9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

2015, 9/11  -   73 Comments
Ratings: 8.61/10 from 406 users.

At its most basic level, the events of September 11 should be considered a heinous crime, and demanding of thorough investigation and just punishment. While the official investigative verdict has been reached and widely accepted through the 9/11 Commission Report, nagging questions continue to linger in the aftermath of this global tragedy. A growing movement of amateur sleuths believes the real motive behind the crimes of that day may be one of the oldest vices in the history of humankind: greed. For them, any thorough investigation of these events would have to include a careful consideration of the cash trail left in its wake. The thought-provoking new documentary 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money conducts exactly this type of investigation, and produces a series of theories too credible to be ignored.

Exhaustively assembled and researched, the documentary utilizes a wealth of televised news reports and interviews, official court documents, and the commission's own findings to argue its case. The questions it raises are shocking for both their callousness and probability.

Could 9/11 have been planned, at least in part, as an insurance scam? The film details the circumstances surrounding the single largest insurance settlement in history, and the strange series of events which precipitated it in the weeks and months leading up to the demise of the Twin Towers.

What are the facts behind the strange and illegal money transfers which were conducted from the World Trade Center on the morning of the attacks? Could investors have profited from having knowledge of the attacks before they were put into action on September 11th? In one of the film's many supportive pieces of evidence, former CIA agent Robert Baer is shown making this exact accusation on video during a 2008 event in Los Angeles, as he claims to have an association with one White House insider who cashed out their portfolio the day before the terrorist plot unfurled.

For some, 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money will surely result in an incendiary viewing experience. But even for those who deny claims of conspiracy in regards to that tragic day, the film offers valuable insights which are rarely discussed on a national stage, but deserve to be.

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73 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Julie

    I haven't even watched the video. I read through all of the comments and was amused by them. If you can find the actual footage again and watch it closely, you will see the buildings implode from the bottom. Bombs were used to bring the buildings down. Scientists also concluded that their was never a plane that hit the pentagon., not one piece of a plane was discovered in the rubble. The 2.3 trillion dollars that came up missing had to be covered up by our government. They fired a bomb into the building to destroy the evidence. The plane that they also said crashed landed, once again was proven to be a lie by our scientists. The plane wreckage would not have ended up 150 miles away, if it was a plane crash. They also proved our government shot it out of the air. Anyone that actually trust our politicians, truly are not educated. Turn off your tv news and start investigating. Our government has lied to all of us for years and has been stealing from us as well. The day before 911, Rudy Guliani was going to start an investigation into the lost money, Hence why the building he was supposed to be in that day was also blown up. On 911 our country was supposed to go back to abiding by our original constitution, so our corrupt government had to put a stop to all of this. I know some of this is hard to comprehend, BUT it's all TRUE. Jump forward to 2020 and look at the treason and insanity our leaders are into now. Once again, turn off the tv and get educated. Our next trial and tribulation is a civil war being started by our politicians. Crazy Pelosi wants to now convert to digital money, So the banks and the government can steal our money and control what we buy. The dodd frank act and another law passed by Obama in 2015, states that we are no longer depositors to the bank, we are unsecured creditors and if the bank doesn't have enough liquidity, they can take up to 50% of your money legally and give you stocks in the bank with an IOU. When our country got locked down in March, she tried to put the digital money in the law books for January 2021 to start this process with Bill Gates supplying the digital code to track us in every aspect of our life. The document got leaked, so she pulled it and then then next week put it back in.The six foot apart rule has nothing to do with the corona virus. They can only track us if we are six feet apart. People better wake or we are going t become a completely socialist country . Get all your money out of the banks, buy precious metals, because our dollars are not going to be worth shit, once they are done printing and spending money WE DON'T Have!! They cannot track gold or silver. I am telling everyone I know to stop paying their taxes, DO NOT support the money train any more. They cannot steal it from you, if you don't give it to them. Their is so much more going on that I just don't have the time to explain it all. Human trafficking, killing our children for adrenalcrene, the youth serum. This year has got to be the best bullshit our government has handed us so far. Race wars, defund the police and reparation for slavery. This is true hypocrisy at it's finest. George Floyd and Derek Chauvin working together at the same bar, same nights, Both men 33rd free masons and their boss is a crisis actor!! BUT they didn't know one another??? Truly Insane>>>>>>> ALL LIES>>>>>

