Abolishing Capitalism

2017, Economics  -   32 Comments
Ratings: 7.68/10 from 159 users.

Is capitalism destroying the fabric of our society? Peter Joseph, the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, argues that it is. His philosophy is at the center of Abolishing Capitalism, an Empire Files documentary hosted by acclaimed journalist Abby Martin.

The film is essentially a long form interview with Joseph as he sounds off on a variety of topics, including banks, the stock market, debt, and class division. In his view, capitalism is a scourge that has eroded our capacity for empathy. It promotes the irrational consumption of goods and services, shamelessly appeals to our primal need for social inclusion, and corrupts in its ability to reshape our priorities. In the process, it sets the stage for bringing out our worst misogynistic, racist and exclusionary instincts. Advertising is the means by which the system is able to perpetuate itself.

The average person often fails to recognize the cancer of capitalism. By design, the process is covert and muddied in complexity. The movers and shakers of the financial industry in the United States - the Wall Street traders and tycoons - create nothing. They merely make money from money. The elite line their pockets with increasing bundles of wealth while the lower and middle classes continue to struggle. Corporations are equally ruthless in their attempts to exploit the vulnerable masses. In one such scenario, Joseph exposes a major company that takes out life insurance policies on its employees. Every aspect of the financial sector is driven by profit, including the sanctity of life and death itself.

Joseph extends these grievances to the state of the world's underdeveloped countries, global starvation and poverty, and the degradation of the environment.

It's not all doom and gloom, however. His message is also aspirational. Collectively, our best and brightest have the power to transcend the capitalistic model, fully commit to the promise of renewable energy, conserve our precious resources, dismantle class divides and cure societal ills.

Abolishing Capitalism offers no counter argument to Joseph's assertions. But it does provide viewers with concepts that are worthy of careful thought and debate, and which might inspire activism for change.

Directed by: Abby Martin

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32 Comments / User Reviews

  1. steve

    This guy thinks going back into the jungle and caves makes us somehow sustainable noble savages. This planet wont be here forever no matter how sustainable it is, Technology and material progress is what we have to do to survive. Material progress gives us control over our fate.

  2. Mik hoch

    I’d sure let Abby polish my capital stick.

  3. Jamie

    Great interview. I especially appreciate the message of abolishing animal agriculture. We are enslaving and killing other living creatures which is immoral, and this in turn destroys the planet and destroys human health.

  4. XenaC

    He must be working for those 1% who own 83% of the stocks; since it is they, the banksters who desire to abolish Capitalism. You simply are not under their thumb enough. They are the globalists who want to fool you into Socialism which will become Communism so they can enjoy total control.

    If you disagree with their plans for you, they'll just delete all your accounts and their "caring" bureaucracy will delay until you see their light and be a good little Maoist ant sacrificing for the good of all... the banksters.

    1. Jamie

      I think you missed the point-- the bankers and elite are not under a capitalist system but rather a welfare state which bails them out when things go downhill. See 2008 and the notion of too big to fail for example. It is however a capitalist system for the rest of us trying to survive. You may wish to watch the film again, and I would recommend taking a break on the James Corbett or Alex Jones nonsense.

    2. Geo

      @Jamie: You missed XenaC's excellent point entirely. I wish I'd had seen that possibility as well. If it were [a capitalist system for the rest of us] as you claim, then we wouldn't be required to pay for all the incrementally increasing socialism to buy your votes with nor that of the bank welfare. Corrupt Socialism IS the problem infekting everything. Corporate welfare and corruption, has nothing to do with Capitalism, it has to do with corruption, which is not isolated to capitalism. Corruption is built into Socialism. There is nothing honest and honorable about stealing from one group to give to another. And they will do as much as they need to, to buy the votes to stay in power, for the good of the people of course! Regardless if they know they would be better off without them. Socialists must control the media, to dupe the people with limited information, to stay in power. This is why you see the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. shutting down opposing and more accurate news and analysis. Couldn't win a debate so shut them down! Wow, the Marxists have definitely arrived!

      Just to be clear, Collectivism of whatever flavor is all about getting rid of the competition via lies, such as claiming to help the poor, while mostly helping themselves and their cronies to power and money. The arrogant believing they know better so are entitled to rule. To dictate how the rest live. Great, go live where that is already if that is what you want. Go.

