A tsunami of cheap electric vehicles from China could lead to a nightmarish de-industrialisation in Europe. Dr Peter Tom Jones, …
Europe is the best place on planet earth till now. Please don't swing your foreign policies on non European countries. Take control of your immigration policies. When we visit Europe we want to see Europe being European. Safe and clean. With the highest quality of life investing in the new technology. If you bring in from the third world countries for cheap labour or whatever reasons there won't be Europe culture.. Have more children there is enough food and room for everyone. Ur population is in decline. Europe must lead the world in social behaviour but first get rid of all those woke trans lunacy.
Euro russia war benefit america oil and gas industries. Which inturn dismantle eoro productions.
Too little investment and too late…. I am afraid to say that the battery race is already over… Cope with it!
everybody has to make compromises, the way its done in sweden is amazing
25:00 why DEI propaganda?
yes woman can do the job as a driver of those loaders. u portraying it as a superior choice is not necessary and just annoying…
u r responsible for trump with these antics
Yeah yeah, blame the locals for bio-diversity loss. Pathetic push for mining.
There is no way we can stop climate change!
As a European myself, I can assure you that China didn't 'de-industrialize' us. Everything that's going on here are the consequences of our own stupid actions.
doom to fail if you think "China is de-industralising Europe", europe did it to themself.
European unable to lead manufecturing in critical technologies sector such as EV battery cell, LED panels, IC chips. None of them is made in Europe, nor massive production in Europe
Where the used ev batteries will go, who will recycl them and how much it will polute the environment, cost and so on…
The level of CO2 is lower than 100 years ago. Why not plant more trees to absorb more CO2, use less pesticides… Ev's are a new scam where few will make tons of money and they don't care about the planet or people and everybody else will pay the price thinking they are saving the planet.
shameless Euro mentality😂
Stupid channel. So now we’re blaming china for Europes stupidity to sell their sovereignty to the USA and obeys every order from the White House like ditching affordable Russia energy for USA expensive energy and the gradual movement of eu companies and industries relocating to the USA inorder to compete profitably. What has china got to do with the stupidity of the EU ?
"And the competition isn't always fair". How so? – "They are way better!"
If anyone deindustrialized Europe it was the United States, when it destroyed European energy infrastructure and sanctioned European commercial projects for years. The U.S. has created specific legislation targeting European industry. You can read it for your self as it is public information.
Europe new of this EV invasion for decades yet its politicians sleepwalking 😂😂😂
Is it competitive with Indonesian or chinese raw materials. Not cheaper but is it double or triple or what is the comparison. What about quality and durability. Focus on that
The thing is that the electric car will fail! There are no infrastructures for it, there is no parking etc. The future is hydrogen.
So many wu mao in here
What is fair competition though?Chinese workers will always be paid significantly less than German workers. The 'fairness' argument seemed to be more of an excuse than the reality
A country of 7 million people talking about taking over the world
This is the most dishonest and perverse title ever, ITS THE USA THAT DESTROYED THE NORDSTREAM PIPELINE, SOURCE OF EUROPE CHEAP GAS. This propagandist is a professional liar and manipulator working to spread american fake narratives.
Zero emitiohn NOTH EVEAAA HAEVHD TO MAEDH.. Zeroemotiohn.
What global climate problem is he talking about?
5 mins in and this is obviously a paid propaganda piece. Who paid for the production of this? And I am not a green.
I don't see any chance of success in their endeavor
Very good. Western Europe should be deindustrializated and people will be cheap labour on Chinese farms or cleaning their toilets. Wait… It's sounds familiar. Same happened to Eastern Europe.
Biden has been waging Wars & pushed a lot of refugees from the Middle East , Africa & Ukraine into Europe .
Germany has been de-industrialized and half converted into a Sausage on the Menu by his Warmonger US ally already .
Europe will need to de-risk / de-couple from the Warmongers Big Brother who blown up the Nord Stream pipelines !
lol, trying to blame China is ridiculous. Western banks invested in China instead of Europe, they made China into an industrial powerhouse during the 1980s while de developing the West. Blame Wall Street , Brussels and London bankers and their puppet politicians.
These companies grow big by buying out thousands of other companies.
How can this be called "clean energy"???
China's ???? I ll Say US. China si competing fairly. US rised the proceso of energy for europes industry
China is not "de-carbonising". They have record numbers of coal plants and are ramping up even more into production.
24:28 what the hell is this about?
I'm from the third world south africa I own nothing made in Europe
China wouldn't have seen days if AH didn't get corrupt and kept his growing industrialization within the country's boundaries.
Amazing and very informative video. I thoroughly enjoyed this . The simple fact is most governments subsidises their car industries especially America . The Europeans are sore losers and won’t admit that this is a simple case of them being disjointed and too slow . Virtually no future planning and easily led astray by America who makes money by sacrificing others . Wake up Europe ! Bite the bullet . Say it ….. “I was naive , too slow , not acting in my continent’s interests . I will now invest much more , be efficient , compete , educate our young in electronics , engineering and technology and plan for the future “ . Sometimes I think a group of bright teenagers could do a better job .! Oh yes , and I won’t follow American foreign policy under any circumstances .. grow up!!
How is China deindustrializing Europe , its not like China is forcing 'green agenda' legislation and sanctions on Europe ?
Europe is no longer an innovative and technological powerhouse….. instead, it is regulatory powerhouse😅😅….maybe it should stick with regulating
China is good at exporting high-quality products to the West, allowing many Westerners to brag about their products. Meanwhile, the same product tends to be of relatively lower quality in China. This has been the case for a long time. BYD, for example, has had several incidents of cars spontaneously catching fire in China, but this doesn’t seem to happen in the West. I feel sorry for those in the West who don’t see the full picture of this competition. They are not competing under the same rules. You criticize the West for losing the competition to China, but do you want to work 9-9-6 (9am to 9pm , 6 days in a week ) without extra overtime pay? Do you want to give up your 5-week vacation? Just for you countries “great future “ ?
If Europeans kept saying that it is an unfair competition, they better go to China to take a look. Keep blaming others will not make you competitive. Remember China rises under an all West dominated environment. Was that a fair battlefield? The world could have been continued to be dominated by the West, but it didn't, why?
What a completely misleading title for this video. China isn't responsible for the decline of Europe's industrial base—Europe is. If you search for news on China's smog from the 1990s and early 2000s, you'll find countless reports mocking the country's poor air quality and criticising its inability to tackle the issue. But look at China now: they've lifted more people out of poverty faster than any other civilisation in recorded history. And while Europe was busy colonising, enslaving populations, and obsessing over identity politics, China was focused on progress. They've built the world's largest renewable energy network and are producing electric vehicles at an unprecedented pace. I'm British, not Chinese, but credit must be given where it's due. Meanwhile, Europe, including the UK, can't even secure its own borders. The global balance is shifting eastward, and our politicians need to wake up to this reality. Blaming others for our decline won't solve anything.
What? China bombed Nord stream pipelines?
Chinese cars are dangerously defective not even the Chinese want them 😂
We have to stop the green transition ASAP
13:40 Everyone here is already forced to write informal consent about not say anything in case of forced movement to another location 😂😂😂😂
VW, the biggest automative company in the EU and the second largest company in the EU overall has already said they want to close car factories in europe and make EVs in China.