Beer Culture

2011, Society  -   3 Comments
Ratings: 8.09/10 from 35 users.

From micro brewing to craft beer, the documentary Beer Culture will take you into the beer industry and its avid brewers. The movie is focused on brewers in Colorado, a state that produces more beer than any other in the United States. The film also describes an important time in American history where a "beer renaissance" occurred and changed the commercialization of beer. The sacrifices that these entrepreneurs made to do what they love are truly inspiring.

If you can't find the beer you want, why not make your own? This was the thought process of many immigrants who couldn't find the beer they wanted in America, which led to the emergence of micro brews and craft beer in their pursuit of the "American Dream." Even today, many of us still strive for this dream and this creates a deep resonance with the history of these hardworking brewers.

Beer Culture is not only about the successes of the brewers. As many entrepreneurs have come to find out, timing and execution play a large role in the success of a business. Starting a brewery in a recession or periods of war was a huge risk, with many only managing to pay their employees and not themselves for a long time. The 'Hops Crisis' in 2002 due to poor crop yields was hard on some brewers, but perseverance would eventually pay off. The tales of struggle faced by the brewers makes one appreciate how dedicated they are to their craft.

Notable Colorado breweries include Left Hand, New Belgium, and Avery. Others that are still trying to break into the industry, namely Upslope, Equinox, and Eddyline, are shown as having success despite not being popular names in the industry yet. Whether they are well known or not, their passion for beer is inspiring and the local communities they reside in can see that.

The sense of community is strong, with many of the better-established breweries donating to local food banks and charities. After facing so much hardship, it is heartwarming to see the owners pay it forward. Beer Culture is not only a stirring documentary about the beer industry; it is a reminder to everyone to pursue their passion despite the hardships that occur.

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3 Comments / User Reviews

  1. kuampa

    longest, most entertaining commercial for micro breweries in Colorado ever. No, it was good :)

  2. Trip E

    I do so hate the way big business interests always seem to muscle in where they have not sown. Are we to all live in a uniform world? If one were to take a look at the way large supermarket chains have demolished small businesses and small towns in the UK, Colorado would never consider for one minute amending its liquor laws. Love the sustainability and community aspects. Very cool.

  3. jodeca

    Excellent documentary. What these craft brewers are doing in Colorado is a good example to follow in other areas e.g. horticulture,
    leisure and work clothes, etc. The local-impact factor as well as

    the implied reduction of the carbon footprint are compelling. Bravo.