Politics - 5

The Party of No

The Party of No

2013, Politics

When Barack Obama entered the White House in 2009, Republicans promised to turn him into another Jimmy Carter - unsuccessful, one-term Democratic President. But in order to make Obama another Carter, they needed another Ronald Reagan, and they soon...

The Money Lobby

The Money Lobby

2013, Politics

They say money is the root of all evil. Well, nowhere is this more true than in US politics. The 2012 US presidential and congressional elections were the most expensive in history, costing six billion dollars. But who paid this money and what did he,...

Aghet: A Genocide

Aghet: A Genocide

2010, Politics

Aghet is a powerful documentary, depicting the annihilation of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915-1923 and the effects of the Turkish government's international campaign of genocide denial. The film highlights the Turkish authorities' current policy of...

Zimbabwe: State of Denial

Zimbabwe: State of Denial

2010, Politics

Thirty years after becoming a nation, and 30 years after Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF came to power, Zimbabwe does not appear to have fulfilled the hopes that so many had at independence. Both ZANU PF and the MDC appear to be in a state of denial about...


Choosing the American President

Choosing the American President

The voting is over and President Obama has won a second term. This election took place against a background of rallies and conventions, social media, biting political satire, and billions of dollars of television commercials blanketing the airwaves. Through...


In Search of Putin's Money

In Search of Putin's Money

Vladimir Putin was elected to serve as Russia's president for another six years. To his supporters, such as those we encountered celebrating at an election night government rally in Moscow, Putin is a hero, the strong man who brought...

The Power Principle

The Power Principle

2012, Politics

A gripping, deeply informative account of the plunder, hypocrisy, and mass violence of plutocracy and empire; insightful, historically grounded and highly relevant to the events of today. This documentary is about the foreign policy of the United...


The Arab Awakening

The Arab Awakening

As revolution shakes the Arab world, a series of films explore the roots of the uprisings and ask what next? The Arab Spring began in 2010 ushering in an era of revolution and protest. Revolution has shaken the Arab...


Russian Godfathers

Russian Godfathers

This BBC documentary series examines the relationship between Russia’s richest men (the oligarchs) and Putin’s administration in the Kremlin. Broadcast a year before the Litvinenko murder, this fascinating series lifted the lid on the struggle that still continues between...
