2057: The City of the Future

2007, Technology  -   88 Comments
Ratings: 6.62/10 from 84 users.

2057: The City of the FutureWhat would you see and experience if the clocks rolled forward 50 years? In a unique blend of drama and science, this three-part series shows you the world of tomorrow. Will we have flying cars? Will advances in medicine help us stay young forever? What about "printing" custom-made vital organs? What will our cities look like? What will tomorrow's wars be about? Will we have robots helping around the house? Will solar power be the new oil?

Supported by the world's leading scientists and research institutes, we embark on a quest to answer some of society's most fundamental questions and reveal the dramas of tomorrow's world along the way. State-of-the-art computer graphics in combination with a dynamic story line will create a world usually only seen in feature films, but with the accuracy and relevance of a documentary. This series is all about opening the window of our future based on science fact, not science fiction.

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88 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Phillip kalaveras

    Political correctness cannot be programmed into an AI computer. After years of preparation, Microsoft had to pull the plug on Tay (an AI bot) after just 12 hours. More of your world is "make believe" than you may know and AI does not make belief. What I'm saying is; an AI future will not be a kind one to all people.

  2. dgsgdgsgsd

    Very chunky, tasty and hairy, the video looked like a monkey!!!!!!!

  3. rudeboi

    "how will we wage war?" If that's still a question in 2057 then more than likely we won't make to 2057.

    1. Dan forth

      It's a part of the human condition. It doesn't mean it will always look the same, with one country against each other and poverty and sickness and s(it, but it will always be prevalent

  4. bumpercrop

    is the sub-title of this doc,
    "Presuming our species survives?"

  5. Guest

    At 03.55 min it is La dama de Elche. Prehistoric spanish statue. Not an ancient egytian statue. St*pid narrator.

  6. Mark Bert

    They got something wrong at the end... they would be arrested and interrogated at the very least.

  7. David Wilson-Holmes

    2057 and the old guy is still wearing spectacles!!!!

  8. nick-16

    that robot in existence today can learn independently to achieve goals. it can think and can change its decision based on the changing situation. when do robots get to the point when they learn they don't have to take orders anymore??? everything electrical will be 'linked up', we are the only ones telling them to do as we say. machines being able to independently communicate with missile systems... it will literally be some terminator sh*t the day that happens. self awareness grows ever closer.

    1. Chris Thee Kruger

      The level you are talking about... You are probably technologically inept, correct? I understand such a fear... But if you knew computers and worked with them at all, you would see how far off that reality is.

      Infact, I'd be so bold to call it impossible *knocks on wood* crazy genius' out there, do not take this as a challenge.

      But the computer would be lacking a soul, it would lack the depth of memory and understanding we have. Even if it self teaches, it must have a purpose and efficiency within that. Those purposes and inefficiencies are command driven. They are not creating their own goals. People are peculiar even when contrasted against other species when it comes to our goals and motivations. Sometimes even so gripping that we become destructive and clouded.

  9. Omran Alkandarey

    Watching the asimo today compared of what he was in 2007 shows how fast things are moving :)

  10. Matt Kukowski

    This was really entertaining! Kinda like a syfy movie, better than many hollyweird movies!

  11. patrick watson

    I love the fact that so few people can play concect the dot's , and yes war is a must a built in self control .
    Take 56 million that died in the last war most of whom are the young healthy male and female breeding stock and remove them = another 1.3 billion today ,give or take.
    Good or not it is how we keep our numbers down , we look at every thing in good and bad , black and white .
    Nature just is not like that and we are part of nature , even if you think god made us , we still breath the air and eat the food of this world and that make's us one and part of if it.
    We are growing and learning to mimic what nature is showing us and building on it, take the robot it's look's like it's made from old car part's so that is how it will move .
    If a replacement hip joint was made to the same shape as the organic one it will work the same way , the answers are in front of us we just have to look !
    Oh and when did this become a dating site for SI's

  12. L0LAW0NKA

    Watched the first 5 minutes, I already knew they were going to talk about video games. Yes, let's have our children spend hours on end playing video games. That's the future. It's a r*tarded future where people spend more time indoors virtually doing what they could actually be doing outdoors. That's it, I will become a hermit if that's our future.

