9/11: Decade of Deception

2015, 9/11  -   146 Comments
Ratings: 8.44/10 from 438 users.

In the years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, a growing number of skeptics have come forward to challenge the official story of what occurred on that horrific day. On the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks, these witnesses and researchers gathered for a four-day conference hosted by Ryerson University in Toronto. There, they collectively delivered their strongest evidence of conspiracy to an international panel of judges. 9/11: Decade of Deception documents the highlights of this milestone event.

The ultimate purpose of the conference was to produce a rallying cry among the masses for a new and objective investigation into the events of that day. The panel, which consisted of an esteemed group of academics, would submit to the government an official re-investigation request based upon what they believed were the most convincing findings presented in several categories including structural engineering, physics, chemistry and world history.

Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, runs a televised side-by-side demonstration of the World Trade Center collapse and a controlled demolition, and expands upon the inconsistencies that he believes spark doubts upon the accepted story of the towers' demise. Others contribute additional confirmation of this theory, citing the existence of specific explosive elements hidden within the debris. Survivors and family members of the fallen provide emotionally raw accounts of the events which led them on their own personal crusades for truth.

On-camera interview subjects challenge the automatic dismissal of "conspiracy" as a concept. They point to other incidents throughout history - including Watergate and the lone gunmen theory in the assassination of President Kennedy - as key examples of widely held conspiratorial views.

The events of September 11 have left great wounds all over the world that remain unhealed. It brought forth the troublesome war in Iraq, and a seismic shift in the arena of public policy - from the enactment of the Patriot Act to the increased prominence of invasive surveillance to the slow erosion of certain civil liberties. The need for answers and closure permeates each of the presentations and testimonials featured in 9/11: Decade of Deception, and it's an instinct that is shared by even the most hardened conspiracy deniers.

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146 Comments / User Reviews

  1. But the real question, why they have to bring down the buildings and make it too obvious of using demolition techniques?

  2. The World Trade Center a complex of several buildings including 1,2, and 7WTC where opened in April of 1973 so they had 28 years to install all demolition needed to bring those buildings down. Any argument regarding not having a time frame needed to prepare these buildings with the demo needed for implosion is not valid.

  3. The claim of a U.S. government conspiracy is silly. We all saw the planes crash into the buildings. There were effectively 500,000 pound missiles traveling at an estimated speed of 400-500 mph. Anyone who doubts that this isn't sufficient to bring down those buildings is foolish.

    I have heard so many claims by the so-called Truthers that are simply wrong. One claimed that jet fuel burns at close to 500 degrees F and that this isn't hot enough to melt structural steel. The reality is that the temperatures inside the towers were likely in the 2000-3000 degree range. Further, it is not necessary to melt the structural steel. It begins to warp when exposed to temperatures of just 800 degrees.

    The favorite explanation of the Truthers is that this was a controlled demolition. Popular Mechanics interviewed the head of a demo company and this gentleman stated that it would have taken his team roughly 6 months just to place the charges in one of the structures. And nobody noticed.

    But what about Building No. 7??? Several floors of that structure were free burning for eight hours. The FDNY didn't even attempt to save the structure. They were a little busy. Of course it collapsed, just like any other similar structure would.


    2. Unlike any other structure ever has, there have been many steel structure buildings burn.

  4. This is a brilliant film, one of the best I’ve seen 👍

  5. This is not the first time the United states of America government has did acts of mass murder on its own citizens an example was was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba a proved fact . So it doesn't surprise me America yet again is up to a greater game . 911 to create a false flag operation to create a war on Islam and to gain the oil from Iraq and minerals from Afghanistan typical for a capitalist country perfect sense and true

    1. Sir, I am an American who strongly agrees with you.

  6. I'm missing the big picture here. How in heavens name can one stage what these ppl claim? Seriously, bombs planted 3 gigantic buildnings? without a whistleblower or someone leaking information? How can you fake a planecrash / plant a bomb in pentagon without getting spottet by anyone? How can you trust these ppl to really succeed with what they are planing? A tiny miss and the bomb wouldnt go off and it would be a scandal of epic proportion.

    Nah, i'm sure CIA turned it to their interest like everone else, and the gov have things they prefer to not speak about thats not good to show in public concerning the events. But a conspiracy is simply not possible in this large format, way too risky, enough with one minor failure and the gig is up.

    1. buildings don't fall through their own mass like that and at that speed. and no way because some plane flew in the top somewhere. the whole structure could hold itself. a plane or damaged floors, even dropping on each other could never result in the effect we all saw.
      You can as a friend of mine, we wrote some stuff about mass, energy and velocity I think. Newton is his name. You might very likely know him too.

    2. See who was in charge of the security of the WTCs prior to 9/11. Note the "relative" of that person. See how many evacuation exercises took place prior to 9/11.

    3. Your a fck’n m*ron . Brainwashed sheep. You obviously haven’t done your homework . There was major elevator shaft and structural construction taking place in the months leading up to the attack not to mention a large scale asbestos removal taking place. The amount of money that was made from 911 and the wars that follow is astronomical. This was an operation with many hands , agency’s and nation’s on board and the media helped to sell the bullsh*t story even with the truth starring America in the face . Obviously you bought it .

  7. Israel has full control of America. Israel will take the American into war with Iran unless the people of America, along with the military, rise up and get rid of the Synagogue of Satan.

  8. Mossad killed JFK after the protection for the President was stood down.

    Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty to be blamed on Egypt, the rescue mission was stood down by Lyndon Johnson (a Jew).

    On 9/11 the Mossad attacked New York and the normal protections were stood down like the Air Force. and in Washington the missile defense on the Pentagon was switch off.


    1. you couldn't be more correct

    2. lmao another antisemite

  9. The real truth of 9/11/01 will be coming out

    1. Who is going to release it? The government isn't. These people who did this are the top of the pyramid structure. 33rd degree masons and they own everything. They aren't going to investigate or arrest themselves. No one will be convincted of these crimes. The new world has been in power for 6000 years now and they get whatever they want. Who can stand up to them? They are a global superpower.

  10. How did building 7 fall? Building 7 wasn't even mentioned in the 9/11 report.

    1. prolly casue it droped what 7 minutes on live film after they said it already fell ???? and then that news person was cut off and they jumped to somthing else cause she reased news to early and f*cked her self

  11. “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

  12. Adrian, way to kick it real.

  13. There is more than enoug evidence. It is time to stop questioning professional engineers and pilots who obviously know their stuff. The REAL problem (closely behind U.S. Govt. perpetuating it/them to begin with) is the fact that the press just tows the line. Th e minute you folks stop having more 911 conferences (we all know it was staged etc.) and start to do what you really need to do ...the walls of deceit will quiclly start to crumble..that secret ingredient is very simple. Go after the nes sources they have had more than enough contrary evidence form 911 to kenndies to area 51. While not investigating them iof that wasn't enough they actively perpetuated bush's claim of WMD in Iraq ...THEREFORE AIDING AND ABETTING in th esenseless slaughter of thousands of U.S young men and women who didn't have to die....if thenews media didn't help tell the lie that is 911. while there ar some news stations that have run cursory surface 911 questions nobody except the alternatives like Jesse Ventura etc. actuall delved in and called all ofthe coverups what they are..Horrendous mass murders (911), withholding of technology and keeping us on fossil fuel to keep current finacial oil basedmarkets alive to speak of a few things (area 51 and technology they know now) and most recently the Jackie Onassis papers released by Trump confirming what we all knew along (along with 911 and area 51.)...thatJackie also thought/knew her huisband was assasinated by insiders. So ya see folks, none of these things were conspiracies but legitamite breaches of the law along with a 'keping us in the dar' purely to maintain current financial outputs ie use of fossil fuels still.

    Bottom line. Quit reading supporting or buying anything from the mainstream news till they start doing their jobs. Be dismissive of them the same way they have of correct people trying to put light on 911 etc. but instead usurped and called a wacko by these news sources supposedly out for our best. Again, maybe on the local stories news weather who one the ball game just to keep the image up...but the real stuff...the life or death stuff...not a chance. How the media must pay, and deserves an ass kiicking from society they have failed us miserably.Don't hold your breath they won't. However there are already other alternate news sites on the web etc. The single biggest threat is not your govt. it's the news media as that is how they get their message across whether it is lying about 911....or the kennedys or not investigating area 51. ALONG with...perpetuating the stereoptypical image of people that question the above as conspiracy theorists. Take back your media folks and hold them accountable for thousands of deaths that could have been avoided had the press did their jobs and asked questions. Stand up! Make your fore fathers proud!