      You don't have to wait for the Globalist CENTRAL banksters along with their selected minions infiltrated throughout govt, often called the Deep State, to incrementally (or suddenly with an major attack) transform the usa into yet another Marxist craphole. You don't have to wait at all, you can move your chicken liver hiney to one right now.

      Why are you chicken to move? Why are you so chicken to do your OWN homework and thorough research like James Corbett? Because you are too arrogant to believe that you could possibly be wrong about buying into the indoctrination = propaganda = lies you were pummeled with for so many years.

      Why would they lie? That is the very question you truly need to ask. Why indeed?! They likely fell for the same BS you did. Or they are true believers, Marxist Alinksy-ites who believe they should be telling others how to live and what they can do, for their own good. Obama and Hillary used the Alinsky playbook at every turn: "Lie, lie, lie, and lie some more, because they will never go for it if you tell them the truth."--Saul Alinsky That is what you fell for, lies.

      Clearly Socialism is unsustainable as is communism. Eventually people starve and rebel. That is why Sweden, France, along with others, and more recently Russia and China have a good bit of Capitalism to support their systems. Sweden which all the dupes point to, is not a Socialist state. It has many private corporations and businesses and cut way back on the services that it provided years ago; because they simply couldn't afford it. There is no end to what people want if someone else has to pay for it. Along with services, they cut taxes significantly so the private sector could have the ability to create more jobs. Look it up, it happened 3 or so decades ago ...and your dipstick teachers still point to it like it is a shining beacon of socialism. What a laugh, Sweden if just a little more of a welfare state than the usa. But filled with many more dupes due to their indoctrination and media. Thank God for alternatives which it seems you need to pay much more attention to rather than the lies you seem to prefer.

      The Deep State, proven to exist long ago in the Church Commission hearings. If still available on youtube you can listen how the CIA has their people in the major media. A number of the important media people are part of the CFR as well. All working towards a Globalist = communism = one world govt.

      Wake up dude.

      You are a product of CIA propaganda fed to the major news outlets and a few generations of Rockefeller Marxist professorship grants to universities that teach the teachers.

      It is always the ignorant who think they know... because some other indoctrinated teacher or fake news person told them so. It is you who need to do a LOT more or your OWN homework to see and understand the propaganda you have been infekted with.

      Please cite which sources James Corbett uses that are inaccurate. That guy does more thorough research than anyone you listen to; clearly. We need many more James Corbetts covering more issues as thoroughly and factually.

      I do know a number of semi socialists... not one of them likes facts which oppose their fantasy. And they truly fear looking into anything that goes against what they prefer to believe, fear anything that would put a crack in their world view. They cling to the major media for dear life. It is merely the typical ego problem of not wanting to be wrong. Get over it.

  5. Not my problem

    He raises some good points but he's naive if he thinks humans can overcome these great evils that will ultimately lead to our distruction

  6. James

    73% of all tax revenue is paid by the top 10% of the country's wage earners.

  7. Gil

    @ussr: Go shop at your empty grocery stores in the days of the old Soviet empire.

    It is the incrementally increasing Socialism that has caused much of the problem in the once great usa. And the corruption that fosters.

    The larger more centralized power the govt is, the more problems for the people.

    1. Bill

      You misrepresent communism. America defines communism as the system imposed by Stalin (Stalinism) which is much different from what Marx/Lenin aspired to. Indeed, Lenin, on his deathbed, warned the communist party against allowing Stalin to take power. They failed. Stalin even initiated famines against the populace and true communist philosophy (see the Great Famine of Ukraine in 1930s).

      You assert socialism causes problems ... ? Hmm... Look at the socialism of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland ... As societies, on an objective scale, they are considered far superior to American society ... health, education, crime rate, happiness, etc. As to corruption, how many politicians in America (who are supposed to be our best and brightest) go to jail for corruption ...? Much much more than in the socialist countries in Europe.

      Centralization causes problems? Really...? As a former civil rights lawyer, police officer, professor I can confidently assert (and prove) that more problems are caused by poverty, income inequality (1000 times greater than the time of the Great Depression), secrecy in government, media control (four corporations (highly conservative) control 99% of the media today), corporate control of government, military-industrial complex, and corrupt judges cause far more problems than centralization.

    2. Geo

      @Bill: The simple fact is that you cannot tax a people into prosperity.

      If a Marxist you must have also heard of, if not a follower of Alinsky, who makes no bones about it, instructing to "lie, lie, and lie until they believe it because if you told them the truth, they would never go for it." (or similar words). Marxism is simply the arrogant thinking they are qualified and therefore should be granted or simply take authority over everyone else. Proving they are the least qualified.

