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The 11th Hour

2007, Environment  -   67 Comments
Ratings: 6.97/10 from 64 users.

11th HourWith contributions from over 50 politicians, scientists, and environmental activists, including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and journalist Paul Hawken, the film documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems.

Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed. The film's premise is that the future of humanity is in jeopardy. The film proposes potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by the reshaping and rethinking of global human activity through technology, social responsibility and conservation.

Not all scientists agree on the fact that global warming is an immediate threat. Although every scientist in this movie apparently does. Every expert interviewed stressed the fact that human involvement in the fight against global warming is mandatory. This is due to the fact that the increased anthropogenic cycle is pinned down as the main cause of climate change in the movie.

The role of humans in the destruction of the environment is explained from the viewpoint of several different professional fields: environmental scientists, oceanographers, economic historians, medical specialists, etc. The best example of this came from philosopher Wade Davis who theorized that to people, “You are either a person or property,” referring to mankind’s view on land and natural resource. (Excerpt from

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67 Comments / User Reviews

  1. Keith Swenson

    Not all scientists agree on the fact that global warming is an immediate threat. Although every scientist in this movie apparently does. Why is this statement in here? It's very misleading, indicating that the contributing scientists were cherry picked for their biased views. It's a fact that 99% plus of the climate science community agrees the climate crisis is an immediate threat to human survival.

  2. dave

    14 doco's on comedy , 128 on war

  3. mike

    this is used as propoganda for the CARBON TAX / GREEN TAX = money for governments

  4. Wm Ross Williams

    We have ways to dramatically change course and live better. Even facing 98% change of death we will stay on course unless there is an alternative. Today there is

  5. Barry StClair

    Well I misspelled a few words but what I am trying to share is that we really are closer to destruction than most of us realize but there is hope!!!

  6. Barry StClair

    This is as I said one of the most enlightening movies ever,along with Zeitgeist The Movie & the two sequels "Addendum" and "Moving Forward" says it all,plus a movie Collapse with Michael Ruppert gives me a sense of responsibility to share and spread the word on what is happening to destroy our home planet earth. These are not only descriptions but also prescriptions as to what all of us can do to save our home this planet earth. I have a sense of responsibility share what I know to any one who cares not only about now but our children but future generations for and to whomever is willing to be enlightened about how far we really are for destructin

  7. Barry StClair

    This was a very enlightening movie for me. It not only describes but also prescribes what we can all do at this late date to save our home this planet earth. I have seen others Zeitgeist the Movie plus the two additional sequels
    Addendum, and Moving Forward which can be seen in their entirety online.
    In all I have a sense of hope,but a feeling to spread the word. One more film
    with Michael Ruppert called Collapse. Now I have not just a feeling but a responsibity to spread what I know to whomever will listen.

  8. Hand to Mouth

    I'm surprised that this could only show a trailer. This seems like a project that would like to be heard no matter what. Not sure what the purpose of making this film was, to make money or to influence human behavior to save our planet.

  9. Phill Pelling

    The truth is in reality as it has always been we will not accept that we are killing our world until we have, we will all just go on believing that our impact on the world is not as bad as they say it is. We as humans never do anything about anything until it is to late. We will all end up like the Dinosaurs.
    And millions of years later mother Earth will have healed herself from the damage that we have done. And the world will be as intended clean and peaceful...

  10. lub

    With greater effort, I will ask my political representative., what are they doing in the various levels of government to help the environment for our own good?

    Also, I have added this documentary to my facebook wall, hoping it will help in some way in bringing about greater awareness and action on this pressing isue.

    A lack of awreness and sensitivity by the genral public to the perils of environmental damage is making the situation more gloomy and critical.

  11. Karmiccontrail

    There are only two kinds of life a human can live ,material life or spiritual life .
    Because the materialists ignore Krishna they live a problematic and suffering life.Whilst they only desire material life ,Krishna kindly fulfils their desires and they are reincarnated in the material worlds as one of the 8,400,000 species.In every life there is birth ,decease, old age and death.
    A spiritualist follows Krishna's trascendental knowledge ,reducing their Karma and suffering and develops a desire for the spiritual worlds ,their original home ,where life is eternal.
    It does not matter how the materialists try and fix this world they will always be denying Krishna and bringing about more karma,new problems and more suffering upon themselves.
    So there is much more to life than this material life .Why do you want birth decease old age and death so much ?
    If you want to fix the world Krishna left us complete instructions on how we should live . Krishna is perfect and the Vedas are a vast source of knowledge.Materialists have imperfect senses and have a poor fund of knowledge.
    A Krishna Consciousness life is for the benefit of the world .


