Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails)

2005, Environment  -   92 Comments
Ratings: 7.18/10 from 84 users.

Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails)This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. It is clear jets are deliberately spraying the sky's and it will not stop until enough people are aware and willing to stand up for the operations exposure and termination.

Contrails can and should form readily in clean, cold, and dry air. Normal clouds, on the other hand, require higher moisture levels and a particulate, or aerosol base, from which to develop. The radical transformation of our sky is a direct result of aircraft activity, now forces us to address an entirely new set of conditions.

Aircraft are now repeatedly dispersing materials into the upper atmosphere at flight altitude, roughly from 35,000 to 40,000 feet. These materials expand rather than evaporate and they usually transform into an unsightful haze that over the recent years has decreased our general visibility down to ground levels. One of the remarkable facts is that this commonly now occurs at various low levels of relative humidity, on the order of 30 to 40 percent, instead of the 70 percent or greater that is associated with cloud formation. And so we know now that these are not clouds in any conventional sense, they are indeed a unique and artificial creation that now crosses new thresholds in the atmospheric and geophysical sciences.

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92 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Jimbo

    Nj has been getting chemtrailed non stop since late 2019 up to present mid feb 2020 they won’t let us have a nice day with out their bull sht.

  2. Patriot1

    When I was a boy in the 80's all I could see in the sky on a glorious day was blue sky and a yellow sun. Now when I look up at the sky on a sunny day now all I see is planes dispersing thick white trails in the sky. Can you A disprove the "alleged theory" and B if the chemtrails are not real why didn't we have them like this in the 80's and finally C if you've noticed the sun in the day isn't yellow anymore, please wake up people around the world, brothers and sisters stick together.

  3. Underdog

    Frank Lee, it doesnt take a rocket scientist or physisist to figure out that you are probably bedridden by self inflicted means such as alcoholism, drug abuse, or just laziness. You have education to some degree, but your lack of true intelligence is obvious by your need (compulsion) to argue about things that you yourself won't verify. Have anotber brandy and go find a kindergarten group somewhere. Your worthless opinions are just that, worthless

    1. MelinatedIsrael

      And its ease to Smell the foul odor of a Operative of Amalack lowest life form on Beloved Earth

  4. Alexei Menvenovich

    The moon is actually a death star.

  5. Doktor Oetkerr

    Like so much pandymonium. Mmm'Wah'hh. Rad 'nuff. Slo-mo. N if dey R spryin grammar signs, then where exactly? Only see that's what u wud do if u cud. -Fall; mountain. Just don't fall on me..


    wake up, the U.S. has no industry,our GNP is comprised of war and healthcare,CONNECT THE DOTS

    1. Patricia P Tursi

      Underdog. What is your agenda? I have followed Clifford Carnicom for years. What have have you contributed? Your attack reveals you have an agenda. I took pictures of these back in the nineties.

  7. Daniel Lodygowski

    To Frank Lee, these are not commercial air planes, these are private corporations hired to spray these, if you had a brain cell, you would google (aerial spraying companies) you will see many of these , and they brag about all the different countries they have been hired to spray> you are a *****, DO NOT COMMENT ON SOMETHING THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT !

  8. Shannon Weckman

    I live in Colorado and it has been almost non-stop spraying here. In my opinion, Chemtrails are poisoning all life on the planet and therefore should be given our most urgent priority. What can be done about this poisonous assault? What can we do to protect our health as best we can?

  9. Sandie

    I think we should shoot down one of these planes and find out who's the pilot and exactly what his involvement is with the United Nations/USA because we are being sprayed right here in raleigh Nc all all over the world. My opinion is it's a form of population control instead of weather modification program which is what the gov wants us to believe.

    1. SibyllasStuff

      I want the beautiful blue skies back too. I wonder what would happen if they would stop spraying the skies. Would it ever come back to normal? I also heard something about the release of methane from the Arctic due to melting ice and that this was to combat this (a little after the fact since this spraying probably has caused the melting) - that it is creating drought - is obvious - that the white and overcast skies are now considered normal - this documentary dates from 2005 It is now 2015, boys and girls. Unintended consequences. And then we have pharmaceutical companies/cancer clinics/"health insurance" companies, etc. etc. etc. they all stand to profit.
      Maybe the spraying is a combination of "now what do we do with all this waste stuff that has been banned by the EPA?"
      I wouldn't be surprised if the pilots operating these planes are told it is all a matter of national defense. And what if the planes that fly over and spray are more or less operated like drones/robots?

      Aspartame started out in research as something for ulcers and in the end it is used as a diet substitute for sugar. That it is harmful and actually makes a person crave more is now known, but good luck in getting it out of the food system. Heaven forbid that anyone tell another person (especially here in Amerka where we have choices) what they should eat or not eat -

  10. Interventionist

    The Civilian Chemtrails method was invented at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1987, as Teller's theme for climatic disaster was being spoken about in the National Lab system in Oak Ridge. One of the Internal Security folks named Don Wayne Bible and Jim Phelps ate lunch together and Jim Phelps discovered he was part of the supplanted security people at ORNL and Don Bible began sharing many of their briefings.