    1. Spot on brother, the usa is a curse on everything humanity is. The usa is in collapse mode it can’t happen soon enough. The organisation that runs the usa is just evil. Fascism at its worst and ugliest. There should now be opened the equivalent of the Nuremberg trials to sort this bunch of arseholes out!

    2. Also the OKC bombing was a practice run for 911. Tim mcvey did bomb the building. The ATF had a person working with them. ATF employees were told not to come in that morning. Watch the documentary called " A Noble Lie".

  14. This is thought provoking stuff, but at best it is all speculative. I'm not sure what the true objective of the 9/11 truth movement is. What do they really expect to accomplish? Do they really think they are going to turn on CNN one night and see a headline "US government involved in 9/11, Bush Cheney Rumsfeld indicted" It's never going to happen. We can look at correlations and raise questions and theorize and postulate, but we will never ever know the 100% full truth. Most people cant handle the truth, so the government covers a lot of things up. The people who have enough faith in their government and their fellow citizens to think this will ever be brought to light are hopelessly naive. Just like JFK and RFK and MLK, things that happen that are major parts of our history will never be fully exposed even after 50 years. We may be able to get somewhat closer to truth than the official story, but it will never be confirmed or vindicated. So while it can be eye-opening for some and even informative you can only take the speculation so far before it becomes wasteful and even destructive. The bottom line is that there is no way we'll ever know for sure. At a certain point you just have to bless the dead, say your serenity prayer and move on because it just isnt a productive area of thought to dwell on for very long. It just cant possibly lead to anything. If they did that shit, theres nothing you can do about it period. At the end of the day it doesnt really change day to day life either way for most Americans unless you allow it to. And if you ever did learn the "truth" what would you do with it? not much. RIP to the victims God bless America and move on.

    1. Sadly your whole 'move on' attitude is the reason why people vote for Presidents like Bush and are brainwashed by Governments and their media propaganda machines. Keep thinking it's all rosy and keep drinking the Kool-Aid mate. You'll be just fine. God Bless America and it's WAR CRIME OF THE CENTURY.

    2. I wonder if you would fight for truth if it was your family member jumping to their death on national tv for the world to see. Would a few lies give you peace. Or better yet maybe your son or daughter could join the fight against terror in the name of those lies . Just to come back to you in a box. Oh well it’s all a waist of time to fight for truth and justice.

  15. Correction: " CIA alleged import". Both CIA and FBI will never , ever admit they are wrong.
    It is policy.

    1. Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations. Not quite Polonius giving sage words to Laertes, but that is indeed policy for all IC groups, both known and off book.

      Perfectly put by me china from London, the lassaiz-faire attitude that followed 9-11 from the Mandarins who spun the story to the Brown Shirt soon to be Tea Party hardhats who chanted "U-S-A " in response to the "Lets Roll," Madison Avenue style quip by Dubya. Our asymetrical proxy wars going back to the Korean affair have created a need for denial so powerful that the basic truth-Fire cannot melt steel, and 102 stories falling into its exact footprint in 8.9 seconds( same speed as a bowling ball) had to be the result of well placed explosives, perhaps nano-thermite.

      If we did not place them, who did? Means, opportunity, motive....Suppose it was a group of Americans working in concert with another State, Russia or China the probabal bogeyman. Suppose we know this, at the highest level of the American power structure, but cover it up so we do not have to go to war with a nuclear power?

    2. Like the Mafia, it is indeed strict policy, punishable with severe means.

  16. Don't believe in highly involved conspiracy by elements of US government? Has everyone forgotten the Contra scandal. CIA import of clas A drugs ( cocaine)into US to fund an illegal war to support a vicious fascist dictator who murdered hundreds of his own people. This nice little episode contributed to the crack epidemic.

  17. Just because you are a 9/11 truther does not give you the right to be an ***hole. There are informed, educated and differing opinions out there.
    Personally, I have trouble believing in any conspiracy with too many moving parts, i.e. people involved. Someone will blab. It is tough to keep a secret.

    1. You're right. However, how easy are people to silence?

    2. Its a common argument made, that too many people are involved, and someone will talk. Research how the agencies are compartmentalized and how all of that stuff works. It really only takes a few people at the very top, orchestrating different (totally ignorant) groups, to make something happen. There is also evidence from previous declassified projects and programs that involved MANY people, of which none spoke a word. The most prominent that I know of, is the Manhattan Project. Tens of thousands involved with it, and no one said a word. Vice President Truman didn't even know what was going on until Roosevelt died in 1945 and he was sworn in.

      So as you can see, whether compartmentalized or not... people actually can keep their mouths shut under the right circumstances it would seem.

  18. America was born out of disobedience, with shady characters, undermining the government. When Cheney comes out and says sh*t, we have lost 1 Trillion of your tax payers money - no clue where it went, with so many black ops. Your President has no chance of controlling your country. As individuals on the most part Americans are OK, as a people you are the scourge of the World. Remember America's boom started from the WWII, using your industrial infrastructure to produce planes, tanks, ships and arms. Such a lucrative industry won't die. SO you went to Korea, then Vietnam, Afghanistan & Iraq with all those countries in between. Did your politicians give a second thought of all the kids you sent to die for nothing, Now you think this same organisation would care about killing a tiny fraction of that on your home soil so they could line their pockets again. Anyone who doubts that doesn't realise how callous people can be striving more power and more money.

    1. The very fact that Trump is sitting in the Oval office is proof that the President has literally nothing to do with running the country other then being an image.

    2. My bad re Tracy, 3.2 Trillion, missing from DOD, announced by Rummy on 9/10

  19. Hey all the geniuses that think that 9/11 was staged can any of you provide me with solid evidence of what happens to a 110 storey building does after being hit by a 747 passenger plane

    1. Why don't you try watching the video, you will get the exact answer.

    2. Building 7 wasn't hit though

    3. Watch the explosion below each collapsing floor...dont ignore Miller waltzing into OBL's camp two weeks before attack, the most wanted man on earth.

  20. The other fact about this so called 9/11 crap was the fact that just after the buildings came down the pipeline running from the Caspian sea to Pakistan went underway a few months later. Why? because the only person who controlled the borders to prevent construction was Saddam Hussein. Remember his arrest when they found him back in his old home town in a cellar? As soon as he was executed the construction began. Oh and by the way, the bush family is head of a global military armament dealership known as the Carlyle group. Guess who is also a part of the board members? A nephew to Osam Bin Laden. Osama made twenty billion off the venture when those buildings were destroyed.

    It's all about the money, power, corruption, and wars. Both George, and Cheney are the most evil men in history. Plus something else most do not know about the bush family line. Their lineage began during the early part of the twelfth century starting at the insufferable king Edward the longshanks during the wars between England, and Scotland. To put it simply... anyone remember Braveheart with Mel Gibson? It was the cruel, evil king played by Patrick Mcgoohan. That is where the bush family line hails from. No wonder the entire bush family are psychotics. Another thing about the incident was that on the morning it happened, a C.I.A. operative visited Osama Bin Laden in a medical facility in Dubai, while at the same time bush had breakfast with a decorated officer or General from india who was supposedly marked by M.I.6. for wiring a hundred thousand dollars to the same person living in the US that rented the plane, which smashed into the first tower.

    Lastly to tracy... metal such as 'I' beams cannot melt or snap from jet fuel which burns at nineteen hundred degrees. Each building is cored with beams that are three to five inches thick. It takes more than three thousand degrees to do that or even have them bend slightly, which is where Thermite comes into play. That is the only substance on earth that can cut beams of that thickness to make both buildings free fall as in a demolition display. Yet at the same time why did building seven also come down? No plane hit it, and no part of both buildings touched it. The reason... inside the basement or lower sub-sections of '7' were the backups to the world trade center's data servers. Without them there can be no records for the bush conglomerates when the buy, and selling trade to the pipeline took place between Osama, and his family along with their dealings with the Carlyle group.

