Arctic Manhunt

2013, Mystery  -   24 Comments
Ratings: 8.38/10 from 137 users.

Arctic Manhunt is a dramatic forensic documentary that attempts to identify the mystery man at the center of one of the biggest manhunts in Canadian history. Equal parts criminological exam footage and creative re-enactments, this episode of Pure History Specials offers a stylized, moody investigation into one of Canada's greatest unsolved mysteries.

On Christmas Day, 1931, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, with the assistance of aboriginal trackers, approached a rural cabin near the Arctic Circle. They were there to question an unknown trapper about vandalized trap lines but were met with open fire instead of answers. Over the next 49 days one of the largest criminal searches in Canadian history ensued, taking the RCMP above the Arctic Circle where they had to endure harsh weather conditions on top of firefights with the mysterious fugitive they were pursuing. Ending with the trapper's suicide, police found $2,400 in cash on his body but nothing to identify him or indicate why he was on the run.

Some speculate he was a Chicago gangster connected to Al Capone while others suspect he may have been a murderer responsible for a string of unsolved homicides across the Great White North. Others have posited that he was just a down-on-his-luck farmer from North Dakota. Despite photographs and fingerprints, police agencies across North America failed to identify the mystery man time and again. Almost 80 years later, forensic experts dig up the remains of the fugitive to try and determine his identity once and for all.

Through skeletal remains and facial reconstruction technology, forensic scientists piece together a narrative of the RCMP's pursuit of the mystery man through the Canadian wilds, but their only hope of finding a positive identification rests in obtaining a reliable sample of DNA from the fugitive's remains. Criminal profilers offer additional insight in an effort to fill in the details of who this fugitive was, and what he was running from.

Arctic Manhunt weaves through time, taking viewers to the past where they imagine the events of the manhunt, and into the forensic labs of today where scientists work to close the book on this decades-old cold case.

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24 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Rocketman

    Movie with Charles Bronson starring as the trapper.

  2. caitlin

    It’s time to submit the trappers DNA to the various companies that trace ancestry through DNA ( etc). Use it the same way they did to identify the golden state killer.

  3. jr

    he was a soldier of world war 1

  4. L.C. Goslin

    If the Mad Trapper was shot 9 in the hell does that constitute "suicide"? Just askin'

  5. Niteprowl2

    his just goesto show science has it limits. What cannot be determined now, may become obvious 20 years from now as technique and a wide bas becomes available to compare the Mad Trappers DNA with.

  6. mkchrc14

    I agree with bungabunga Christine has missed some important facts namely the trapper opened fire without giving the police a chance to explain the purpose for their visit, he didn't even open the door. In my mind the police came into the situation with the best of intentions and reacted in a manner that anyone of us would have responded. There was no shame on their part. Think too how his cabin withstood the raid by the police it was if the trapper was prepping for such a battle as if he was looking for a place to make his last stand not for a place to simply live out his life in a simple manner away from society.

  7. bungabunga

    And J Brokenheart doesn't seem to realize that dental technology hasn't always been what it is today. People really are not capable of considering the subtle realities... They can't seem to grasp that the world was a very different place when this happened.

  8. bungabunga

    Christine seems to have missed the point. One doesn't run away to the far corners of the world because they're afraid of being fingered for petty theft. The guy shot at police. He was obviously a deranged criminal. I think Christine is baiting us, there's no way anyone could leave a comment as inane as that and be serious about it. You wish there could be higher consciousness on this planet? Why not start with yourself. Your ramblings are stunningly out of touch with reality.

  9. anna b

    christine is right all these docs are slanted

  10. Godofredo

    Whoever he was, he was an extraordinary man who had great survival skills in extreme environments. I would say he may have been ex-military, or a winner in the Winter Olympics. He must have made a name for himself during his lifetime. He may have been an assassin. I would research assassinations around 1930.

  11. Cold Canuck

    Christine,go hide in your safe space and don't forget to take your meds.You are unqualified to judge any of these people and attempting to revise history to fit your own fantasy is futile.Why can't people just watch the film and can the political correctness?

  12. Chad Robinson

    I loved this documentary!!! Thanks a lot SeeUat Videos is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING; I don't know why I'm not the type to waste time watching Netflix, SeeUat Videos have captivated & kept me entertained since 2002. Thanks again for your hard work bringing education to the masses for the best price! !

  13. christine

    I feel sorry for this guy and think the whole story is slanted to protect the people involved in his death, and even after his death. Only the Alaskan Indian has a favorable respect for the man: "His ability to survive shows he was somethin' else!" The man is said to have started out with only petty theft in the midwest, as the story goes. In the end they say there was no identity. If the team of forensic sleuths say there was no identity, the whole crew from 1932 is not likely to be found guilty for their behavior. Their mentality was 'shoot first, ask questions later'. Does anybody else see something wrong with this picture? Most of the comments were so subjective from every person, like the last woman who comments about the look of his face...says he looks like he had a menacing laugh at his death. How can anybody know that? Perhaps he was screaming in pain. I always think the most humane ways should be used to capture a person. Guns and force aren't the best way. Other people died and families were destroyed as a result of the man being cornered and his fear level. A man or animal hunted is not in his right mind. Best not to push the chase to that point. The first policemen didn't use reason when they turned into hunters and killers. After the man's death, their statements about his intent, his so-called beastiality, are self-serving...helps them keep their jobs. I wish there could be higher consciousness on this planet.

    1. BOB

      Thank you Christine, this could have been someone whose loved one died of disease or injury and tried to escape their grief in northern Canada on their way to Alaska. Some people have no respect and won't leave people alone thinking they know what other people should do.
      Simple to live WWJD. Smile, say hello, if you don't get a response, don't react like you deserve acknowledgement, carry on and mind your own business. Live and Let Live.
      Your ego is your problem, fix yourself and the world will look better.
      You CANNOT fix anyone else and you NEVER will, be at peace with yourself or work on You until You are worth talking to.
      It's a Mystery, stop trying to rewrite someone else's life with your script, they showed the Trapper's picture, he did not look like Charles Bronson or anyone in Hollywood for that matter, commentary is an option, save it for your loved ones.

  14. Snark

    I always pictured this guy as looking in appearance like charles bronson.

  15. Onefeather

    Love a real mystery.

  16. J.Brokenheart

    Interesting, but disappointing that there was no DNA match. I'm a dentist. The dental work was probably expensive, but it wasn't art either. Any small town dentist could have done this. They dramatize this dental information, but it's very basic knowledge for even a dental auxiliary.

  17. jackie

    You'd think familial DNA could throw up someone still alive.

  18. Roland

    I really enjoyed watching this, allthough I felt it was poorly directed and executed.
    Heard of this fella about '92 while on a road trip to Drumheller, Alberta.
    My then wife and mother inlaw stayed at a Bed and Breakfast when the old man ( hearing I was scandinavian ) asked if I ever heard of the Mad Trapper.
    I had no clue.
    Well, he sparked my interest in the case and I've read just about all that is available - And I guess - I'm no wiser now.
    Interesting though.
    To be continued I guess. Wonder if the dental work could give more clues.... Thanx for uploading.

  19. Ellen

    Wondering why there was a time limit on how long before the body had to be returned to the earth.

  20. Rhonda

    Mysteries I never heard of....Like.

  21. Bob Haran


  22. zoraide

    What is the relevance of trying to find out who he was after so many years?

  23. Alison Ellis

    Fascinating, I really enjoyed this documentary