President Trump’s administration confirmed that it had suspended intelligence sharing with Kyiv, having already done the same …
Bs ending zelenk has received stupid amounts of money and gear from us and it's killed our economy just like Biden did hooray for trump ❤🫡🇺🇲
Russia has offered China a deal China has accepted?
Trump is making the same mistake that started ww2 showing no killer instinct especially to kill Russian aggression
Zelensky asked to come to the USA, then met with democrats and insulted the President and Vice President.
The USA absolutely does not need make any deal or do any business with Zelensky.
Has anyone noticed in history that the USA are happy to get involved in every minor tribal war like in Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraqi with people who have less advance military technology but as soon as a superpowered dictator with advanced technology like Hitler and Putin want a war the USA run scared!!!😂😂😂
WW2 and Ukraine are NOT the UK and Frances wars yet they are standing up!!!
The UK and France once again have proven to be brave!
The USA once again proven to be coward's!
History is repeating itself.
Mr American Gigolo
The same will happen to Netanyahu.
its about time that Ukraine got kicked out of the White House. 😂
When was the last time Trump danced? He wants to play cards, but can he dance?
zelesky is more brave than trump.. 😂 us not a hero anymore
I barely watch Sky News anymore.
To be fair, looking at Trump, there's not much intelligence to cut off.
As a person’s dementia progresses, they may sometimes behave in ways that are physically or verbally aggressive. – Alzheimer's Society
Zekenskyy, and people of Ukraine. Know that there are many of us in the US that see through trump's act. We do. And we know what the solution is. It is the same as it has been for thousands of years. It is what democracy means. It is transparency, which, thankfully, is one of the most powerful forces in the world, if done with love for the whole.
Ukraine isn't trumps priority, russia is. The U.S & russia are friends again and im happy about that
Loud fart noise
No olive branch without a public apology to the American people Zelensky!
Trump is just a cheap
This is just some kind of madness. President Trump just demanded again that Ukraine cease fire immediately, without making the same demand to Russia. What planet is this guy on? Stop defending, and the attacker will continue to attack.
The genius Europeans wants to antagonize Putin and continue the war but the US trying to make peace and end the war makes them bad people?
Europeans are gonna learn why America is so powerful once we stop being the worlds babysitter
Where can we buy Ukraine Army Fatigues like Zelenskyy wears?
Until now, EU still thinking how will they support Ukraine…
It is so obvious now that Trump is working for Puting
Guys, it was fake. Just wait and watch.
Those who claim Zelensky wants to start WW3 overlook the fact that it was Russia that initiated the war
Peace without justice was already tried before
In Munich in 1938
And that went horribly
Peace without justice is no peace at all
Only a moron would disagree
The final comment of the newscaster was inappropriate opinion. Where is straight journalism?
Hurrah for Donald Trump!
Ukraine should ask for peace or SURRENDER.
IN the long run it can be better for Ukraine. It is sometimes better to lose a war.
Sweden became the richest country after they lost their war against Russia.
Yes he is signing president trump deal trump always wins 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
Europeans needed to pay for that war…lol. We US citizens are tired of taxpayer dollars funding wars we don't benefit from.
Hey Zelenskyy backed out of 3 agreements to sign at the very last second. So yes, Trump should hold back everything until he actually signs, no more trust, zelenskyy used all that up.
And Zelenskyy doesn’t have to give up the farm, but he has to come to the table.
It’s unbelievable. The dems keeps saying fight fight fight, willing to sacrifice tens of thousands more lives just so Trump won’t look good. That’s really wrong.
It’s okay British prime minister said that the UK and the Eu can handle Russia..they stand with Ukraine so let them Ukraine be their problem let see how it works out