    1. her highness

      we should get married. you and I. we'd make the best babies, ever. I can tell. sérieusement

    2. Brandyn Riffle

      sigh. You're probably right that most people will be spending most of their time inside playing what would look like a computer game, but they'll probably actually be doing some real work. IMO I can see a couple of trends intersecting in a good way: gaming companies are getting better and better at making their games addictive (openly), and the job market will continue to shrink. A research company that breaks down the complex research it's doing into small, individual steps that can be represented by online puzzles would have a ready source of cheap labor. Check out the Foldit Project, and you'll see what I mean. Today, we play Bejeweled' surreptitiously at out jobs. In a few decades, 'Bejeweled' could BE our kid's jobs. The data their solutions represent collectively could be groundbreaking medical or technical discoveries. People who are top scorers at these unassuming games could wind up being great medical researchers, without real training or any special intellect. There's a market there...

    3. LoggerheadShrike

      Without real training ... or a real paycheque.

  13. L0LAW0NKA

    What's up with people and flying cars? We will never have that. I mean, it would be easier AND cheaper if they placed a helicopter on the driveways of every American home. Now that should be the aim of the future. People can then fly to work. How cool would that be?

  14. Aidan Skillings

    I'm sure many of the cynics here are only picking apart this documentary in lieu of previous cynics to have posted. You're all just clinging to the ranting, point-out-the-obvious ***** whom you view as being stronger than everyone else, simply because they're so aggressive. Let's not be such weak, pathetic ****** and enjoy something for once, eh? Just once can I read someones opinion and expect someone to say something interesting? Oh yes, congrats, you've turned me into a ranting *****....Thanks.

  15. Ray Stewart

    Year - 2100
    Time - 0730 Am

    You wake up by the alarm clock, a piece of technology that has been around for over 150 years.
    You stand and go to the shower, which automatically switches on as soon as you step inside, the water temp is the same from your previous shower, the shower and all running water facilities are controlled via a home mainframe, located in a hidden wall panel in your house somewhere.

    Instead of exiting the shower and drying your self with a towel, the water stops after a set amount of time, which you programmed it to do weeks or years before this individual day, you stay in the shower and a worm blanket of air is blown on to your naked wet body from all sides via tiny pin holes.
    Your dry in seconds, you now exit the shower and stand at the sink, you pick up your tooth brush and brush your teeth, using the water from the fountain spray next to your basin to rinse your mouth out.

    You get dressed manually in your bedroom and walk down stairs, as you do you say “home morning activation”, quietly if you wish and all your blinds, curtains in every room of your house opens up, the computer will be in morning mode.

    Your 80” colour HD 3D Television in the lounge, mounted within the wall above your fake fire place switches on to the channel you programmed weeks or years before, for it to whow during mornings.
    Plus any over night phone messages, emails and faxes will automatically come up on several monitors throughout your house, next to light switches perhaps or else where.

    As you enter the kitchen, if the morning light is not yet light enough, the lights overhead will come on, but only to a dim but still see able brightness, allowing you to see your way around the room.

    You then click on the coffee machine or the all-in-one tea maker (which unfortunately is still manual operated), then go to the lounge where a computer animated voice will ask you “do you wish to watch television or sort out your email and other messages”, lets say you say TV, you sit on the chair or sofa and watch it.

    You have to get your own mug and poor out your own coffee or tea then go to the lounge or dinning room which also has a television.
    After drinking you see that its nearly time for work and grab your coat etc and exit your house, no keys required, just wall out of your house, closing or leaving your front door open, it does not matter.

    The house mainframe computer will wait for a few seconds, before switching off any appliances that are no longer being used, inc the television, plus it will switch off any lights left on and lock all windows and doors, inc closing windows that where left open by you if any.
    It will switch on the motion sensors around your house and the visitors-video recoding Camera at the front door, ready to film and record anyone arriving at your home when your at work.

    You walk to your car in your drive way or on the road, you get inside it, then type in a code in the keyboard in front of you (mounted upon the dash board) and upon the windscreen comes an 3D image of locations you have been or want to go soon, all pre-programmed by you days or weeks earlier.
    You hover your finger over the location of your choice, I.e., Work, and the car starts up and starts driving on its own.
    There’s no steering wheel, pedals or even a gear stick, as your car is totally automated.

    The seat your in twirls around so your facing the rear of the car and any passengers you may have.