    1. Guest

      Thats 10 kinds of life ;)

  12. Karmiccontrail

    There are only two kinds of life a human can live ,material life or spiritual life .
    Because the materialists ignore Krishna they live a problematic and suffering life.Whilst they only desire material life ,Krishna kindly fulfils their desires and they are reincarnated in the material worlds as one of the 8,400,000 species.In every life there is birth ,decease, old age and death.
    A spiritualist follows Krishna's trascendental knowledge ,reducing their Karma and suffering and develops a desire for the spiritual worlds ,their original home ,where life is eternal.
    It does not matter how the materialists try and fix this world they will always be denying Krishna and bringing about more karma,new problems and more suffering upon themselves.
    So there is much more to life than this material life .Why do you want birth decease old age and death so much ?
    If you want to fix the world Krishna left us complete instructions on how we should live . Krishna is perfect and the Vedas are a vast source of knowledge.Materialists have imperfect senses and have a poor fund of knowledge.
    A Krishna Consciousness life is for the benefit of the world .


  13. Karmiccontrail

    There are only two kinds of life a human can live ,material life or spiritual life .
    Because the materialists ignore Krishna they live a problematic and suffering life.Whilst they only desire material life ,Krishna kindly fulfils their desires and they are reincarnated in the material worlds as one of the 8,400,000 species.In every life there is birth ,decease, old age and death.
    A spiritualist follows Krishna's trascendental knowledge ,reducing their Karma and suffering and develops a desire for the spiritual worlds ,their original home ,where life is eternal.
    It does not matter how the materialists try and fix this world they will always be denying Krishna and bringing about more karma,new problems and more suffering upon themselves.
    So there is much more to life than this material life .Why do you want birth decease old age and death so much ?
    If you want to fix the world Krishna left us complete instructions on how we should live . Krishna is perfect and the Vedas are a vast source of knowledge.Materialists have imperfect senses and have a poor fund of knowledge.
    A Krishna Consciousness life is for the benefit of the world .


  14. Karmiccontrail

    There are only two kinds of life a human can live ,material life or spiritual life .
    Because the materialists ignore Krishna they live a problematic and suffering life.Whilst they only desire material life ,Krishna kindly fulfils their desires and they are reincarnated in the material worlds as one of the 8,400,000 species.In every life there is birth ,decease, old age and death.
    A spiritualist follows Krishna's trascendental knowledge ,reducing their Karma and suffering and develops a desire for the spiritual worlds ,their original home ,where life is eternal.
    It does not matter how the materialists try and fix this world they will always be denying Krishna and bringing about more karma,new problems and more suffering upon themselves.
    So there is much more to life than this material life .Why do you want birth decease old age and death so much ?
    If you want to fix the world Krishna left us complete instructions on how we should live . Krishna is perfect and the Vedas are a vast source of knowledge.Materialists have imperfect senses and have a poor fund of knowledge.
    A Krishna Consciousness life is for the benefit of the world .


  15. Karmiccontrail

    There are only two kinds of life a human can live ,material life or spiritual life .
    Because the materialists ignore Krishna they live a problematic and suffering life.Whilst they only desire material life ,Krishna kindly fulfils their desires and they are reincarnated in the material worlds as one of the 8,400,000 species.In every life there is birth ,decease, old age and death.
    A spiritualist follows Krishna's trascendental knowledge ,reducing their Karma and suffering and develops a desire for the spiritual worlds ,their original home ,where life is eternal.
    It does not matter how the materialists try and fix this world they will always be denying Krishna and bringing about more karma,new problems and more suffering upon themselves.
    So there is much more to life than this material life .Why do you want birth decease old age and death so much ?
    If you want to fix the world Krishna left us complete instructions on how we should live . Krishna is perfect and the Vedas are a vast source of knowledge.Materialists have imperfect senses and have a poor fund of knowledge.
    A Krishna Consciousness life is for the benefit of the world .


