Sex, Drugs & Murder: Life in the Red Light Zone
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Sex, Drugs & Murder: Life in the Red Light Zone

In October of 2014, the City of Leeds in West Yorkshire, England, established a “tolerance zone” on the southern edge of their city—a place where prostitution was and is legal. Sex, Drugs & Murder: Life in the Red Light Zone provides a deeply personal, uncomfortably honest look at the lives and daily routines of some of the women who make their living in this zone.

The series follows four women as they discuss their lives and their families. Sammie Jo, Kayleigh, Adele, and Bee have been sex workers for varying amounts of time, and the documentary does not shy away from the impact that their profession has on themselves and their loved ones.

With a focus on addiction, domestic violence, and child sexual abuse, Life in the Red Light Zone is as difficult as it is necessary to watch.

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