    If there’s no passengers, you can watch live Digital television on the back black window of your car, changing channels by using a remote on the arm of your seat.
    The car will drive on to the highway / motorway where thousands of other automated cars and trucks are travelling, there’s no such thing as car accidents or traffic jams, as these vericals talk to each other, allowing each to slow down, over take and follow one another without human interference.

    There’s not been an car accident on the roads for over 50 years since automated cars came in to existence, when before they came about, over 4,000 people lost their lives in car accidents each year.

    Your fully automated car will get you to your work, park it self in an free space or its own space and open the door.
    Instead of running on flammable fuel, it runs on electricity via Diopothium Batteries, which are about ten times more stronger than any car battery of yesteryears.

    You get out and the car will lock it self, turn off any TV or keyboard images you may have left on.
    As you enter work, you go to the reception and sign in either by pen or by voice commands, i.e., “Mr X has arrived”, then you go on about your business.

    1. Sam Haslam

      And still in the subcontinent, children will be dying from cholera, as their dried up, fly-infested water-hole went stagnent 'weeks or years before' and the wars will ravage on but instead of against Islam or Communism, we'll have a new foe - hopefully religion per sé, but I doubt it, as the powers that be like to quell the masses, like they have done for thousands of years before them.

  16. sensory_1

    "What will tomorrows wars be about?" That's real uplifting. Is this one of those ways in which we're supposed to accept that there will never be an end to war? If I'm the only one who noticed this........God help us all

    1. L0LAW0NKA

      Uhh... war is necessary. Now I'm not saying that killing people is necessary (although it is in a way) but you should look at the history of the world. Let's not go too far. WWII created jobs for America, and it also helped us get rid of the Deppression of the 1930s. Not only that, the UN was formed along with the Global Bank. This war unified most of the world together, with diplomatic alliences along with an interchangeable currency. War is sometimes necessry. Sometimes, just sometime, war is a good thing. It's up to the future generations to decide wether what we did was right or wrong. In the meantime, we should just enjoy the life we have before we lose it.

  17. Ken Pressley

    Ah Yes, the ability to track any citizen ... anywhere and 24 hours a day. And they said Big Brother was just a conspiracy theory?

  18. ObamaATL

    Funny thing is, there were videos like this in the 80's about how it would be in year 2000... Here we are in 2011 and nothing has changed much, yeah sure, we got a few nice gadgets, ipods,phones, laptops, flat screen tv... But over all things are the same.. Videos like these are dumb.

    1. Robin Mosbakk

      Internet,Wireless phones,LCD's Nice gadgets?No they are freekin miracles which you can't even concieve how they work!You obviously wern't there in the 80's when you had to WALK down to a store to buy your porn or WALK to the bank in order to get your payed or even worse get mail in da mailbox,Preposterous!It would be da freekin space odyssey for a person living in the 80's to get transporter straight to 2011,

    2. Kodie Beckley

      I actually have a fairly good grasp of how all three of the things you mentioned work. I don't understand what you're trying to get at by saying that people can't conceive how they work. Obviously a lot of people can, otherwise we wouldn't have the amount of phones, Internet service providers, or screen manufacturers.

  19. whiplash

    the technology used in this film is closer to around 100 years from now than 50, simply because our corporations are buying out the patents and the funding is not there

  20. gulo gulob

    i love these documentries .. but have not good command in english .. can u guys dub these documentries in urdu language ?

  21. AdamRogers

    He asked when it was uploaded, not when it was made.

    Something tells me you can't read proper!

  22. Mario 7nna

    even though a lot of whats been presented in this film can be reached i think in 50 years from now we are gonna be in a completely different world , our scientists and computer geniuses should work on completely different issues than controlling entire cities though one network .
    we should start with helping the people dying around the world and building better systems of feeding the hungry and protecting the weak instead .

  23. sean wong

    I was thinking how scary this whole thing was the entire time.

    and Kaku being so happy about it. scientists have no concern for the end result as long as they get what they've been striving for.

    whatever that is.

    1. Chakso

      Vastly improved quality of life

  24. Chris Wickstead

    So all you need to do is learn hacking and you can start murdering, that sounds like fun. Imagine the terrorist risk in the future LOL!!

  25. Gary V

    I certainly hope that the clothes look a bit than that in 2057, but if I'm still here then I will be to old to care anyway. I will be 93. lol

  26. henrymart81

    I prefer driving myself. I like being in control and enjoy driving. The only time I'd ever allow for a computer system to drive for me is if it's an option to enable or disable. Just saying.

