Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat

2014, Health  -   14 Comments
Ratings: 6.88/10 from 94 users.

Obesity is the most substantial epidemic in healthcare today. It's contributed to record instances of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and a host of additional chronic conditions. Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat takes a lively and occasionally tongue-in-cheek approach to this deadly serious topic. As a result, its narrative isn't dulled by endless medical jargon, and the wealth of advice it offers doesn't feel like a sermon.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by the year 2050. Meanwhile, childhood obesity rates have tripled during the past two decades. This is a crisis that will impact the longevity of future generations. The film explains the factors that led to this disturbing epidemic, and the steps we can all take to reverse it.

The crisis of diet-related illness isn't limited to the obese. The foods we eat can have a negative impact on any one of us regardless of weight. One of the film's most illuminating revelations involves the scourge of metabolic syndrome, an affliction that may seize more than a third of the U.S. population. This problematic condition is a silent threat to many who aren't even aware they have it. As it turns out, none of us are immune to the unhealthy effects of larger portion sizes, and increased intakes of sugar and processed carbohydrates.

The filmmakers reveal the common misconceptions about exercise and its role in promoting weight loss. While regular trips to the gym are certainly crucial for instilling a sturdy sense of overall health and stamina, one's diet is ultimately responsible for maintaining an ideal weight.

In addition, the film investigates the cultural and economic factors that determine our eating habits. In many cases, unhealthy foods are cheaper and readily available around every corner.

The root causes of our current health crisis might be multi-faceted, but the solutions are simple. Food experts offer their suggestions for adopting the perfect diet, and it's more easily attainable than you might think.

Adorned with playful animations and sound medical insights, Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat provides a common sense and inspiring approach to healthy eating.

Directed by: Lathe Poland

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14 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Geo

    Going to a conventional American Medical Ass'n, Pharmaceutical med school trained (they write their text books) doc to get diet advice is like going to a socialist for economic advice. More drugs and more government is the opposite of what anyone needs, despite all the ultra rich weasels pushing us in that direction so they will have even more power and money to enslave you, and you not healthy enough to resist.

    Do a search for Dr. Ken Berry, you find him and others like him to be most interesting. Tells it straight up how he was lied to in med school and how so many of the cited studies have serious flaws, if you actually read them. IF only some docs would sue the AMA and their med schools for fraud!

  2. Audra

    Wow - this is very misleading. This is about carbs and type 2 diabetes. Besides a few moments in the beginning, it is NOT about type 1 but leads people to believe they are more similar than they are. I'm sad that my t1d son will still have to grow up in a world where his peers keep blaming him for his disease (he is not overweight). Make it CLEAR that you are NOT talking about t1d - and if you think you are, you are sadly mistaken. And what about the adults who develop t1d? Can we please not call t1d juvenile diabetes and t2d adult onset. That is false. The one thing that is spot on - the doctor having no clue about type 1 diabetes.

  3. Megan Housern

    Omg, so blame the mother, again.....thanks. 27:14. Oh, did you know there are at least 2 different kinds of Diabetes. Specifically Type1 and Type2. Do you know the difference? Oh well, I'll go beat my head against the wall some more.

  4. Rebecca Marchbanks

    Very, very poor information regarding Type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disorder and NOT caused by obesity. Disappointed in your research abilities. Specificity is important.

  5. SherriAnn

    I wish everyone I loved and cared about would watch this film.

  6. Patrice

    Hands down, the BEST health/diet/food film I've seen, and I'm a super nerd in this realm. Thanks so much for making it!

  7. fdhrn

    I concur with Sara De Sousa!

  8. Sara de Sousa

    Blaice and Mitchell, I don't think this documentary demonizes carbs, if you pay close attention to what every respondent says. This is said, 'ipsis verbis', at one point:
    "Carbohydrates take different forms. There are low glycemic index carbs that burn slowly. There are high glycemic index carbs that convert to glusoce more rapidly and cause an increase in insulin. For athletes, for instance, who are looking to replenish liver glycogen after a workout, or even muscle glycogen after a hard workout, fruits and fructose are probably a good option. For someone trying to lose weight, fruit is not your friend. Fructose, because of its different pathway, if your glycogen stores are already full, fructose becomes triglycerides very rapidly and enters a fat storage pathway more readily. So there are a lot of different ways to look at carbohydrates, and it's not necessarily with the eye that all carbohydrates are either good or bad. They have a context."

  9. mindy

    This deserves mass viewing on every television channel around the world. This is information that can be backed up in many well-resourced books. Pick up "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and "The Big Fat Surprise" the truth is out there and it is in this excellent doc. film. Buying a copy and sharing

  10. Mitchell R

    As an athlete, I'll have to agree with Blaice's comment. Demonizing all carbs is the worst advice anyone who claims to be a health advocate. Complex carbohydrates; the grains that make our breads, pastas, cereals etc... are the staple diet that provides energy to athletes such as myself. Ask yourself if you've ever heard of an obese athlete, a person who gets plenty of exercise and has a healthy balanced diet that include complex carbs for energy and protein to rebuild muscle cells damaged during competition and intense training. There lies the problem with the general american population - Lack of exercise combined with poor diets. Documentaries like this leave out the exercise factor. Man has made everything in such a way that we no longer get the exercise we need. We no longer do everything by hand. We no longer walk or jog to our destinations; we have a machine that does everything easier for us. Lack of exercise is the disease in today's america. That's where healthy eating starts; with exercise. You're body will crave the right foods.

    1. Dave

      Did you even watch the movie? They had multiple marathon runners and triathletes discussing this.

      And let's be clear, your body doesn't crave the right foods. I want pizza and donuts regardless how much I exercise.

  11. Roderick

    It makes sense, let your brain lead your stomach not the advertisers. Great video.

  12. Sharon H

    Out of five stars, I give this a ten. Although I have been reading books and watching videos on the revolution (or should I say, realization) in discovering what we have been doing wrong for so long, this video helps present the new knowledge in a fun and entertaining way. It helped me recall important facts that we all need to keep in mind. Also, I highly recommend this for people who are just discovering, or haven't yet realized, how we are eating ourselves to death.

    Especially pertinent are the segments on what we find in our supermarkets, and how it's almost impossible to avoid getting added sugars, processed carbs etc. unless we read the labels and understand what the ingredients are. And equally important,the video presents the history and evidence of how we have finally arrived at the answer to major health problems of today and how it is almost entirely due to the food we eat.

    It's all presented in a fun way. I know it's long; almost 1 hour fifteen minutes. But if we can sit and watch a comedy or drama video or movie for two hours, then we owe it to ourselves to sit down for an extended time and learn about the greatest subject of all: our health.

  13. Blaice

    Demonizing all carbs is the worst kind of pseudoscience, misinformation a documentary or "health advocate" could attempt to provide to the general public. Let me inform you on real science, yet to be presented or cited in documentaries like this, has to say about carbs. If you are speaking about processed, enriched, and altered carbs, you have right to admonish carbs, but that is an ignorant stance lacking in basic biochemical knowledge. Fruits are literally almost entirely carbohydrates, vegetables are primarily made of carbohydrates, and complex carbs (oats, whole grain rice, etc.)
    have dozens if not hundreds of peer-reviewed research papers (not funded by corporations) alluding to the health benefits they provide.

    A generalized title with content that misinformation without providing actual scientific analysis is as garbage as processed carbs.