    1. Autumn

      I want to thank you for sharing this, I read every word & it's true VERY true! Americans are so gullible to the fact that it's all bogus & corrupt. As long as we continue to feed into the bs the longer they will serve it to us. Yes WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  2. Bill Hesford

    A bunch of camel jockeys did it. OK then.

  3. Clint

    Notice that because the stock investigation did not yield the results that Corbett wanted, he has to rely on twisting that information to suit his theory by playing semantic games in interpreting the findings. His attempts are more tortured than people who try to use biblical passages to defend whatever awful behavior they are engaged, or those who pick the Constitution's language apart to parse out an interpretation favorable to their intent.

  4. Clint

    A b.s. documentary from a known, non-credible conspiracy theorist that mixes debunked information with some legitimate reporting For example, the stock activity during the period cited had been linked to the sources, none of whom had links to anyone related to the 9/11 attacks. Judging from other comments on this site, other people without contacts or access to anyone who knows anything about the claims here have all become secret geniuses who can support whatever conspiracy theory they feel like forwards because they require no actual evidence.

    1. JohnnyBravo

      The stock activity was connected to people "none of whom had any relations to the 911 attacks" if you are using the official story to explain who was connected to the attacks, such as Al-Qaeda. This is how the commission report tried to use misdirection to justify not looking further into the trading. Obviously, the alternative theory being proposed here is that other people caused 911 and whomever did the trading is still quite possibly or probably connected to those people in some way. What you are saying doesn't make sense. Also, James Corbett is not discredited and only the main stream media which is your souce I assume call him a "conspiracy theorist". Anyone who uses that pejorative is either ignorant or intentionally attempting to mislead.

  5. Tj

    I'm sorry guys your barking up the wrong tree it's time travel in the near future we find time travel those in the future do thiso they visit disasters through time some sneak of and do this and that the monies always returned they get caught themselves back in the future there's security for that they have to let it happen otherwise they create a parrellell universe your being born your dying so enjoy this chapter

  6. Mathew Neville

    Anyone with a brain understands that planes made of "light" aluminium can NOT cut through concrete & steel buildings like a knife through butter as if by MAGIC .
    9/11 was Israel's masterpiece & its coverup was & STILL IS America's masterpiece.

    1. Don Edward Yannuzzi

      My Brother Rick Yannuzzi Senior Officer in the CIA was Murder on 4/3/01 ! 1 month before he was Suddenly Murder Alvin Krongard was Placed in the CIA . George Tenet was Dual citizen of Israel , So was the Assistant Attorney General Israel Nationalist ; He Let Go the 5 mossad agents arrested for setting up cameras right before planes hit the Twin Towers and celebrating as it happened ! The van they had tested positive for explosives ! I called the Washington Post & CNN on 4/4/01 to tell them why my brother was murdered . I told them we will be at war by the end of the year by a false flag attack and the CIA was behind it ! Have Passed polygraph on this ! Peace to All

    2. Belle S.

      Masterpiece is an appropriate word. Masterminds of evil. It still baffles me how they managed to bamboozle millions of people. Unbelievable... that they got away with what they did!

    3. Joe Graw

      Well, I disagree. I think if our American people are kept doing opiates and given needles to do heroine on the streets and sh*t on our sidewalks, these idiots can see a fly running into a fly swatter
      and knocking it down.

  7. Love

    All lies. Muslims commit 0.002% of domestic terrorism. White men commit 85% of domestic terrorism. Blacks, brown, and yellow people commit zero terrorism.

    All American wars have been false flags. It's all about money.

    1. tony spencer

      funny, muzzies cant help themselves, erratic thick lot

    2. Steve

      You are an id**t. Where did you get your statistics? CNN?

