Why Labour is facing backlash after unveiling benefits cut and changes to PIP This week the government announced a series of …
Thick as mince morons are everywhere! They are even reading this shite newsreel out.
Labour the new nasty party. The Labour Party has lost its true values. Picking on the elderly and disabled shame on you. A one term government. Labour councillors will lose their seats in local elections to send a message to the government.i will never vote Labour again.
Cut those that can afford it. Reeves and her colleagues heating allowances should be revoked and removed. She cut mine so why doesn’t she lead by example?
Let’s be honest half the people on the sick can work they just choose not to
How much for migrants hotels 50 million per day
It’s difficult enough to get pip anyway. You’ve got to be half dead ffs. People who are sick can’t always work. Perhaps they need to stop sending money abroad and interfering in wars that aren’t ours. Perhaps they could also cut their own allowances
Labour and conservative have an agenda to break the UK
As someone who lives on disability benefits I have found that the ESA I was getting before I asked the DWP to cut my PIP, in order to help me give up chain smoking cigarettes by making it less affordable for me, is now enough to live on very comfortably. Now I have switched over to the new standardised Universal Credit, I am getting a few pounds more each month than the old legacy Employment and Support Allowance benefit. I have given up smoking and can now afford far more things, such as studio equipment, software and services for my work-based creative business projects, as well as manage a modest credit card balance, and can very easily live without the Personal Independance Payment benefit.
Disability benefits must be better means-tested, so that the people who really need the extra money can still get what they need. Unfortunatly a great many will just waste the extra money on illicit drugs for self-medication purposes, and this is also detrimental to their health, especially when they have mental health issues. So I support the Government's move to tackle over-payments of PIP, because we all still need to keep our benefits topped up in line with inflation each year, and it all costs money.
Nothing in this world is free, everything comes at a price, and people who are going to just waste benefits money should be penalised and just get used to living on more realistic incomes, as it's the taxpayer who has to foot this bill, and it's either that or the government who has to then instead borrow more money to keep it all going, or worse: Print more money, and add ever more inflation to our economy which was the previous government's disastrous and short-termist solution of choice.
If we really want better quality services in our country then we have to get used to being taxed more, and cutbacks to overpayments of benefits like PIP is just the same type of thing for those of us who do not have taxable income.
Thanks for reading – Si
Because suddenly there’s money for warfare weaponry. ALL politicians are manipulative deceitful liars. This system of politics in the U.K. must end. Its undemocratic.
Too many scroungers happily taking benefits who dont want to work, now all upset.
Boo Hoo. What pisses me off is when I find my shitty little neighbour scrounges more benefits than I make working.
He can afford the pub every night, go out to raves and clubs, or weekend fishing trips.
Sorry were spending too much on the weak willed yet seriously disabled get sod all. Explain that one
For once I agree with Dianne Abbot and that’s saying a lot.
This Labour government isn’t a true labour government. It’s a bitter viper full of snakes in the grass. Never known a labour government to not give a damn about the working class until the last 10 years. Kier Starmer is a fraud.
Disgusting ,i worked from been 14 ,got copd now ,i rely on mine ,could easily save money elsewhere ,but yet again hitting the elderly and infirm ,young people claiming for depression shoukd get assesed by psychologist
They took away the jobs, then benefits.
It’s a shame that these presenters didn’t object when the Tories were in power for FOURTEEN YEARS.
Raising personal income allowance would be pretty sweet
Its to pay for the dingy divers
Too many benefit scroungers in this country, get them back to work and save the benefits for those who actually really them.
We need more money and free housing for illegals.
stop benifits and bring early pension. 67 years of my life ??
Time to turn off the benefits tap once and for all
Scrap it all. I've worked my entire life except for one year (2021-2022 between jobs) and the government barely gave me enough money to travel to and attend all their jobcentre interviews farless feed me and cover electric. Needless to say by the end of the year I had sold most of my hard-earned belongings on ebay just to survive while I watched neighbours who I know have never worked having everything paid for them including new cars.
Big corporations bleeding this country dry and the government is helping them.
This is a disgrace. Time to get rid of the REAL scroungers!
A lot of people they claim benefits and working cash in hand especially their have children
What about 56 year olds who literally cannot work?
Save money to give to ukraine
The public have the power to override the system.
Outlaw DEI law's. Ban all Islamic syimps from all political powers.
Starmer would rather help other countries giving millions to Ukrainian war he should be booted out the Labour Party is finished
Starmer would rather give money to the scruffy beggar from Ukraine than keep the elderly warm and take care of our disabled people. God will not look kindly on him.
The proposals are based on a gross distortion of the fact by following knowingly false propaganda introduced by Thatcher. Starmer should be thrown out of the Party …
Starmer is draining the economy to build his GDP by taxing the most vulnerable to build his EU NATO force . He is not capable of building true made GDP as he was voted in as a protest vote and has no idea on how to improve a real economy or even contemplate on pretending he does , he's a spoilt child with a loaded gun having a tantrum !
Because there’s weird lefties that need these payments because they’ll never work as they have anxiety.
They want you back to work so you can pay for wars and immigration
I don't retire until next year. I had to give up work due to illness. I had DLA which goes on a Motability car but no other income now. Incapacity benefit was changed to ESA. The name change also changed the rules. My husband's pay meant our household earned too much for me to qualify. They said he would have to support me. He has his work pension and state pension. It pays the bills with a little left over. He was happy to help me but it made me feel like a child dependent on him. 3 years later I applied again when he retired but it had been too long since I had left work so I was denied again. We have veen married 46 years and luckily he is very supportive and doesn't mind. But it nakes me feel like a burden. Next year I will be able to claim my pension and I hope to still be able to have the Motability car. It has made such a difference for both of us. It is stressful wondering if you'll have to be assessed again and lose the little you have. I saw that some may lose £675. I wish I got anywhere near that much. That would feel luxurious to me
Good, as long it only affects those abusing the system.
Its a pity that instead of punishing the elderly and disabled
people, the government should increase the taxes of the maga rich in the UK.😢
Its not what i voted for when i voted Labour. As i understood it Labour were going to tax people who could bear the brunt of it. What happened?
Government needs money to pay for Muslim refugees.
Because most of UK are right wing unemployed lool
Cutting back 5billon to save that over 5 years despite the fact they spend more than that every single year for illegal immigrants that's why I don't agree. So we can't help strangers but not our own?
Where are yhe adult training colleges
Adult UP SKILLING teachers
The ADULT Apprenticeships
And so on and son
Where are the security gaurd jobs for WHITE PPL … at shops .. supermarkets stations events pubs and McDonald's
Cleaners and catering ppl carers ALL THESE JOBS with slave like conditions and salary .. TAKEN BY 6 MILLION SKILLED WORKERS.!!!!!! B.S. 😅😮😢
Welfare cost is now £336 Billion a year, we need to be cutting that in half it is ridiculous, especially 1 million foreigners not born in the UK claiming benefits. Dependi g on which academic you listern to, the UK is 6 months – 18 months from declaring national bankruptcy. Id like to see what the left wing socalists have to say if and when that happens…..
Taking everything away from ppl with nothing is immorral ..
It is a starvation salary UC its only there to pay council tax and energy bills
Nobody wins with cuts like this not the treasure y
They can save bıllıons by not funding others’ wars. Not sendıng bıllıons to other countries etc. and brıt first
It needs to give all UK taxpayers money to foreigners