    Whatever you have listened to over the last fifteen years on the television is nothing more than window dressing to keep you a naïve, dumbed down bubble to the point of accepting to what ever the government says as true. The media is censored by key personnel within congress to make sure that what is being spewed back to the public is an extremely condensed... censored story in order for you to say... "Let's bomb that country. Or let's send our kids to war in order so that we the people can attain peace." What peace? Who's peace? Who are they fighting for? You? Me? The world?.... Oil maybe? Every single three letter organization that exists work only for the corrupt politicians, and nobody else.

    The moment when the first nuclear bomb is dropped... do you really think that they will phone your house ahead of time, and tell you... 'Four days until we push the button... make sure you get to this location so we the government can take care of your family.' Do you really think they would actually do that? Do you think for one moment you are that important for them to push aside a high ranking senator in order to fit you in? No - chance - in - hell. All of our governments do not care for the public anymore. Not one will ever help your family, friends, relatives both distant or otherwise because as far as they are concerned... power is the only substance to provide for themselves even after the apocalypse, while most who survive on the surface will die eventually from toxic nuclear fallout.

    Yet even then, it will take about five to ten years before anybody can venture back to the surface. Once they do however... it will take another five thousand years to till the lands for food. Now think about that when you watch the television on about the next war for so called peace.

    1. I hear you baby! See my post..there has to be a new way of popping the lid of these'bursting cans' 911, now jackie o confirming in papers she knew it was an inside job...all te technology we are being witheld from reare 51 just so an existing archaic fossil fuel based monetary regime can stay. We could be running on hydrogen...like my above comment says...the best way for us to start getting disclosure is to look in a new place that place is ..calling the media out!

    2. Well said, old boy. There are far too many herrings in this conspiracy for all of them to be "red," the willingness of the people to buy the official report and to stomach the Kafkaesque article in Popular Mechanics is the most disturbing part of this tale. Most Americans and Israelis lap it up. Bush was having breakfast, Poppy B, with a high ranking Pakistani general with close ties to the Wahabbist drenched ISI. He indeed wired money to M.A. 300,000 according to Robert Baer, who claimes, and we have little reason to doubt him, that he was told by a former CIA pal to invest in put-options with American Airlines.

    3. Well said

  21. I'm responding to Tracy, the Empire State building was hit by an airplane & you'll notice its still standing. Second, the firemen, rescue workers, some of whom had been at one time or another in the Armed forces suspected that the EXPLOSIVES USED had to be of ARMY ORDINANCE ISSUANCE . And most telling of all is STEEL could not be MELTED down by fires caused by plane fuel. I could continue but let me conclude by stating that interested professional scientists, some nobel prize winners from all over the world have concluded that the 911 story that the government was able to sell is a TOTAL FABRICATION. P.S. The person who purchased the World Trade Towers had been ORDERED by the state to REMOVE the asbestos it would have COST BILLIONS of dollars to do. His next move was to INSURE the towers AGAINST TERRORIST ATTACK FROM THE AIR and guess what when those BUILDINGS came down the individual MADE BILLIONS AND BILLIONS. Oh! one more thing George Bush's son sat on the board of the Insurance Company that INSURED the Towers? I hope this gives Tracy a little FOOD for THOUGHT.

    1. Well said meant for Chris, but also to many of you. America was attacked by Russia on 9/11 w a cabal of insiders from many countries. We tell the lie to avoid the payback that would be demanded. Russia and PNAC et al used Al Q'eda as a cut out, Hezbollah never would have agreed to attack a civilian target. Hez has honour. Like it or not, more than the crew Bibi commands.

  22. I don't have a problem with explanations of the collapse of the Trade Towers. It was a result of bad building design, as has been proven. I do have a problem with the total lack of Air Defense by the US Air Force over the 2 most important US Cities, namely New York & Washington, DC. Why was there no Air Cover? We are told there was a large Military Exercise going on; that precluded any Air Cover over these 2 most important cities. I don't buy that story.
    There was 2 years of FBI tracking of the 9/11 Attackers; including recording telephone & email contacts directly with Bin Laden. Then suddenly the surveillance was called off at the very last few days before the attack. Why? Several FBI Agents in Florida & Texas were ordered directly by high level FBI Officials to cease their intense surveillance. Something stinks here?

    1. The buildings were imploded... Beams ended up hundreds of yards away, jettisoned during the massive explosion. Nanothermite was found in the dust, not traditional thermite or thermal used for civilian demolitions. It was military grade.

  23. What does WEED have to do with this ? Or is that just an attempt at humor ? You might see through the bullshit of you did smoke some weed, or maybe not, some people react differently to it. But no matter , if you think governments and those with the power that control governments ( especially America ) and run the world's affairs aren't corrupt and don't act in ways most people can't fathom, then you are are just another blind pawn in their propaganda and control games. Take off the blinders and look at all of history as well as the present. Can you really not see it ? We may not be able to do anything about it but at least see all for what it really is my friend.

    1. Anybody that has read any of John Stockwell's, books will have realized the tragedy of this event. PERIOD. Spot on "Tony" 01.06.18 @18:50 and "Chris" 02.26.18 @ 16:34

  24. We will never know all of the facts and government's knowledge and participation or non-participation of 9/11. Just compare the incident to the JFK assassination. We still don't know nor will never know the facts and that was only 1 person who was killed, 54 years ago. As every year passes, the truth will become more elusive and speculated upon. Evil is a pretty powerful thing and what happened on 9/11 is hard for people to accept and comprehend, naturally. There are certainly many unanswered questions and information that the higher ups only know and we regulars will never know. So it's perfectly acceptable for us to be skeptical. We should be. We shouldn't blindly accept everything the government and controlled media feeds us. Both governments and media are deceptive and corrupt at times and they prevent certain truths from being exposed to the public masses. You'd have to be really naive to think the government hasn't lied to the people many times throughout history and is severely corrupt. So skepticism is a natural response to what we've been told about 9/11. Yes, I think certain aspects of 9/11 possibly could have been prevented and possibly our government had foreknowledge and may have allowed some of those to take place. Of course, I don't know this to be fact. Many aspects of those events definitely don't pass the smell test. But to say the government orchestrated every event and operation is pretty far-fetched if you really think about it. While always a minuscule possibility it's highly unlikely. If the government's reasoning to orchestrate 9/11 was just a pretext to go to war in the Middle East, I think they could have done so in a less horrifying, evil, unforgiving manner.

  25. Tracey is right. I think the rest of you guys here have been smoking too much weed! Wankers!

    1. Come on man, I dont know where the pot thing is coming from but its irrelevant. You cannot actually believe the official story, I can tell you are too smart for that. Either you are trolling or are a paid IC drone who would argue that JFK, BCCI, Gladio, Allende, Mosadek are all free of outside influence, 7/7 was occurring while an exact simulation was being run by 5? Wankers? Come on bro.

    2. Jack, you are an agent of bull ****, hopefully you are getting paid, if not you are a tool.

  26. When I said I know someone who died in the North Tower, they died on American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the tower. Just wanted to clear that up,for anyone who thinks those weren't real flights and real airplanes with real US citizens in them who died from them crashing into the tower. Just for those who actually think they took the passengers to a different location or whatever they presume. That part wasn't fake.

  27. Trust me....our government is so corrupt and most people our brainwashed and can't accept the reality of what happens in plain sight. I agree 9/11 was known about and not prevented as a pretext to go to war as we have throughout history, especially the past 50 years. I just have one question about the planes hitting the towers. I haven't watched this documentary as I have seen numerous ones already. Is anyone denying that the planes were hijacked and all those people were killed ? Are people suggesting the US government planned and aided the terrorists to pull this off while at the same time planted explosives in the towers to bring them down once the planes hit them ? I'm just curious as to this part of the story. I would not doubt it but I certainly am not definitely certain about this. And I know of someone personally who was killed in the North Tower. So if anyone thinks those planes didn't have passengers or were flown by remote control, that part I would dispute and not agree with. I'm not addressing anyone in particular here on that suggestion, but some actually hypothesize that idea and that is taking it too far. But I definitely think the government knew what was going to happen and allowed it to happen.