    1. whiplash

      people of the future wont be introducedto an environment in which people actually enjoy driving. we think driving is fun because our environment has countless things that has to do with it. in the future, people don't have to do it and wont do it (because people are lazy as s***) therefore our environment will disappear and the new one will simply not care... personally, i like what you have to say because i think the same thing! (got me thinkin bout the future tho.)

  27. tariqxl

    Interesting rant by Durden, firstly people, you do want governing as you alone cannot farm everything you want to eat and manufacture everything you need. People do tend to gather in groups for protection and over time the groups will grow larger through birth and migration and even recruitment as maybe the neighbouring groups or tribes would be lazier than yours and want to take rather than work. The first point of blame laying at peoples feet.

    Secondly money is vital as nations form, municiple services are required and you don't want slavery. Which means the people need to pay, taxes are inevitable. Plus if you farm carrots and turnips but you want some beef, but the cattle farmer doesn't like carrots and turnips, it would be simpler for you to hand over an I.O.U which then could be traded. Otherwise you would be trading all day for something the cattle farmer wanted, and thats for one meal. Farms will grow in accordance with population growth, venders will be required to sell farmers goods. businesses will form and need banks to hold wealth securely. Perfectly natural system money systems cannot be blamed.

    As nations grow so to does power making it increasingly dangerous for one person to hold, democracies formed of senates with deligations of power and duties to govern small portions is logical as to give people voices as well as making governance easier. As the primary idea of one man governing over another comes from family first, the logical steps of the idea from head of the family to chieftain of the tribe on to monarchies and dictators leading to senates and parliaments. Welfare of the people lead to technologies in medicines and communication, continued trade leads to technologies in transport, engineering and architecture. With continued scientific research the society depicted in this film could be a reality yet nothing I've mentioned here is inherently corrupt. These are all logical steps in the evolution of any intelligent species. The problem is the people, its us, and as a great man once said you gotta start with the man in the mirror what are you doing to change. Have you ever woken up in a bad mood and bitten the head off the first person to greet you? Maybe it shamed you to act like that but did u ever stop to ask yourself why your behaviour was that way and what you can do to change that aspect of yourself?

    I urge everyone who reads this to watch Kymatica in the mysteries section.

    1. Bjørn Jensen

      Sir, I understand where you are coming from but I have to totally disagree. I think that you don't understand that the monetary based economy is inherently flawed especially because with it will eventually come technological unemployment as technology increases and jobs are replaced by machines. It is already starting. That is only one part of the problem. I cannot go into the whole thing here as it would take a book worth of information to explain it fully. However, there is an excellent movie that details it completely and offers the alternative of a resource based economy that is now possible using the technology we have today and what we would have very soon if we spent our money on bettering ourselves instead of war, death and destruction. I will watch the movie you recommended, Kymatica. I urge you to watch a movie I recommend as well which will explain what I'm talking about in full detail. It is the third in the Zeitgeist series of movies; Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. It is incredibly well done and supported with many experts and visionaries. It may seem impossible and with today's attitude it probably is, however things may get so bad that extreme measures may need to be taken and this looks to me like the next evolution in the human race. The idea of a resource based economy comes from the visionary and futurist Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project. It is one of many paths we can take as a society but I believe it is the best. I could be wrong but why not take a look and see for yourself.

    2. tariqxl

      I wasn't saying anything about the monetary system apart from, logically it was always going to be created out of nessecity. Also I've seen moving forward and like that film you are trying to blame our state of affairs on the monetary system alone. What I was explaining is that no system can be blamed just mankind for creating the system, like that film you (and everyone else) are taking the blame from our laps and projecting it on to something tangible. If there was no money we would still kill for food or any other reason we always have, all sentient life kills. It takes imagination to do it the way we do. Just 1 further point, the cities described in that film are automated, transport thats needs no driver, gardens that self-maintain, fully machanised production of goods and even medical robots, the same vision for the future as the supposed N.W.O. So you see another stage of inevitable advance, everyone wants the same future. Maybe they differ on the means to bring about this change but it will be no different than the systems we live in today unless we see a change in us, a paradigm shift (sorry for the buzz word a bit george bush of me). Thats what I took from Kymatica so I hope you enjoy that and if you agree with it tell people about it because while we are not blaming ourselves we are not changing our mistakes.
      Also i would like to say, when I mention the N.W.O I don't mean a specific group of people. The N.W.O is a notion, an ideal, its within all of us, as Buddhests teach: you hate in others, what you hate in yourself. The N.W.O is like the dark side, trying achieve through self interest. Alexander, Barbarosa, Xerses, hitler, anyone who seeks change at the exspence of others, bred from fear within them that prompts them to take action. Fear of falling behind, not doing well (as individuals and as nation heads) Its at the core, as no-one is born bad, the type of people that seek power to begin with were good who wanted to make a difference through fear of what may happen if they don't. Fear that in a divided world not only will no-one help but they would likely take advantage.