  8. Mark

    What a **** documentary. After 10 minutes, I can't follow what's going on. Narration is way too fast, too much information spat out like a machine gun. Have you guys never seen a BBC documentary? Calm down, slow down, tell me some key points. Pause between sentences. Take a breath. Give viewers time to digest the info and think. You could tell more of the story with half of the words. Where's the music? Add foreboding music to highlight the info that is new, shocking or surprising. This documentary has good intentions but is about as entertaining as reading a long website.

  9. Jack

    For the record the Twin Towers came down from a classic military decision to cut losses and identity. There would be no effective rescue - the US was becoming a spectacle of aflamed, and jumping victims intolerable to the egos of US leadership.

    This documentary fails to illuminate the primary Muslim Holiday "The Eid al-Adha." The Eid celebrates the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as an act of obedience to Allah.

    Parental love is conditional in Islam. Muslim children grow up with the subtle and overt knowledge their parents could justifiably kill them at any juncture if instructed by Allah.

    Growing up with the Eid is how well educated, professional, young adult Islamic males (19 of them) could look small children, and babies in the eye on four planes, and take them to searing, fiery deaths on 911; this trade for Heaven, virgins and promised money to their families.

    There is a distinct pattern of mass homicide integral to Islam only a fool could ignore. On 911 Muslims stated openly they knew it was Muslims long before the general populous had so much as an inkling.

    Through the Eid, from earliest childhood followers of Islam are deeply inured to the belief that murder is a venerable and honorable means to settle the score with problematic people and non-muslims (infidels) - and a guaranteed means to achieve heaven with Allah.

    Where it is honorable and eternity with Allah to murder infidels in Islam, homicide is a trip to hell and the devil for Christians.

    The upshot is we are all social carnivores.

    1. Ghost

      @Jack you are acting like a child who just learn something and run to spit it. Regardless of the non-sense and the lies the title of the doc is "Follow The Money" why do you think they would talk about anything other than the money? everyone has the right to know all the aspects of 9/11.

      CIA created Al-Qaeda, fear monger the american, deviance contractor getting rich and all that from American tax payers........Idiot.

      To this day America still support Al-Qaeda and all its rebranding in Syria along side ISIS before your eyes. Directly by weaponizing them directly, bombing Syrian and Iraqi army to help them fleeing the siege or via american allies like Mosad/Isreal and Wahabist their babe from the imperialism. Tramp literally gave 5 million dollar to the white helmet who have been working for years with alnusra and ISIS for years.

      You shouldn't be watching these doc as they triggered you out of your comfort zone; instead go back to Fox news and Info wars.

  10. Timber

    @Boxer @David Allen @Kyle still afraid to look at the evidence. Sad.

    9/11: Decade of Deception (2015) is a great docu available on on this website. Have a look at the physics. If you can't see it then you have a condition which a few too many have which manifests as "fear of your world view being crushed" which you have your emotionalized ego wrapped around.

    It is how the propagandists have been able to succeed in so many endeavors: far too many people have been emotionalized in government schools; their emotions are able to overrule facts; to discard facts in favor of what they prefer to believe.

    Your first mistake was believing into the propaganda(lie) that government was your friend, benefactor, or protector in the first place, when if you actually looked rather than buying all the little lies, much evidence leads to the contrary.

    Government is the vehicle through which evil snakes are able to screw the rest of us. Socialism even more than Capitalism is bought by the banksters. That is why they promote Socialism and why it is taught in schools for too long now. And why we have so many more problems. More Socialism = more govt = more corruption.

    Thousands of real engineers and scientists don't need to "go back to engineering school" to simply see. Emotion and the fear of the implications is what keeps you from seeing what is right there, if you could and would only look.

    I have an engineer friend who refuses to look at the evidence. To him, if its not on the boob tube TV, then it didn't happen. A perfect sock puppet for the Globalists. Too much effort for him to click on an independent video or documentary, even when the link is supplied. Why should he? He already "knows" what happened! In his mind anyway.

    Not only does the later demolition of shorter WTC building 7 tell you enough. It is a simple matter to dispell the official "pancake collapse" theory that people have to want to believe in order to believe it. Emotion over facts.