      You mentioned Ukraine, I have spoken with some in Ukraine. They still think Marx meant well, even though his ideas have been proved wrong. How naive but at least many now realize it is horse manure.

      It is sad that you were indoctrinated in govt and Rockefeller endowed schools and by the globalist media ...and therefore desire to mischaracterize both Capitalism and Communism to fool people. It is also amusing that the lefties(communists) feel the need to surround themselves with credentials rather than simply letting their words speak. As if its okay to lie and that maybe more people will believe those lies if you have credentials. Typical lying Alinsky Marxist.

      Lenin was a murderer no matter how "ideal" he and Marx were. You also must be fine or support the reality that many in the usa would need to be murdered in order for this country to be "transformed" as Obama put it, into a true Socialist/Communist country. That of course is on the table of the Globalists(communists). The ends justify the means to them. They have no shame, only arrogance, a hunger and greed to control everything and everyone as they see fit. In short they want to eliminate God in order to be god.

      Capitalism is NOT a political system. It is merely the label given to a system that would naturally develop were there no govt at all. "People freely trading among themselves without govt interference." It is a ruse of the Collectivists(Socialists/Communists/Progressives, etc) to pile all the ills they have caused plus GOVT enabled corruption upon Capitalism, an economic system. Unfortunately too many people fail to do their homework and fall for such ruses. Mostly at the hands of so called professors. The usa is a representative republic. To claim that capitalists have captured the govt is another ruse. It is merely the greedy who fear competition so seek favor and benefit through govt corruption just as the same advantage seeking types doing the same thing in Socialist/Communist countries.

      It is govt which enables and allows for the corruption. The bigger the govt, the more the corruption. Plain as day. If you disagree, then you had no business being a professor.

      To pretend that MORE corruption is not inherently part of any Socialist/Communist system is to pretend people of low integrity would not be involved. When you have to lie to get people to fall for a scheme, that is low integrity. The media would not be needed to promote it, if it were good, it would be obvious, no propaganda needed. I don't need propaganda to tell me that some exercise is good, it is obvious. However, I would need lies of many virgins waiting for me to be a suicide bomber. Same for Capitalism vs. Communist utopia.

      If you think Communism or Socialism is good, why not move to where that is? Why do you insist on ruining the usa worse than you already have? Most of its recent ills are due to incremental Socialism causing a much larger degree of socialist govt enabling more corruption.

      Oh yes, the Karl Marx lie, that all countries must fall in line before Utopia can occur. Pure evil lies. Who but the indoctrinated fall for that? Small scale utopia would happen if it were possible at all. And exactly whose definition of Utopia? Certainly not mine and many others, since the utopia would only be for the rulers. The rest would have little say, little incentive to excel let alone achieve; that is a proven fact, under anyone including your murder Lenin. Clearly you think it fine to kill those who oppose your ideology and methods as Lenin did. That of course means free speech is non existent for fear of the gulag. But that is all fine if you "claim" you are helping the poor, even though the goal has always been to keep the poor poor and voting for those that lie to them rather than giving them real opportunity to NOT need you.

      The motivated would desire to escape that communist hell but if the whole world is under the same Globalist thumb, where could they go? Such a place to escape would then become a shining example of what Globalism(communism) isn't. Hence the lie Marx promoted that all countries must "fall" under Socialism before moving to Communist utopia. Can't have shining examples of something better mucking up the lie.

      And why is it people risk death to escape true Socialist/Communist countries? Why aren't they free to go? Quite simply, most would end up leaving and who would be left to need them so they could feel superior? Who would be left to steal from while pretending to help (help themselves) ...because it was so wonderful? Why not interview some of those that escaped Socialism and Communism years ago? You would find that they fear your kind most of all.

      Who are you or anyone else to tell me how and where I must live and what I must do, my choices limited by Your criteria? If any one thinks they should be able to rule over me, then by simple logic they too should welcome themselves to be ruled over by me, if I am more qualified. And of course like any good Marxist(Socialist-Communist) I am the one to determine those qualifications. Nice system if I were power hungry like they are.

      Most of the Euro leaders should be in jail. Few have followed the Euro charter which they are supposed to adhere to. Gee I wonder why the Euro Socialists don't end up in prison? They control the system.

