Ratings: 6.62/10 from 45 users.

Area 51In southern Nevada, there exists a 575 square mile block of land that goes by many names: The Box, Paradise Ranch, Groom Lake, Watertown Strip and Dreamland. But most refer to this mysterious region as Area 51. Since the late 1950’s the skies above Dreamland have been home to an array of unidentified flying objects. Locals here know that sightings of curios lights and other unexplained phenomena are commonplace.

In 1989, the revelations of Bob lazar, a Las Vegas resident, brought the strange goings-on at Area 51 to a national audience. He claimed to have amazing inside information on the stark terrain 90 miles north of Las Vegas. Known as Area 51, this outpost is one of the most mysterious locations on the face of the earth, and, until recently, the US government even denied its existence.

Lazar wasn’t the first to claim that something out of the ordinary was happening at Area 51. Rumors about UFO sightings in the Nevada desert had been spreading for years.

For those who defend Lazar, his accounts of testing UFO’s explains the extreme security over the military base. Those who discount his revelations believe there is a more plausible reason why the government had been keeping the activities at Area 51 from the general public arguing that the base houses cutting edge military aviation technology.

Frequent sightings of these advanced planes may have been the source of the UFO sightings and experts assert that the government may have perpetuated these theories to disguise the their real activities.

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31 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Christine Mikel

    My family and I lived in Las Vegas Nevada around the early 80s tell late 90s.where my father was a structure engineer and was employed out at area 51.he would leave before daylight n wouldn't return tell way after it got dark.carried a briefer case with coded locks on it and would never talk about work ..he is retired now and has been battling M.S.for a very long time.you ask him now what was really out there n why all the secrets ..i guess its a question I need his story of .

    1. Monica

      I really believe theres intelligent creatures in another galaxy with advanced technology why? bcz Jehova God is the creator and he can make anything he wants.plain and simple

  2. Gary Carlson

    GOING TO AREA 51? The YELLOW BOOK reveals the secrets of the ALIENS on EARTH and at Area 51! Discover how they interact with humans! Bob Lazar used the YELLOW BOOK at AREA 51 to discover the secrets of the aliens!

  3. Baldric .F. Pagan

    My family and my mom talks a lot about extraterrestrial documents stories, and kids in my school don't believe in Area 51 and i would suggest them to read documentary's because kids these days are on social media looking up stupid stuff and there is more important things for them to learn about Area 51. So yes there has been spotting's in mexico during the late 90's and i do believe in aliens and UFO's.

  4. Liam

    Area 51 is a top secret military stealth aircraft study zone no one should try to enter if they value there life

  5. Alfred e Newman

    Lazar just another example of pharmaceutical abuse. Common sense would dictate reasonable black opps projects. Designing top secret military hardware. I can only imagine the money spent on something that coincidently resembles a play station.

  6. im new to this

    That so called UFO at about the 2 minute mark was a plate

  7. Godsclaws

    whether Lazars claim is legit or not, I still know there are aliens out there. The universe is just too big for us to be the only ones

    1. 12354

      The universe is just too big for us to be the only ones
      Wow...that's your best shot?

  8. gert2222

    Is like an advanced carnival freak show or something

  9. talkingdeer61455

    it is a government by the people and for the people not a government that owns the people and robs the people. If your paying for something you deserve taxation with representation. and that means a breakdown of what and where your Taxes go.

  10. talkingdeer61455

    ugh simple fill a right to know budget cost % for spending for area 51. Its your tax dollars and congress cant even agree on a budget if they cant do that can they be trusted with the Black budget spending?
    you got to fight politics with politics. its your tax dollars you have a right to know where your taxes go in detail. demand to see where and what it is spent on. or refuse to pay. lol.. its not rocket science its politics in action.

  11. Garret Keith David Wilcox

    pretty sure the reason they couldn't find records of him was probably due to the gov't trying to cover it all up and erasing all info about him so he looks crazy

  12. Pyrrhus

    @ Havinaproblem

    Hello, Chris!