    1. Fred

      Chanting is getting you nowhere. Certainly not all spiritualists follow krishna, I for one, follow the One True God, JHVH, and His Son, Jesus.

  16. Guest

    Its about the time to stop saying 'we' and 'us' and substitute instead 'I' and 'me'. Or is that too scarey?

  17. Michael Crum

    A man in the video says we could make small changes such as keeping our tires properly inflated to help curb this enormous problem because every little bit helps. **** that st*pidity. That is but a grain of sand on a vast beach. We live in a social mechanism (capitalism) that depends on eternal expansion, that can only survive through raping our earth of resources, polluting it and churning out cheap products that are meant to cease functioning shortly after production so the consumer has to continue to consume. Poverty and hunger have only increased since the 1960's and it continues to increase. Wealth is held in fewer and fewer hands. Capitalism simply cannot function on a planet with finite resources. China and India have just now reached their industrial revolutions and their vast populations want the "standard of living" that Americans have enjoyed. Try telling them to curb pollution and waste. We have a political system where lobbying, campaign contributions and monetary gifts are protected by law as "expressions of speech". Money drives our political decisions. We can only choose between two people who are selected by corporations to become president. We HAVE to find renewable energy, destroy capitalism and take the money out of politics if humans are meant to survive. It is not a Chinese problem, a Muslim problem, a woman's problem or any other sect of mankind. It is a human problem. Is the ability to have a faster car, a bigger house, or a more expensive purse more important than having natural resources and life? So why are we not doing anything drastic about it? We face extinction unless we address it.

  18. Admir Efendic

    To learn to love the place where you live ... kinda hard to do if you are not living in California :) I think you guys should change your immigration laws so to not require professional degree and experience in destroying the earth, but proof of certain amount of hippysim and maybe a test on do you shop groceries at monterey market or Luckys :)

  19. Mike Clark

    global warming is a scam, and everyone should know that. I believe in natural climate change. They airbrush everything about the climate. Carbon dioxide is a small percentage of greenhouse gases. The Ocean emits more c02 itself than people driving around in suv's. Its clearly time to wake up people.

    1. Matt Kukowski

      @Mike Clark... you have to understand that there ARE those using Climate Change to profit from.

      Just keep that in mind... people will try to make money where ever they can, I know it is just the way it is...

      BUT, to discount the polution of the rivers, the clear cuttings of forests and the Plastic that now exists in the oceans... YOU CAN NOT DENY THIS.

      That is the point I want to make to all.

    2. Admir Efendic

      of course, natural climate change will eventually happen, the question is will we be there to observe it

    3. Thomas Emmanuel

      It's clearly time for you to wake up my friend. The ocean has always emitted CO2, it's part of the fragile circle of the ecological system. Greenhouse gasses are something we want, they keep our earth at the right temperature. It's the artificial, human-actions emitted greenhouse gasses there is the problem. Unless you plan on going ignorant, I would recommend you watching "Home Project" here on SeeUat Videos. Just a tip my friend, have a nice day.

  20. NEVILLE1234

    why are people so ignorant and gready.....i blame all the corporations and the us goverment for letting it happen

  21. usersad2

    The only fact presented in this video was that the human population is growing. Particularly enjoyed the part when a scientist noted the type of warming we are seeing also occurred prior to humans .. That is right .. PRIOR to humans. You mean this is not a Human problem? Thanks for clarifying. I was very disappointed. I fully support the reduction of waste and pesticides and found this video to be aimed more at the heart = dramatic pictures over facts and graphics. Sad. If it wasn't for Leo, no one would take note of this video.

  22. Shadrach Zion



    1. Rocky Racoon

      No we are empathic beings that have had to cooperate in order to survive, the last 500 years under the social relations of capitalism these traits are being perverted and selfishness is being promoted socially conditioned.

  23. Angelle Benavente

    11Th hour_it's so nice because it gives a lot of information regarding in our environment.... I've learn a lot of things.

    1. avd420

      Sweet, it's almost noon. Don't feel guilty, don't feel ashamed for living, the world has a few hours to go but we have a few minutes, so try and have some fun.