    Jim Phelps seriously sought what was going on and ordered the 11th edition of the Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary that was published in 1987.

    From that Reverence it was easy to pin down what chemicals were polar or hygroscopic. Looking at Aluminum on the Periodic table it was discovered that Boron was a much better pick to do atmospheric modification of Fluorine/Chlorine, Carbon and CO-2, and other issues that would slow Ozone Hole growth and have less toxic chemicals as atmospheric fallout.

    Discussions relayed to the greater National Security establishment soon pinned down that the Boron ideas of Jim Phelps were of extreme value for the control of the Teller reported environmental disaster.

    Jim Phelps ideas on using Boron as an additive to Jet fuels to make h-BN and B2O3 type hygroscopic compounds to make persistent clouds became highly important.

    While the discovery and invention was made in 1987, the large scale implementation had to delay until low surfer fuels became widely used and the JP-8 type low sulfur fuels the standard world-wide. This occurred in 1991 with the first Gulf War and the use of the special additive called a Biocide that used Boron because JP-8 required chemical to store fuels.

    After the Gulf War 1 of 1991, the expanded use of Boron additives made world wide the Civilian aircraft methods for Chemtrail generation to do what Teller proposed as a Sun shield using Scattering methods to reflect IR heat back into space.

    Today, Chemtrails are widely seen around the world due to this highly covered up discovery at ORNL back in 1987. The discovery person wanted this and other chemtrails methods to be done only in full openness to the public for all the protections from harm possible. The Crooked ORNL system sought to cover up and suppress the Public's need to know. What we have today is basically illegal uses of climate modification methods that are intentionally kept from the Public's rights to know.

    1. Nancy Whitaker

      I agree 100 % with you Shannon. They're killing us. Is there anything we can do about it? I want to protect my grandkids and don't know how.

  11. Knut Holt

    Norway has been heavily spread with chemtrails for years, and we have not had real summer weather for years. Until now: They stopped spraying the area where I live, and suddenly the sun comes through and we've got summer.

    1. Kuko

      I can testify to this, today we've seen around 20 trails in Stavanger!!! We've seen three trails one right by the other and as the last one was being sprayed there was actually another normal plane flying in front of the one that was spraying, so you could clearly see the difference in the trails, the normal plane was leaving a small trail that was diss disappearing after a few lengths of the plain and the other was leaving a trail from horizon to horizon. We've seen an A pattern and some random ones. And haw you can guess how the sky looks now. In the morning it was absolutely clear after the rainy yesterday and now you can see a hazy horizon and greyish sky.

      It's so sad and outrageous! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
      Firstly educate your family and friends to begin with, because nobody seems to know or notice or care.
      Good luck with spreading the word :)

      Live in peace

    2. Knut Holt

      As by late april 2014 the summer weather has come to Norway again, and so has the chemtraling too, at least in Nprthern Hedmark and South Trøndelag.


      From SWFL, Fort Myers, FL USA:
      Now that I know this is real and have learned to see it, I know that we have been hammered here for the last 5 - 7 years.

      In 2005, we stopped having the same sub-tropical weather pattern that our area needs to maintain it's beauty and ecology. Plant issues have developed - including weird fungus types that the plant professionals blame on drought.

      I have found others who know about this. It seems like every day I run into more people and tell more people. This topic is no longer "taboo" here. I think the reason we are starting to discuss it openly is that there is so much shit going on in the USA that everyone is pissed off about something.

      The thing that made me really sad about this video was the 70% asthma rate in Santa Fe's school children - in 2005! All this time lost.

      I am compiling all of the grassroots research and publications I can find onto memory sticks and giving it to the staffers of elected and appointed officials - one by one. And then I am demanding that their bosses get serious and find out what is going on and get it stopped.

      I am researching how to pursue the US congress legally. Ultimately, the buck stops at the US congressional committee with oversight on the offending agency. I do not believe in suing agencies. That would be a sinkhole of wasted time and effort. Members of congress need to be held 100% accountable for not controlling the agencies.

      We need to know which agencies are doing this, who they are contracting for every phase of these operations, and whether or not the USA is financing other international aspects.

      We need pilots and managers to wake up and realize that this is incredibly dangerous for us as people and environmentally. The pilots have to breath the air too! We need them to grow some serious balls and start talking about who has hired them, how long they've been flying these operations, where, etc.

  12. Corey7777

    There are far less complicated ways to poison and/or manipulate the general public rather than getting a very large multi-corporate industry to unilaterally lie, from the very bottom of its pay scales to the tip top of its billowing golden bonuses and not have a single valid leak or whistle blower. An example of a far easier way would be to get the entire U.S. population addicted to maybe something like high fructose corn syrup. Put it in nearly all the foods, get us to be obese and complacent. Would that be a conspiracy? Or do we really just love foods with high fructose corn syrup and have enough excess money to spend large amounts on unhealthy foods. This conspiracy is quite similar to 9/11 conspiracies. Instead of accepting what has happened and moving forward to improve the world and our society people are running around trying to prove that it was our own government. Then ceasing to pay attention to what are government does from 9/12 onward. If you want to change something about planes, and there effect on our environment then stop flying on them. Maybe take some engineering classes and develop a new propulsion system that uses less fuel. Or maybe even develop a propulsion system that uses an entirely different propellant. It would be time far better spent than wandering around recording contrails with the assumption that they are more poisonous than we already know them to be.

