New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and former Press Secretary to House Speakers Paul Ryan and John Boehner Brendan …
MSNBC political Hacks
cyborgs are illegal.
Eggs went up $4.00 in one way since Trump became P. Thought prices were going to go down. He's pockets are getting fuller.
Wake up to the facts, 20 million illegal immigrants… if you oppose President Trump’s policies on immigration, then let’s send some illegal immigrants to your house and let you take care of them.
I found the book "The Decay of American Democracy" by kj harper helpful in understanding what is going on behind the scenes here. Long story short, for the rich and powerful, government is the enemy. Harper makes this point – could you imagine a well-funded IRS and what it could do to those whose who cheat the system? The answer to prevent this – small government. Starve the agencies from doing their job by reducing their funding and then blame it on "inefficiency". Take away the oversight while they continue dismantling the government. I found harper's projections for the next found years to chilling.
one night i was scrolling through my phone, feeling like i’d never figure out why some people just seem so magnetic. then i came across this book, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and something about it caught my attention. reading it was like turning on a light in a dark room. it’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not; it’s about unlocking the energy you already have. trust me, this book is worth every page
i remember this one time i felt like no matter what i did, people just didn’t notice me. i tried everything—confidence boosters, social tips, you name it—but nothing seemed to work. then i found this book, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and it completely shifted how i saw myself. it’s not just about being noticed; it’s about understanding the energy you project. honestly, this book made all the difference for me. if you’ve ever felt invisible, you need to read it.
i remember feeling like i was always the one fading into the background while others stood out effortlessly. it was frustrating and made me doubt myself a lot. then i came across this book, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and it showed me things i’d never even considered. it’s not just a self-help book; it’s like a guide to understanding your own energy and using it to connect with people. if you’ve ever felt like you’re not seen, this book might change everything.
The King doesn't care. No laws for the King. You are either a bootlicker ringkisser. Spineless lemmings in republican party.
He doesn’t want to give 30 days notice to congress because that will give the inspector general time to get enough evidence to prove trump has violated laws that he has no right to do.
May Selena and NBC be the next "free lunch" for JOBAMAS ILLEGALS.
Democrats remind ILLEGALS to stop by anytime day or night for a FREE LUNCH!
DEI failed LA
Every body likes a FREE LUNCH!
A Free Lunch for Democrats and future Democrats is the objective. Mexico refuses it's "people" and Democrats play VICTIMS.
NBC is truly concerned about humanity's " FREE LUNCH", Woke Moral Pharisees at NBC cry" unfair" as Americas police hand cuff them.
This is why the advisor of the American people should advise them to stand throughout the country to protest what the president is doing .The things he was not chosen to do let’s get together and fight for this country .
The bank robbers have taken over the bank
Please help those of us AMERICANS that have been destroyed by habitat for humanity!!!! Please!! WE ONCE HAD HOPE TIL WE MET THEM
Trump has elevated himself above the rest of humanity, believing he is superior to everyone else. Just like any other narcissistic, megalomanic dictator.
"Very little concern for humanity" ??? Now this is Terribly-Disgusting and Extremely-Repulsive Gaslighting Anti-Trump propaganda GARBAGE concocted by Trump-hating propagandists of MSNBC targeted at Very Gullible, Misguided and Easily-manipulated Liberal leftist viewers everywhere!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
We the Good People of America Totally-Detest, Rebuke and Condemn this Horrible Smear Job propaganda against President Trump!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
In spite of the Despicable Democrat Obstructionism and this latest Totally-Disgusting Left-wing propaganda GARBAGE of the Liberal Mainstream Media, President Trump continues to Successfully-move forward with his Excellent America First Agenda to the Tremendous Joy, Happiness and Major Relief of Millions upon Millions upon Millions of TRUE Patriotic American Citizens across the Country and throughout the World!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
We the Good People of America are WINNING under the Strong, Reliable, Dependable, Effective and Decisive Leadership of President Donald J. Trump!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
MSNBC & Lemmings: NO we don’t want ICE to rescue the hundreds of thousands of missing children! NO we don’t want ICE deporting murderers, rapists or drug dealers!!
I think the Laken Riley family would disagree with you. As well as 77,000 Americans who voted for Trump would also disagree with you.
🤷♀️ no surprise here
Why are you covering up 'Proof Trump RIGGED the Electrion Using Voter Suppression Tactics! w/ Greg Palast'.
We are where we are at, due to 2 generations, since 2008, NOT PAYING ATTENTION & saying that MY VOTE DOESNT COUNT! What happened to the Tea Party ?!?!
JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY morphed to TEA PARTY to MAGA 😩. “ Be careful what you wish for, because YOU 😂 just may get it”! THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY, ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT.
Trump says he's the president of law and order, but he commits crime,after crime, after crimes. 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Stop putting morons on TV
Thank Christ, Donald J Trump has immunity. He can do what needs to be done! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Self centered people don’t give their Presidential salary to charity… your ignorant is palpable MSDNC.
Cry more. The adults are in charge again and the deep state is/are crapping their panties. 😆😆👏👏🎉🎉
MSNPC. The same insidious clowns that covered for Joe Biden's OBVIOUS dementia for almost 4 years. Because of the MSM covering for Biden, we had Kamula forced onto us and as a direct result, lost the election with a poor candidate. GG MSNPC. GG.
Please contact your Republican state senators and house representatives, ask that they grow a spine and stand up to the tyranny and oppression of the ElonMusk/trump regime. Thank you.
2025 election was rigged
Has anyone ever thought this guy cared about humanity at any time during his 78 years?
Trump in a tux is lipstick on a pig. He’s the most detestable person in recent history.
This isn't what he campaigned on. My family voted for him only to be deceived and taken advantage of.