      Much like the corrupt progressive run justice dept and FBI have kept Bill, Hillary, Gore, and Obama out of jail for a plethora of crimes. And tried to oust a duly elected President Trump via lies, in order to advance the globalist agenda.

      Part of that agenda, as Obama put it, is to "Transform the nation" into one the power hungry globalists(communists) can more easily control, which is to make everyone but themselves poor and of course to confiscate guns. They cannot do what they want while the people are able to defend themselves. If you don't know these stated globalist goals then you had no business teaching anything. If you did/do, then you still had no business teaching and are part of that evil which seeks to take everyone's freedom and opportunity in favor of a small allotment of what, where, when the rulers dictate, after they kill off a major portion of the population. Whether you know it or not, you support this by voting for the left, which are the new Nazis, who want to curb free speech, control the internet, confiscate guns, misrepresent anything sane people say to make them look bad. The left has no shame and no integrity, only greed for power.

      Scandinavia, Socialist? How ignorant. I know that is always the claim, to fool people with. They are only a little more Socialist that the USA was under Obama. If not for the private enterprise companies or if you prefer, a good bit of capitalism, the Scandinavian countries would have had severe economic problems long ago had they been fully Socialist. This same lesson was learned in China and Russia. Without incentive of reward, the people simply ask themselves what is the point of busting one's behind, so the Socialists can take it, live high on the hog, and dribble a little to those who don't feel like working at all, since why should they if someone is going to hand them free stuff.

      As Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism is great until the money runs out." And it did in Sweden. At one time they had a 70% tax rate and still couldn't pay for all the programs. They finally realized there is no end to what people will want if they can get someone else to pay for it. So they logically went the other way, cutting services along with those taxes in half. So to use Scandinavia as an example of Socialism, is only for those who are ignorant of the facts and too lazy to do some homework. Why not use your Lenin's USSR as an example? Simply because that wouldn't help your agenda.

      The Socialism part, where they are told what they were going to get and the socialist media cons the populace into believing things that aren't true, worked out wonderful for the calm and generous gentle Swedes welcoming in the Middle Eastern hordes, if you think rape and pillage is wonderful globalism as the top Globalists do. Yes many of them are wicked Luciferian rot. Again, if you don't know this, clearly you should do more homework.

      It is silly to claim a politician to be the best and brightest. Most are simply lawyers which have the integrity and the truth trained out of them in law school. You can find retired judges of renown who have written about the corrupt nature of the lawyers for decades now. Is that because law schools have become more conservative? Hardly.

      Prove those four companies are conservative. If you actually did ANY homework, you would find yours to be yet another false statement. Progressive republicans are not conservative at all. So called progressives of whatever party have fallen in with the globalist agenda. Two sides of the same Collectivist coin.

      Yet another problem with the mentality of your agenda justifying your means. Lawyers, police officers, and professors; never met one that didn't lie in court, where the truth is supposed to be told so that what should happen will, rather than the corruption coming out of the courts to advance an agenda. Much the same in your words here.

      Poverty doesn't cause crime. Most everyone knows poor people who are Not criminals. Most everyone knows of rich people who Are criminals. It is the notion that you deserve something without earning it that the left promotes and therefore instills and causes crime. Real crime; not so much stealing some food, which isn't necessary for the poor in this country.

      Who are all the criminals voting for? Conservatives? Hahahah. You probably think guns kill people rather than the people pulling the trigger. Can you ban knives, the new problem in the UK? Impossible. You can make one that will do the job out of most anything. "Only jello is allowed on the shores of Britain all rocks, metal, bones, trees, glass, plastic, etc must be removed!

      Why not tell people the truth? That the democrat party was the party trying to keep slavery. Still is, enslavement of the mind for now, the body again later, while shouting as loud as they can that it isn't, its them over there!

      Globalists, which the democrats and progressives support, do not want freedom of speech unless it is their speech. They don't want the freedom to vote unless it is their vote. Proven by their calls over the years to ban talk radio. And recent calls to control the internet. Proven by the ongoings of their FBI and justice dept to oust Trump. His big mistake was not cleaning house when elected. The Brooklyn liberal thought he would be able to get on fine with those on the left since he was trying to help the people. He didn't realize they didn't want to help the people at all, they simply want to fool people to gain power and keep the people poor while buying their votes with free stuff, which isn't free at all.