    1. Lovro Šari? Kora?evi?

      That was my beginner mistake too; expecting irrational acts to have rational methods.

      Next time you think "this doesn't make any sense" ask yourself if your world has any sense.
      If the answer is yes, than excuse me and enjoy your Walmart today.
      If the answer is no- congratulations, you are half way to the champions league ;)

  13. rob neilson

    haha so much bullshit in this doc.

  14. CAD44

    those of you who dont believe that the chemtrails are dangerous for all living things, should do some research and start paying attention to things aroung you. I feel sorry for you people. I'll bet you believe that floride in our water is good for you, flu shots are good, GMO food is good and our government is good. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP.

  15. john ford

    lol, So to you paranoid peanut brains chemtrails are bad?. Yet i bet you all breath car pollution most days ..

    1. djrm.80

      why arent your the peanut brains?isnt you the one that thinks the others cant distinguish when something its good or bad?you guys sound so so dumb when trie to make others stupid theres people that spend years studing this problem and you brainiacs know it all hahahaha what a world...dont listen your fellow brothers and just wait....and i promisse one day you will be suprised i just hope that suprise gives you and your loved ones time...

  16. Sarah

    What needs to be pointed out is contrails can only form at a certain altitude, its true they can spread out if it is wet and cold enough. Chemtrails are being sprayed at an lower altitude that contrails are unable to form. People are hoping you don't check the altitude...Do your research...

    1. Gareth Hayes

      Or you could think a little deeper and understand WHAT makes different altitudes different and realize that it is NOT the different altitudes which allow for the formation of contrails but different temperatures and pressures. Temperatures and pressures change, it's called a "the weather". Never heard of a "low pressure system" before?

      You can believe what you want, but all you are doing is stressing yourself for not reason, which ironically is more dangerous to your health than these so called chemtrails.

    2. Tomer Malka

      ouch, truth hurts.....

    3. djrm.80

      theres natural smooke from the jets theres the artistic smooke that pilots use with colors etc and theres trails the atempt to make people sound crazy doesnt work when people have proofs when lots of pilots told it trails are real the question his to find the true thing...but people are not stupid ok people know that isnt all plains all trails daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    I live near an airport in the North West of the UK.

    Most americans, where the bs that is chemtrails originated, do not live near the flightpaths of planes, rarely look up and/or are functionally illiterate and so near-totally scientifically illiterate.

    If an american looks up and sees a line in the sky, someone is 'trying to poison them'. This is do dumb on so many levels it is a joke.

    Oft Repeated but CORRECT explanation;
    The wingtips of planes disturb the air as they pass through it.
    IF the air is at the right temperature and humidity, that is enough for ice crystals OR water droplets to start a CASCADE of ice crystal OR water droplet formation and so cause the moist air to start to form clouds... just like real clouds form PLUS the exhaust of the jet engines produces similar tiny particles around which ice crystals OR water droplets form so seeding the atmosphere with tiny particles that cause NORMAL ice crystals OR water droplets (clouds) to form in a line WHERE THE PLANE HAS FLOWN. Air can have water in it and be transparent... making it look like something came from nowhere... but the water was already there just spread out UNTIL the plane causes it to start to condense into clouds.

    Nothing special... they're called 'clouds'.

    If you never did real science at school or think magic jesus makes things happen because you have lived all your life on an american farm and think you know how the world works, then all this planes=chemtrails bs may seem plausible. But then that will be because you are a dummy and an ill-educated know-nothing who cannot see how clouds form so 'the Man' is trying to 'get ya'.

    Tip for the future; Learn to read then read more. With luck you'll study Physics as I did and if you are really lucky, you'll stop being a loon.

    On a clear day, these clouds can form IF the air is ready to form clouds but it takes the simple distrurbance by the plane (wingtips PLUS exhaust partticulates) to trigger it.

    Nothing special. Nothing to worry about. No poison involved.

    Sadly, americans and similar ill-educated, unobservant and thought-free individuals decide that 'the Man' is out to poison them.

    It's sometimes fun to laugh at the ignorant but ultimately there are too many of them and I have other things to do so if you 'believe' in 'chemtrails' please seek medical help for your mental illness and do try to enjoy the rest of your life.

    Peace... now peace off!

    1. Bob Dylan

      I am going to be brief.See I really don't have the answers and your arrogant ass already knows everything . You sound like a snotty punk, just out of college, That thinks because he has read a few books and passed a couple of tests, that he is somehow above other people.You need to know, . . . . You're not ! Stop seeing people as UK or American. We are all humans.