    1. "Are" Brainwashed...not "our". And Yes, much more than allowed it to happen. They shot down the plane heading for the Whitehorse in Penn. It was not the passengers took over and it crashed bullshit. Yeah...the passengers were taking it over and that's why they had to shoot it down because there would be prisoners and they would be interogated and someone might talk or God forbid, tell the Truth. Then there would have been a lot more trouble then they wanted to deal with. So, it was in there best interest to shoot the plane down. Chaney even slipped up at a pep talk to the troops on Christmas eve over seas after having a drink or two, saying how great a job they were doing and that it could prevent events in the future, citing the WTC and the plane we had to shoot down from happening again, or something to that effect. Look it up...YOUTUBE it. They also had the personnel of the Pentagon go arm to arm and cover the entire grounds surrounding the Pentagon scouring for any items,debris, evidence, what ever you want to call it immediately after the missle hit, umm, I mean plane crashed ( a 747 that made a realatively small hole that later magically increased in size with the walls suddenly collapsing to a much larger hole that fit the bill) The firefighters that witnessed that were put on leave and I don't think were heard from again. That footage ran once on a local news station and was quickly pulled that day. Is that standard protocol after a "terrorist attack"? Looked pretty organized to me. I'm not making this stuff up either. How come no bodies, luggage or seats were recovered at the Pentagon? I remember seeing a desk and papers on it untouched by fire, wind or debris just sitting there like some one walked away to take a break. Hardly a scene one would expect after a large plane with loaded fuel tanks crashed. But your right, it's all just speculation. No cause for alarm. Our Government is in control and keeping us well informed. Carry on, nothing to see here...

    2. Lovely, awful, true. Read GB84. David Peace.

  28. Rich I believe that Tracy is brainwashed. Anyone who trusts George Bush is an idiot. He is the most dangerous man who ever lived. What is the only thing that can cut through steel rapidly. Thermite and Thermate burns even hotter than Thermite. The temperature of the fire never reached more than 600 degrees Celsius. This is evident by the black smoke that was pouring out of WTC. Tracey you need to watch Demolitions on DVD one which explains everything. An insurance scam. A chance to make millions by placing put options on American Airlines and the chance to destroy all the evidence of corporate fraud in the United States like Bernie Madoff, Enron and others is why 9/11 was perpetrated.

  29. Jesus, who cares anymore. It happened and let's MOVE ON!!!

    1. Really? Then whats the point? Should we forget Slavery, genocide, pogroms, Yorkshire Ripper, 5 and SB role in Coal miners strike? Just move on. That is beneath you.

    2. Reg, they will never let you in. I can hear your accent through your written words...you are not Dragon/Eton/Oxford. They will eat you up.

  30. Everyone hates Tracey she is a wanker

    1. Jim, you clearly are stupid or very smart and have taken GCHQ up the ass. Tracy makes dramatic but very decent, humanitarian points.

  31. I just wonder, if this had happened on Clinton's or Obama's watch, if this same documentary would have been made. I think this whole thing has more to do with politics than physics.

    1. You are good at your job. What do they have on you? Do you have snow on your boots?

    2. Very Sorry Jim, please let my thoughtless statement pass.

  32. Hey Tracy(first reply)
    What about building 7) which fell into its own footprint from paper fires and yet
    several other buildings that were sheared in half and pulverized from towers 1&2 stayed up.
    Nano thermite silly or are you a Fake News Maga tr*ll...Read,learn wake up.

    1. Nano thermite or nano thermate were clearly in play...didnt realize tracy was arguing for acceptance of the official line, also I believe a powerful 3rd party was involved and we know it but continue the charade to avoid a nuclear war. Scary.

  33. I find it hard to believe people still believe the NIST scientific lie as to how the 3 WTCs came down . Ive looked into this for years and the best explanation actually comes from Dr Judy Wood. The reasons why it was done and those poor people sacrificed to have so many agendas met .From countries being invaded for military ,oil,poppy fields,to money made from put options ,Silversteen and his agenda, the sale of military arms worth billions , the dark state and all the evil men who spent time putting it all together and all subsiquent outcomes from it all need to be drawn and quartered because we have to remember it is still being felt today with millions more people dying from The War On Terror Campaign and turn on agenda 21 in all the United Nations Countries ,the amount of False Flags going up is absolutely mind boggling .

  34. Tracy, and Millions of AMERICANS that refuse to admit the heartbreaking truth. I say Americans because the rest of the world has accepted the sad murderous truth. That is why The Bush Administration believed they could pull it off. The knew they would never face earth bound justice, and that anyone who spoke too much about the explosions etc,,,,,,,,would be eliminated. ALL OF THEM!!!!

  35. What a world we live in. It doesn't matter what your opinion my be-the 'FACTS' prove the buildings were rigged to collapse. Why would all these experts risk their reputations in saying so if it wasn't true? A basic understanding of physics is all that's required.
    Plus so many other parts in the 911 story do not add up.
    That's not my opinion-it just is so!
    My God people!

  36. Some one above said every fact put forward by the open minded people looking for answers were debunked. In fact I've heard all of the opinions put forward by the people seeking the truth were debunked many, many times over. Now I try very hard to not jump to conclusions, I listen to both sides and then form my opinion. I try not to let my allegiance to one political party interfere with my decision. Sometimes this is not easy. I have followed the 9/11 tragedy very closely, although I am certainly not an expert in any way. So I do try to listen to people I believe are respected in their field. As well, l watch the abundant visual evidence presented to assist me in my conclusions. And then I listen for a response from the side that does not want to discuss the issues anymore. So what I'm left with is a pile of cards stacked 1000 high, each with a statement of fact or a question seeking answers of clarification from the "people in the know", of course this would be the government and their representatives. Now when I look over the cards that have apparently been answered and dealt with over and over by the smart people, I become perplexed, because I can never find where the answers were left for me to read so I could become smart like them. All I see is the people of the "in the know" group waving one hand dismissively thru the air and saying to the people who also want to know, these statements are not true they have been "debunked". So I yell in one last attempt to become enlightened like they are. Please tell me what is the answer? And the only point of fact they have is "It's a conspiracy theory"! That's it, that's all it is. And I feel redeemed because now I understand. Sometimes our brains cannot grasp things that just should not happen. but they do. And worse, apparently just glimpsing at the other side of the argument for a moment causes their brain to go into shutdown mode. Then there is only one true answer. And so now I can go back to my pile of cards and file them away forever, because my open minded search was a waste of time. The "people in the know" have explained that all of the science and heaps of other evidence that has been accumulated can only add up to one thing.... "a conspiracy theory". I finally understand, and you know what? If all of us just adapted and looked at the world this way, then every other world tragedy would come and go and we as individuals would have no stress. Hmmmm...

  37. I love a good conspiracy theory and allow myself to get sucked into it. Sure, everything makes sense after watching the movie. However... reality check. How many people would it have taken to pull off such a complex event? It would have taken (possibly) hundreds of people in different parts of the country working together closely for months to plan, organize, coordinate and execute the attack. The logistics of it are staggering! (Think how many people it takes to organize a Saturday farmers market!!!) The risk factor of something going wrong and the perpetrators being exposed is ridiculously high. I doubt anyone would be that reckless or brazen to try. So ... yes, there is definitely more to the tragedy than official reports allow, but could it be done by your government without ONE whistleblower forward or one incriminating communique coming to light after more than a decade ... I think not.

    1. I think you really underestimate the influence and power the media has on what people believe. Also, I don't believe it would take hundreds of people to pull this off. The news agencies are fed information from someone else, and whether it is truth or lie doesn't matter in the end. Most people refuse to even fathom the idea of the U.S. government killing it's own citizens. But one only has to look at the Vietnam War to see evidence of that exact thing happening before. When it comes to a large portion of the population (and seemingly more so in the U.S.), I feel the disbelief boils down to 2 things: blind patriotism and willful ignorance. In other words, if the President is on TV saying this is how and why something happened why would most people even question that? To do so would seem very unpatriotic, and again people can't fathom what that would mean to their core beliefs about their country and government. To even consider otherwise is just out of the question for these people, regardless of what proof is offered up to show a different opinion. Adolph Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels made some points that are still very much valid when it comes to an event such as this. Such as, "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" and "Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."

  38. @Tracy - yeah, because everyone knows that when you play Jenga and pull blocks from the middle of the top 1/3 of the tower, the bottom 2/3 collapses miraculously.

    This video actually uses high-level, credible sources that actually prove the existence of thermite/thermate (which is not naturally forming) within every dust sample take from the rubble.

    Since you didn't bother watching it, yet made a broad decision as to its value, you clearly fall into the category of the people who will fight to the death against experiencing any form of cognitive dissonance.

    I suppose that's okay, because most people unable to think for themselves have your same problem.

