Is there new hope to solve the murder of JonBenét Ramsey? Her father says there’s a way. “48 Hours” correspondent Erin …
The family committed these crimes. Bet this documentary won't mention the life size JB custom doll found naked in the playroom, by the upstairs window. It probably won't mention how the alarm system was off, and the parents were negligent in not fixing doors/windows they broke months before the homicide: then invited all of Boulder to roam their mansion to see all the Christmas trees. Documentary probably does the Ramsey's a favor by calling the remote concrete storage room the wine cellar. Never was a wine cellar, and it never became a wine cellar. The parents have changed their stories many times about bedtime. Just do side-side comparison of the lies.
The. Ramseys. Did. It. Absurd to continue to propound the outsider idea. It was an inside job. Papa Ramsey will have some serious answering to do when he meets his Maker.
Funny how all the experts who cleared them were one's that were paid by the Ramsey's.
The brother knocked her unconscious and instead of calling an ambulance the father finished her
underage kids/teens should NOT be in beauty pageants….
Burke is an important witness, but he doesn't say or know anything that would identify the killer.
Paths always smiled, oddly, as if on stage!
It was solved, 1 of the 3 in the home
Her death was the fault of the devil.
Wonder if finger prints were on the pen used for ransome note…..maybe even the drawer it was gotten from 🤔 .
I wonder if her head was slammed against the cement floor in that cellar during her struggle 🤔 .
At the very least ……the lack of protective security with their money was neglect ! Especially the way that child was exposed and opening their house up the way they did.
Does Gary Oliva ring a bell ? I feel maybe he had a relative in the police dept. or in high places because he had connections close by…..unusual he would be around that area being the p.o.s that he is otherwise.
How was there pineapple in her stomach if they didn’t give it too her? John saids, he carried her out of the car and straight to bed. She didn’t eat pineapple at the Christmas party none was served. But there is a bowl of pineapple on their kitchen table with Patty’s and Burt’s finger print on it, that’s very concerning to me why lie about that! I don’t believe the killer would had gave her pineapple before killing her. You can’t make the pineapple go away it was in that beautiful little girl’s stomach. There was no finger prints on the ransom note, so the ransom note didn’t have the parents finger prints on it, so they never picked it up and read it? That’s crazy! Mine would have been all over it if it was my child!’
That poor baby girl. Breaks my heart. She absolutely suffered. God bless her little innocent soul. 🙏🏻✝️
How many videos do we need of the same outcome
11k blah blah blah!
16:35 the body???? U mean HER body
The only thing about this case that I can say with confidence is that the Boulder Police let everyone down.
There is no evidence of an intruder. However, the evidence is consistent with a cover up. That, mixed with a botched police investigation, and local politics, muddied this case beyond prosecution.
People are accusing the family based on what the incompatible Boulder police fed them and slander around media. It must’ve been a rough journey for the family. I wouldn’t have the strength to bear all of these. I hope and wish they find the perpetrator soon, at least while the father is still alive.
Burke did it
Dont think parents had anything to do with her death…you can see that kid was well taken care of… Police should do there job and look elsewhere….
They never once mentioned Burke, who is the obvious suspect. That explains why the parents' actions afterwards.
That Lou Smith guy was clueless.
The fact that they didn't want her body exhumed tells you everything.
Has anyone else noticed that both Patsy and John mostly refer to Jonbenet as “that child” or “my child,” never “my daughter” or my “little girl.” It’s distancing language, and it’s always bothered me.
Patsy says “I didn’t do it! John Ramsey didn’t do it, and we didn’t have a clue of anybody who did do it!”
Note: she never mentions Burke? In fact in other interviews rarely will she or John mention Burke.
In my opinion after all these years, I still believe something terrible happened that night and this was a cover up. The family and a few friends know exactly what happened that night.
Notice, that in EVERY SINGLE INTERVIEW, Patsy NEVER says Jon Bennet"s name. It's always, "that child". Which distances her from her daughter. Why??
Maybe the cops did it. Geez
The way she is dressed up like a doll the brother was probably jealous it looks like she got way more attention. Maybe he did it out of spite.
They might NOT have killed their daughter, but they did abuse their daughter emotionally. They did. She didn't want to beauty pageants anymore and didn't like her playing outside and so forth. So they did hurt her even if it wasn't physically or sexually.
the Lady cop who arrived first really blew it…
this vid went up last night about meeting John Ramsey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgpYIwukejI&t=581s
Unfortunately the Ramsey’s know exactly what happened. They have lied for almost 30 years. There will be no consequences for the killers. The bottom line, Jonbenet will never get justice.
Please let this child REST!! 🙏
I was very young when i read this. So sad it hasnt been solved.
I always thought she was sexually assaulted by the father, and the mom found out she was messing with her brother. I don’t think.
These cops dropped the ball because they assumed from the get go, instead of actually pinning it on them, they thought they could just talk them into confessing…. Why does the pineapple have anything to do with her, her finger prints should be on there, my are on every dish I pulled out of the dishwasher.. were there things that that seemed off, yep! But I have seen cases with more coincidences than this that still didn’t have a guilty outcome.
I can’t say it enough! They want you to believe this girl was out of control, i wondered if the dad was doing things or she was doing things with her brother, that screamed sexual assault traits, and knew she was a liability issue. And if the son ( the last of the bloodline ) her death was the least of 2 evils..
The people who knew jonbenet loved pineappleabd fed it to her before murdering her is a VERY SHORT LIST!
the real question is who killed her……….
How come Patsy or John Ramsey call out for JobBenet?
It is just a body .Jon Bennets spirit has moved on.They don't want it solved or they would do everything in their power to make the person pay .