  24. Anna Giry?

    the 11th our - the last our we have before destruction
    Great movie and great motivation for me to keep writting my student work about environmental co-operation in region where I live. I hope that environmental movements will be getting more popular and stronger as it was with suffrage and other movements which existing is for us fundamental today.
    sorry for my English

  25. jayindie

    Excellent... Now when can we stop talking about it?! and acknowledge the earth as the living being that it is and move now towards living sustainably as part of it, not pseudo ruler of it ...Enough is enough!

  26. Melanie Lee

    Brilliant, informative and challenging, wonderfully put together, I have spread the word, here's to awareness and change!!!

  27. Bella Fajszán

    why is the movie called the 11th hour?

  28. Robert Tanguay

    That girls voice is anoying

  29. Ima

    I like cows.

  30. Michael Sobkowicz

    bunch of bull

    1. Aaron Fiore

      Care to explain with more than three words?


    great book>( last days of ancient sunlight) Thom hartmann

  32. Sandy Barker

    If there is hope and we act now mankind may be forgiven. If not, the world will be better off without us! For what we are doing to nature we do not deserve to be here.

  33. Beam Me Up Scotty

    "Not all scientists agree on the fact that global warming is an immediate threat..."

    OMG, hasn't anybody noticed the droughts, floods and heatwaves?
    Things are 79 to 100 years ahead of schedule. Scientists are scared.
    I'm scared.
    It's appropriate to be scared when facing extinction.

  34. Sailrick

    The greenhouse effect has been accepted science for a century.

    Fourier calculates colder earth without an atmosphere (1824)

    Tyndall discovers relationship between CO2 and long-wave radiation (1859)

    Arrhenius calculates global warming from anthropogenic CO2 (1896)

    Chamberlin models global carbon exchange including feedbacks (1897)

    Callendar predicts global warming increase catalysed by CO2 emissions (1938)

    Revelle predicts inability of oceans to sequester anthropogenic CO2 (1958)

    from "The Discovery of Global Warming" by Spencer Weart

    the greenhouse gas effect was first proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824, proven to exist by John Tyndall in 1858, and quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.

    But for Rush Limbaugh and the Republicans and tea baggers, Global Warming is just an agenda cooked up by Al Gore and other liberals.

  35. Sailrick

    definitely maybe, in his comment,

    Cites the completely debunked global warming swindle movie.
    It is complete rubbish.

    Anyone falling for that nonsense skeptic argument should go to Skeptical Science blog and look it up. -- or any other skeptic argument for that matter.
    Anthropogenic global warming is the most thoroughly peer reviewed scientific theory in history.

    Science isn't decided by uninformed people like 'definitely maybe' imagining that they have somehow stumbled onto something that tens of thousands of scientists missed in the last 40 years of climate research. And science isn't decided by radio and tv talk show hosts, scientifically illiterate GOP congressmen, amatuer bloggers and oil industry shill scientists.

    97% of active climate scientists agree on AGW. Virtually every major scientific organization in the world agrees, as do the earth science faculty of every major universtiy in the world agree. But people like definitely maybe imagine that they know better. Apalling.

    1. Kelly Mitchell

      '97% of active climate scientists agree on AGW.'
      your quote is from a statement released some months ago - the total number of climate scientists in the statistic is 77. Not relevant, especially when the poll included thousands of scientists, many of whom disagreed. They were culled from the study.

  36. Nihar

    Extremely Wonderful Compilation of all the Interviews.
    I love this Documentary...

    As a matter of being concern about all those Issues... there is only one answer...

    Great political change for making proper decisions considering the priorities.

    --- The problem is, The Politics is very much dependent on the Economy, Companies, etc.[in short Very few people, The 10% of all]

    So, what can we do... Basically nothing. Out of 6 Billion People 90% of the people can make only 10% change, Because its in those 10% people's hand to make all 90% Changes.

    So, again - What can we do... Wait... and hope that those 10% wakes up... as soon as possible.

    Until then enjoy the choices given to us by those 10%.

  37. karol

    a must see !!!

  38. Art

    It did not acknowledge our recycling. We should have tax breaks for car manufacturers who build renewable fuel cars. Electric cars can run off of electric power based on nuclear energy.