    The lower part of the steel columns were designed to carry all the weight of the building above them, and then some, not just one floor. When enough heat is applied to STEEL it doesn't just give out, it starts to bend or deform.

    If the open flame limited air (lower temp) fuel fire could have even produced enough heat to deform the concrete protected steel columns, the side which the plane entered would have the most available air for the fire, making it the hottest, as well as missing some columns. That side would give out first causing the above portion to tilt.

    Even if that didn't occur, there is no credible theory that can explain how all steel columns would allow the whole floor to collapse at the same time; some part would give way first, slowed by the rest of the framework above and below, and fall little further than that floor or two or so. And even if that flaming floor did "pancake", the strength of the steel columns below, being able to hold all the weight above and then some, would absorb that pancake shock deformation in a few floors or so. There simply is no added weight, only impact which is not accelerated but SLOWED by all the material and strength of framework between the supposed initial pancake floor and the ground. And that was a LOT of structure to do the slowing.

    If you are still emotionally attached to the propaganda you want to believe: Build yourself a 5 story doll house out of plastic straws for columns. Toss some alcohol onto the 3rd floor and light it. See what happens. Or use wood and a sledge hammer for "pancake impact".

    Do the bottom of the columns give out? Does your sledge hammer accelerate or get slowed by the material structure?

    The pancake pseudo theory is utter nonsense and only for those who desire to maintain their world view that people and government aren't that evil ...even though evidence leads to the contrary.

    Years ago, a neighbor lady "didn't even want to think about the possibility of the twin towers being done on purpose by certain entities within our government". There it is. People fear the truth for some personal safety security blanket reason. So they prefer to live in fantasy land.

    1. David Romero

      It's difficult to overcome our natural tendency to want to believe otherwise. For e.g., would you be as amenable to the very credible position that Pearl Harbor was a deliberate set up known only to a select few which included FDR?

  11. az

    actually thought I couldn't get into another 9/11 doc but this was an eye opener very well researched

  12. Ryfree

    A very good documentary that does a compelling job at showing a glaring inconsistency in the government's official story regarding 9/11. Highly recommended for anyone, from skeptics to truthers.

  13. True Americam 1st

    These horrific injustices upon the American people of this country is nothing more than pure evil. To laugh or joke about trillions of dollars missing was deplorable to say the least. Not to mention, all the lives lost in the Towers, and the wars related is absolutely not a bit funny at all !.

  14. MonkMan

    God watches and He waits. There will be justice.

  15. Barbara

    Timothy Mc Veigh was right. He himself said what he did was a pinch in the bucket compared to what was coming. He blew that building up in Oklahoma because he was trying to save ppl from 911. There was implosions bombs being stored in Oklahoma federal building that he blew up. This bombs were meant to implant in the twin towers. He also died in prison just to shut up about this. What a corrupt government we have!!!!

  16. C

    Wake up America! AIPAC

  17. Jim

    I just wonder if this documentary would have been done if this had been under Clinton's or Obama's presidency. It seems from the comments, this is more about politics than physics.

  18. john connolly

    The work of Dr Judy Wood is the only version of how it was done which makes any sense. The why is academic, as far as who? Well, who cares? I'd bet they were American...

  19. Kyle

    Lol this is all conspiracy. The comments reveal it. Y'all make it seem like Osama bin Laden was unknown until 9/11. The Clinton Administration has their target on his back for all of the 90s after the CIA backed Afghan rebels against Soviets in Afghanistan. He ran a finance and construction company and began to fund jihads that fought Zionists and Secularists. He was pissed at the US for intervening with Middle East affairs and the fact that Saudi Arabia allowed US troops in their country which is home to Medina and Mecca. REAL NEWS AND REAL FACTS. Oh and the physics? Lol. A commercial jet airliner full of fuel (LA destination) coming in at 600mph.. That much gasoline and instantaneously burning is an enormous amount of energy which damaged and further separated steel molecules which led it to buckle and give way. Get a grip. People have profited from acts of war since the beginning of time. And you think financial crimes happening at the heart of NYC is something new and rare???? Happens everyday. We all know how 2008 happened.