      As far as the lines in the sky. I distinctly remember as a child, 8 or 9 years old, seeing CONtrails. I also distinctly remember, as an adult seeing jet planes turn my blue sky white .Let me tell you Jr., Two completely different things.And no matter how much you think you know . . . . . . . Your wrong on this one ! Nuff said.
      Inner Peace

    2. jbeckham360 .

      What proves that they are real for me is where I live near in the U.S. planes fly into an international airport. I see the normal Contrails all the time but it is painfully obvious when they spray chemtrails. They make checker board patters in the sky and it will go from a beautiful day to overcast in about four hours time just from the trails. Normally the planes only fly in from three approach angles from the north, east and south and not so high you can barely make out the plane. They fly in so low to the airport that you can almost make out the carrier of the jet and what model it is. The Chemtrail planes fly at around 40,000 feet and out of normal air traffic lanes. The fact they have done this in very rural ares where normally no commercial air traffic flies at all is very telling. I pointed it out to by brain dead sister in law and even she could tell that it wasn't normal. Especially when I pointed out the planes spraying and told her to come back and look a few hours later to see how the trail would spread out and then make it over cast in a few more. She was flipping out asking why the hell they would do that.

  18. T

    Look up the Geoengineering Moratorium at UN on yahoo and see what geoengineering is about. Then look up at the skies and pay attention. You will see which planes are spraying stuff other than contrails made of ice. You are stupid to come on here and cut down those people without truly researching yourself. POS people I guess.

  19. stevethedoctor1

    i hope this guy does not live near an airport lol, i bet he runs for cover every time he sees anything in the sky. like omg those birds are in on it too. they drop small chem bombs. run take cover everyone. what a load of crap.

  20. mudshark23

    I think you're "The Perfect Vagina".

  21. Miguel Marques

    Americans are even more crazy than i thought. You have a conspiracy for everything, without the slightest shred of scientific proof, from what I gathered from this documentary, your planes not only release water vapor, but also some filaments, fungus, web like structures,magnetic particles, metallic powders, substances that alter the electromagnetic field, alter weather, change climate, cause disease, kill crops,and you could not find even one credible scientist or even fact to support the claim made? and you wonder why the rest of the world makes fun of you.

    1. Hellaawesome

      you need to go back to spain with that anti freedom stuff cause they are proly the ones mass produsing the chems for the trails with the french!

    2. Miguel Marques

      It's Portugal, and we do enjoy producing chemical and filaments, and electromagnetic airborne mutant ninja robot virus, it's our main export

  22. Kimmyfla

    I see these trails all the time. Most of the time when I see them the following few days the sky will be overcast. I have seen tons of info on this subject. People wake up! Quit thinking this is ****! Look further before you come to you final conclusion.

    1. Hellaawesome

      OMG this is soo crazy! i wathed it and was like WO, i can only imagine how much chem trail we dont even see! we are like living in a chemtrail environment and i think thats probably why frogs are dying all over tha world. I think that it probably is tied to food industry making really unhealthy food and then making you eat it by making comercials that you have to obey because there is like lots of phsychiatrists writing the comercials and then testing them on kids to see if they work and are manipulating a hole new generation too when they do this plus the chemtrails so WAKE up this is REAL because the 1% with money want to turn us into a fat slave race for real.

    2. Hellaawesome

      i also watched "the perfect vagina" and that was also good

  23. Dan Robinson

    we need an aircraft behind one of these planes to collect samples, video tape the whole thing and get the tag # of the air craft. So who wants to chip in.

  24. Karmiccontrail

    Any Government that allows the slaughter of animals is demoniac and therefore we are used to them ruling in a harmful way .
    For every action there is a reaction and the reaction due to the laws of Karma for slaughtering millions of animals every hour is a problematic suffering world .
    Any of these documentaries are preferable to listen to than what those governments tell us .
    For the absolute truth and the best way to deal with the suffering is to raise your consciousness by meditating on the Lord Sri Krishna by chanting his holy names or any bonafide name of the lord you wish and to stop eating the animals .
    Chant ,
    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare,
    Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare .

    1. Wali Paul

      ha ha ha I'd rather slaughter and eat a domestic animal then to worship one..

    2. Staind716

      Funny. I just finished a nice steak before I read this so I would like to apologize to everyone for ruining the world. My bad. Of course, if the only way to fix my mistake is to sit around chanting to an imaginary deity like a m*ron then we are all screwed because it's not going to happen. I will turn myself in to the proper authorities in the morning to pay for my heinous crime.

    3. Hellaawesome

      bro you shoodnt diz riligions cause they might come true

    4. Staind716

      I guess you might have a point there. The only problem now is which one? They all have so many conflicts with each others beliefs who is to know which one is correct?

    5. James Hancock

      I guess lions must have really bad Karma then! WE are part of the food chain! We eat and are eaten, even if mostly by viruses at this point. You kill a living thing even by pulling up a carrot and eating it. There is a difference between humanely raising livestock for food and the inhumane conditions on corporate factory farms. I still don't get you "sensitive" people that want to make the world a better place by pretending you are not part of it. And you have as much chance of knowing the best way of talking to god as my dog does; come to think of it I bet my dog would know more than you on that subject.
      Get a life.