    3. Kodie Beckley

      Just so you know, Jacque Fresco actually pulled his support from the Zeitgeist movement. He was unhappy with the direction it was heading.

    4. Matt Kukowski

      Jac split from Peter because Jac felt as if Peter was taking all of his knowledge and not giving jac enough credits in the Moving Forward ZG film. Otherwise both are intellectually similar.

      Jac does not know how to speak to the public without making people angry... but Peter does not come close to how brillant jac is when it comes to hard core engineering.

      It is too bad they had to bicker over trivial things. But, then again, when you have 2 smart males, you are going to have conflict at some point. :)

  28. donttrustthemedia

    there's gonna be a lot less of us ,and were gonna be slaves,and the way things are going i see this movie as propaganda

    1. David Foster

      No surprise here.

  29. dan

    Absolutely cheesy waste of time. This isn't a documentary but a Tuesday night Movie of the Week with bad acting.

    1. Gary V

      Yeah this doc looks like it was made by Disney.

  30. Tyler Durden

    Michio, you are an NWO dog! This is a sad look at an Orwellien fascist society, grossly imbued with totalitarian propaganda. It makes me sick to see the further destruction of family values, children continuing to be raised by themselves and the idea that the consumerist culture will survive that long. It outlines and expresses all the fears and realities of the present and coming system of slavery. I don't see the scientists working on these technologies today as ethical whatsoever. They should be ashamed of themselves, taking money from Totalitarian regimes and building the bars of their own prisons. The world we create today will be the world our grandchildren have to live in, do you want them to resent you and ask what did you do to stop the last tree form being cut, or what did you do to stop the extinction of all life on the planet save humans?

    We should live our lives moment to moment in a way that future generations will look back and say my grandparents were hero's, look what they did to ensure our freedom. Not "my grandpa sat on the couch all his life and made frequent trips to walmart, he worked a 40 hr week for the corporations that now enslave society, he never asked questions and maintained the status quo, he died of cancers from toxins in the air and soil, he was a real hero" I am not saying technology is inherently evil, I am saying that the people funding it's development today do not have humanities best interest in heart and we should resist by any means possible. It's their employment of technology and their view that humans are cattle to be farmed for labor, to be enslaved and monitored 24/7.

    To be exploited to maintain the status quo. It's their only goal to maintain and consolidate their power. If this is the future I want no part of it. I want tree's and rivers we can drink from, I want landscapes and nature, I want freedom and no government. A society educated that lives to higher ideals than we do today not a devolution into a complex prison system of skyscrapers, pollution and gov't control where daughters turn over their own parents on suspicion and gestapo like officials watch your every move. I want the technology to benefit humans not enslave them .

  31. Adeel Mayo

    It,s amazing because the world is going to be changed in near future....

  32. Eupackardia

    Michio Kaku.. becomes the laughing stock of the scientific community. He loses all credibility.

    1. David Foster

      Not to worry... He's only a "theoretical" physicist! :-)

  33. Tina

    Fun but not that informative..

  34. iomismo

    A trend this film get rigth is the one of spoling our children always a little bit more. The kid collpases the whole city and what does he get? A biiiiig hug from his mommy!!

  35. smugg

    i think this is really possible in China, forget the US or EU.

  36. Dali


    You want to know if this is a new doc. The title is 2057: The World in 50 Years.

    My guess is that it dates to 2007.

    Something tells me you're not very clever!