      Marx, if as intelligent as you think, had to know the results of his ideas would cause people to be worse off than with self government or even NO govt at all. Much the same as Obama knew that people would not be able to keep their doctor if his plan was implemented. His emails proved he knew he was lying. The left leadership is a pack of liars bar none, all while claiming they care.

      If you don't know that Alan Dershowitz, noted liberal law professor, considers the left to be the enemy of all, then why don't you? Because he is smart enough to know that Communism is anti Freedom.

      Fooling the masses via emotionalizing everything which short circuits logic and reason. Great trick. Hopefully even more people will wake up to it.

      Just to be clear, Collectivism of whatever flavor is all about getting rid of the competition via lies, such as claiming to help the poor, while mostly helping themselves and their cronies to power and money. They pretend to "help" the poor by keeping them addicted to free stuff, which is called vote buying. Hence their agenda to have massive numbers of illegals jump the border, so when the lefties regain control they will give them the right to vote, GETTING RID OF THE COMPETITION into the foreseeable future.

      Stop lying. We're onto you. Go live your lie in Russia or Africa.

  8. the ussr

    we NEED to abolish capitalism. i told yall it would destroy us all.

    1. Not stupid

      Did you not pay attention? The problem is more fundamental than whatever 'ism' you throw on top. Try paying attention to the video and what it is saying BEFORE you comment.

  9. DustUp

    What to do about the Corporations and Corporatism? They broke up AT&T didn't they? Better yet if you stop buying what they are selling and buy from a smaller sweeter nicer company, more of those will be created.

    If you stop voting for the corrupt and corruptible and see to it the swamp is drained, then the polluters (including govt) and bankster scams will be stopped.

    What they don't tell you is that Corruption is inherently ingrained and far worse in Socialism-Communism than with Capitalism. You just don't get to hear much about it because along with Central control they must control the media for it to continue. Obviously they have owned the major media in the usa for a long time. That is Not compatible with The Constitution since they seek to undermine it and have. Need to require all those major medias from calling any shows a "News" segment or "the news". That very title does the majority of the damage. They should be entitled "the Marxist propaganda segment" or similar. That would be truth in advertising, which was required years ago. Companies had to prove what they were going to say in a TV ad in the 1980s, at least in some cases, such as one company saying their product was better than another company's similar product.

    Politicians need to be put in jail. Judges need to be put in jail. As Martin Armstrong, the subject of the Movie/Documentary "The Forecaster" has said, govt should not be allowed to file charges on anyone, it must only be brought by people lest we have a tyrannical govt getting rid of the opposition or bending those to its nefarious will. Grand juries are mainly used as a rubber stamp these days.

    Again the problem is us. We are too lazy to stand up and fix the actual root problem. Clean out govt, prevent its corruption, stop corporations from having as many or more rights than an individual. Make it so psychopaths cannot hide behind them. No immunity for Judges. They allow fraud at every turn.

    Or sit on your backside and watch it all transform into a living hell with no incentive to work and therefore no food available to buy. Brilliant. Just like the old Soviet Union

    There is a reason Russia and China had to include a large dose of Capitalism in order to make headway into solving several of their problems.

  10. DustUp

    Nice to have @Nemo's confirmation. I was going to state that it is clear the fast talker is a Marxist i.e. Socialist-Communist. Abbey Martin is a Socialist-Progressive liberal as well. Different flavors of the same I-scream. They both like to pretend they are intellectual, especially this Peter Joseph guy, but really, if you don't understand the reality of much of what you are blathering about, then how intelligent are you? Neither do. Citing ultra liberal university studies? Gee that carries a lot of weight with me too, cough cough.

    @DGG The reason Soros isn't mentioned is because he is a Marxist fellow traveler. It has always been the method of the left to blame Capitalism for all the problems of the ever increasing Socialism-Communism has caused. The extra big laugh is that Trump could have easily ran on the Democrat ticket but that wouldn't have set well with the Clintons, who he called beforehand to let them know he was running. Bill didn't have a problem with it since he was going to run on the Republican side. So now that he has an "R" in front of his name he is automatically evil. Such a joke, since if he would have run on the Democrat ticket he would have been praised and whomever the "R" guy was would be the evil one, probably Ted Cruz or Ben Carson or such. If Trump would have been a true Republican, he would have done a clean sweep of the Administration and not have all the Marxist insiders still there lying their hineys off trying to take him out. Live and learn, and he is learning the hard way.

