Konstantin Gudauskas is an ordinary hero, risking his life to save victims of the Russian army in Bucha. Nicknamed the “Angel of …
Konstantin Gudauskas is an ordinary hero, risking his life to save victims of the Russian army in Bucha. Nicknamed the “Angel of …
42 yrs old and already has grey/white hair, goddamn …
Lying propagandists, foolproof documentaries
Ruzzian scumbags !!! Rape a old lady what a crimminals ,This is Putin army !!!
Bless you, Konstantin.
Ukrainian soldiers went to Kursk region for blood donation to Russian soil
Shyster trump is a wimpy thief!
There is no question of who is to blame but yet the world fails to act! Shame!
Awful. Thank you for sharing your story.
Those who committed these many atrocities must be held accountable.
Soviet soldiers were doing the same thing in WWII. Actually, Imperial Russia was doing this throughout their expansion. And their foot soldiers were often from Ukraine.
Crazy, evil humanity
God bless Konstantin
I hate dictators
A heartbreaking but very important story!
My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. I can only admire people like Konstantin and the survivors of Russian atrocities in Ukraine who find the courage and the strength to keep going and helping each other in the army.
nice propaganda zero proof lolzzzzz
In every war there are those who do not carry weapons, but show their heroism by other means. Konstantin, is one of those heroes. He's seen the inhumane acts by the Russians, where unarmed citizens of Bucha were killed…
Konstantin put on an invisible cape and became a superhero, just by extending a helping hand. He is one of the many invisible heroes. Thank you, Kondtantin
cest une mise en scene? is this a sketch? who are these people, they are not army, they are not fighting, what the hell? the journalists didnt get credentiels and went filming somewhere way east in europe, Bulgaria? The worse part is the story of the young woman that went through hell with the Orcs, hes talking about it like shes going to be messed up forever. its been 3 years and her country is at war. its pretty normal to be completly messed up, give her time to heal, bro!! This sounds and feels fake and I hate it.
Thank you Konstantin. The Russian wonder why everyone wants to be in NATO. This is why Putin, you stupid fascist b@st@rd. Greetings from Scotland.
And where is the final report of the Western investigation team that went over there.
The French scientific police was amongst them.
The report was never made public ! Why ?
We Have to Suport Ucraine eve i Faith For Ucraine i Will. F. TRUMP. SICK .F FROM . PATAGONIA CHILE.I FAITH EVE I HAVE TO.
Все буде Україна! Ми ще на крок ближче до Перемоги! дякуємо вам
This is a very important video. It is very important that these atrocities get documented & shown to the rest of the world. People have to see images of the things that have occurred. The only people who would benefit from nobody seeing what has happened here is, the individuals who committed these depraved acts..
Thank you Konstantin.
Feel sympathy for the suffering of this people who lost their love ones, hope for their endless survival
There never was any russian "massacre" in Bucha. It's all lies invented by the SBU and NATO propaganda. The ukrainians have refused over and over again to reveal the names of the victims of the supposed "massacre". Why is that?! And if you look at the images of the "massacre", the executed people are wearing white arm bands, which is precisly the color of arm bands that the russian soldiers use, alongside red arm bands. Red and white for the russians. Blue, yellow and green for the ukrainians. Now explain to me why in hell would the russians execute people using identification marks and insignia that was used by the russian side?! Another thing that clearly indicates the supposed "Bucha massacre" was a completely invented story, has been explained by the portuguese General Carlos Branco, which was in the war zone in ex-Jugoslavia and saw some ugly things there. Commenting on the "Bucha massacre" some time ago, he said live on CNN Portugal that the British MI6 were with great probability behind the whole ordeal and that another thing that is very suspicious is the way the bodies from the "massacre" were laying on the ground. Everything looked very theatrical, orderly and clean, to clean for a real massacre… Instead of posting this garbage from the ukrainian secret services, and propaganda department, how about ARTE.tv posting something about the journalist Gonzalo Lira, that was brutally murdered by the nazi Kiev regime:
putin = war criminal
That was disturbing.
Ucraine.Miserable .like U.S.A WITH TRUMP. Nuts.sick.
Ucraine.Its Miserable.
Uctaine its Fuck.Trump.The Sicho.