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I actually like D Wade! I like his stories, his sense of humor and Jenna laughs just like she used to with Hoda! I missed that. Cuz she has to kinda fake it with some folks.. Hie life s actally intesting and I like hearing the stories. ahe has a pretty good sense of humor too! So far he and the Cherie?? lady ….from SNL…the cheerleader with Will Ferreral ….are my top 2.
Dwayne Wade needs to join you Jenna!! Jenna and Dwayne❤
I'm really enjoying Duane Wade. I'm used to seeing Gabby, the baby, and the teen, so it was fun seeing him. Such a fun personality.
Please choose Scarlett’s Johanson
He’s the one! Please!!!
Hopefully they help cities like Albany Ga with hunger and starvation.
One thing with Dwayne, he always dresses very well.
This is the best episode of Jenna and friends thus far. He needs the job full-time!
D Wade needs to be a regular ❤
Love this show!