  39. Some one should be trying to find out what the pilots ID was made out of that enabled it to travel from one side of the building and land on opposite foot path unmarked.

  40. I have to say that this user, Tracy, is so really in denial. Refuse to uses her head and finding an easy way out to just take what the government say about "plane hit the buildings" as it is. Excuse my english, not my native language. I am a civil & mechanical engineer for 25 years. The first time I saw the planes hit the building, it was clearly a CGI. I don't believe a bit of it, that there were any planes hit those buildings. There is no way those planes/jet fuel whatsoever can take down a building. Even a jet fuel cannot even take down a tree! Steel beams can withstand such extreme heat. No way it can be taken down. I am one of the engineers who requested to investigate the incident. I know there were 500~1000 more engineers who offered themselves to study the site but our requests was REJECTED by the US government. We're trying to help but they refuse? Yet, they said these are all Terrorist attacks by "Al-Qaeda", we wanted to help but was rejected?
    Enough of this "Al-Qaeda" thing, it was all invented by the US government, the CIA and this has been confirmed by Robert Finlayson Cook (28 February 1946 – 6 August 2005), himself. This is all staged and a setup by the US government!

  41. This is the truth, it was a control demolition. Americans has the right to know the truth; here is my question; who is worse George W. Bush and his network of criminals that are part of this deception to invade Iraq and Afghanistan or the ones that know the truth and to this date fail to tell the American people the truth and like cowards remain silent.

  42. All of the 9/11 conspiracy theories have been thoroughly debunked at least a thousand times over now! Free fall speed has been debunked! Bombs planted in the WTC towers has been debunked! The collapsed of WTC building 7 has been explained hundreds of times over! It was on fire for seven hours because fire fighters could not reach it! The WTC building were NOT the first steel framed buildings in the world to collapse through fire! Furthermore the FBI thoroughly investigated the 9/11 terrorist attacks using thousands of agents. In the run up to 9/11 Al Qaeda made repeated threats against America that it would carry out a devastating attack on that country. The 9/11 terrorist attacks did not happen in isolation. In the years running up to 9/11 Al Qaeda bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and bombed the USS Cole. And back in February 1993 Islamic terrorists bombed the World Trade Centre. After 9/11 Al Qaeda went on to bomb Madrid, Bali, Mumbai and London. Do some proper research before believing crackpot conspiracy theories.

  43. I have a truck. It weighs 10,000 pounds it has 10 wheels the weight of the truck is distributed equally over 10 scale's. Each scale reads 1000 pounds and I start removing tires I get to the point to where there is only two tires left on the truck The two corner tires and I look at the scale and it reads 5000 pounds each. This is what no one realizes in the 911 towers. When the plane flew into the building it's separated the building into two pieces, the building above the plane and the building below the planes entry. When the plane hit the building it immediately removed several tires from the truck raising the forces dramatically on the remaining pillars. As the building burned more and more pillars were being removed increasing the total weight distribution of the remaining pillars to the point where they finally gave out. You have to understand that the building above the plane would only have to move a quarter of an inch down and it was doomed. there was nothing below it to stop the inertia that was just created. And just before that the explosions that were seen below can be explained by the crushing energy absorbed in the remaining pillars snapping and blowing apart the bolts or rivets that held the structure together. These bolts or rivets were around 1 inch in diameter and between eight to ten were used on vertical plates, that's 10 inches of steel that's being sheared and blown appart, yes that would create quite an explosion. I think the most amazing thing that no one has ever said or figured out is that these terrorist really messed up, it could've been a lot worse than what it was. If the planes would've entered at the 10th floor the buildings would've fallen immediately again it is the separation of the buildings, the building above, the building below,the integrity of the structure and gravity

    1. David
      Aluminum cannot take out steel beams much less reinforced concrete floors, so your comment wasted 2 minutes of my precious time reading it!

  44. Alfredo - Seems like you have missed some of the details in the documentary. Your first question on buildings falling asymmetrically after being hit by a plane, well truth is that it took quite some time for the building to fall down after being hit by a plane, and when it did fall, it did fall asymmetrically. Now here's the interesting thing - once the top part started falling over, it was consumed in what can only be described as a series of explosions and it just got turned to complete dust. Watch the part between 28 and 34 minutes.

    Your second question on buildings on fire that fall asymmetrically, well that has not happened in the history of man building buildings and the only time it happened was on 9/11. The reason why it has not happened before or after 9/11 is because its contrary to physics. By discrediting the findings of the documentary you are discrediting physics and the laws of science.

  45. Everybody is entitled to opinion and allowed to formulate their own theory regardless of how they got there, but ask this very question "how did I get here"? Fighting pre conceived ideas is difficult if it is in line with a set belief . How do you change a belief? exploration and open mindedness or is it conformity? You have a choice. Do your research, question its validity, how strong is the evidence...make it easy, does it make sense, is it logical, is there motive?is there an agenda?most of the time there is. facts speak for themselves but be mindful of what you consider a fact. my conclusion...Oil. (Anybody will do anything if it's important enough)

  46. Robert in denial.

  47. It's over...planes ran into buildings and people died, period.

  48. On a very basic level, are there examples of buildings being hit by jumbo jets full of fuel where they fell over asymmetrically? Buildings on fire that fell over asymmetrically? Because you're arguing that's what should have happened.

    Also planting all the explosives needed to kill American civilians into a controlled demolition-- that takes a lot of people and work crews to do. Not a single witness or person of conscience to mention it happening? Just magical black ops people from teh recesses of paranoid imagination.

  49. After watching just about everything conceivable about what happened re 911, including the hundreds of testimonials by various types of engineers, I agree that the building should not have been able to come down due to plane impact. I recently watched youtube video on how planes could not withstand the impact of hitting a building with the infrastructure of the WTC and be able to leave a distinct 'plane and wings' impression in the side of the building. In reality, a plane would have concertinaed and the wings fallen off down the face of the building when it struck and in addition, aviation sources have said that it is impossible for that type of plane to travel at the mentioned speeds (750 and 950 km/hr approx) at that altitude and that at a much lower speed, the planes would have simply fallen out of the sky.

    Most firemen who escaped the WTC say that explosions occurred under them (basement) before the big explosions on the high floors and that there were many small explosions just prior to the collapse happening. To independent engineers, the building did not pancake because if it had the internal infrastructure would have generally been intact. They said even the towers looked like controlled demolition, like WTC7. What initially happened was not external impact but internal explosions. The plane shots shown on our TVs were probably pre-planned and graphic assisted.

    I know you all probably know this stuff.

    Everything .... everything ... points to 911 being an inside job and the Pearl Harbour that was needed to get this last 16 years of oil monopoly and money making, off and running.

    So we can ruminate over it but I doubt we will ever know the truth and extent of it. Just don't vote the regulars in this coming October.

    1. Just don't vote the regulars in this coming October. Your funny. Do you realize all the past presidents and the candidates are all related? Do you also not know that they are all RH Negative, which means they are of other heritage than most of us earthlings that were genetically spliced with monkeys/apes, opps...I mean evolved from apes. So, it really doesn't matter who or what you vote for, the agenda will continue. What that agenda is remains unknown, but it most likely is not a good one for the most of us. I think (jut a possibility) that the RH negative beings were or are descendants of the "Angels" that "God" assigned to watch over or manage. govern what ever you want to call it. The second group. that is. Because the 1st group mated with the humans, as it says in the bible. and "God" didn't like it, so to prevent this from happening again, he genetically modified their blood so that is cannot mix, the blood will combat and the RH negative blood always wins. Most likely the reason for so many still born babies and mothers that die in child birth. I could be totally wrong, but there is something to this. Most actors or Mega Stars in film or music-RH Negative. All world leaders-RH negative. It's not an accident or luck. It is pre-ordained. All 4 of the Beatles...yep-RH Negative. All Royalty? You guessed it..Rh Negative. Another thing about the Presidents..All Masons. That's not a bible they swear in on. A Masonic bible. Strange but true. Look for the secret hand shake or sign at the next swear in. Happy hunting truth seekers.Remember, for one to know, one seeks.

  50. Matt, I totally understand what you are saying, and sometimes I too find it hard to believe. It wouldn't make sense that so much evidence would be prevalent in suggesting it was an inside job if it really was, right? How could they leave so many clues to suggest it was an attack by our own government to justify making billions and going to war in order to occupy foreign countries, establish American systems, and utilize their natural resources? Regardless of these questions, all one has to do is look at what the official story is saying versus the irrefutable scientific evidence and laws of physics.

