in the way that technology appears to us today – refined, perfected, ever cutting-edge. Globally, our energy and resource supplies are becoming increasingly costly to...


How to Build a Beating Heart

How to Build a Beating Heart

Science may be on the verge of producing a limitless supply of replacement parts by regenerating damaged or aging body parts grown from our own cells. Imagine the implications if we could custom make body parts genetically indistinguishable from...

Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix

2010, Technology

Everything is a Remix is produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker. Ferguson examines modern attitudes toward intellectual property and how these attitudes rather counterintuitively stifle creativity rather than fostering it. He...




Is the US contributing to the militarization of cyberspace? Cyberwar. A conflict without foot soldiers, guns, or missiles. Instead the attacks are launched by computer hackers. Digital spy rings. Information thieves. Cyberarmies of kids, criminals, terrorists - some backed...