    1. Frausto

      Still share the same opinion on this?

    2. SOLOS

      Those building were imploded. Fact. Molten metal in pools below the rubble two months after the collapse. That wasn't from jet fuel, dude.

  20. David Allan

    If anyone truly believes that physics suggests that 9/11 was anything but terrorism ( as one poster suggested above) then you need to go back to engineering school.

    Now do people profit from horrible tragedies. Of course!

    The quicker you dispense with baseless religious notions such as karma, the quicker you will understand the real world and begin to truly live a life of freedom.

    This is just a movie, not a documentary, and its sole purpose is to further enslave the minds of the ignorant and/or stupid. Just like everything else. What you should be ashamed of is that it's working...on you! Just look at these comments!

    Throw away your warm cozy blanket of superstition and conspiracy and start to think.

    1. Frausto

      Still share the same opinion?

    2. SOLOS

      See my comment above. Physics is what makes it a planned implosion. It sure wasn't from a jetliner.

  21. Michael bird

    Very cool reporting..like it

  22. Mogens Rasmussen

    More incriminating evidence to the already big pile. Amazingly and unfortunately it does not seem to put any of the involved crooks behind bars.

  23. andrew

    So good to get alternative information.
    The news services in america can be so filtered. Love this website!

  24. Insanedutch

    Sorry from the whole story only one thing sticks like glue, an weapon to attack genotypes!!!! why is there no fuzz about that? I have a friend who works in genetics and this is a very bad thing. Did you guys knew the regime in South Africa before Nelson Mandela got to power, was building a virus that attact pigment, not harmfull for white except your molds get infected. but people with lots of it would die of it. creating a virus is bad news but let's say we turn of the genes for propagation only from one race, or modify you're genes so that you prefer coca cola over anything else.
    Once you go on a road where you start these kinds of manipulations on the DNA it's a downward slope, if you check the history of the USA they probably going to test these things on you're soldiers. Hail Hydra!

  25. zool

    All you have to do is go look up PNAC, it is like a script playing out right in front of your eyes...... they even tell each other... our plans won't be doable without a "New Pearl Harbor."

    Cheney, Rumsfeld and all of the other Neocons (Leftist Ideology - open borders) are on the list of members....

    1. SOLOS

      The origins of it all... Cheney still hiding in Wyoming.

  26. Chaz

    It was obvious from the beginning that this was a top level scam from all the holes and dichotomies, and follow the money is absolutely the determining factor. Bin Laden was dead months after the incident of kidney disease, despite the best medical care by top level doctors to preserve him as the scapegoat, but go ahead and find any document that states he was wanted for terrorism on 9/11...it doesn't exist because it wasn't ever him! We killed him again to feed the lie in a big dramatic operation! Such BS!

    1. SOLOS

      He served his purpose.

  27. DRJDC

    Profoundly enlightening. If authorities profess a blatant and boldface lie, then the only real authority is the TRUTH. The horrific tragedy of 9/11, in my opinion, is the lost of innocent lives in New York and those countries where war was escalated because of self-serving interests on the part of corrupt individuals, organizations, and governments that could careless about committing crimes against humanity. Sooner or later, the aforementioned will pay the price; it's just a matter of time...

  28. Mubey

    @Jaypee... Establishing the available evidences as generally acceptable or legal entities would be difficult, because the powerful personnel that planned or benefited from the attack will not allow it to fall through. Besides, the attack was a golden opportunity to penetrate the likes of Afghanistan and Iraq, and don't forget millions of dollars was made from weapons used for the invasion. Benefits from Iraqi oil is another point we can't write off.

    1. SOLOS

      Billons made, Trillions spent...

  29. transmedic@gmx.de

    The obvious conclusion is that those persons who made inordinate amounts of money from the 911 tragedy must be thoroughly investigated. But since money rules the world in general and the USA in particular, I'd bet anything that, sadly, those persons will not face justice until there is a true change in the USA.