  25. fasffeaf geamna

    This documentary reminds me of watching boring history movies in 6th grade. I kept waiting to finally hear something interesting or important, but through out the whole movie I found nothing. What in the world are they spraying is a much better option if your looking for more info on this subject, this movie needs some work if it actually wants to convince the public of this serious issue.

  26. Dawn Ford

    Excellent ! The chem trail images and video are exactly what I and many others I know have been seeing, photographing and talking about. What a sound and well researched documentary. Thank you !

  27. Jewels Brown

    This explains all the mysterious dead birds and fish in different locations all over the world that have been documented, I would like to see what president Obama plans are to decease and disburse of this destruction of our atmosphere. Humans are not rats in some test tank this is a crime to humanity, my God I thought all these kinds crimes stopped with Adolf Hitler.

    1. mrfelks

      To my friend above....chem trails are only the tip of the iceberg!!SOOO much is going on out their i can't believe more people are not aware of the will make your hair stand up!!!

  28. Guest

    Those rich people are not in my will.

  29. Guest

    Terrific argument!!

  30. Air Duct Cleaning Hollywood

    We’ve made note of it and can take a look at once again soon after. Thanks a lot.

  31. Flashman

    I think I have to agree with Mr. Lee on this one. He's convinced me. I was very upset by the idea that the media is promoting a homosexual life style? In what way is this happening exactly? By showing Will & Grace? Even if it did it wouldn't make more people gay.

  32. C M

    Good rant ...highly amusing : )

  33. Elwood

    I cant stop thinking about the coconut trees bark being pealed away like paper or the trees in the mountains all turning brown.why would any buddy take out oxygen producing trees and kill off people i think i smell sullfer.

  34. Elwood

    I have seen what in the world are they spraying also and they say boeing has the contract on the spraying.another doc.says they were on the 911 comisson.geo enginering causes drout,forest fires stonger than ever from the magnesseum in the trees,cancer,altimers,respitory illness.It also makes the soil acidic so you need gmo seeds.I am alergic to wheat but have friends alergic to wheat but have no problem with wheat in switzerland where they have organic seeds[no gmo seeds].I have studied teslas tower and seen the doc.on the harp system and it should be left alone.We need Al gore,Mickeal More,and Tesla to lead us away from oil and the carsinagins made from it.We do not need herbacides,pesticides,chemicles esp. aspertain in diet drinks.Cars should run on water,hydrogin,or peanut oil the diesal engine was desighned to run on or any human friendly oil.I live in a town with 2 alu. plants and i use garlic,tea tree oil,and colidal silver sinus spray.i use flaks oil to.I would listen to the naturalist she knows her busness. Thank you.

    1. 105mmHowitzer

      I wouldn't count on Michael Moore or Al Gore to help you, Elwood. They are in on this. Global Warming is a fraud that is part of this program. The endgame is depopulation.

  35. jack1952

    Observation: Vapor trails seem to be lingering longer.

    Conclusion: Government and big business is spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

    Lets get them before they get us. We need a court system set up and a police force to arrest and lynch these villains. They should be easy to find. After all, didn't this doc show us exactly who they were, where the factories that produce this stuff are located, and give us the addresses of all the airports where these planes are based at. We outnumber them. We shall over come.

  36. Waldo

    My god you people that buy this cr*p have to be the most pathetic, needy, paranoid bunch I have ever met. Frank Lee is my new hero, way to go Frank.

  37. ProudinUS

    What the hell is this sh%t?

  38. Sweevo

    wow you ppl that suport this rubbish , you REALY think this is true
    For gods sake get alife

  39. gina

    I live in Wichita, Ks. It is dec.21,2010 and it has been heavy spraying for 72+ hours. a whole lot of "airborn virus" going around. that's what the dr.s are saying. Imagine that. I must know how this can be stopped. I'm damned mad about this. do people not understand that our babies are breathing this. I just can't believe how many are so wrapped up on their cell phones and life, that they can't see what's going on right before their eyes. Thanks for letting me vent for a moment, time for me to get my head back in the chemclouds. Peace

  40. Nick

    I like your Frank. The movie difficult to watch due to poor production, vauge details, (i'm guessing) little vetting of the science. The whole concept seems based on flawed science.

  41. Linda

    Dear Frank Lee,
    After meditating a thought just popped into my still mind: you are a d!@#.

  42. Frank Lee

    Checked out“dont talk about the weather” Philosophocles, I particularly enjoyed;
    "Hot on this trail, I went straight to Youtube"
    YouTube??? Not the reference section of his local library, or as he's British, the wonderful Science Museum Library in Brompton or even to find someone who might know more than he does about Meteorology or air traffic control. . . No, YouTube!
    Anyway, this comment would belong in that documentary's forum except for the fact that that documentary uses so much of this one that the line is blurred.

    finally, meditation or prayer or simply sitting quietly and enjoying the absence of media may be beneficial for many people on this board, certainly wont hurt.

