The sinister life story of notorious serial killer Edward Theodore Gein has inspired some of the most popular horror films in the history of cinema. Murderous Minds: Ed Gein examines the twisted psyche of this singular madman, and attempts to discern...
★ 7.23
Handsome, poised and completely insane, Ted Bundy haunts our dreams in large part because of the contradictions that lie at the heart of his story. Calling upon reams of extensive research, the chilling documentary Murderous Minds: Ted Bundy attempts...
★ 7.10
Radical terrorists have gripped the world in fear. From London to Barcelona, many have fallen victim to their disturbing acts of public violence. Equally troubling are the increasing number of disillusioned citizens who are being lured by their...
★ 5.35
In the riveting Narco-song of Sinaloa, RT Documentary travels to Culiacan, the epicenter for the most powerful and dangerous drug cartel in the world. The allure of festive religious gatherings and soothing balladeers cannot mask the perilous...
★ 7.66
What motivates suicide bombers, how do they view the world, and how do civilized societies combat the hateful ideologies that inspire them? Authorities are hesitant to allow outside...
★ 7.85
John Jairo Velasquez is a celebrity of sorts in his native Colombia. Legions of fans approach him with open arms, and smile from ear to ear as they snap their selfies while standing by his side. The motives behind their excitement and admiration are...
★ 5.98
The most consequential war in future times will likely not be fought on the battlefield, but through cyberspace. Modern spy technologies will play a key role in this endeavor. They're more sophisticated than ever before, and easily attainable to...
★ 7.15
In the isolated desert town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico operated one of the most sadistic sexual predators ever encountered by law enforcement. He may also have been one of the country's most prolific serial killers. Perhaps David Parker Ray...
★ 8.26
The quest for justice can be deadly. Just ask Antonino Di Matteo, the chief prosecutor in a high profile case involving police, politicians and notorious mafia hoods. In the heart of Palermo, Sicily, he attempts to persevere in his professional duties...
★ 8.77
A notorious money launderer, Gherman Gorbuntsov counted some of the wealthiest institutions and business leaders of Russia as his clients. Known as "The Black Banker", he also made a lot of powerful enemies while conducting his nefarious financing...
★ 7.44
The children stare at the camera and address a father figure they're never likely to meet. These are the orphaned children who populate the city of Angeles in the Philippines, and their stories are told in the new documentary Fallen Angels produced by...
★ 7.85
Terrorist groups like ISIS are embracing a bold new weapon that has the power to produce greater carnage and influence than traditional guns and bombs. Extremists are now sharing their messages of hate and violence by taking advantage of our...
★ 8.25