Has the age of antibiotics come to an end? From a young girl on life support in Arizona to an uncontrollable outbreak in 20XX at …
"Portfolio decisions" God, I hate for-profit medicine.
God bless 🙏
These pharmaceutical companies…..will find the way
This is disgusting and doctors cant find a cure
I've been sick so much that i never been sick with KPC, MRSA or NDM-1.
Very few purists like myself left.
We have too many creeps and private military contractors and agents and extortion agents etc deliberately spreading diseases bacteria and virus. The biological terrorism is another issue that has to be dealt with along with the militant terrorism.
Covid19 got treated like it was the black plague meanwhile there's superbugs out there right now that carry a gene making them resistant to the strongest antibiotics known to man? I've lost all hope for society, we are so cooked. Don't forget your covid boosters this year🙌🤡
Only your own immune can handle the bacterias & viruses
Big Pharma pulling out of gram neg research tells you everything you need to know about them. ITS ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS. Humanity be damned.
Hello, do you allow the use of this videos for teaching?
13:47 Walkling right next to an active railroad, in a 3rd world country….
When White Privilege fxcks around, and finds out….dumbxss
Only your body immune can against bacteria & virus. My lungs doctor said that. That's true.
Too bad the medical system isn’t about curing, it’s about medicating… medical/medicate
Poor girl coulda been saved with phage therapy.
Screw humanity, we make portfolio management decisions. Fuck big pharma, bloodsucking vampires
I’ve often wondered if antibiotic resistance is due to our livestock getting so money antibiotics chickens, pigs, cows all these farm animals are heavily dosed with antibiotics to keep disease from breaking out among them that has bound to be passed on through our food because we’re eating them animals for our dinner
Its so crazy that these men or CEOs always prefer money instead what its needed, i hate that… This applies to everything, climate, food, insecurity, health, fucking everything.
How is indias population so high when they live in absolute filth?
OMG 😢😢😢… I got this from the flood in 2011. They said I got Polio fibromyalgia .
We are all on borrowed time ❤
"We're running out of antibiotics & no gram negativeresearch" and the Devil you voted for hired a hit man to dismantle the World Health Organization & CDC. You get what you voted for. No sympathy for fools
Jesus is the answer ❤
Are we doing bacteriophages yet, or are they not cost effective? 🤨
Someone is so frail and you bring a fricken DOG to come lick her face….smh
These bugs are clearly needed. Population control.
Phage therapy should be adopted worldwide just like Russia. If you are antibiotic resistant then go to Russia because they were the only ones where scientists completed phage research while the world was celebrating antibiotics.
Over prescribed. Used when there is no bacterial infection. Destroying biomes of people. Professor Rodney Dietert of Cornell wrote about this some years ago. Other books by others have followed. Antibiotics are doing more harm than good the way they're used. There's a reason they were not supposed to be available without prescription. Isn't it hilarious that staff wore little plastic aprons and masks during the covid, but put covid patients proximate to immune compromised patients, for example, at Baycare Alliant in Dunedin, FL? Isn't hilarious too that while wearing masks, staff place monitor wires that have been upon the floor onto the beds of patients being wheeled to surgery… but they wear masks! LOL Funny too, to treat a TBI patient with CSF fluid coming from an ear as if it is a bacterial ear infection, EVEN AFTER AN OLDER COLEAGUE OPINED THAT THE PATIENT SHOULD NOT RECEIVE ANY MORE ANTIBIOTICS! The neurologist pretending to be on call was gone for weeks, so the infectious disease doctors "felt obliged"? to treat for an infection, especially since the CSF on the mastoids could have been an infection! They never could find the bacteria, but the hospital "protocol" created raging fungal infections which they never addressed. Those fungal infections were not somewhat resolved until three months after discharge. Those doctors were PAID to injure. Should at least do that without charge.
India is probably one of the few countries in the world I would never visit.
This is going to be a huge problem in America where the entire population from birth take antibiotics for everything
This documentary is terrifying and what makes it worse is we just got a new administration in the US that doesn’t believe in or trust science and is actively sending us backward.
This is what happens when we try to play god.
Keep in mind though, new anti-biotics are being developed. So this may not end as poorly as we think.