    Let's entertain the idea that Arab terrorists actually flew into the towers and the resulting fire caused catastrophic failure of the first three buildings in history to collapse at free fall speed, two of which fell in approx. 1 hour. Let's, for the sake of intellectual conversation, say that story is true. It still does not explain the fact that there was no evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon, nor a plane crashing in Pennsylvania. Any logical person who looked at the evidence would be able to surmise that something is, at the very least, extremely strange about the government saying planes crashed in those locations without having any evidence of planes crashing in those locations. It simply does not compute.

    I 100% respect your questions and opinions, for I too had a very hard time accepting the evidence initially. In response to your question about the government admitting there were no WMD'S in Iraq, if I were a criminal, admitting some wrong doing would absolutely make me look innocent in the implication of other crimes. People would automatically suggest, "Well if he is telling the truth in this instance, then he seems like an honest person and could not be lying about other alleged crimes." It is a logical assumption. However, this appears to be a ploy. Fire cannot melt steal to the point of causing a small portion of multiple buildings to cause large portions of undamaged structural steal to fail as well to the point of being reduced to rubble and fine dust. Not to mention the presence of thermite and countless eye witness accounts (including first responders) of multiple explosions during the collapses.

    I could be totally wrong, and if so, I am willing to accept that. All one has to do is remove the questions and supposed allegations surrounding this terrible event. Just look at the facts of what occurred, and the official story being broadcasted...the two do not add up. In any other crime being investigated, if stories did not align and what was being said did not coincide with where the evidence is pointing, an ongoing investigation into the matter would ensue. Yet we have a scenario where the story being told and the evidence do not add up, and seemingly everyone is okay with that. Like I said, as a former Marine I DO NOT want to believe this, but as a rational, logical, and intelligent person, I can look at the evidence subjectively and determine that multiple (not just a few) pieces of evidence are not aligning with the official story. That in and of itself, should raise some serious questions. You have some interesting points in this matter that require some consideration though, thank you for your input.

  51. If the US government was really set to go to such great lengths to justify war in Iraq, including the very real and almost inevitable risk of it being found out, why would they use bombs which leave residue and would be clearly obvious? More importantly, why after all that, would they admit that none of the hijackers had anything to do with Iraq? And finally (and the logical dealbreaker for me), WHY would they murder 3,000 of their own citizens and go through the whole incredibly difficult and major process of planning and executing 9/11 to have an excuse to invade Iraq (and claiming they had WMD's) - only to admit that there actually WERE no WMD's when they got there?!! You would think that after going to such great lengths, simply misleading the public about what may or may not have been found in Iraq would be child's play!

    I'm not saying that people should have a closed mind on the issue or ANY issue, and I know that the attacks did galvanize support for the war. But this conspiracy theory is completely illogical! For something so immensely time-consuming and complex, literally THOUSANDS of people would have to be in on it, in which case it would eventually have been leaked in great, undeniable detail for SURE.

  52. As a former infantry Marine who fought in Afghanistan, the last thing I want to believe is that all the evidence presented in this documentary is true. I have lost friends, almost been killed on multiple occasions, fought in direct combat, and in doing so, assumed myself and my fellow Marines were fighting for a righteous and just cause. The fact is, however, the empirical evidence and laws of physics DO NOT coincide with the official report in regard to what took place on September 11, 2001. It is a painful and confusing epiphany; that the events before, during, and after September 11th were highly orchestrated and carried out by individuals in supreme positions of power, not a handful of Arabs from a third world country. The laws of physics do not allow certain events to take place, and according to the official report, those events took place entirely against the laws of physics. This is a very insightful documentary outlining huge differences between what our government said happened, and what actually happened.

    I would like to add that I am very proud of my service, and if given the chance, I would do it all over again. The men I met and became life-long friends with through hardship and turmoil is absolutely priceless. With that being said, the events of 9/11 need to be re-examined, and a new investigation must be launched. I find myself staring at the screen asking the question, "If there is so much evidence that the actual events of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are completely and utterly inconsistent with the Coalition Report released by our government, then why hasn't it caught much traction in way of every news station and media outlet demanding congress address the major inconsistencies, not only within the report, but with the laws of physics and science?" I am quickly reminded of a time when I heard the "conspiracy theories" for the first time, and denounced them entirely. In the form of cognitive dissonance, there was no way my government founded on principal and freedom could ever do this. But the more I looked at the evidence, the more the facade didn't stand up to logic and reason.

    I love my country. I love that I served my country, and as stated earlier, the last thing I want to believe is that individuals within the government that I put my life on the line for and my friends have died for, have a vagrant disregard for their own citizens, and citizens of other countries. Ladies and gentleman, the evidence, logic, reason, laws of physics, and the events precipitating 9/11 say otherwise. It is a hard truth to swallow, especially for someone in my position, but history must be recorded accurately, and those responsible must be brought to justice. I cannot take another lie from those entrusted in securing our protection and freedoms. It's absolutely ridiculous and disheartening to say the least. God bless the innocent who were murdered at the hands of tyranny and absolute power. If in doubt remember, history repeats itself. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    1. Your thoughtful and sincere comment brought tears to my eyes. My godson fought two stints in Iraq and while he came back physically unscathed, emotionally his life has been in ruins ever since. He suffers from extreme PTSD, which manifested as soon as he returned to the states to discover that his wife had left him and taken their small son with her. That was just the beginning of his chaotic and painstaking roller coaster ride. He too did not want to believe that his own government was behind 911, but his mother and I were both three in 1963 when JFK was killed, and we grew up believing that we were living in very dark and unstable times in our country. It all boils down to this very simple precept: Rich man's war, poor man's blood. That's the bottom line, as the bean counters like to say. If you follow the money trail, it's obvious why this false flag occurred and dragged the American military into the middle east. Kennedy rejected a similar CIA proposal, Operation Northwoods, which detailed a very specific false flag to be perpetrated on domestic soil with loss of American lives and he flat out rejected it, was furthermore going to dismantle the CIA during his administration, and look what happened to him. There is so much empirical and circumstantial evidence that similar things have been going on throughout our history that 911 not only seems plausible but eventually becomes obvious to the critical thinking and logical minded. Those is denial feel comfortable remaining there, but some of us who lost family and loved ones in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, etc. know fully well exactly what time it is. Our country thrives economically on war, and the 1% uber-rich who control all of the strings profit the greatest. God bless you for your tenure in service to your country, but I'm glad your mindset allowed you to realize the awful truth.

  53. In all fairness to Tracy and others who have probably not spent much time with this information, or have been exposed to the horrors of our policies world wide and internally, it might be good to remember how you reacted to people who spoke of such things immediately after 911.

    I began to watch 911 on TV right after both planes had hit and the buildings were on fire. I voice right then and there, that we as a nation were fucked, that the powers that be had all they needed to reek havoc on 'we the people' and the world. Then when the first building drooped, I said that building was 'pulled', demolished by controlled blasts. Nobody wanted to hear that and look what happened immediately after 911. I cannot tell you how many times for years people threatened to do me harm at the mere mention that 911 was an inside job. Probably many of you. Now it's 2016 and some of the same people who thought I was a cynical asshole are coming up and telling me the 'news' as if they knew it all along. Any of you here who had such insights know what I am talking about. It was brutal and very frustrating, because it was sooo obvious to anybody willing to look, but nobody did. Hell, by the end of the day of 9/11/01, I knew, minus the details, pretty much what is being said here. We were dupped. I called a lot of people stupid and blind, but mostly I didn't talk about it, there was no way I was going to convince anybody of anything they didn't want to believe.

    So before treating Tracy and her ilk as dimwitted morons, look in the mirror. How would you have reacted to me, say in December 2001, when I told you 911 was a staged farce by people who care only for power and greed?

    Some people need more time than others to see through the deceptions, but their 'reality' is every bit as real to them as yours is to you.

  54. Don't see how any of above can be believed......whether theorists or debunkeroos!?

  55. No one seems to be wanting to find out what the pilots ID was made out of..it went all the way across a burning building and landed on the foot path with out a singe

    1. Glen
      And laying on top of a head turbine, imagine that!

  56. Yeah well said Brad. There are alot of people who are stupid & they excel at it. You could put the most obvious facts & evidence in front of them & stupid is as stupid does. "But a plane hit the building...cant you see that". Could you imagine living with these muppets!