    It wouldn't surprise me to find that the majority of stocks are owned by the upper 1%. I believe the largest majority are owned by the banks. This is how the banksters, the owners of the robber baron banks, put an information shield between themselves and the public. The banks are probably held by holding companies, etc. Whether it is 83% as claimed, I have no idea. All I do know is to never believe anything a Marxist says. Their more recent playbook, more recent than Karl Marx's book anyway, "Rules For Radicals" by Alinsky instructs to lie, lie, lie; because they would never go for it if you told them the truth. And that is exactly what Obama and Hillary did. Hillary being a disciple of Alinsky and Obama clearly having studied his work following it play by play.

    What they clearly avoided saying is that the huge Corporations or Corporatism is at the root of most of the problems since they buy govt. Yet these Corporations are also for Socialism-Communism because that WILL eliminate most all of their competition. Then there will be no collaboration, just dictation.

    I do agree that much of the financial sector does nothing useful, especially the stuff most retail traders don't or cannot trade, such as derivative swaps. Mutual funds were one the reasons the big 1929 crash took so many down with it. People couldn't get out right away. They had to contact their Mutual Fund and that Fund would decide when to get out. Even in more recent times the mid 1990's or so, a friend wanted to get out, sent in the required notification, a week later they sent back a letter asking him why he wanted to liquidate. Luckily a crash wasn't happening at that time. However, it was when my Grandparents suffered through the 1929 crash. They weren't too keen on Mutual Funds. Did you know they were outlawed for many years after?

    These people want to "transform" society. Yet they don't say to exactly what, just allude to it being better. That is the same BS Obama fooled way too many people with.

    Much of Peter Joseph comments are based on false premise. Does the super Abbey Martin even question any of these premises? No. Pollution is a problem. Govt causes most of it because govt is bought by the Corporations = Corporatism or Fascism. Mussolini later stated that a better term for his coined Fascism would be Corporatism.

    Imagine NO govt at all. No Kings, dictators, warlords, etc. Just people. What would develop? Joe with chickens would trade eggs for some of Jim's sausage. And there would be NO taxes. THAT is Capitalism. To make those exchanges easier Money would be invented. To create a Tractor manufacturing company Stock would be sold to raise the capital needed. Voila after a couple hundred years here we are today. Except we haven't been smart enough to keep govt out of our wallets and the Marxists off the boob tube and out of the universities, propagandizing the world into hell on earth.

    What Peter Joseph fails to mention is this: They want to be just like the Soviet Union was ..."only this time it will be better!" Abbey Martin is just a useful idiot who wants to throw the baby out with the bath water rather than clean house. Trump is on the right track. If he actually could drain the swamp, that would go a long way to fixing a lot of things. These weasels want open borders because they know they can dupe many of them into voting for free stuff (buy their votes). Yet all any sane person wants is LEGAL immigrants who are a benefit. We cannot afford to cure everyone of everything. Why can't Mexico help its own people? It could but for corruption. Same reason we have poor people.

    In other words ...or using Peter Joseph mentality, if we could force the system to prevent vote buying, stealing from one group to give to another group, MUCH of the problems Socialists-Communists create would be eliminated. Because by FAR the largest recipient from the stolen, is the govt class. That is why it has grown immensely in the 2000s. Bush was no conservative. In actuality he was a progressive trying to march us toward a new world order NWO = Communism, just like his daddy who was great friends with Bill Clinton back from their black budget drug running days when Bush Sr. was CIA director and Bill was gov of Arkansas.

    Question everything. Do your homework.

  11. Nemo

    I've met and spoken with Peter and his Mother in Winston (where she lives)

    Long story short: Peter is wrong/Communist, Communism is evil and kills and does not work, and a quick watch of his debate with stefan molyneux will leave you a serious skeptic of his premise. Otherwise, smart guy.

    1. NemosNotTooBright

      What are you talking about? Stefan molyneux kept backpeddling that entire debate. You have to pay attention to how someone defines things within a given context. You can't just call someone wrong because your understanding of something used the incorrect terminology. Peter Joseph explains his terms very well. Please try paying attention to them. It's incredibly hard to not be so condescending to someone who watched that debate and though stefan was correct. He simply denied things without proposing evidence, just anecdotes. Sorry, but anecdotes aren't proof, so you should go back and rewatch that debate. Try actually paying attention this time.

  12. normroussy

    The book, The Web of Debt explains the problem.The book , The Public Bank Solution, explains the best possible solutions.Both books are written by Ellen Hodgson Brown, who is brillant.