  43. Philosophocles

    check out "dont talk about the weather" it is far more in depth (and long as hell, but worth it) It explains that chem-trails are sprayed by non commercial military planes, and it also shows a time lapse video of chem-trails becoming clouds. In what sense should man made clouds ever be ok? Are they not telling us about them or lying about them because they are so good for us... I dont think so. So all the non believers out there just need look up in the sky. I've noticed its not as bad now, but definitely still going on. And of course they have other ways to poison us too, namely vaccines and pharmaceutical grade drugs to name a few. Read your prescription drug label or the waiver on a vaccine and i guarantee you wont like what you see. However, the only true right of any man/woman is the right to free will. Meaning you decide what is truth or not. Which also means you live with that decision. So i am not here to convince anybody, but I would like everybody to know of a better way to help you decide.
    Meditation. It is a good way to clear you mind so new thoughts and fresh ideas can flourish. It's not any hocus pocus. You just sit in a quiet place and relax your whole body and mind. Listen to your thoughts and breath without grasping to any certain thought or feeling or controlling your breath. Let your mind relax and you will be able to see clearly for yourself who you want to side with and why.

  44. Shawn L.

    This documentary could have been twice as short if not for that god damn musical interlude every 2 minutes. Jesus Christ.

  45. Rochild

    People the rich evil people wants to kill us to make this a way to get more money. thats it

  46. Kaleema

    For a few years in late 1990s and early 2000s i felt a cool liguid on my arms or face at times, not a lot, but like an impending rain that never happened. In mid 2000s i came down with a terrible disease, it is killing me fast, causing my lungs to deteriorate. I believe that environmental factors such as urban pollution and all the other stuff is what is killing folks and causing so many chronic diseases. I was never a smoker, drinker, or used drugs. I've had my share of stress, as did my grandmother in the segregated south, while i hae lived my entire life in the north. She is past 90 years old with no chronic health illnesses. My grandfather passed at 96. My mom is 76. My dad died at 82. And these are folks who lived under the worst kind of chronic stress: southern US racism and Jim Crow! Something has weakened my gene pool, I would guess. In the last year all of my sisters/brothers have aged rapidly. We range in age from 58 (me) to 34. Even my kids and grands are aging fast. Something is going on, and we ought to be about the business of finding out what it is rather than critiquing outlandish theories or trying to deny that cancers and other diseases are all too common.

  47. Frank Lee

    In short Tee, I cant, but I can explain why I can't if thats any help;
    Falsifiability is the property of a hypothesis, conjecture, or theory, that it can be demonstrated to be false. According to Sir Karl Popper, a claim cannot be "scientific" (or subject to scientific inquiry) unless it is falsifiable.
    In the philosophical community, the term "falsify" has come to mean "disprove": the opposite of "verify". It's unfortunate that this term has become so entrenched, as outside philosophy the term means "to counterfeit" - to dishonestly make a false representation of something.
    "Falsifiable" does not mean "false." For a proposition to be falsifiable, it must be possible, at least in theory, for some observation to be made that is incompatible with the proposition. The statement "all swans are white," for example, could be falsified by observing a green swan. On the other hand, the statement that "there is a green swan somewhere" could only be falsified by observing every swan in existence and noting that none of them are green. For statements like "there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe," this is at best impractical and may well be considered impossible.
    Popper himself proposed falsifiability as a criterion for demarcating what is and is not science. He held, for example, that Freudian psychoanalysis was not "science" because it was not in principle falsifiable; a patient who disagrees with his analyst is simply "in denial," and any contrary argument or behavior on the part of the patient can be ascribed to the patient's attempts to buttress his denial.
    So you see Tee, I cannot give anyone a step by step refutation because I cannot find a solid, provable, 'first step' in the chem-trail theory!

  48. Tee

    Frank Lee,
    Could you give us your version of story that debunks the content of this video?

    Please give us a step by refutation, possibly supported by videos, of the message presented here.

  49. Frank Lee DeRainged

    It's not much of a challenge, BrianV, is it. To research the Iran-Contra affair, Gulf War syndrome or D,U, weapons when all you have to do is go to the bookshop? Not exactly hacking Defense department computers or shadowy meetings in quiet bars with sources is it?

    This is my problem with 'conspiracy mentality' All the evidence indicates that the malice of various people and agencys is only exceeded by their utter incompetence. Time after time groups in positions of power try to pull off some malevolent and spooky bulls**t AND GET CAUGHT! without fail, every f--king time!

    I'm not saying that we (the real people) shouldn't be vigilant but it seems that the cretins in power have become so accustomed to being mauled when their 'secret' schemes are inevitably exposed that there is a strong possibility that 'they' could be throwing red herrings and launching false-flag empty conspiracy to muddy the water, in the vain hope that their latest act of spite against some portion of the population will go undiscovered for just a little longer.

    With the absence of any reasonable evidence or or convincing testimonials I've put the chem-trail crap in this category.

    Finally I try to maintain a distinction between what I belive
    and what (I think) I know. . .