  57. Planes hit the building. Buildings collapsed. Get over it.

  58. sharon pickering. clearly a cia troll. being un-american is the right thing to do right now, because America is out of control, non-stop war and empire expansion. American's need to shut down wall street with even bigger number than time, make sure it's a peaceful protest, also make sure you are armed in case the police open fire. if the military is called in they wont attack american citizens

  59. all that should have happened if it was only planes that hit the twin towers. the sections above might have fallen on the section below

    but all the sections below that did not get hit should maintain it's full strengh even with the top part compromised. fyi the supports could carry multiple times their normal working loads.

    so the top should have fallen to one side or not at all.

    there is no way the top falling on the bottom would make the bottom give out. think about it for a sec. really just think.

    nano thermite did it without a doubt.

  60. People are so dense. If the structural support had been severely damaged on one floor and buckles under all the weight, it's not inconceivable that it would give way and as the weight increases, the speed of the fall increases. What's so hard about that? And what about it requires steel to be melted? How about it being bent? All those millions of tons on weakened support. It's not a huge leap

  61. As a former Royal Engineer and Member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers, it is impossible for the buildings to have collapsed as per the official version. Building 7 was an irrefutable, conclusive, unambiguous controlled demolition.

  62. 9/11 symbolized the end of the westernised, pornographic, inhuman worldview. Period.
    Come to India. I give you Pav Bhaji for free!

  63. As frustrating as it might be for some, I think it contributes to the "blinders, and earmuffs" that come on to the believers in the "official story" when referring to the "government" as the perpetrators of whatever actually happened that day.. yes, of course, members of the administration and government had to have quite a bit of involvement in many aspects of the events that day (if in fact it was an inside job) - but, perhaps changing the "title" of the guilty may make it a bit easier for those who can't see or can't accept all the obvious evidence contradicting the official story, as well as the many attempts in the "cover-up" the evidence that supports the "conspiracy theory".. just my 2cents

  64. Dear, Tracy!

    The towers was hit indeed by planes. But the planecrash itself didnt take down WTC, atleast not WTC7 but you are a sheep (i cant blame you, but i can blame your ignorance), nothing is wrong here. Enjoy your dream!

  65. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

  66. Tracey, I absolutely agree with you. I question the editorial decision of this website to post docos by conspiracy peddlers or speculators or wackos (they are not 'theorists' by any reasonable definition of that word). I am so glad I am not as dumb as these people posting in support of this piece of crap. To support these documentaries is un-American and immoral to the memories of those killed.

  67. Wow, that demolition control example was literally enough for me to concede that it was undoubtedly planned, besides the planes hitting. There is unquestionably more detail to the truth than is presented by our "media".

  68. Tracy was the mole. The rabbit in a dog race. The shit I step in that prompts me to watch more carefully where I'm going. Mind altering documentary. America is the cause of terrorism foreign and domestic. Mostly I should say. Who are we really? Homicidal maniacs? Terrorize ourselves? just to terrorize others? Yep a sad sad day for the " land of the free to kill".

  69. What is so overwhelmingly alarming is the inability of people to pull their heads out of the sand and actually challenge the abundance of inconsistencies in the official version of events. The American government now has absolute proof that they can get away with pretty much anything and that the majority of people will unquestionably and patriotically, swallow every last morsel of shit fed to them, by a people who's interests don't include their interests. So successful has the American government become over the last five decades, at refining the propaganda tools to discredit and marginalize anyone prepared to challenge their dirty business that the future looks bleak indeed.

    Most people are not just sheep but sheep on steroids that will violently scream and shout to protect the evil bastards who use them as fodder. The meaning of conspiracy has now successfully been redefined to mean that it's utterance will reveal a mental disorder that causes a person to defiantly step out of line, like they have some over the top paranoid obsession to challenge the powers that be. They must be sick, weak and an abrasive trouble maker. Someone wh's lost all touch with reality. So lets all block our ears and ignore everything they have to say, and just for a laugh we can patronize and ridicule them.

    What the f*** have they made us become?
    I guess it's not so strange or new, Socrates was burdened heavily by this very sad sheep like human frailty some 2,400 years ago.

  70. The WHY? is a question that I often ask myself. I have a hard time believing that my own government would kill so many of it's own citizens, including a large number of first responders. But, it has become obvious to me that we were lied to. It's easy to lash out at the US government and blame it. I believe that the Federal Reserve was behind this. They are the ones who have benefited the most from this tragedy. I think that they gave a list of demands to top government leaders and basically said "give us what we want or else". Well, I think our leaders tried to stand up for us, and told the federal reserve "no" and then we got the "or else". Regardless, there is much more to the story that is still yet to be uncovered, and the rabbit hole likely goes much deeper than most realize.

  71. Tracy, please be aware that a building fell that day that wasn't hit by a plane. The reason that most people now believe that it was an inside job is because of how fast that building fell. It fell just about as fast as a bowling ball dropped from it's roof. That means that there would have been no obstructions below it (as in concrete floors and steel frames). The only way that could be true is if it was brought down by controlled demolition. That takes weeks of preparation and work. So you see that scientifically, it's impossible to have come down the way our government claims. Perhaps watch Dr. Daniele Ganser's presentation 10 Years after 9/11 on Youtube to better understand.

  72. I was a Combat Engineer in the Army. Coming home from Viet Nam, I was assigned to the Demolitions Mine Warfare Section at Ft Belvoir, Virginia. Worked with TNT, C-4, time fuse, det cord. It took a day for me, to get over the initial shock of what happened. As I watched the plane hit the tower and the destruction that followed, my jaw hit the floor. WHAT??? impossible !! The HUGE question is WHY, who gained from this? Questions that still remain.

  73. Tracy, ¡¡How can you be so ignorant after more than 14 years!! Any one with a bit of brain knows that the destruction of the towers was something planned by the US government, and one day, perhaps not too far away, the guilty people who planned and directed the destruction of the towers , will be taken to court, to pay for the horror the committed to the whole world and the wars due to this action.
    Hope it will be sooner than later.

  74. USA have carried out a False Flag of all False Flags!

  75. Well just watched doc over again. Very interesting and I was going to say shocking but I am not surprised in the least at the measures these people will take and the lengths they will go to so they can justify war. The official story put forward is so ridiculous and they know it. They are so arrogant about it because they no they have total power which means that they can churn out any explanation because the people cant do anything about it. When the bombings took place in London re 7th July 2005, again terrorists were blamed. The official story was just as lame as 9/11. In fact on that day, again, there were numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story. In fact, when asked why the emergency services were already there in force, before the bombings, they said that there was an emergency services training exercise taking place in the area. What???

    1. The problem with your theory about the attacks in Britain being the same false flags is that I live in Leeds, Beeston and knew 2 of the bombers personally. I was even in the same year as one of them Mohammad Sidique Khan at the same high school called Matthew Murray. My younger brother was even friends with one of them, Hasib Hussain when they were kids before he radicalized. His own parents tried stopping him and reported him but he was already down in London.
      The fact there is so much evidence from the planning, to their own families admitting it was them, to them being caught on CCTV all over the place that day, with the backpacks on and sort of tells its own story. Plus you must have forgotten about Khan leaving a video basically saying what he was going to do and as he says at the end 'We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation." Don't have any of that in the 9/11 attack though.
      I'd love you to come up to Leeds and spout that rubbish where these dudes were known by literally hundreds of people even locally, let alone their family that doesn't deny it.
      Look what's happened to the wife of Germaine Lindsay one of the other murdering scumbags, she's only known as the white widow, who joined Al-Shabaab in Somalia. She's meant to have killed over 400 people. Is that a false flag as well?
      As much as 9/11 is shady as hell, it doesn't automatically mean all terrorist attacks are. Was the one at that concert in Manchester, or any of the others recently or maybe some of the IRA bombings hey. Fact is there are bad evil people out there that do bad evil things, it's not always a conspiracy. It's one thing to not believe what the governments say at face value but the 2005 bombing there was a crazy amount of evidence even if you didn't know any of them.