  37. Ben

    Blegh. Reminds me of 1950's visions people had of the year 2000... 50 years later so what .. we get our newspaper and porn on a screen instead of paper. So what does 2057 hold? Smaller cars & better screens. Flying cars will NEVER happen - how would you control traffic?!? There would be cars falling out of the sky every day! And imagine the fuel to keep a tonne of metal in the air, especially considering rising fuel costs! Robots & AI is more like a thousand years off and even if we could, we wouldn't. You know why? Because it would cost a few billion dollars in development, and then you end up with a metal person that you have to treat like everyone else. Don'e think you can get it to do the laundry for you - this thing will have employment rights and a union. All that time to create a metal man for what? Plenty of real people around!

  38. Ethanol

    garbage. I lose the last of my respect for kaku now.

  39. Hari

    This is good and like else most of other documentaries. This is one of my favorite website.

  40. Dan

    Please give him the green bottle. You're killing me!

  41. deox

    In 2057 most people of the world will live in a ghetto dumpster burning garbage, with low-tech build-in-chips as Cash/ID.

  42. Riaan

    Everyone will prob be fat.

  43. Someguy

    I think this is rubbish, if you look at where nanotechnology is headed none of this stuff is even needed anymore, they talk about high tech cars when cars will eventually be replaced buy something much more efficient, i really believe at least 50% of this stuff will never take a long term effect.

  44. TunWu


  45. Anonymous

    Pretty bad documentary. It didn't take into account the social implications of those new technologies, and the story just feels like a bad Disney movie. I agree that some of the technologies explored were interesting, but I don't think the city of the future will look anything like what we saw.

    For once, there's always resistance to new technology. I'm one of many people who refuses to use social networks, and I sure as hell wouldn't network everything in my home. They are a lot of people today who still use 60s tech in every day life. The typewriter isn't totally gone, it's just used by a minority. The same way a lot of industries still work on non-networked Dos computers.

    Oh, and I can already imagine people starting to wear masks if camera networks become to present in society.

  46. Tiffany

    Anybody else want to kill Paul?

    Otherwise an interesting documentary

  47. Pip

    It's a great documentary but I wonder if the police really still use P90 submachine guns that are also hacked in half and with clips removed in 2057?

    But seriously, I don't like the way this documentary is showing the overwhelming control over citizens and their lives as a good thing. "This is your future, obey and submit".
    Everything shown in this clip will be possible at some point but it is up to us take action now to stop our reduction into worthless labor and consumers. The transition is already under way and way too many people are not paying attention. At some point the great AI will overpower it's creators simply because humans have submitted everything to it. We are too lazy and "perfectionists" and think there is no room for learning through error. Human will create a new god it is forced to worship because it literally controls every aspect of life.

    We are voluntarily registering ourselves into vast social networking sites that encourage us to publish our lives to everyone willing to watch. The biggest one has 500 million users. Think about it, at some point whole countries will be registered. Remove your face and real information from the internet. The next step will be 24/7 lifecasting which is already in use by few idiots who don't understand the full concept. Start using proxies and TOR to conceal your movement in the net.

    People have a right for privacy and anonymity, especially those with nothing to hide.

  48. Zulfiqar Sheikh

    This website is really a treasure site for knowledge seekers. A great collection of really TOP documentaries upon a variety of subjects is a great service to humanity. I've always been curious about future like majority of others. This movie is also one of my favorites like so many other great movies at this great website. Bravo, Great job.

  49. Adriana Dguez

    Then... Consequently, we can imagine more new things, just to make life easier and more comfortable.

    But, have been scientists thinking about the future and save the Nature at the same time? We have to live with respect to all kind of life; we can not live with out the Nature.

    In fact, after the Industrial Revolution, the air pollution has increased so overwhelming and unimaginable. Today it is uncontrollable for the most powerful countries and every day we see more natural phenomena that affect humanity and devastate our planet.

  50. Adriana Dguez

    Consequently, we can imagine more new things, just to make life easier and more comfortable.

    But, have been scientists thinking about the future and save the Nature at the same time? We have to live with respect to all kind of life; we can not live with out the Nature.

    In fact, after the Industrial Revolution, the air pollution has increased so overwhelming and unimaginable. Today it is uncontrollable for the most powerful countries and every day we see more natural phenomena that affect humanity and devastate our planet.

  51. Adriana Dguez

    I guess the human has been thinking about technological development since a several years.

    According with the video, in medical issues, scientists have been working to make artificial organs and in other important issues.

    So, the beginning of time, the human has thought about improve our quality of life. The technological discoveries have changed the human life and have changed the World, mainly after the Industrial Revolution.