  39. Shelly

    To Sai's comment - I agree 100%! It sure is true that many of us have removed ourselves from nature by thinking we as humans are superior... and therefore, nature and many forms of life can be considered possessions, mainly (or ALWAYS) for the purpose of profit. What gives humans the right to "own" and control what actually belongs to the earth and all its inhabitants? Mankind did not create any of the earth's resources that are so often under some company's possession, while being overly, and perversely, exploited. Corporations "think" they are the all-powerful "beings" who can attach themselves to whatever they choose to, and because the driving force of this is profit and NOT morality, how can we trust this can be at all ethical?

    Profit and ethics simply don't mix in the corporate world. It would be nice if governments proved their concern over the public's well-being by lifting some of the laws that allow the corporations to continuously gain more power and profit through the plundering of our natural resources (ie-take away their status as an "individual with rights" because it's absurd that human beings are correlated with corporations in any way) and allow the public more control over what rightfully belongs to us. Privatization does nothing for the public, yet these schemes, along with the prospect of globalization, are hot choices in corporate and government rules.

    And the sad fact of it all is we have truly lost touch with what is most important: the real world in which we live in. We have lost touch because our society is overwhelmed with over-marketed commodities we are constantly confronted with, such as branded clothing we "must" purchase and entertaiment and music we feel we need to have to give us fullfillment, and the "necessary" vehicles we must drive in order to function on a day to day basis, and the specific "look" we constantly aspire to have with fashionable clothing and shoes, hair, makeup, etc. other words, just a bunch of BULLS**T!!!

    What we should REALLY be thinking about, due to the rapid decline of the planets health, resources, species, ecosystems, biodiversity (and much, much more), are things like: Where would we be without clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, and a stable climate in which we're able to survive and function in? What happens if these fundamental basics of life are taken away from us? And what if we, or our children, were one day unable to swim in our own oceans/rivers/lakes because it wouldn't be safe anymore?

    Not long ago all humans had was the land to live off of- so why are we taking it so much for granted today while we watch it and its resources become degraded, plundered, exploited, and irreparably damaged, at the cost of the planets health and ability to simply function? If only governments and corporations could see past their own greed and put their enormous amount of power, money and energy into DOING SOMETHING for the sake of the planet... maybe funding and implementing sustainable sources of energy? After all, no human being has anything without their health, and our health ultimately depends on the health of the planet we live on.

    Very inspiring and heart-wrenching documentary! I've always been a huge fan of Leonardo glad to see he produced this!!!

  40. Sai

    This scares the absolute S**T out of me!!! If this does not pull your heart strings and inspire you to change not only your outlook but that of everyone's around you, I encourage you to go out and find a small piece of nature that you can sit quietly in and rekindle your connection to nature. Forgetfulness is what has got us to where we are today, yet forgetfulness is only momentary and it's within every single one of us to remember our connection to nature and the other Earthlings that endeavour to survive along side us in this race we call Life. Its embedded deep with in our genetics passed down from early ancestors that roamed the land...not as a virus, but as a part of Nature. Surprise your self at how little you need do to re-establish this connection, and the contagiousness of a gift we were all once blessed with.

  41. Denise Nelson

    Outstanding movie. I have the answer to what is the next step we need to take... as individuals... Not only do each one of us need to clean up after ourselves but also clean up the pollution inside of ourselves as well. Massage is the answer, in conjunction with water, meditation and stretching. All of these things help to eliminate the toxins within that pollute our very thinking making it harder to listen to our inner voices for the steps we as individuals could be taking to make this world we have created a healthier one.

  42. Kat

    Great movie - totally recommend it!

    The only annoying this was the woman's voice describing all the nature shots and introducing all the interviewees (obviously provided for the blind).

  43. Patrick Leonard

    Man is a party animal and the earth is the toilet into which we vomit.

    Personally, I think the future is much more bleak, with or without an associated sea level rise.

    China isn't going to change a thing. They would like to see the utter collapse of western civilization, including russia. I figure they are going to keep growing their economy until it's too late while stockpiling weapons. When
    the feldercarb really hits the fan, they are going to take what they want. The sniveling scientists and liberals will cower in obedience, the capitalists will be either hiding in bunkers or jumping from windows.

    I said it in a few other posts. We're all gonna Die!

