Crime - 2

False Positive

False Positive

2019, Crime

Forensic sciences have revolutionized law enforcement and the criminal justice system. But is its accuracy as ironclad as we are led to believe? The Vox investigative documentary False Positive explores the consequences of placing our unquestioning...

Antisemitism in Europe

Antisemitism in Europe

2018, Crime

More than 70 years after the horrific events of the Holocaust, a new strain of antisemitism is spreading across various regions of the world. Never is this more apparent than in Europe, where an uptick in hate crimes and incendiary rhetoric mark a...

Ashley Smith: Out of Control

Ashley Smith: Out of Control

2010, Crime

The Fifth Estate documentary series exposes the cracks in the Canadian prison system in Ashley Smith: Out of Control, a harrowing and provocative investigation into the unfortunate death of a young inmate. Smith was adopted shortly after her birth....

Life Inside Kerobokan

Life Inside Kerobokan

2017, Crime

For many, Bali, Indonesia represents a tropical paradise. Tourists from all around the globe are drawn to its sun-drenched beaches, mountainous ranges and vibrant coral reefs. But not far from these alluring vacation hotspots is the infamous Kerobokan...

The Trap

The Trap

2018, Crime

Sex trafficking is a global plague. As mainstream awareness of the crime continues to expand, authorities are zeroing in on the venues by which these shifty predators lure their prey. "The Trap", an absorbing documentary from The Guardian, profiles...

Cricket's Match Fixers

Cricket's Match Fixers

2018, Crime

Cricket, long defined as a civilized and gentlemanly sport, has found itself embroiled in scandal in recent years. Behind the scenes, the game has become a betting ground for criminal enterprises. Al Jazeera Investigations explores these underground...

The Oligarchs

The Oligarchs

2018, Crime

Al Jazeera Investigations travels to Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine, for an explosive report on former President Viktor Yanukovych and his complex web of financial corruption. Their intelligence comes from a computer drive filled with hundreds of...

Liquid Bomb Plot

Liquid Bomb Plot

2011, Crime

They were young men in their twenties. They had families, were well educated and most of them had no criminal history. By all outside appearances, they blended seamlessly into their UK community, and exhibited no behaviors that would arouse suspicion...

American Sheriff

American Sheriff

2018, Crime

Bristol County Jail in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts is undergoing an unprecedented crisis. Inmates in the institution are committing suicide in record numbers. Lawsuits are piling up as grieving families seek answers and accountability. For many,...

One Killer Punch

One Killer Punch

2016, Crime

Split second decisions can forever alter the course of your life. Sometimes, they can even mean the difference between life and death. The haunting "One Killer Punch" recounts three such stories that ended in bewilderment, loss and overwhelming grief....
