Andrew Marr on the “grotesquely underfunded” British military. Subscribe on YouTube: …
What a bell end.
We cant give aid when we cant support ourselves. Starmer needs to go.
He's cutting aid and heating supports for pensioners to buy arms from the US
Starter has NOT had a soft and cuddly image at all.
It's not aid. It's money laundering.
Socialism is ideologically anti nationalist, Supra National Collectivist, which by definition cant be international.
Problem glasses
What is brutal? I assume that some people believe aid money ends up doing something for the poor!
Echo echo echo – that chamber Is really reverberating with the London elite and all their quangos.
Stop migration now before it's too late!
As an African man i am happy that this Aid will stop. It will be hard for many developing countries at the start but its better for them. The west has been using its Aid to control its past colonies for far too long. They gain acess because of their aid, steal trillions and give back a couple mill in aid.
So he is a “Civil Rights” Lawyer………….That is the Problem Right there……..A Bleeding Heart Liberal.
He's WEF
Foreign aid is just a front for meddling in other countries affairs and trying to influence their politics, policies and culture in a way that favors western interests. So not only the British people but also the recipient countries want such aid to end.
Every penny of foreign aid is borrowed. Why aren’t the governments of the countries we are sending aid to borrowing the money for their citizens rather than us.
A humanitarian lawyer that once he became PM cut winter fuel payments for the elderly, implemented inheritance tax on farmers and will introduce NI tax on businesses so some close some stores and reduce the amount of employees and at the same time will take away benefit payments for the unemployed. Seems like starmer loves to destroy the life of British people while giving money and letting migrants stay in hotels
“Foreign aid” is a euphemism for Elite embezzlement and money laundering schemes
Keir Starmer doesn't have an image of being a liberal humanitarian. He has an image of a weasely evil politician.
Labour are traitors
We are already giving mass foreign aid as thousands of mostly young able men from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc etc are collecting it here along with 3 meals a day , healthcare and heating. And as they swell the population the need for housing, concreting over the countryside totally contradicting the green agenda continues. What a flipping joke.
Hey, UK and EU. Watch what Elon Musk and DOGE are doing in the United States. What he is finding in the form of systemic liberal Democrat fraud is the same thing that has happened in your countries. Stop voting liberal if you care about your children's future.
Foolishness supreme. This man will lead us to utter ruin against Russia. Deluded Napoleonic syndrome
You mean therefore, about 1% of the population!
Our sick and unemployed are getting punished with cutbacks and some are already on aid. going to food banks while the government has no problems spending billions upon billions on illegal immigrants
Selling weapons to Israel is fascist
Another MSM charlatan who wants other people's money to be wasted.
The EU is not a group of sovereign countries – they are vassals of the US
Borrow money to give away Money in aid to everyone but the British people Which I'm sure there's Kickbacks You can't criticize because you might hurt somebody's feelings and get locked up at least in North Korea you can still hurt someone's feelings Bureaucrats only care about lining their pockets Not the people