    I have to agree with diatorr
    I still don't care because ain't nobody going to do anything about it.

    1. Rocky Racoon

      China has invested 2 trillion in renewable energy they know their isn't enough oil to last and they are going to leave the west holding their balls in their they make the transition and we are stuck with poisoned water and non arable farm land

    2. Fred

      China is so far gone environmentally they will have to start a pipeline for water and barges of soil from the U.S. It is no mistake that they have manufactured our goods for most of 30 years without env. regulations. They have no clean water, their rivers run dry before reaching the sea, they have more desertification than any other country, etc.. Check your facts, Rocky. Also, the latest analysis is that the U.S. holds 8 times more oil than Saudi Arabia, enough to outlast all other sources. American oil can be produced with the estimate of gas selling for $1.69 per gallon. No one can match that. Where is your poisoned water in America or non-arable land? You are sadly mistaken, must be a Democrat.

    3. Jonathan Webb

      Well what we really need to focus on is person to nature re-connection, I don't care about oil because I rarely use my own transportation. We need to as a species get on the same damn page because life is slipping through our Consumer driven cultural fingers, People easily turn there minds away from what is really going on....the big picture is we as a species are in trouble along with all the other species we are dragging with us to our end. I mean hey everyone can sit and argue, point fingers....its easy work for anyone who would rather sit and argue instead of addressing the problems and capture peoples minds to make them understand. For such an intelligent species we surely are the most ignorant and selfish. Global warming, deforestation and all the other problems as stated in 11th hour are symptoms of a broken connection between humans and nature.....perhaps the most troubling thing is how we can sit here and argue facts when it might already be to late my friend. We need to learn harmony between each other and nature.
      I know I sound like a total hippie but the truth comes in many forms but has the same perimeters.
      I have been studying these connection problems for a while in my undergraduate degree and its frightening.....

    4. Phill Pelling

      I am sorry to tell you Jonathan Webb but just because you do not use your own transportation you still rely on OIL everything you use has a connection to OIL right down to your toothbrush and toilet paper.
      Humans will become the next fossil's just like Dinosaurs.

    5. Phill Pelling

      All of Americas water is poisoned read the facts my friend.
      And most of the land is not fit to grow food on.
      And it's all because of Oil and petroleum products.

  44. yourboycal

    If you take the darwinian evolutionary path , then humans are earths cancer. I vote for self extermination. to save planet earth whos down ? We would be doing evolution a big favor by leaving!

    Now if god created the earth for humans. Then that would make the earth humans purpose . Which would mean we can consume all we like =p After all it is here for our purpose!

    Which path shall we take? Self extermination? Turn back to god ? Or say who cares if were earths cancer. We deserve to consume cuz were so smart ?

  45. Jake

    absolutely brilliant documentary, Leonardo Decaprio seemed a bit superfluous at times but lets hope his name helps promote this doco to a larger audience. If you liked this doco also watch "Home"

    is there any reason the audio doesn't work for the few interview after the credits?

  46. Jenn

    Heartbreaking, to say the least. I had to force myself to finish this doc...

  47. Joe

    You know, the problem is well defined and enough people are aware, but its past the point of protesting. Protesting doesn't really do anything. Has anything really changed in the past 25 years since Earth Day? No, its gotten much, much worse. The oil spill in the gulf is a perfect example of putting profits before nature. The monetary system needs to be abolished and we need to run a world economy based on resources, not profits. Zeitgeist addendum really outlines this perfectly. The whole system has to change and we need to realize we are all one, and part of nature. This can't be achieved by protests and writing your useless congressman, it has to be achieved through a world realization and it needs to happen now.

  48. Platoson

    One of the most thought provoking, distressing and totally riveting documentaries I've ever seen.

    Its sad that so few people have seen this as it is so important that people understand how we are messing up this planet.

    I wish this could be shown to every child in ever school in the world, then perhaps we will slowly start to change the way we treat this beautiful world, then maybe just, we can then start to take care of the planet.

    Great job Vlatko, keep up the good work!

  49. Omnicron

    Mother nature is our bitch !

  50. Sarachan

    Very good documentary! It inspired me as an architecture student to rethink my future career. Very inspiring...

  51. diatorr

    GREAT MOVIE! really good job.

    We still dont care... all of us...