  50. BrianV

    It bothers me to no end Frank Lee, that some people don't have the mind to conceptualize, interpret, read or process any new information. Some people need to be spoon fed throughout life and will never understand an idea unless spoon fed. You seem like one of those people... its is depressing running into dependent unthinking adults like yourself.

    Some documentaries are meant to stimulate ideas and thought, NOT SPOON FEED YOU YOUR THOUGHTS.Maybe if you would ask your own questions and think for yourself, you`d find these, instead of trying to fool people out of doing their own research by believing your simplified lingo.

    I suggest you research some Iran-Contra, maybe some Gulf War syndrome, agent Orange, GMO foods or depleted uranium weapons. Do any research and I think you`ll be surprised to find out, PEOPLE LIE AND COVER UP SO DON`T BE SO NAIVE.

  51. Louise

    The CIA has a Facility which runs these planes.

  52. Frank Lee

    Pen, I'm questioning the contrail thing, but as I've seen far more evidence of people becoming alarmed (to put it mildly) than I have of anything amiss in the sky, I posted my criticism to seek clarification. Richard Santos gave me some leads that unfortunately faded away like many internet mirage's do. As I'm fortunate enough not to live in East Texas or down range from Groom Lake perhaps you could point me in the direction of some evidence?

    As a result of my nosing around I have come up with some possibility's; The military have proved quite willing and capable to attack the people they are supposed to defend. Not only do they have the equipment but have admitted to it in the case of America's ally, the United Kingdom. So I have to conclude that is plausible. Far more plausible than the 'secret' modification of hundreds of civil aircraft.

    I have not witnessed any suspicious activity, yet I'm trying to keep an open mind and happy to listen to what seems (to me) reasonable explanations. Of which, I'm sorry to say, I've heard very few.

    Finaly, how the break down of the family unit 'could' be a cause of cancer? In a word stress! Which has clear links to the growth rate of cancerous cells. We have evolved to exist in family units, most of human history has been in family's and we were being family's before we were being homosapien and in the less than 100 years we've cast that model aside and seen an explosion in cancer cases. . . It's an explanation, I'm not saying its correct but it is a 'possibility'

  53. CHuck Finale

    So, a naturopath, a conspiracy radio host who beleives in crop circles ufos, no evidence....

    So far so good.

  54. Pen

    Oh and please, please let me know how the break down of the family unit causes nosebleeds and cancer? My word the arogance of you.

  55. Pen

    Frank - if you don't believe in this then why watch the video and take the time to post all this? If you are fine with your world view then I am happy for you, but why don't you let those of us who have concerns express them in a forum of our choosing? I lived in Kelowna, BC for 3 years and I was amazed at the skies - there were trails that would last all day and fill the sky. I was curious to see if anyone else noticed something similar occuring in their area and was shocked to find the sheer number of postings, videos and images I found.It seems as though many, many people have independently begun to question these contrail. I do not claim to know why they are there or where they come from but for pete's sake don't condem me or anyone else for asking the question.

  56. Richard Santos

    Frank, you are of course correct about the unlikelihood of a magic bullet explanations being responsible for all the disorders and conditions increasing on the planet. However, it does not eliminate the possibility that they are, in the end, related. Electromagnetic field damage from our environment, pesticide contamination of food supplies and even the failure of the traditional family unit are all areas that possibly fall under the control of a global conspiracy to establish population control. Consider HAARP and it potential effect on the electromagnetic environment, the media promotion of alternate life styles such as homosexuality, which produce no babies and GM foods and seeds that are proven to cause irreparable harm to the planet and its inhabitants.
    As for the green cheese argument, unlike green cheese making up the ingredients of the moon, there is substantial evidence of solids in an aerosol medium coming from those planes and physical proof that the media refuses to discuss it. The fact that in spite of actual evidence and a compelling interest of the citizens of the country this subject is not discussed and is in fact hidden from the population. This is a government program of experimentation and distribution of chemicals to people who are neither informed nor consenting. That on its face is illegal and unconstitutional.

  57. Frank Lee

    Richard, If you say there is testimony from pilots then I'll take your word for it and try to seek it out for myself. It shouldn't be too hard to find a disgruntled ex-pilot as they are, as a profession, woefully under payed to the point of many claiming food stamps for their family's in the US. British aircrew have taken industrial action against BA twice this year so they're not happy bunnies either.

    All sorts of disorders and conditions are definitely increasing globally but 'magic bullet' explanations are less likely than combination's of adverse conditions like electromagnetic field damage from our environment, pesticide contamination of food supply's or even the failure of the traditional family unit or western 'allopathic' medicine.

    As for governments refusal to discuss; governments refusal to discuss the possibility that the moon is made from green cheese does not prove they are concealing a vast supply of dairy protein.
    Anyway I'll go after pilots testimony and post any results.