    1. Hugh Jones

      follow the money yes....but there are other benefits even greater, U.S. then attacked all of Israel's enemies.

  30. Mubey

    911 was a perfect exhibition of ''the devil is a lie''. It's so sad how people could be greedy and go to any length to achieve their evil-driven goals.

  31. chris

    GREAT WORK! Think about a MUSIC PARTY!

  32. Jaypee_d_poet

    It's becoming more unarguably clear that the 9/11 incident was a well-ochestrated stunt from the inside.. The question is, what can researchers do to establish this fact well-grounded to the world.?

  33. Chris

    Just listened to "An Interview with Don Fox: 911 and the Awakening" by William Finck and Donald Fox.

    Very interesting.

  34. Mr. Smith

    The following statement will require research on your part to understand: Jews were behind 9/11. If you have at least a 90 IQ & are not afraid to research and investigate...you will be very surprised at what you will find.

  35. maybeimwrong

    "People only sleep peacefully in their beds at night ,because Rough men ...stand ready.... to do violence on their behalf"

  36. Emile Cole

    I see links are removed/not allowed. For anyone interested in reviewing the analysis, just Google "what is free fall? - the naked science forum" and it should appear at the top of the search results.

  37. Emile Cole

    Follow the money? No, I'll stick with the physics of WTC7.... it's well over a year now (September 12, 2014) since I posted my complete Prima Facie Empirically Verifiable Scientific Method Driven Graphical Target System Analysis and Conclusion arrived at by Process of Elimination (really just an exhaustively stated eighth grade homework assignment) that solves the whole thing with complete certainty scientifically and criminally beyond any reasonable doubt all in a single post.

    To date (with over 50,000 views now) not one member new or old, not one moderator, not one podcast or other staff member at the TheNakedScientists or Cambridge University, particularly Dr. Alan Calverd PhD (physics) but also including Dr. Christopher Smith PhD (neuroscience) along with several others there well qualified to judge it (actually anyone who got through the eighth grade with passing marks is fully qualified to evaluate it) has even managed to directly address it let alone break it or point out any error in it at all by simply copying and pasting one of the simple easy to understand animations (formatting guided by Dr. Calverd) along with a bit of accompanying descriptive text that says anything like "This animation and accompanying descriptive text is incorrect, the scenario would not play out as depicted/described in the analysis and here's why...." followed by some cogently stated elucidation of some percieved error or needed correction that would tend to change it or the inescapable conclusion it quite naturally arrives at....

    The Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency are literally the only ones on the planet who could possibly have carried out a covert domestic operation of that magnitude in WTC7 (and by extension all the events of that day).... the only ones who had exclusive carte blanche access to all parts of the tightly secured building.... the only ones who could possibly have defeated the buildings high tech security systems in and around the building.... the only ones who had ready access to the quantity and quality of energetic materials required.... and the only ones who could possibly have allowed in those with the required expertise to arrange for the buildings destruction using said energetic materials.

    Just as one needn't be Isaac Newton to see there is no other possible explanation for the behavior of WTC7 other than energetic materials having been physically transported inside the building, one needn't be Sherlock Holmes to see there is no other possible explanation as to who could have done it since the building was in perpetual lock down for many years prior to its destruction as a tightly secured government facility.... it's elementary.

    1. SOLOS

      "Exhaustively stated" but I'll be sure to read... Thanks.

  38. Russ Tul

    Bin Laden's demise was brought about by his hubris. There is no evience that he masterminded the 911 atrocity -- apart from his own claim that he was behind it. No real "mastermind" orchestrating such a monstrous act of indiscriminate mass murder would be dumb enough to admit to such a vile act, knowing that he would be signing his own death warrant if he did.

    1. SOLOS

      He never did. That short "film" was fake.

  39. Boxer

    Enough with the ridiculous conspiracies. Some papers were blown out with the initial impact, including my husband's building pass which we received in the mail many months later.

