Military and War - 4

The War Game

The War Game

The War Game is a fictional, worst-case-scenario docu-drama about nuclear war and its aftermath in and around a typical English city. It was carefully researched and based on actual events which occurred in World War II during and after...


America's Deadliest Weapon

America's Deadliest Weapon

In the history of aviation there's never been a plane more groundbreaking than the B-2 Stealth Bomber. Capable of flying anywhere in the world undetected, the B-2 can arrive over its target, release precision munitions and escape confident in...


The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project

The Moment in Time documents the uncertain days of the beginning of World War II when it was feared the Nazis were developing the atomic bomb. The history of the bomb's development is traced through recollections of those who...


Soldier Child

Soldier Child

Since 1990, the people of Northern Uganda have watched in horror as tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped from their homes, marched to Sudan, and then trained as child soldiers in a rebel army. Acholi rebel-leader and...


Guarding the Queen

Guarding the Queen

For the very first time cameras have been allowed behind the scenes at the royal palaces to see the historic and hidden world of the Grenadier Guards. The Grenadier Guards are the most senior infantry regiment in the British...


Vietnam: American Holocaust

Vietnam: American Holocaust

Vietnam: American Holocaust exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned and executed by presidents of both parties. US dedicated generals and foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 million people, on...


The Wehrmacht

The Wehrmacht

Hitler's army thundered through Europe from 1939 to 1945 and brought needless death and destruction to the continent. What was it like to serve in this army? To conduct one of the bloodiest wars in history? To occupy half...


Sri Lanka's Killing Fields

Sri Lanka's Killing Fields

One of the most graphic television documentaries ever shown in the United Kingdom, this documentary outlines some of the atrocities that were committed during the final months of the Sri Lankan civil war and features amateur video footage from...


World War II in Colour

World War II in Colour

A collection of rare and unseen footage of World War II and the very latest colorization techniques come together in World War II in Colour. With satellite-delivered terrain mapping and state-of-the-art graphics, this new series reveals the epic conflict...


The First World War

The First World War

Although the First World War gets less attention than its successor, it was really the watershed event of the 20th century. This conflict shaped the world that came after to this day. It was the catalyst for the rise...