  58. Richard Santos

    Frank, I have read testimony of pilots who complained of modifications on their aircraft from several years ago. They all stated that they were threatened if they went public with that info. I do not have the URL for these, nor will I attempt to look for it. Frankly, at my age I just do not have a dog in this race. I disagree with you on age and sensory perception. I can still see very well slight changes in color and I can detect the faintest of smells. I can believe my own eyes regarding the color of the sky just fine. I can see with my own eyes the facts as they lay before me. There is more Asthma, cancer of the lungs, cognition dysfunctions and a myriad of other changes. All of these increases are not just the natural ebbs and trends of geophysical events, human disease and other dysfunctions. These are caused and they are global in nature. Just because one cannot prove all of the details of a theory does not disprove the theory. If a theory upon investigation has some facts supporting the theory, the theory becomes a possibility. As more facts are discovered supporting the possibility, the possibility becomes a probability. Given that the media has refused to even open a discussion regarding Chemtrails and the government has consistently denied their very existence, in spite of all the plain and simple facts in front of them, brings the possibility of a conspiracy to the level of probability. So, Frank, you can keep your jet fuel because it is unnecessary to prove something evil is afoot.

  59. Frank Lee

    Richard, Y'know when I was small one of my clearest memory's was a small plot of English lawn in the sunshine. It was such a intense vivid green I stopped and a stared until called by my mother to hurry up. I don't see grass that green forty five years later, ever! Is it because of a secret society poisoning the grass? No, its because your senses dim over your life, your perceptions age with you. given that your body regenerates less through the years do you suppose its possible the rods and cones that make your eyeballs work, burn out one at a time?

    "There has to be a global organization behind this." I think your right but I think its called capitalism, The vast and increasing volume of air traffic driven by consumerism.

    As for your small group of elitists. Consider if any one was that good at keeping secrets they'd be the boss of everything and the blatant clusterf--ks like 9/11 wouldn't have happened. If any group were that powerful, crude tools like Guantanamo wouldn't even be needed.

    Occam's razor (a favorite tool) suggests to me, not one but several secret society's all doing their best to control 'everything' and because their a bunch of greedy f--kwits who believe all sorts of outre political or economic theory's, and quite possibly a bunch of spooky crap too, they probably spend most of their time messing up one another's plans or in open conflict. That they are rich and influential makes them capable of all sorts of horrors. But modifying thousands of aircraft without airport workers all over the world not noticing is silly.

    I could believe a fuel additive could introduce chemicals to a jets output, but asking a organic compound to be fired through a jet engine an 'still work' when it was spit out into the frigid air two miles up. . . that's asking a lot of long chain molecules. As for your spiderweb stuff???

    As you have a lot more ideas than I on this subject perhaps you can direct us to the testimony of airport crews that have seen 'unusual' modifications on airliners. Or maybe you can show us the the results of Independent testing of Jet fuels. I can get you some jet fuel from London Heathrow without too much trouble, Tell me where to have a Litre sent an I'll call some folk.

  60. Richard Santos

    This documentary is almost five years old and the sky is looking worse than it did then. I remember blue skies and like the fellow at the piano, I miss seeing that too. There has to be a global organization behind this. A possible motive for painting the skies with noxious chemicals by who knows whom follows. There is a small group of elitist people in possession of tremendous power and influence over the countries of the world. These elitists have stated in their publications for over a hundred years the premise that the world has too many people. They propose the ideal world population of humans be set at about five hundred million. There are about six billion people living on the planet right now. To meet this ideal world population would require the extermination of about ninety percent of the world population. A feasible way to accomplish this is to poison the atmosphere while still protecting the elite. This was not addressed in the film but I think it needs to be considered.

    1. Jack1952

      I suppose the elite have poisoned minds so they might as well live in a poisoned world. How they plan to do this is a mystery. I don't think they have thought their plan all the way through.

  61. Frank Lee

    I sat through 1:25 of this before clicking through the remainder waiting for someone to even try to explain how thousands of civil jet aircraft could be substantially modified and regularly loaded with tons of 'mystery' liquid without tipping off ground crews in airports across the world that something odd was occurring. I waited for someone to try to explain how pilots who know exactly how much their aircraft weighs could be deceived into switching sprays on and off.

    What I got was disjointed ramblings by people like the man with 'a degree in science' (any particular science?) Context-free quotes from government documents and 'hazy' assertions from the narrator who cannot decide whether the chem-trails are for poisoning people with chemicals, experimenting on them with bio-agents or affecting a change in the atmosphere.

    The investigation of phenomena is not served by bullsh*t feel-scared pseudo documentary's like this and the only thing this proves is peoples talent for irrational belief.

    1. Colin

      open your eyes, there is not much to debate on this one. If you think this documentary is limited by science then you yourself have some research to do. The general public's embarrassingly low comprehension of science is exactly what allows people to pull off plots like chem trails. These are not civil jets they are funded by the government. We live in a fascists state that presents a democratic puppet show to entertain the public. You will meet this response with emotional hostility but that was expected :D

  62. Chockie

    We enjoyed this 2005 edition of "aerosol crimes",but found it a little disturbing.As of 2010,operations are still going on,though perhaps at more of a "maintenance" level.Nevertheless,the human health and environmental impact is still there.