The 2023 implosion of the Titan submersible shocked the world. In collaboration with Radio-Canada’s program, Enquête,The Fifth …
This mess with my anxiety really bad
Carbon is very strong, in one direction. But it has a limited lifespan and if it suffers ANY impacts is easily compromised. It is stupid to build a sub out of it.
International Waters
It's amazing all steel Parts of the titans survived ! The The imploded parts We're not steel Or any hard service. Which would mean titanium. It was that untested material That imploded
Yes he is intelligently curious indeed but at the very same time very stupid too.
I'd rather not be remembered at all than to be remembered for what this boy has done!
I wish I would've sent my wife on the trip
11:36 … and now he was charging $250,000 for a ticket to the your death!
What the heck? Stockton does not have an Adams apple.
The expert who talked about testing the validity of the sub BEFORE it was launched makes total sense. Consequently, Stockton took 5 lives to their death. Since he was one means his deadly decision can’t be criminally charged. I hope the families have a legal recourse against the company.
I’m so glad I’ve only ever cared about what I want. If I did what others wanted or gave in to peer pressure I’d be dead
His name " stockton bockton" was a dead giveaway😅😅😅
Did't the cracking monitor have a danger number ?
Great Docu ❤
Tbh he seems like a cool good guy , rip to all the passengers and the carbon sub was ridiculous if i go visit the titanic ill prob make a sub from titanium
It's dreadful and no mistake but knowing that the arrogant buffoon would subsequently be made as thin as a sheet of Basildon bond then red mist for a nano second seems whilst tragic somewhat inevitable no matter his intelligence
The titanic curse.
No accidents in 60 years the safest part is the submersible.. but he forgot to mention his is made out of spare parts and an untested material
I can’t get enough of everyone saying it’s “natural” for carbon fiber to crack or make popping noises. No it absolutely is not! That means the hull disintegrating around you. Each pop is a fiber breaking under pressure and weakening the structural integrity of the hull. That is not normal!
Nothing was wrong with the design of the Titanic. There were no design flaws in the ship. SMH. Why this 🗑 keeps being pushed in videos related to the ship, I don't know. I guess people need something to say about the Titanic for clicks and views.
Song at 19:20 is Aquanatica by Kohshi Kamata. Had to Shazam it repeatedly. Would like to meet the person that picked the music.
Key word “cheaper material”
For any suicidal millionaires watching:
If you want to die in a collapsing capsule to end up dead on the sea floor near the Titanic…
I can get you there a lot cheaper then $250.000!
@2:44 "Titanic has never really rested in peace"????????? 73 years it was lost, was that not long enough to count as rest or peace????? ldiot.
Just curious, how are there huge pieces of the sub still left over if it was catastrophic? Genuinely just want to understand.
Stockton was not a competent person . He broke every rule and ignored basic good testing. He is a take of greed hubris and arragant
That’s why u broke the rules and your not here
Dang 111 years later and the titanic still took 5 more lives
Shame on you for closing the comments section for many of your videos.
Even the co-founder is in denial. OceanGate is still in business? Incredible!!!
"watergate", "heavensgate",…. "Oceangate" this name should have been a huge red flag
Rush arrogance was breathtaking in that he believed well founded rules regarding maritime activities can be broken
Several millionaires watched the company's ad and actually said to themselves, "yes, I too, want the 'Titanic Experience'."
the yellow submaerine … yeah right were have i heard that before …
He broke the rules that's for sure 😂
Mouse trap for rich folks
I bet those politicians are no where to be found now.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Soon as Rush Made them Comments That was a Big Red Light
Stockton Rush was definitely greedy for money than Life!!!!
Anyone that Knew the Titan was not Certified, And Didn't stop it from going under should be Held Accountable for the Deaths
Oceangate needs to be sued, and not only that but all those who refused to talk with them need to be looked at
It's simple. $$$$$$$$$$$$
Well, the most honest thing he may ever have said, "I've broken a few rules building this.."