  52. j.torau

    no thanks id rather drive my vett or my caddy, or maby i wont because i got a dui so now i can get freally drunk and not worry about driving.lol

  53. ningen

    Whatever technical or scientific progress is made becomes irrelevant in predicting the future if social changes are left out of consideration.
    In other words, what this movie seems to suggest is that social values, and our present day social and political systems remain largely unchanged. Which can absolutely not be the case for the future if we consider what is going on in the world right now. A massive change is upon us. Right now.

  54. SteveM

    Your already being followed, your car and cell have GPS. This video will be laughable before 2057 just like those 1950's or 60's vision of the future for 1999!! LOL, you can't predict the future more than a few years due to technological changes and a viriety of other variables.

  55. Branden Silva

    Clearly this is the way it will turn out if we want to be scanned and tracked by the government and corporations. I'm sorry this isn't freedom, this is a controlled city designed to supposedly protect you from terrorists but ultimately will kill any privacy and rights you have. Technology has no purpose spying on people and tracking their every move and have control over you. This is not how the future city should turn out. Future cities should be designed to provide distribution systems that provide resources to everyone. Just like any piece of technology it can be used for good or for bad. In this case, tracking people is a bad use of technology. I understand if its used in a way in which a car needs to know how to manipulate roads and this is a good use of technology but people aren't cattle and shouldn't be treated as such. I'm tired of hearing the terrorist mumbo jumbo to try and protect us. They pride Britain for having cameras everywhere to protect people but fail to see the root causes of the problems and instead, try and fix the symptoms of the problems.

  56. Connor

    Those actors were god awful, plus why would any kid want a retarded halogaphic shark for a friend.

  57. Prashan

    cars controlled by some other guys???this is more like good technology given to slaves!!

  58. makisig

    This is disturbing! Science's main goal is not to make life really easy so that our lazy lifestyle will get worse. I don't want a future where everyone will get corrupted by convenience, where computers will, if not do the thinking for us, make it easier, where we will get excessively dependent on technology to the point that our creativity and resourcefulness will disappear.

    Routines will make us lose our freewill.We will be slaves to comfort. And this kind of life is not worth living.

    It's nice tho that you put this docu here. Without this I couldn't have seen the foolishness of people, tryin to predict the future.

    Anyway, Michio Kakku is not only a brilliant scientist, but is also a good commentator.So even if the docu sucks, I don't regret watching.

    Thanks again Vlatco!

  59. me

    I wonder who wrote the script? Especially what is the prediction for the family values. Georgina with no evidence announced her father to be responsible ... and have you notice they have been distributing firearms to find him? It is a bit puzzling.

    The other future prediction is the only profession not taken over by mega computer is the policeman. How come they will be still allowed to commit human errors?

    Have you also noticed how pretty the future cities will look like? Concrete with plastic surveyed from everywhere. I have seen it already. Inside all modern prisons. How about some architecture combined with nature? How about good standards of living?

    Have you noticed that the current trend for the population to be decreasing is taken as granted? And the PROMISE that it will end the housing and job deficiencies problems?

    Somehow nowadays there are ppl alarming about the current events that in their opinions will result with such world with such new order as portrayed.

  60. sin

    im lazy. hurry up and start thinking for me computers!!

  61. lallu

    Very much agreed, Danby. No more freedom.

  62. Danby

    Oh great. In the future a computer follows EVERYTHING you do. Infact, you don't even have to think anymore. The computer does that too. Creepy creepy future. Lets hope it doesn't get like this.

  63. The man

    scary stuff

  64. mario

    mario i think this technology is fantastic for the citeis of the future i just to be a live wen is going to hapen.

  65. Tim

    Apparently the biggest threat to the future isn't out-of-control technology, but 13-year-old boys.

    1. Jacek Walker

      Not only to the future but to the present as well. The majority on this planet have never crossed the mental age of 13-year-old-boy/girl as their emotional intelligence concerned, regardless how old they are biologically.

  66. pranika jain

    it is fantastic. i want to download it. plz tell me hw can i download dis from ur site. its urgent plz rply

  67. SpOrph

    when did this get uploaded.. is this a new doc?

  68. adeel hassan

    its really amazing thing
    that u are providing such an educational
    information free of cost
    and efficiently
    please carry on