    1. SOLOS

      The buildings were imploded. EVERYTHING was blown out. The 'jumpers' did so due to the unbearable heat caused by the nano-thermite cutting of the columns prior to the actual explosions.

  40. Torbjorn

    we all know who and how ! give´m some rope!

  41. Andrew Gerard

    This is a brilliant look at 9/11, and it really delves into one aspect of the events that seems to get lost among the questions about physical evidence regarding that day, and for good reason. Frankly, the physical evidence is much easier to understand. With a basic knowledge of physics and an open mind, anyone can see the anomalies. So that's what we usually look at, and that's what we usually argue.
    This is the more advanced lesson regarding 9/11. It is more complex, but just as damning, as Loose Change. If this was a case being heard in a legitimate court of law, the evidence revealed in this documentary would get as much, if not more attention than all the physical evidence combined This is a must-see for anyone who is an arm chair investigator of that despicable crime. Excellent work.

  42. CarimboHanky

    @bungabunga wonder where do you live that you considare a 4.5BILLION dollar insurance fraud with a couple thousand people as collateral damage an "innocent" things...

    there was more to 9/11 than insurance fraud but at the end of the day it all comes down to 1 thing and 1 thing only... MONEY!

  43. ruffa fernandez

    what a bunch of hogwash!

  44. charles coryn

    Welcome to the Twilight Zone…….

    Exhale, and catch your breath……. relax……. bring those numbers up again, yes, those trillions of dollars…..those trillions of dollar that are what? Wait a minute, those trillions derive from taxes, from you and I, and I've just been told that that amount represents $8,000 for every man, woman and child, and I'm thinking yes, but wait, wait a minute, the children don't work, some women and some men don't work, some are retired and some are disabled, and my mind is racing and spinning…… I mean I paid 5 cents for a coke or a candy bar, 3 cents for a bus ride or a stamp when I was a child, and this man is talking about trillions of dollars, missing, MISSING?……. it truly staggers my imagination.


  45. Filmsmith

    Thank you Mr. Corbett! Your research is always so undeniable and presentations so professional. I am adding this to my favorite 9/11 documentaries that I send out to family and friends who still have issues with their cognitive dissonance on the truth of 9/11. If they won't believe the physics and other circumstances on 9/11; hopefully, they will understand the money trial.

  46. former marine

    Outstanding documentary. I have learned thru extensive research regarding this subject matter. We have men and women that have committed TREASON. Murder for profit, murder to keep secrets hidden. One day all of them will be judged by our King. I don't feel sorry for them, at all! In the bible there is a scripture, You reap what you sow. Because of what these evil humans have done, and got away with. They have helped in destroying our nation, our freedoms, our constitutional rights, and our unalienable rights! Another bible scripture comes to mind, The love of money is the root of ALL EVIL! That scripture proves exactly what this is really about. They have made money, and power, there God. This also reveals they work, and serve Satan! None of them will have the right to live for eternity in heaven, or a new earth. But will burn in hell, for eternity. Praise God

  47. Glen

    If the passport can get through steel melting thousand degree heat and not have a singe on it..lets find out what it was made of.. this material is a game changer.....unless it is all lies..

  48. drew hempel

    Daniel Hopsicker investigated where the 9/11 terrorists trained - the same airport that had CIA airplanes shipping heroin. CIA 9/11.

  49. Wayne

    The basic laws of physics tells us that 9/11 was an inside job, as does the complete pulverisation of both towers, as does the rush to clear the site of debris, as does the discovery of the passport of one of the alleged hijhackers found in the street on top of dust and debris - as does a multitude of other events tjhat occurred before, on and after that terrible day.

    All about money.

    1. Tom Convery

      Wayne, from your comment, it appears you might want to attend a physics class or two before commenting on its basic laws.

    2. SOLOS

      Tom, I'm sorry you failed physics. Perhaps you were more successful otherwise.

  50. bungabunga

    if only it was just done for something as innocent as insurance fraud... this sounds like another "Fahrenheit 911" that tries to play it off on something benign like stupidity and incompetence when the reality is far more sinister than that.

  51. troutmouf

    RIP Michael Ruppert