  76. The pieces starts to fall together, independent sources are saying essentially the same thing and it´s all over the net. Just one example is Susan Lindauer former CIA asset mention how she and her supervisors had prior knowledge (6 months before 9/11) of a planned attack of the twin towers or NYC, small nuclear bombs was going to be used what that ever means. As they mention in this doc. they had prior knowledge of the event at least of the pentagon. And now whole Europe are flooded with refugees, from Middle East and Africa the politicians are opening the borders like there is no tomorrow, a coincidence? nope! The owners of this planet are playing with us like it´s a game and we need to put an end to it, and we don't beat them with the same game we invent a new one, open source movements and empowerment of communities around the globe take away these centralized systems it doesn't work and lets share our progress on the net, forget all this psychos we can live without them but not the other way around.

  77. Tracy, Adam, and james... people like you are the reason why I have little faith in humanity's chances at learning anything beyond self-satisfaction and power-mongering. Congratulations on your ability to see nothing that is real but only what your fearful and small minds will allow. I ask though is it really that comforting to remain a fool in a fool's world?

  78. Ok, So now what...when are these people going to be brought to justice for what they have quite evidently done. They have killed so many people so they can justify war.

  79. James, it is people like you who haven't got a clue of what is going on in your own country. You obviously lack an education, and anything else you will say about that is unbelievable. However, I hate to see someone like yourself getting in the last word on this topic. It was people from Europe who were the first to disbelieve that the incidents of 9/11 were anything but the things your government said it was. It took your government 7 years to have some sort of an investigation, and out of that came nothing but lies. It was your people in the States that have fallen for things that Cheney, the possible instigator of the whole charade, said, along with Bush. This was not the only video made. But if you don't believe what was said in this document, feel free to stay ignorant.

  80. Assuming that the official explanation for the 9/11 disaster was a fabrication and that what happened was intentionally caused by the powers-that-be, one way to expose the lie is for a whistle blower from the inside to name names, giving details not only of modus operandi but also of reasons behind the horrific crime. Even if those responsible cannot be brought to justice, history must reflect the truth.

  81. Well Tracy I think you should take notice to what some of the comments made above. You see I am thinking that you have made the comment you have made just for the reaction since if you understood even the basic physics you would understand that buildings made from Steel and concrete dont collapse in the way the towers collapsed. You actually made that comment without even watching the doco and without giving the scientific minds a chance to at least show you the mechanism of demolition. Surely you have to respect what they know. What does bother me is that all the proof in the world isnt going to bring these politcal leaders to justice. Thanks for reading.

  82. I heard Larry Silverstein say they pulled building 7 with my own ears on the brainwashing box when the whole sorry affair was unfolding, later he makes all sorts of excuses and denies he meant demolish it - there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that building 7 was demolished - that should be suspicious enough to call it all into question PERIOD!

  83. Well, the panelists could have been better. One is an investigative judge from Italy, specializes in terrorism. That one's okay. Next we have a Psychologist, then an Urban and Regional Planner, and finally an Anthropologist. I would have liked to see a distinguished engineer or architect. I think the other film mentioned, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is more convincing. But folks, just keep making these films. They are good. Someday all may know the truth.

  84. Who cares what these ultra-liberals say about ANYTHING!!! Canadians stay in your own sh..hole!

  85. Read Dr. Judy Wood's book, then you might be able to take the blindfold's off your eyes. A 'plane hitting a building does not turn it into dust in mid air. I know it is frightening to believe that your government would kill hundreds of it's own citizens and see them as collateral damage, but they were determined to attack Iraq and needed a good excuse to get the the public onside. Please step out of the herd of sheep and start to think for yourselves - before it is too late.

  86. I've followed the 911 truth movement since 2006. It is inconceivable that these highly educated men and women, who have time and time again shown that we have not been told the facts of that terrible day, have not had their day in front of our Congress. That is until you consider that our Congress is made up of insider trading, war profiteers.

  87. Tracey. get a life. We live in a matrix. Unfortunately the majority see the same as before, while some of us see the truth as never before 9/11. 9/11 uncovered the matrix our govt has been creating for so many decades. The more govt intervenes in our lives the more we lose sight of reality. People will only see the truth when they start taking responsibility for themselves and not rely on govt telling them what they perceive.
    Never take anyone's word for something, but investigate for truth.
    We've all been duped. Things aint what they seem.
    I won't be happy until Bush and Cheney hang and their entire adminiscabinet.

  88. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and the rest of the gang need extrordinary rendition to Gitmo, where interrogation techniques can be used to extract the truth. If the truth is not forthcoming, a quick jab with pentathol will loosen their tongues. A media contingent present at the gates can then inform the world what actually happened on 9/11. If the gang are guilty of this criminal conspiracy, a public trial can be held and punishment decided by the public.

  89. A 10 year old can debunk this garbage..... Seriously..... Planes hit them.... They collapsed.... And if anyone want too get this moron too debate me publicly, more then happy too do so....

  90. man the level of ignorance on Tracy's comment its just... wow!

    if you still have doubts about the buildings collapse, just look for a non-conspiracy documentary name "ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH"

    there you would have architects and engineers explaining why the building shouldnt collapse and offer explanation to the freefall collapse, which goes against everything stated on the official 9/11 report.

  91. Tracey, beLIEve me when i tell you it is almost unbelievable what our goverment did that day! I heard the conspiracy theories and thought there was no way. However, they had the motive and resources to do it. More important a country too asleep to question it. The FACTS and SCIENCE says so!

  92. I remember the cbc doing a piece on the towers in dec of 2001 , in it they showed the molton medal still running after 3 months ? This was when i knew the goverment of the USA lied to the people . This does not explain why or how the towers TURNED TO DUST ? tc .

  93. Tracey, the whole point is that it SHOULDN'T have fell, 10% of the building was damaged and 100% fell straight down at the speed of gravity. To put that in perspective thats like saying that if you have a tower of boxes and you damage 2-3 blocks at the top the whole tower will fall straight down at the same speed as if you just dropped a box from the same height. Had you watched the video you wouldve seen the credentials of the experts. If you honestly believe that professors from McMaster University, University of Coppenhagen and multiple Harvard PHDs, have no idea about what they are talking about then there is honestly nothing anyone else can say.

  94. What is it we want as individuals? Personally I have to say Respect, Honesty and Loyalty. I speak for myself of course when I say that. It is very important to go into the facts presented with an open mind, NEVER a predetermined for or against opinion. Only then will your common sense and intuitive gut feeling start to shift toward the truth. and at Tracy, take the amount of time it took you to respond n ur comment-and actually watch the whole damn film before u make more a fool of yourself by commenting so ignorantly and disrespectfully as you did. Clearly you had your intentions already set by before watching this!!!

  95. Tracy appears to be the typical plant to grab the numero uno spot with an inane posting to try to discourage others who might view this documentary and maybe start digging a little deeper into the crime scene of 911. THE DAY THAT PHYSICS STOOD STILL!

  96. Free fall, Tracey. FREE FALL.

  97. yes they do Tracy, they explain numerous time in this video how it should have....oh but it true, you are not listening..

  98. Tracy, what about the numerous explosions going off in the building and heard by numerous people including police and firemen. Did they fall out of the plane and go boom? The real question is who placed them there? I guess that's a stupid question also. What about building 7 being pulled as the owner said, as it also came down around 5:20pm with very little damage. Once all is over we go to WAR!

  99. Tracy, Tracy, Tracy......I'm embarrassed for you!!! The buildings shouldn't have collapsed if they were actually hit by just planes you moron! Please go back to grade school and study at the very least one physics course and you might.....might be able to grasp what these documentaries are trying to tell you. Now I'll admit this is not one of the best 9/11 documentaries out there, but that still does not excuse your ignorance....Please, please don't post anymore you don't have enough mental muscle to waste it on comments my dear!

  100. I don't need to waste my time watching this to know it's a load of shit. All of these 9/11 conspiracy videos never really say how "should" the building have collapsed if they were hit by planes like they were. What "should" it look like if it supposedly happened all wrong? The buildings were hit by planes you dummies. If that does not cause a building to collapse you have too much time on your hands to be paranoid freaks. What's even worse is some people are dumb enough to believe the shit that you say. Rather than making these docs you really should put your money into feeding the poor or something useful rather than this embarrassment. I know you are too stupid to be embarrassed but trust me I am embarrassed for you. Please don't make any more of these.

    1. Noncommissioned Truth of 9-11 - 2001 answers all your questions!!! Stolen by the History channel on the documentary Road to 9/11. Case# 3:17-cv-13573-PGS-TJB