    It had better be sooner than later, as I am 63 and have, as yet, to witness anything out of the ordinary.

    BEFORE your encounter, what were your views concerning the possible existence of UFO's which defy the known laws of physics? Just curious.

    If I ever DO witness anything remotely similar to that which you claim to have witnessed, I assure you, no 'force' will be required to precipitate a re-examination on my part of ALL scientific dogma about just EVERYTHING; and such would be anything but 'humbling'. It would be an exhilarating adventure!

    But, right now, I am probably where you were, prior to your encounter.

    Do you blame me?

  13. Havinaproblem

    Concerning the credibility of the stories about Area 51 (and other similar stories for that matter)...
    Just tell me one thing. What would you people think and do if you had an encounter with a vehicle that performs intelligent maneuvers, rejecting by us known physical laws, this at a closest range of 65 yds from you, and finally "vanishing" at what felt as "speed of light"....? Im sure some of you would be "forced" to revise your view of reality and humbleness.
    Anyway I did, and also Im totally convinced that sooner or later you will..

    Take care

    1. Liss

      Well stated bud

  14. john

    that technology was already available in early 1900 by Nikola Tesla! I believe we r not the only living creatures in the universe but, the saurcer? well...i have seeing drawnings before by N.T....unfortunately he was stopped before he changed the world...all because money!! AC power? or DC?

  15. john doe

    The people that own shops pubs restaurants are making millions of dollars and keeping the stories alive, like the lochness monster scotland, load of bull c**p.

  16. E

    If there are any aliens at Area 51 I want to cook one up and eat it!! Yummy Alien potpie!!! mmmmmmmmmm

  17. Freethinker

    All of you who say there are no ufo's at Area 51 may be quite right. And Lazar never claimed there were. He worked in S4, which, at the time, was less known and more secret than Area 51. Personally, I believe in them since I've seen one in the Rockies back in 2000. I watched another Lazar interview and he's remained consistent over the decades and has never waivered. His accounts are detailed but he never tries to answer a question he doesn't know the answer to. He simply says, "I don't know". It may be easy for some to discount him. However, unless you're Lazar, one never really knows now, do they?

  18. Mary

    Micky....you're an alien, aren't you?

  19. micky

    bunch of no it alls.....talk is cheap......power is knowlege,and you my arien dumb arses no nothing but the inside of your eyelids.

  20. Mary

    Good documentary. I always enjoy learning something new. There might be UFO's but not at area 51.

  21. daniel

    ned if you had vision of anything at all you would know they do exist and are controleing most people taday project blue was this ned eye color over powering the bible every president inthe white house has had blue eyes intil obama heres somthing ned why does captain james t kirk have brown eyes in all the early episodes on boston legal thier blue something left him

  22. Bar

    i question his truthfullness, i just dont believe some of the stuff he says.

  23. Ned

    "there are no UFOs…"

    Ratcatcher, your smug intellectual stance leaves out much of reality. There are many documentaries not just here but elsewhere on the net about UFOs. This smug ignorance (willfully ignoring) is very common in the scientific community.

    Science is not a narrow-minded viewpoint that many people subscribe to (as you did above). Science is looking at things rationally, getting to the bottom of things. That's all it really does. What is true, and what is not true? How does something work? How can it be used to prove things in reality?

    Someone who subscribes to true science would not be so closed-minded.

  24. coschaos

    its still a mystery i would say.... aliens are not a myth... today scientist are trying to smash atoms to revise big bang theory... what about real big bang???? it might have been tried by other creatures.... who knows there wasnt any space before the big bang.... its stupid to think ...but another speculation :P

  25. Ratcatcher

    lol, watching only for fun, area 51 is only testing airfield for "classical" USAF planes, there were tested first F-117, U-2s, A-12 (SR-71) and MIGs during the Cold war, there are no UFOs...

  26. Chio

    Very good, but short documentary.

  27. Lee Goodall

    Excellent documentary as well :L

  28. Lee Goodall

    Excellent site :)