  13. poorboy

    Purchase voucher concept of money creation, if a car manufacter produces ahundred cars at a ten thousand purchase price.it may produce purchase vouchers correspondingly.100x10,000.If the manufacter produces purchase vouchers of greater value that would consitute fraud.

  14. James

    I applaud Peter Joseph and his economic insights. One major element within our society not discussed or acknowledged to any degree is that of religion. There will continue to be religious warfare I think regardless of whatever economic revelations. I could be wrong but history says otherwise.

  15. Jay

    I like how after 10 + years of talking about how bad all these problems are this "movement" is still content to only point to lofty solutions while offering absolutely no detailed plan or framework on how to get there from where we are. Absolutely worthless, please cite me more Harvard studies on the problem, thanks. Please write another book rehashing problems we all know.

  16. Irwen

    Peter Joseph has good insights on the societal effects of oppression and exploitation. He talks rather quickly though, and uses some acronyms that he doesn't define (QE = quantitative easing, I assume). I'm not too sure about vertical farms being the final answer to the world's food supply issues, because from what I've seen they can mostly be used only for growing leafy greens like lettuce, and not staple crops like rice or wheat. My take on some of these issues:

  17. Stefan

    @DGG: your tiny stock pile probably accounts for those 15% that are not owned by the 1%. Remember, it's the sum, it's not about how many actually one just one stock. But it shows how easily people play along with keeping this system alive. I'd rather say that this system makes the worst out of people. Hence the theft, deception etc. And this just being "human", is as wrong as the "jealousy towards the rich" argument for people wanting another way in life and society.

  18. DGG

    It is human nature to want more than the other guy. It's called ego, and out of that comes competition, theft, deception, and everything else he is blaming on a capitalist system. And his claim that 85% of stocks are owned by 1% of the people which he calls "the elite" is nonsense. I own stock and I am FAR from the elite as he describes it.

  19. DGG

    How come they don't show pictures of George Soros? He has as much money as President Trump.

    1. Miles

      Vastly more. Trump is a hopeless and insolvent businessman. A person who has zero dollars has more money than he does. Not sure what the point is however.

  20. Shane

    Try subscribing to TZMOfficialChannel on Youtube. Seaching 'Peter Joseph' on Youtube will also give you loads of hits. I also suggest TeleSUR English with Abby Martin.

  21. Sharon

    I can't find anything online more recent than about 2013 for the Zeitgeist Movement. I live in LA, where Peter is based. How to find out more and plug into this group?

  22. Shane

    “In a way, the world−view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird.” - George Orwell, 1984

  23. Chris

    We need a real revolution in this country, but unfortunately it probably won't happen in my lifetime, only when the masses really get desperate and fed up will we see the population of the world stand up but it might be to late.

  24. Titus

    A main problem is that you can't just try to inform people about the problems and issues and expect the masses of sheep to do anything about it. People are ignorant. That is a fact. And it isn't just that the information isn't out there, or that it's hard to understand, it's that the majority of people refuse to change their minds, won't except facts that don't fall in line with their cliques(political parties usually) or are simply incapable of fathoming the drastic problems our society faces(or outright causes).

    The only way we are going to change things like stopping our freedoms from continuing to disappear, gaining back the freedoms that have already been taken by greedy and oppressive governments, and preventing the earth from being irreversibly damaged (although to some extent it already is) is for those who actually can use logic properly and are disgusted by the path we are on now, to FORCE change. Belief in our joke of a democracy, by those who know change must occur, can very well be our downfall.

    - The logic and Common Sense Guild

  25. Greg

    The only REAL starting point for any radical transformation in the current world order must be a reformation of the monetary system. Currently all new wealth is generated by the process of fractional reserve banking. All NEW money and therefore new wealth (money that never existed before) is created through fractional reserve banking. This is a wholly immoral system for introducing NEW money into the world because that NEW money then must be paid back to the banker once it has been spent. This makes the bankers the REAL owners of ALL NEW money being created in the world. NEW money should only be allowed to be created through a Universal Basic Income. This is the only moral way to create NEW money and therefore the only logical way to have a sustainable monetary system.

    Most world economists agree the current method for introducing NEW money in the world is inefficient and becoming more and more ineffective at spreading wealth to developing countries. If they would just open their eyes a little wider they would realize just how immoral it is for bankers to be the sole owners of all NEW money being created.